he drove his lambo to school only for it to... (r/AskReddit)

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a slash ass credit what was the best moment you've seen where the real world hit a spoiled rich kid I saw Justin Bieber throw a [ __ ] fit and end up not getting what he wanted we have quarterly team-building exercises at my company where you basically go and play mini golf or some other activity capped at $25 person some time between 2009 and 2011 I really can't remember exactly my group just decided to go for a fancy lunch in downtown Portland after lunch we took one of our co-workers to the semi-famous Nike store which was a couple of blocks away and that was the day Justin Bieber happened to show up when he and his entourage arrived he said something somewhat loudly along the lines of y'all are going to have to leave for a bit cause I'm here to do some shopping and some of his people acted like they were going to try and politely force their already present customers out of the store so Bieber could shop alone but the Nike employees even more politely told him that was not possible at that point Bieber lost if I mean he threw a total tantrum because they wouldn't shut down the store for him the tantrum didn't work and he and his folks left in a huff that's really my only celebrity and the wild encounter and it's freakin lame Mew a rich kid whose parents bought a car for and he treated it like absolute garbage purposely driving it really hard and generally abusing it confident in the notion that his parents would buy him the one he wanted after he destroyed the one they got him well they didn't buy him another one ever he rode the city bus and bummed rides off off friends after that he was the most entitled Duggar I'd ever met if he was over at your house he would just help himself to whatever was in the fridge like it was some sort of paid buffet spoiled rich kids showed up to school in a 325 thousand dollar sports car he was showing off lost control of the car and drove it through a brick wall and totaled it saw a college guy with a ridiculously expensive car can't remember the model rear-end this woman who drove an absolute beater her car was definitely totaled and his wasn't looking that hot either he got out and started screaming at this woman she was in tears he kept telling her that she was going to pay for this when the cops came I saw each of them give their statements after that me and like ten people came forward and gave our witness statements it sounded like each and every one of us put complete fault on him which was the truth when the cops went back to him I saw his face just sink he probably told them it was a fault and just found out that two handfuls of people just confirmed that EES full of [ __ ] I've never seen that many witnesses stick around for a simple traffic accident I think the other people felt the same way I did that kid was a Duchenne should be punished for what he did not sure what the law is elsewhere but here in Australia if you rear-end someone you're automatically in the wrong for not leaving appropriate stopping distance except for under very specific circumstances one of my college run mates was very rich growing up I didn't realize just how rich until I had to explain to her what a coupon was in very extensive detail on multiple occasions she bragged that she wasn't even interested in her major philosophy or college in general but she was at uni because her parents were requiring her to get a degree any degree in order to get access to her trust fund I don't remember ever seeing her go to class and she eventually got expelled sophomore year over academic dishonesty I guess this was the last straw for her parents because they cut her off pretty soon after that this actually served as a wake-up call she somehow managed to get a public health degree at a different school in spite of the academic dishonesty listed on her transcript she's doing pretty well for herself these days we've kept in touch and last we talked she was considering grad school that's a nice wholesome ending local business owner puts son through college and more one kid graduates with multiple degrees dad decides to retire and turn over business to son son brings college cronies on board has management all wear white cowboy hats and drive white pickups begins revamping business dad comes out of retirement pronto get rid of son and cronies years later bankroll sons run for state rep the son lost dad dies and leaves business to daughter here's a switch highly successful local doctor / politician expects son to attend medical school and become doctor son ops out gets job with new company called Costco pumping gas he's been with that company ever since just his regular pay raises and bonuses give him a good life he just didn't want the high-stress life his dad hired this is the exact opposite of the plot to stepbrothers well Dale has always coasted off my accomplishments I mean he left college his junior year because he said he wanted to join the family business but your medical doctor left double quotation mark believe me I've told him that but he just always says it's all about who you know dad buys a rich kid a Mercedes it was pinkish salmon-colored so the kid beached about it dad took till away sold it and never bought him another car rich brat had to buy his own about ten years ago I was having a pint with a friend of mine his family [ __ ] gold I swear I mentioned I was struggling with rent and bills while in college and he just said get your mum to pay for it then mate she's disabled and we've never had real money he instantly realized what he said and did feel bad about it I think it was the first time he really understood that not