Terrified Boys Hide In An Old Shack

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okay i've hiked quite a ways today i snuck into a place early this morning for first light where i've been working this zone this whole i've been working about a probably about a mile and a half square chunk of big mature timber with a little friend jerry on it and i love the game it's a game it's like the playoffs you know it's that one time to see it's the end of the season it's that time to shine and you're trying your hardest and i just love the game i love to know that there's a big old pastor's prime ready to go buck and i love to try to figure out where he is and single them out and that's what i'm doing and of course yesterday about straight down that shot there about probably about 800 yards from there now and i changed my mind i was gonna sit there yesterday i was putting all the sign together putting all the clues together left a camera there because i felt this is probably probably the intersection of the zone and uh i was gonna wait there yesterday which would have put me there about 2 30 and i would have sat there until dark and of course the monster buck walked i changed my mind to last minute and the monster old guy walked right by there um at 10 after three i'm like oh my god anyway i know a lot of you people out there aren't in hunting have no interest in it and i know there's a lot of guys gals out there who are into it so um just for your curiosity what's running around this this forest i'm going to show you a few pictures of what's running around here it's something else i'll tell you what makes it a lot of fun it it gives you lots of encouragement to keep going although you don't see anything normally right see if i can find these photos um a lot of lighty whitetail fanatics are gonna freak out when you see this so to go through my other phone here but for all your whitetail fanatics you can see what's running around in this in these woods check this out try this it's a little uh it's a little much isn't it that's quite the buck right there no there's another look at him there i do that so there's no shortage of fun and excitement going on here if you're into uh if you're into this obviously here's another one i gotta brighten that up i don't know if this will work or not there's another big fat 300 and some odd pound northern alberta northern whitetail deer and uh i'll show you one more i know i know you and you non-hunters it's a little it's not of interest to you but there's some people that are now check this one i was the one that walked by where i was supposed to be sitting yesterday can you see that look at that thing just after three o'clock anyway that's what i'm doing it's a lot of fun and i'm really feeling bad for a lot of people down south who've lost their homes lost everything from those floodings i haven't been down there yet i couldn't imagine if you've if you watch the news it is unbelievable that the carnage from the base of the ocean fell out of the sky and washed everything away in southern bc southwestern bc it's amazing i got a couple plans on my sleeve and how i might be able to get home in a few days but till then i'll keep doing this and uh and i'll keep doing this i forgot my readers so let's see if i can pull this off if not i'll have to do this little later on then i don't know why i can't make the text bigger but let's see if i can do this hello steve you can use my name it's aaron from north carolina been watching your channel before you started the circle the truth and try to make this short quick background of me i grew up in the woods my dad's an avid outdoorsman and so from the time i could walk i've been hunting and fishing my first experience was a 202 fall deer season and i was 16. my brother and i would hunt a large tract of land my aunt owned it's mostly a large field surrounded by acres of woods and swamp one afternoon after school in november our mom dropped us off and walked down a dirt road to that field that went downhill and hooked back to the right deer were always feeding on the beans in the bottom so we walked slowly down the edge of the tree line to the swamp and turned and turned around no deer that day so i decided we'd walk out to the road and wait to be picked up upon cresting the hill and rounding the bend i froze and told my brother to stop there about 20 yards from the wood line in the field was a man-shaped creature covered in reddish-brown hair making its way to the trees i got that instant dread slash fear so i grabbed my brother and we hid in an old tobacco barn on the edge of those woods we had a 243 and a 20 gauge 870. i told him to shoot anything that came in the door that barn well i looked out the vent hole in the foundation after 15 minutes i couldn't see anything and we didn't hear anything either so i said we need to get out to the main road before dark we got out fast and our mom was waiting to pick us up at the road i told her what we saw and even drew a picture of it there was an old shack it walked by when i saw it on the edge of the field that was an old abandoned farm in the early 1900s a few months later i went back on my atv and measured the roof of that shack a little over seven feet tall the thing we saw was easily a foot and a half taller than it i have more stories for later trying to keep this short maybe a piece to someone's puzzle puzzle sincerely thanks aaron thanks steve sincerely aaron sorry about that could you imagine being a kid and seeing one of those things all by yourself and hiding in an old shack in the woods and then you got to roll the dice and when it's safe to go out of the shack like seriously put yourself there all right it's not just a story it's not a story for your entertainment this is actually what somebody experienced now just take a minute out and be a child and go and hide in that shack and hide from that thing which is outside that old shack and nobody's there no cell phones nobody to help you and then try to figure out when it's safe to walk out of that shack god could you imagine that stress i guess part of my problem is i always put myself there with everyone and picture what they went through i guess i went through somewhat something similar but a couple times but uh i don't envy anybody and it is that people have got to go through this terror before being um without being informed honestly informed you know it's not fair now i don't know if i'm gonna be able to do this see if i can figure out how to lighten the background of that thing here we go let's see what we got my childhood hi steve john here again i will leave the decision to share this up to you i don't care who hears it or whether or not they believe it it can be confirmed by anyone that wishes to look into my father was a spook that was working in the united states air force he had a drop team that traveled all over the world putting out fires as he called it