Also: would I be the ay hole for naming my son's stuffed tiger... (Am I The Ay-Hole)

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our /mi the eyehole would I be the eyehole for refusing to stop cooking bacon in my kitchen due to my teenage daughter's vegan lifestyle dad here old fart loves his daughter to pieces but I'm struggling to see eye-to-eye with my teenager and wife on this one we've always been a meat-eating family we live in the rural Midwest and bacon for breakfast is pretty much a given this year my 14 y ou daughter decided to go vegan and I jumped onto her support team with enthusiasm we learned how to substitute ingredients cook new things try new things I adjusted our budgets to include more expensive vegan substitutes for her etc none of this has been a problem for me until recently she saw me cook bacon in a pan and then I rinsed it out a load in the dishwasher she exploded in anger teen years I'm not too fussed about the anger explosion I know she doesn't mean it and said that that was a panful vegan food I was completely floored and said kiddo this here is a family pan older than you it's not your pan she asked me to purchase her a pan that she can solely used for vegan food I didn't want her to feel weird about food so I said sure and ordered her a few colored ones that are only for her the reason they're colored is so it helps me remember that I'm not to touch them unless I'm cooking vegan that wasn't good enough now apparently the dishwasher is called naughty I had laminated with animal products and the fridge has bacon grease fingers on it because I eat bacon and then touch the fridge and she's asked me and her mom to completely stop eating meat at home I don't mean I literally touch the fridge with greasy bacon hands because I wash my hands but it's clearly enough that it upsets my daughter frankly I'm on team hell no her mom is much more amenable and strongly wants me to consider taking our daughter up on the request my wife's reasoning is that both our parents live close so we can eat meat products there and that she doesn't want our daughter to feel uncomfortable in the kitchen my daughter says she is fine with cheese and butter in the fridge but it's specifically meat products that make her feel sick now I'm sorry for her but I feel like she just needs to adapt and live side by side because I'm not going to stop eating bacon in my own house you're not the eyehole get her a special sponge she can used to wash her own dishes so she didn't have to use the tainted dishwasher I was about to suggest something along those lines - and you're not the eyehole obviously see how serious she is about it when she's getting her own set off plates dish soap and sponge to keep her food free of meat residue on the plus side that's all stuff she won't need to buy when it's time to move out as a teen who's trying to go vegetarian your daughter is acting ridiculous the dishwashing machines tainted what kind of bull is that and she shouldn't be forcing you guys to go vegan in your own house if you don't want to you've been very supportive as it is buying separate perms why wnbt a edit and if she really wants to change your diet she should try and give you info on how bad the meat and dairy industry is and how unhealthy large amounts of meat off for the modern human yada-yada then you guys make your own choices on what we want to eat edit - I'm gonna take this time to say that one please regardless of if you're a meat-eater vegan vegetarian whatever please be civil in discussions over this if you want to be pissed off over something this really shouldn't be it - I really didn't want to start any debates but whatever just take everything anyone and I include myself say with a grain of salt if they don't provide links to a credible source it's honestly it's been nice just talking to people getting varying opinions on this subject but I'm starting to see a bit of hate flow through a few people just showing up you're not the eyehole she's 14 there is no middle ground at 14 my condolences as it's going to be a long winter am i the eyehole for suggesting my 7 year name his new stuffed tiger tick botties pretty much the title my son want a stuffed tiger at the fair last night and said he had named him tick he asked me what its last name should be I couldn't help myself and just instead li replied bitties then I turned to my wife to share a smirk but she was pissed and quickly suggested a few different last names but my son insisted that he liked Betty's so now his Tiger is TIG bitties my wife thinks it was completely inappropriate I think it was a silly joke that went over his head and will have no negative ramifications no eye holes here inappropriate yes still funny also yes finally someone who acts like a real person no eye holes here you joking Lee suggested a name it's not your fault your son happened to like it there will probably be known Ameth occasions but you and your wife can probably convince him to change the name if she dislikes it that much just think of a new last name and tell him and a really excited way that you just thought of an even better last name and I'd bet he'd go with you and change it you're the eyehole it may have gone over his head but what about when he repeats it in school or around adults edit not sure why this comment drew so much attention but thank you for the Platinum kind stranger so you're saying that a good portion of the jokes in Disney Pixar movies shouldn't be allowed because the kids might repeat those jokes around other people examples Mt well no eye holes Haruka lucky from Finding Nemo - female cars flashing Lightning McQueen and cars frozen's joke about how foot size doesn't matter these are jokes that go over kids heads in that they will repeat around everyone why are those okay but this iced or mr. Potato Head in Toy Story saying I'm the only one who can take mrs. potato heads mouth you're not the eyehole I had a toy monkey my father called Benny toe like Mussolini and I grew up just fine no eye holes here but maybe refer to it as TIG as much as you can just to please your wife as a compromise the same way you refer to his teddy bear as Tess and not miss tickles your the eye hole but also I want to say no eye holes here because it's funny P but seriously your wife is right that is inappropriate for a seven-year-old he's not going to know what it means and he's going to talk to friends about TIG bitties and some uppity soccer mom is going clutch her pearls and it's going to be a big mess of stupid and then later in his life it's going to click and he's going to be like WTF dad why do you have me running around talking about TIG bitties when I was seven years old I don't think it's a big deal and obviously it's too late this is a fasiq women move on kinda thick but your wife's response is totally valid am I the eyehole for telling cashier that wasn't the girl's credit