Exploring Abandoned 190 Year Old Plantation House in Georgia

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hey everybody it's robert and you're watching sidestep adventures i got robert with me and i got cody with me and this is going to be part two of our big old abandoned plantation house that we have permission to come out here and explore this place is absolutely amazing on this part we're going to go ahead and go inside and explore it so it looks kind of looks kind of sketchy in there so say a little prayer for us now let's get inside you ready [Music] you [Music] now i did get permission to come in here i called the owner of the property he said come on so hey why we got some nails here look at these nails you always talk about how nails give you some idea things what do you have there you got round nails but probably modern or well relatively speaking modern upgrades and replacements like this is plywood someone put on there but look at the look at it right there yeah look at that someone told me one time these boards in a fin like that that size of board was older i don't know if that's true or not i'm looking for marks for the sawmill there's the sawmill marks on that piece of wood right there see with the yep now watch the floor guys look the floor is moving i'm gonna go in one at a time just don't put two people in one place okay but when you come in here first thing i notice it caught my eye is that right there robert look see that oh wow yeah look how high the ceiling is and look at the old boards the wide boards up there see that look how wide they are and i was told i was told that this could be the original house here yeah i would say that it dates back it's definitely plantation house so it's pre-civil war yep look at that we've got nine over nine windows with wavy glass over there it looks like there was a mantle there at one time where that fireplace might be but someone has come in here probably uh stolen some things out of here do you think do you think those windows are original the way the glass is so wavy i think they're original windows it is look i mean look at this bead board right here if you spin around this way oh yeah that is neat right there too i'm gonna make my way this way and someone did tell us someone did tell us that people had been coming in here and uh stealing stuff yep that's why they put the sign on up and they're real cautious about letting people come over here but we got permission look at this great window right here this great big window oh i felt that all the way over here feel the floor yeah what do you think about this big window opening you think that's a big window you think that's original i don't think so i think that's too big for 1830s yeah maybe that's why we saw the saw the nails look at the wallpaper to your right that's peeling up there is that wallpaper isn't it yup that's wallpaper wallpaper on a wooden wall and you've got there's where window waits we're in the windows see how they someone came in here robbed this help this outright ticket just took that off there wow when you work your way around this way i want to show you this screen door all right i'll try to try to make my way through can you see i don't know if you can get a good look if you can come around this way i'll move this for you you can come right through here maybe look at there's a pattern on that wallpaper yeah so see the pattern i did i got a picture of that see the pattern on there those flowers huh old screen door so this was another outside exit and we've had a real door there so this is modern wiring but it's modernist like maybe 100 years ago yeah don't you think this wiring's 100 years newer than the house but yeah still 100 years old and you notice something's missing some moldings missing right there yeah so this was probably is missing over here too look it came down here yep someone's gone to the wall we got into this wall right here and i'm just trying to figure out why this wall looks if you look right here why is there a hole right there in there oh yeah this almost looks like it's it was a piece of wood that was oh come here and look you see axe marks on it from this side can you make that up may have to get the light on this way there we go i got it yep hand-hewn hand-hewn wood beams like that one right there yeah it's a hand-hewn beam the old plaster is that why i'm walking first because the floor is unstable you sent me first yes that's it that's it look at these big wide beams for the walls here are big wide planks i mean for the walls those may be these are a newer addition for one look at the round nail round nails in them and i think all of these walls look there's drywall over it so someone took out the original plaster wall that we can see over there and replaced it with these beams and drywall at one time and you notice what else i noticed there probably wasn't a door here this is look how short this door is right well the other doors would have been a little bit taller than me maybe this cutter door in here see how they cut it out yeah i'm going to take a look at this window and see if i can't get this wavy glass on video so everyone can see it see the old brick little brick in there try to walk over here carefully i don't know if you guys would be able to tell on camera the old wavy glass in this nine over nine window but that's some old glass all right i'm gonna go first now rob i'm gonna be brave this time so there's a roof leak roof leak right there and it's exposed the original plaster wall though which is very neat to see now there's a modern edition for you because they wouldn't have had this back in the 1840s it's funny how the additions are so often cool right there look at all the water is that is there a well right there i want to be careful through there there's a lot of water right straight down through there let's step back i don't want to put a light down in that seat no it's just ground water is it yeah that's what it looks like to me okay sometimes i'll build over the old well so i wouldn't want to fall into that you know what that could be what that could be part of a uh root solo or something under the house yeah there's someone who dug in there at one time i'm gonna try and walk through here it's not gonna hold me up no no i want you to fall we'll walk we'll go this gonna make all the at way out here that's newer anyway we don't look at the old stuff oh there you go look at this oh boy that's scary looking yeah but you know what i'm going up there well let's take that let's save that we'll go up there in a minute because i want to get as much of this film before one of us dies yeah you can see the plaster wall another screen door now this is what i find really interesting out here and we'll have to take a look at it on the outside of the house but most of the plantation houses that i've seen are just the square just the square box like