usually he would bring us kids something back from everywhere he was dropped off on his missions i got things from cambodia russia uzbekistan north vietnam and poland back in the 60s and 70s and according to our government we the usa were never in those countries during that time as it was right at the height of the cold war i remember bomb drills we had to learn in first grade that taught us to hide under our desks in case of nuclear attack even as a child i wandered wondered just exactly how that desk was going to protect me from a nuclear blast but there you have it anyway they would show up in a jeep and say mr bowen is time to go and my dad would get in the vehicle and he was gone we never knew where how long that would be and during the vietnam era he was m.i.a considered dead for nine months that was not a fun experience he was emaciated and wounded and looked like a walking skeleton when he finally got home i asked him when i was 22 what happened that they thought he was dead that time and all he would say was he had been invited to be someone's guest for a bit i felt so helpless watching my mom cry for weeks and as not knowing what was coming next hardly reality of life for all hard reality of life for all our military families here and in canada our troops deserve much more than they are given for their service my father took three bullets shrapnel to the throat which made it impossible for him to yell at us but he survived and that was what mattered to us kids when he finally came home he saw area 51 and hangar 18 at wright patterson and when i asked him what he really saw he simply answered there are things there that did not come from this reality and that was all you'd ever say he taught us boys how to do things like a man like like make man traps he called them out of things that could be found in any wild environment and had set them so that they would do the most damage he taught us how to make explosive from everyday household chemicals and yes i did try them out to see if they worked i knew how to set and ignite dynamite at the age of 13 and what is required to set up homemade c4 explosives and how to set the charges for the most efficiency for whatever style of building or wall you're trying to implode you know things every teenager should know lol i asked him in later years pops why on earth would you teach us to do things like that he just said they may come a day when you will need them and i want you to prepare for that day i've wondered many many times just exactly what he truly knew i found it very interesting that he could go places and see things our president was even denied things like the blue room allegedly in hangar 18 in area 51 that more than one president has been denied access to sea made me go hmm on many occasions i could tell you it was very very bad idea to surprise him or waking by grabbing any part of his body we were taught to use the broom handle and to be ready to run depending on how he woke up reflex is like a cat and i mean fast i saw him knock a cup of coffee off the corner of our dining room table and catch the cup and the coffee before it hit the floor put the coffee back on the table and didn't even bat an eye don't ask me how he did it because i have no freaking clue according to him you had to be taught to slow down time to be able to do things like that i tried to get a copy of his service record and was finally told to let it go or there would be dire consequences if i kept asking his his records are sealed as a matter of national security it was the only answer i ever got that was off the record and what the colonel told me gave us an explanation in about 68 or 69 i got attacked by a german shepherd in wichita falls texas and had to get stitches putting my face back together and had to take rabies shots as they could not find the dog after the incident that was not fun 12 shots around your belly button one shot per day for 12 days it sucked could ever figure out where the dog came from because he lived in base housing at shepherd field and there should have been nowhere for the dog to go after the attack i wondered if one of the attack dogs trained for combat had gotten loose and that was why they claimed they could not locate it my dad took me to get those shots and he would use a gate he would use the gate that took us down the flight line at the base every time he took me because he could get across the base much faster that way one morning as we drove there was this huge awesome looking black plane sitting on the apron and i asked dad what is that plane he glanced over and said what plane i set that big black one right there he looked over again and said son i don't know what you're talking about i didn't see anything i almost started crying because i thought my dad was going blind i didn't see i didn't say anything about it but when the story broke on the sr-71 blackbird and a picture of that plane popped up on tv i jumped up and looked at him and he just grinned at me and said yes jgb that is what you saw i asked him why in the heck did you not did you deny it then and he just said son it was classified if i'd acknowledged i would have had to kill you thing is i think he meant it when he ran our equipment company he said i used to go to the breakfast every saturday morning just the two of us and one saturday i showed up about 45 minutes early because i had been called out that morning for a service call on a crane with a jump cable on the lift spool sorry it's getting tough the sun's making a glare man this is tough when i walked in the restaurant to my surprise my father was sitting between two mps and a general sitting across from him and when i approached the table he just looked up and said hi son can you give me a few minutes here i said sure i went and sat down in the lobby area and on the way out the general shook my hand and said thank you and here the mps got in a government suv and left i sat down with dad and asked what the heck was that about why are you between two mps he just said ah they were just asking questions i asked what kind of questions and what if you got them wrong he said i got them wrong i would not be sitting here and change the subject i asked him how often this happens and he said about once a month let's eat we never discussed it again i watched my dad die from agent orange poisoning and i have to tell you it's some form of cancer because it stripped the life out of him cruelly and slowly just a little every day it sucked he died october 19 2000 i still miss him every day he used to watch the news and would just laugh and laugh at it every day i asked him what was so funny and he said it just amuses him how much they are desperate to keep people from knowing even a tenth of the truth about anything i asked what he meant and he said son you will never know any more than they want you to know no matter what source you go to because if they told you the