card throw away because husband told me I was taya and want to know before I get home and argue on phone for Matt is bad I was in a higher-end department store today rhymes with looming tails and happened to end up next to two teenage age girls while shopping one of the girls had picked out a pair of very expensive boots and they were both fawning over them second girl must have looked at price tag and asks boots girl if she's really gonna spend that much on boots girl with boots says something along the lines of it's fine I have my dad's credit card I'm not paying which instantly caught my attention because that's not her card I've told my son multiple times he's never allowed to use my card so I'm interested to see how this girl thinks she's going to get away with fraud but had split up from the girls at this point because they had found something else we end up at the same register me behind and I see her total hit well over four digits the girl is about to swipe her card when I decide that I can't let her get away with something like this and someone has to parent this kid if no one else will I tell cashier that isn't her card but her father's and I'm not sure she has permission girl and friend turn and glare at me giving me possibly the dirtiest look I've ever seen I swear this girl was going to throw a tantrum right there I don't think she was ever told no girl tells cashier her father gave her the card to shop with because it's the stores credit card and it gives him the points now that I've pointed out it wasn't hers cashier tells her she can't use that card girl tries to show it to prove they have the same last name yeah that will help and I tell her it's still fraud girl says it's not fraud because she has permission and tells me to mind my own business I tell her that it is my business that she's doing something illegal she needs to pay with her own car door I call the cops girl is pissed now and people are glaring at me she uses her own card and leaves crying cashier looks mad at me and I tell my husband when I get home only for him to agree I was in the wrong so reddit Asia you're the eyehole did it ever occur to you that she was telling the truth and her dad had given her his credit card mind your own business edit holy [ __ ] this blew up to everyone saying that she could have taken the card without permission you are right but it is still none of our business and there is no way to know for sure if the girl was an adult who said she was using her husband's card opie likely wouldn't have batted an eye exactly this you're the eyehole because it was literally none of your business I will never understand the sense of entitlement that comes from thinking you can just insert yourself into other people's affairs when you don't know them and it doesn't impact you whatsoever but it was something illegal so it is her be a sign SS I thought the part about suing me and needing to parent this child was bad but this is some Karen [ __ ] I just love the sense of self-righteousness that she swooped in and finally a martyr nay a savior has at long last arrived to tell this girl no not today Satan spare me entitlement was the perfect word you're the eyehole op edit nay not nay only once every thousand years does such a hero grace the earth to do what all else have failed to do parent other people's children the Mystics have foretold this legendary figure throughout the realms anxiously awaiting her arrival rejoiceful she is here Karen the character of children marvel at her superiority I don't remember foretelling that Karen the corrector of kids Opie is blatantly jealous Opie is the tape also seems jealous of the girl being able to make those purchases you're the eyehole what a ducking busybody before I had my first job my mom would regularly give me her store credit cards so that I could go shopping on my own and buy clothes for myself and she would receive store coupons and points for my purchases that she could then you thank God I never encountered any morally entitled people like Opie and you threatened to call the cops on teenagers who you suspected of fraud wTF is wrong with you I'll step up and parent these girls if no one else will unlike duck all you will it's not your place you are not their parent why did you even need to make this post you are so clearly take mind your own damn business edit thank you kind strangers you're the eyehole what the duck dude plenty of parents hand over their store credit card for their kid to shop in that store it wasn't even a damn visa or anything a looming Darrell's card I can't tell you how many times my parents did the same I had permission to buy what I wanted or needed and to use their card some people don't have the same price constraints as you and a pair of shoes over $1 K isn't a big deal and even then it's a dad's card he would have seen the statement and known exactly what she purchased that was that expensive the fact that his team was able to pull out her own credit card and put it on there instead of walking away from the purchase shows that this girl is living in a very different world than you of course she walked away crying you were mean belittling sticking your nose where it didn't belong and causing a scene over a common occurence adult and teenage me would have given you a big middle finger and then swiped my mom's card that I'm a goddamn authorized user on your the eye hole I tell her that it is my business it's not I've told my son multiple times he's never allowed to use my card nobody asked you how you parent your kids certainly nobody cares and not everyone parents the same as you if the girls the cashier all the shoppers in the vicinity and your own husband think you're wrong do you really think it's likely that they're all wrong and you're sitting on your cloud of rightness or is there a chance that perhaps your little more obnoxious than you think in LA my favourite line though has to be I swear this girl was going to throw a tantrum right there I don't think she was ever told no do you think maybe she was reacting negatively because you ruined what was supposed to be a nice day with her friend maybe a birthday shopping spree she was given and you sucked all the joy out of it maybe teenagers get nervous in situation where adults approach them accusing them of things they didn't do and threatening to call police on them while having zero evidence they were doing anything wrong someone should follow you around with a camera you are prime a / public freakout material ro you made it to the end you're ducking mad lad I'll cut you a deal smash like and subscribe for more curated content might it's free and that's a great price
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Id: zO1ZWqgSYa4
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Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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