143 Year Old Cemetery DESTROYED By Logging! A Return Trip

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everyone its Robert you're watching sidestep adventures and today I have returned to the cemetery that was destroyed by Logging's which is right over here I wanted to come back out here for a couple reasons I wanted to look around to see if I saw any more graves and I also want to tell you guys something that's super interesting I found out about this place so go ahead and get started walking around and I'll talk to you all I do it alright guys so again a big shout out to my subscribers you guys are awesome with the research that you do so this cemetery has a few more graves in it that are not marked that people that are supposed to be buried here I say they're not marked there were no pictures of the stones on find a grave because if you do go to find a grave for the cemetery it was not destroyed a couple years ago this damage is super recent you can see the the old gated entrance to the cemetery there this knocked over but understand which was super recent so it's kind of heartbreaking to go and see what it used to look like not that long ago before it was destroyed so walk over here where the the marked graves are and this cemetery has two different names it's called the Chambliss Tatum Cemetery but also the Cleveland the cemetery and also down this dirt road which I'll saw some brief glimpses of in the other video and probably going to see more today there supposed to be three other cemeteries down this road all to see if we can find them but about this cemetery there's of course MD Tatum over here and according to find a grave allegedly his wife Sarah L Chambliss is said to be buried near him here but it's it's unknown if she is for sure I believe I read she died in the 1930s I could be wrong about that someone on fonda grave requested a picture of her headstone and of course I don't see the other headstones here but also buried out here super interesting is a fellow named Jeff the Columbus Chambliss and his wife Sarah Ann and they're supposed to be buried somewhere out here too and they were actually I believe buried earlier than the Tatum family was over there but what's super super interesting about that is if you remember another video of mine titled one lone tombstone in this cemetery or something like that it was the Jeptha Chambliss cemetery now that was out in Talbot County Georgia and of course we're in Stewart County Georgia today and so I think it's super coincidental that we ran across two of these cemeteries just totally accidentally and they're actually related because the jump the Chambliss that's buried in this Cemetery is the son of Jeff the Chambliss in the topic County one lone tombstone Cemetery and so that's super interesting history right there and I think it's super interesting how we just stumbled upon these two graves or are these two these two cemeteries that happen to be connected so actually I do see another grave over here I didn't notice this before because of the brush over it but I don't know if you guys can tell on video but there is a clear intention right there that's Grave sized so this could be that could be actually where MD Tatum's wife I believe her name was Sarah as well that could be where she's buried or this could be where Jeff the Chambliss was buried all right so we've got one other grave that we found out here and I just kind of wanted to scan around and take my time and look and see if I saw any more but I don't of course this was a quite a large area that was gated off you can see where the fence was actually dragged all the way over here it should have gone from there they're over so what they did is obviously they just pushed the fence out of the way here so they could get in here and cut down these trees and that's just that's terrible it really is and it looks like the fence was just run over here so I'm assuming that the Chambliss and Tatum families were both buried within this fenced in area and I guess these were the only ones with markers because again even in the pictures on find-a-grave from before this cemetery was destroyed the there were no other pictures of any other headstones so the other people Jeptha Serra JEP his wife and Sarah MD Tatum's wife they were they were evidently buried in unmarked graves and I'm also I'm pretty sure this is probably a well this was definitely a family plot here a little family cemetery and so this was probably family land back then and they could have even had a house somewhere near here but I just wanted to walk over here a little ways and kind of scan the land I don't immediately see anymore stones but it would also be kind of hard to see unless they were knocked over now here you can just kind of see how the land was ravaged by logging it looks like that may have been a there's an old hardwood tree there not a pine tree and guys you know I really really hate to see this cemetery destroyed like this I mean I do not know what someone was thinking when they came in and they knocked that gate over and you know since I've done a little bit more research on this place it was it was definitely just destroyed here recently and it wasn't you know something that was done by Nature I mean you can tell with the way the fence is pulled all the way back and that's that is just so terrible I'm gonna drive on down this dirt road a little bit further see if we can't find they're supposed to be supposed to be for cemeteries on this road this is one of them there's must be another three hopefully they didn't get destroyed like this one did and you know I mean look at this you know this wood was was just kind of piled up there and again the fence should have gone I know I'm repeating myself but this just really really bothers me with the very clear intentional I feel like it's intentional because you know you don't see you don't see a fence in the woods like that and you know just run it over I mean even if there's a lot of dense trees you're gonna see the fence alright guys well I don't see anything else here but I didn't want to return here tell you that other information I found out and just take another look at this place I have to let some people know that I know down here in Stuart County about the destruction at this Cemetery I'm gonna get back on the road now and up this dirt road and see if I can find the other three cemeteries that are supposed to be down this road or anything else is interesting and so I'll see you guys on the next video you
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 24,093
Rating: 4.9764552 out of 5
Keywords: cemetery, abandoned cemetery, destroyed, haunted cemetery, merrick cemetery, hurricane katrina destroyed merrick cemetery, destroy, historic cemetery destroyed, cemetery destroyed by hurricane katrina, soapstone cemetery, hidden history: slave cemetery, slave cemetery, historic cemetery, resurrection cemetery, historic texas cemetery, blackstock cemetery, pa slave cemetery, slaves buried at family cemetery, colonial cemetery, cemetry
Id: 29AcMyLqxXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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