truth the world would collapse from fear that stuck with me since that day i take every bit of information i hear from any source that is public information with a grain of salt steve you have it right unless we as a people worldwide regain our own thought patterns and find our voice the status quo was going to remain the status quo that is a simple truth i just want you to understand that because of how i was raised i do not care what the government tells me is or isn't the truth i want to know myself from the day of that encountering washington state man from the day of that first encounter in washington state when that thing threw that rock with so much force that it sheared off that aspen tree the way it did i've wanted to know what the heck these are these things i played all sorts of sports in high school as a catcher on our baseball team for four years if you can throw a fastball that is over 90 miles per hour i can hear it coming about 10 feet away i could hear the speed of that rock from at least 90 feet from me and as i said that thing had wanted us dead you would never have gotten that email because i would not have been here to write it never in all my years hunting have i seen anything that can move with the speed agility and strength that thing did what amazed me was that five rounds out of my buddy's pistol did not scare the beast not even a tiny bit it was not until we crossed out of the branch of the canyon that we clearly and we're clearly on our way out of the area that it finally relented on screaming at us and growling that low sub-harmonic growl that just shook your insides yes i made up that word scree scrolling they don't really yell and don't really screech they just kind of combine the two at low range and you can't really hear and the high range just pierces your core to the bone i feel sorry for the people that truly want to see one of these things because even knowing what they know from your channel they will not be prepared for what is going to do to their psyche when they finally do or if they finally if they finally do or if they finally do i've been the same person i have never been the same person from the day i saw one from the day i saw my first one and i like many others feel like since that first encounter i've been marked by them somehow i'm sorry for the length of this but i felt a little background was an order for how i got to where i am at this point i told my dad that experience he told me would probably be the best if i never talked about it openly with anyone but him or my buddy as it would not bode well for me if i made it publicly known what i'd experienced i agree with you 100 percent it's time i carried that with me for all the i agree with you 100 percent it's time i carried that with me for all those years it affected my decision i made every decision i made not only in the wilds but in my everyday life because i had a million questions i could not ask safely not an easy burden to carry i cannot stress enough to you what a relief it's been on my mind and heart to be able to finally tell my story with no fear of retribution involved such a relief carry on with the roundtable and knowledge my friend because only through people willing to take the risks you're taking we will never find the truth not only for ourselves but for our children and their children's children rock on with your bad self bro i thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do for us watch your six out there and good hunting steve you take karen now here john john thanks for that email man that must have been something else having a father who was involved in all that and having to tiptoe around all the details and never ask wondering if he's not even going to come home at times what a shitty death to witness him whittling away like that that was a bit of a struggle trying to read without the readers man especially with the snow gla the snow right here then that sun blazing behind me i hope you guys heard me okay i checked i'm i'm checking the volume on my phone listening to the actual youtube video and it comes in loud and clear on my phone so sarah was saying um there's been a handful of comments people uh said they can't really hear the videos but i don't know why because it's loud and clear when i log onto youtube and listen to myself whatever but anyway i wonder how much time i managed to sit here and do that for it's killing me not just to go run around the forest but you can't screw it up so i'm trying to wait and see if that big guy one of those big bucks is gonna come out and go on the prowl and in the meantime i'm trying to figure out a way to get home and uh i know one route it's it's a nasty nasty logging road old road it couldn't even be called a logging road and uh some butthole labeled that route as a route a highway route on the internet and sure enough some brain dead transport truck driver actually tried to take it and the word on the street is yesterday he tried to take it where you can barely get your pickup through in a four by four and he got the transport truck wedged and stuck and stuck and blocked the whole thing so i'm gonna look into that thoroughly this evening see what the deal is and it's the only way i could try to figure out how i can get home through the mountains and then come out to the coast and uh i don't know if that truck's still blocking it i'll pay the off-road tow truck to come and slide the thing off the road and get it out of the way i'm not kidding it's it's a chunk of nasty ass it's like a glorified quad trail but if you drive careful you can get your 4x4 pickup through it and uh i just cannot believe somebody would be that stupid to actually think they're gonna take a transport truck off the highway and take that route as an option absolutely and you're never gonna turn around it's you can barely turn a pickup truck around on that old road at best of times so i don't know how they're going to get that thing out of there i got some friends that don't live too far away from there i'll get a hold of them and see if they can find out if it's passable if it's going to be possible that might be my only way home without leaving everything and jumping on a chartered plane or something i don't know we'll figure it out we got lots of incentive to keep running around the forest here it keeps my mind healthy my body strong i feel that it's good you know i get up at five o'clock in the morning and i'm hiking all day long until dark and uh i like feeling your strength building up i like the feeling of it it's good to feel strong anyway here i go enough babbling we'll keep this ball rolling and i will try to do another one of these tomorrow hope everybody's safe out there
Channel: The Facts By Howtohunt . com
Views: 94,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9fl4idzBW9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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