everyone has their parents to lean on financially it's good that he realized so fast most people in that position are happy staying ignorant I'll never forget going to see the financial aid advisor at my school to see if I could figure out some kind of payment plan because I couldn't afford to finish the semester and he told me I should just ask my parents for help it's one thing for a privileged rich kid to not fully understand what it's like to come from a lower-income family but mycologist ducking financial advisor that's your whole job this is not the best as it's pretty sad and frankly undeserved but a good example of the question asked I went to a very expensive private elementary school a friend of mine grew up very wealthy her father a surgeon and mother a stay-at-home wife they were very controlling of her and quite honestly a little scary they sheltered her to the extreme and she frequently repeated insane things they said verbatim because that was all she knew if she was told to clean her room but left an item out upon her parents inspection they would throw the item out no matter what it was once it was something very sentimental to her can't remember what it was and when she told me and I expressed sympathy she said something like oh no it's okay it's my fault if I told my children to clean their rooms but they didn't and had their friends come over their friends would go home and tell their parents about how much of a slob my family is and that can't happen this was her concern at 10 years old when it came time for college they sent her to an expensive hard to get into school and told her that her sole purpose there was to find a husband specifically a doctor or an engineer to keep her as a stay-at-home wife she flat out told me this was her only purpose which broke my heart because she is a smart person who was able to get into said school to begin with and her parents should have been encouraging different goals for her well she found a boyfriend but at the end of her four years of undergrad he turned out to be a cheating narcissistic douchebag the narcissistic douchebag part was obvious to me from the get-go but she had no idea what a healthy relationship looked like however the cheating was obvious enough to be a deal-breaker so instead of going straight to marriage which disappointed her parents and they kicked her out of the house she suddenly had to become solely independent find a job and an apartment and is doing well for herself she's a totally different person now and has come a really long way Jesus Christ that's Samar / Ray said Ben assists right there undeserved is a bit on an understatement Jesus was 100% on the parents even the kids came out perfectly fine just that the parents didn't need to have be such beeches and she wouldn't have had to be featured on this thread at all rich scummy injury lawyers kid was in my class in H s goes to college mid-size school in the Midwest and gets bastard drunk parents bought him and his friends alcohol since freshman year so nothing new Andrew says he has to write him up for alcohol in the dorms punches to Roz then gets cops called on him and the cops tooth out long story short his parents have to drive back six seven hours after one day to get him and he's not even allowed to leave the state until his hearing last I heard he's working at a fast-food establishment he might be rich but he's ducking screwed since he punched the officer while working in a casino here in Las Vegas a herd of girls came to my window and one proceeded to tell me about a great birthday party itinerary that her dad had paid for for her 18th birthday with no adult in the party just a bunch of teenage girls Alton Vegas where none of them could do anything because none of them were 21 I couldn't even check them into their reservation they start yelling and screaming at me I calmly call security and security tells them they can either go play in the arcade or even try to find a hotel off the strip that will take them and W out being 21 the anger turns to tears the security guard is unmoved that's their parents fault a stupid 18th birthday gift people do it all the time though somewhat distant relatives spent all of his university years and 20s partying hard with the 100 120 karen says rich company owning father gave him each year he'd traveled the world each he had going to Bali Thailand Europe every year Oktoberfest just rampaging a 32 or so he decided to settle an upscale ski resort area of the US and open a business with his hot gold Digga fiance when he went to transfer his money to his US bank account he noticed it only came to a few thousand dollars he angrily asked the bank worker why she hadn't transferred the entire amount only to be told that that was the entire amount his father had cut him off without saying anything and he just hadn't noticed absolute flatline and then I need more heavy drugs self-pity and finally recovery with only a small side dish of enlightenment this is nowhere near as dark as most of these but one of my acquaintances in college was dating a woman from a relatively privileged background for reference almost 90% of the people at this college including myself with from similar backgrounds but most of us had some kind of idea as to what the real world was like most of us were in the range of parents have a house in the north grid hunting camp been to Disneyworld at least once had a Nintendo when it first came out parents chipped in our our first beta Corona Ridge and some people were really out there this girl had no idea how to use most common household appliances because in her home she had maids and servants for that she clogged all the common room laundry machines with feather boas on a