this part of this house but this is uh this is maybe an addition or it could be original it could have just built a really really big plantation house you know what this is this is the outer wall of the original house i'm guessing without going back outside these yeah here are audition rooms came along years later i've got to say robert this is one of the most untouched houses from this time period that i've ever been in even though it's in a falling apart state it's not been heavily modernized yeah man well this drywall drywall but that's the plasterboards yeah they've plastered over to drywall so this boards are this wire tolerance in this edition yeah but you know if they came in and added this stuff later on because it was probably originally plastered all the way down there yeah look at that this is this is an attic space up here i think this was an addition but i think this was an early addition to this house similar windows similar windows similar construction overall similar floor actually the floor matches that hole i think does it it's close to it well here was a bathroom or something [Music] there's more of this hundred year old wiring this was a kitchen yeah modern modernish kitchen [Music] or was just the original kitchen that was separate from the house and it got connected with that room possible you know and i'm noticing some things in the structure i don't know if you can see it here something's something's missing here chimney or fireplace right possibly so look how they seem right there in that wood goes up yeah i think i don't know it's hard to say i see what you're talking about it's neat to see all the changes in an old house even like the birdhouse but especially one this old check this door out i mean that's an old door yeah let me swing all right see if i'm swinging while i'm doing this i just noticed there's two different kinds of bees right there two different types oh yeah sure enough getting the original old houses have um had kitchens watch that hole to you right separate from the main house on case there was a fire yeah they would have detached kitchens yeah now look there's a wood stove in here what's this up here the top that's what i mean what's this overhead stove oh another one or hope it don't fall through or is this where someone at one time had a a modern water heater put here because this is modern well that's possible too metal so in this room totally different yeah siding in here so and look at this look at these here oh outside walls out of the house yup this is the outside wall right here wow so this is the outside of the house or is this the outside of the detached kitchen well i have never seen that before have you i've not what is it i've never seen anything like that but never it's not if y'all know what that is comment yeah comment down below for us all right once at home oh wait a minute you want to push it back just to see what's in there oh man i pushed it the wrong way didn't i so much for my skills oh there we go look how good that tin looks up there on this side yeah i'm gonna leave it right there because i i'm not about to go up there but why not yeah okay you're the one that goes in attic remember that that's right that's me yeah it's interesting right there too now what i've noticed here is this is that's a short don't worry this is come around this way all right it's underneath the stairs yep you know what i like about that door who's that on the top right over there some someone got a little sign or something what is that looks like pieces of an old box i wonder how old it is look at the grain of the wood in there it's the c-u-d-a-h-y karahi packing company usa rex pure lard that could be a real old box this door look at the grain i don't you can get a good shot of the grain on this door right there that wood can you get that it's beautiful yeah that's a solid door too hear that it's a solid door right there buddy i guess i'll have to go first in some plaster molding right there [Music] wow these stairs are still solid too i'm just taking a little bit of this off right here you can see where the old banister rail was mounted right here someone's taking it another nine or nine [Music] see this what do you think that is it's a piece of the railing isn't it yep went right in there i think it went right in there look i think so that's it it's got the same yeah style is that emblem right there where it was taken off someone took it off someone came in here and disassembled this and was taking it home and i forgot if he's left he's laying right there look at this up here oh yeah watch your stuff famous last words watch your stuff man you know robert i've been in plenty of old abandoned houses and probably some in this shape but for one i don't think i've ever been in a two-story house that was abandoned and second of all this is this is sketchy even for me yeah well you were afraid to get on the roof yeah that's true so we're upstairs now you just need to pay attention to where it's leaking at yeah and sometimes you'll put your foot through this wood and it'll just go straight down and you can see where the house is sagging see how those windows that whole side of the house is going to collapse probably you see the crack in the yeah plaster or drywall all right you got to come down here too this is a you got to come down here you ain't gonna fall through it don't worry now if you look at this closet this wood is in this closet can you see it from where you're at yeah look how it's like it's made out of i want to say used wood what do you think yeah i think somebody came through here and pulled out the plaster walls maybe they were cracking or bad and replaced it with some of this with some other wood yeah salvage wood from another building or because you can see it was originally plaster walls you can see the plastic and this molding right here is it's not as old and different than what is on the rest of the house here you know what the design of this house reminds me the bedding field in in lumpkin georgia i did a video on it it was from 1836 i think and another small fireplace have been stolen yep this is common in and they're still intact believe it or not they didn't steal that this door's wet there you go let's see what this is oh yeah i wouldn't go on that one we're gonna look in there we'll let you look in there two different kinds of boards here too you get a interesting i'll let you come here and video this one see that maybe you think those are oh that's that's the sub floor something subfloor that would have been planked over by this tongue and groove wood yup yup well that's some and that siding would looks like it's mix-matched used also look at this look at this look at the windows yeah eight over eight interesting so look here and see if this is added on is this a add-on room no windows are added on though yeah sketchy room you can see the way they see the