regular basis she had no idea how to cook pretty much anything it was all fun and games until she figured a dryer and a microwave were basically the same appliance microwaved all her clothes and burned the entire dorm down nobody was hurt but it was a major what the duct moment and many people had to find temporary housing well burned the entire dorm that's a new one only other time I've seen that was intentional idiot frat boy sent a flaming arrow flying off the roof during one of their parties and burned down the one next door luckily no injuries but that kid had to pay off the entire cost of a house and got expelled no idea what he's up to now freshman year of college the guy across the hall from me is a spoiled rich kid from a big southern city old money clearly coming out his ass a couple weeks into the second semester he and a buddy found a checkbook on the sidewalk stupid duck has decided to write themselves a check and cash it in the bank fatty account is in the teller immediately called the cops and they both got arrested we talked the night he got arrested and he laughed and said his dad would take care of it and everything would be fine that weekend we met his dad as they moved everything out of the dorm since his dumb ass got expelled guests daddy didn't take care of it if he's not being charged with a felony his dad pulled through if he's still facing charges his dad still bailed him out his dad definitely took care of the situation well if he's not in prison for bank fraud I knew one who apparently couldn't fathom how people live on a budget we used to hang out a lot at her insistence but she like to eat at expensive places whereas I'd have no issue having my meals somewhere cheaper however she kept pouting and insisting I stay I said I couldn't unless she wanted to spot me she didn't I then walked her through the math and showed her that the cost off my meals with her everyday totaled my entire wage for the month she didn't stop pouting but from then on I could eat by myself in peace reminds me of a friend that we brought travel in Europe with another buddy we had a strict budget and he did not it almost ruined our friendship with him calling us cheap we were like dude we literally can't afford to eat at the places you want to eat he had absolutely no idea and thought it was just a choice on our end yeah man why don't you just choose to have more money in a country with high alcohol taxation rich kids enter pub like 10 12 of them throw card at a bartender demanding shots what would you like whatever lol dad is paying me Oh bartender pours double J W blues for all the brats and some randoms that they treated brat with card had tears in his eyes when the tab came in dad's going to kill me I did enjoy the free whiskey though a kid from my high school came from a well-known family that was very involved in politics he slacked off in school and was mostly a condescending ass a yrs after graduation he didn't really do anything but eventually decided to run for office as he had the same name as his father he won easily because people didn't realize it was the kid as a state rep he posted on Facebook about enjoying his women battered rather than plain and asking to join the black caucus because he liked hip hop he also dropped a loaded gun on the floor in the middle of a session after fighting for the right to carry a gun in the Statehouse as a responsible gun owner he kept getting elected despite these issues because his family was well-connected and he had a dedicated following from some political groups after six years in office he gets busted for soliciting sex from a minor over the Internet when they arrest him for that they also discover he's been dealing drugs the part is that his family is actually super nice and genuinely made the community a better place but now they have to deal with all the issues from him he was an apple that fell very far from the tree kkoma is this in an age we had a drug-dealing gun dropping pedo state ret for a few years I'd hope there isn't two of them lol we had a drug-dealing gun dropping pedo state ret for a few years I'd hope there isn't two of them yeah that is amazingly specific my best moment was when I got hired by a pair of woodside CA parents to transition their horrible 18 year old into the realities of real life something that evaded both of them my first action was to take away his platinum limitless credit cards he threw a tantrum that lasted several days where am I going to get money get a job my parents will fire you they didn't when he realized that boundaries and budgets had been set in stone and that he not only had to pay the bills the rent but taxes too he headed straight to college to wait out the next four years he is still a little jerk but at least he has a job and an education now how does one get into this line of work I was the nanny while working through my PDD so I came to it indirectly there is a whole workforce of folks who do this word-of-mouth and next door used to be a counselor is a pretty nice summer camp and a lot of the kids that went there came from families that were rich enough to own a lake house on a very nice lake average price would be two dollars three million for a second home most of the rich kids were pretty nice honestly but I remember one kid who was the son of some retired NBA player who tried to use his status as a way of winning at blob Wars for people who don't know a blob is basically a giant bag of their that sits in the water and you can jump on one end and send someone flying off the other blob walls was where you would climb onto the blob and try to knock other people in so the kid was popular and he would form an alliance with other kids so they'd end up getting knocked off before him I watched for a while and then hopped on got a usual hey let's form an alliance thing from him and said nope he went on to say his dad was and paid a lot to send him there so I got to tell him being thrown off the blobbin block walls was part of the camp experience he ended up being pretty relaxed after a couple days and having fun was an enjoyable gig glad that ended wholesomely no joke here back in high school 90s this kid got a brand new Chevy Camaro I had an old SATs Pontiac Phoenix that had the straight six it was by far not a racing car but this tool was just looking to brag at what he got compared to the busted cars we got about two days later while we were waiting at a stoplight this idiot tries to race us as I am in my car and I pull up with my friends he does starts by revving it really loud and tries to do a burnout mind you the light was red and the roads were not wet so he managed to get a tiny burnout going some smoke and whatnot when his tires did catch traction he went barreling into the intersection and smashed the car or the wife of one of the very few cops in my small city needless to say that didn't work out for him very well at the start of this I thought you were just explaining the plot of Tokyo Drift with slightly different cars don't know if I'm happy you weren't bamboozling same I was sitting here waiting for the punchline about dopey being sent to Japan to live with his father and becoming a drifting legend after a run-in with the Yakuza there was the kid in my school class who was a trust-fund baby and he acted like it he was picking on people one day just talking unnecessary [ __ ] and he called a girl a cow she was overweight he then got punched by a special education kid in class and then when he contemplated retaliating against the special education kid he then got punched by another student who was not special-needs he did not contemplating punching him I had a roommate my freshman year of college that came from an incredibly rich oil family from the Middle East I remember him having the hardest time adjusting to not having someone else prepared him food I remember waking up one morning and going to the kitchen and seeing him try to eat eggs and toast he had just prepared himself he asked me how I normally prepare fried eggs because his tasted really crunchy turns out he had just cracked egg holdin to the pan and prepared as shell and all I couldn't stop laughing but felt really bad for the dude at least he tried true he was a good dude was an interesting semester helping him learn how to live providing for himself I knew a kid in high school whose parents were loaded when he got his driver's license they bought him a $70,000 Mercedes within a month or two he totaled the car while driving drunk parents pulled strings to get him off the full weight of the DUI oh and they bought in another $70,000 Mercedes he overdosed on a shitload of drugs and booze when he was 23 he's dead Jesus that was a blunt ending you either learn a lesson or you keep making the same mistake until it kills you I knew a guy in high school who bragged that he didn't have to pay attention in school because get this his grandfather was a vice president of the corporation that supplied the cardboard for cereal boxes for General Mills wheel gravy train you know last I checked since deleted Facebook he was still working at Best Buy five years after high school same job he had in high school I don't think my father the inventor of toaster strudel would be too pleased with this let it out honey put it in the book when I was a teenager my sister and I saw through our windows that there were two guys getting into her car we ran downstairs as fast as possible and caught them in the act one managed to run away but the other one frozen didn't run away he couldn't have been much older than me my sister called the cops and the kid kept looking at us and trying to find a way to escape my sister said run if you want my brother we'll catch you the cops came and so did his parents his mom drove her ducking amazing car and the lady looked furious and sad she was dressed really nice and looked like she was pretty successful as soon as she got out she began yelling why we give you everything you have everything why would you try and steal don't we give you enough the kid just seemed to shrink and get smaller I don't get it ducking a hole I hope he turned his life around and began to be around better people sometimes that's what it takes to get through to people I hope it did he was a kid wouldn't want him to just keep going down the wrong path thankfully his family was rich so he probably had more second chances than others I hope he took advantage of them oh I have one I used to work at Starbucks and there was a girl that was just newly hired and in training mind you she was 20 years old and her parents made her get a job she grew up in a very wealthy family on her first or second day I had instructed her to do the dishes to help catch us up for closing she looked at me with these lost eyes and told me she doesn't know how apparently she grew up with house maids and literally has never cleaned a dish in her entire life I had to teach her step-by-step how to clean a dish but he learned on the job instead of throwing a tantrum and walking out she's got that going for her flow you made it to the end you're ducking Beast I'll cut you a deal smash like and subscribe for more curated content might it's free and that's a great price
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Id: 94ltd7f3s0c
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Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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