way they cut them you can see the way they cut that framing around the windows yeah i think this was just added on oh i see something don't tell me you're gonna oh man you're crazy you're crazy crazy i've been on a diet oh boy oh if i only have a ladder look oh attic access yeah right there wow now that would be cool i'd love to see the attic up there okay it smells like bats it smells like it doesn't it look that door knob look at that look at the doorknob did you i'm gonna clean it off well i don't know if you can see that design on that knob can you see it wow look at that look at the detail on there hey let's go let me check the other side other side same exact same pattern we only had a key right hey it still turns that's good oh wait a minute we got to try and change places there's something back here i've got to ask you about and guess what it is all right you back up i'm gonna i'm gonna i feel safe come on i feel safe i'll just walk remember the house the bird house yeah my house the birdhouse you found that gas um oh the apparatus yeah the acetylene generator so i'm gonna step back and you look behind that door and then push the door what is that oh gas lights gas lights to the cool yes that's the valve and then you guys that's what it was can you get it can you get a good shot of that right there it's got an emblem on the side right here maybe a shadow will show i got it gas lights wow so there may be an acetylene generator around here possibly possibly so yeah okay what we got over here the bathroom you know what i dislike not being able to see the floor okay so this is this edition or was this i think the room was originally here i wonder though they just turned it into a bathroom i want to look out that window there's some plumbing to your left on the floor see it yeah i see it where sync was the question i have is you know what robert i'm reminded of the story story of miss jane perryman she was living in 1836 on plantation house in harris county georgia and she was her husband came and told her we're moving to texas she didn't want to go and long story short she refused to leave the day came that they packed up the old plantation house which is very similar to this one and we're going to leave and she was standing in an upstairs room looking out a window onto her yard and she shot and killed herself and her last words were this is my texas she ain't going but looking out this window i kind of can picture that because very similar house [Applause] this pipe being here is what confuses me yeah this was put in later yes it's modern but my question is was this room part of the other room or part of that room and they turned into a bathroom maybe it was a kind of closet space or something it could have been a closet maybe it doesn't have that little window transit that no no however there is one there look yeah it doesn't have it also i mean the configuration when you come upstairs we have that room we have that room that room and you got this little cubby little cut right here to go to that room yeah the angle that's cool yeah let me go over and see what this is yeah we'll go to that room first this door here look oh that little closet look the same all right we got to be careful in this room because i remember looking up and seeing crumbling crumbling from the lower floor i think it was over this room a different style doorknob which isn't it yeah there's one of the floors opening up right there yep there's the oh there's creaking creaking under there picture molding picture rail yeah it's falling off right there look at this the aren't the screens usually on the outside screens on the inside here it's in a trap right yeah it is and here's other screens right here oh yeah right there it's interesting the inside screens yeah there's shutter is that tile around that small fireplace what's left at tile i believe mortar maybe hold on let me see let me walk carefully okay that's on that's on the plaster it's where they would have had like a tile or something against the plaster yeah but someone's removed it this is an old school mattress sure is just a bag of cotton yeah i guess what that is that's all i don't know how old they are i don't think i ever slept on one of those and i'm i'm in my 60s but it's a nice sized door right there too for a second don't leave me in here with a ghost that door's still swinging yep did we go in all the rooms i guess we do more room right here okay one more room here the larger of the rooms this is larger yeah this one's larger it's got a little coffee can there by your foot all right look at this closet oh yeah there's some definite bad floor over there should be careful you know robert i'm wondering we talked about them replacing these walls at one time maybe they weren't maybe they were just like this it's not one of these well it's it's hard to say so much has changed in this house but maybe they weren't all plastered hard to say hold the coat hangers or hangers for the hangers neat look at this door now here it is oh wow look at that one this door knob is a different style didn't let me hold the light for you a second we'll try and get it good you get a good view of that yeah look how pretty that is yeah that is oh it was it was guilted it was guilty yeah does it show up on your camera there yeah a little bit now this would be of all the door knobs this is the more expensive so let's pull the door around look at the other side painted on this side figure someone would do that yeah look at this doorknob over here robert this one is nice too now is that the same pattern we saw on the other side yeah i think it is okay another solid door good door glass missing out up there that transit oh that's neat yeah i don't know what they had in here oh no like a like a little medicine cabinet yeah let's see what's the hinges the house is warped a little bit so yeah look at a little mechanism on there this flows up a little bit look see that yeah key lock huh you built it in there you don't want it just that one locks too yep so this was a little keepsake area that's where they kept the confederate gold yeah sure so [Music] um you
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 127,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wormsloe plantation, slave plantation, haunted plantation, georgia, slave plantations, abandoned plantation, slave plantation vlog, savannah georgia, i visited a slave plantation, slave plantation documentary, slave plantations in the south, slave plantations in tennessee, jarrell plantation, juliette, urban exploration, jarrell plantaion, georgia state parks, historic site, abandoned exploration, paranormal exporation, paranormal investigation, ghost hunters international
Id: ubANJbjPdRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 24sec (2424 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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