All Of Jake Peralta's (Surprisingly Good) Impressions | Brooklyn Nine-Nine | Comedy Bites

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i used my detective skills as well as my spot on holt impression to figure it out i just had an idea peralta you're a genius who is that scarjo it was holt and i think you know that i thought i was scared amazingly wearing holt's clothes is our best option everyone prepare to enter high society okay how's everybody feeling anyone else have the weird urge to lecture themselves peralta what are you doing peralta what are you doing i conjured him she's not here damn it stop thinking about her like she's your girlfriend what would you do if she was a perp i guess role play try and see the world through her eyes oh no what if i see my reflection and fall in love with myself jake we have a literal ticking clock situation here roger that okay fine i'll be amy just know everything i'm about to say i say with love okay i'm outside it's 78 degrees and yet somehow i'm still cold better walk on the sunny side of the street wait did i remember to put on sunscreen pause the thing pause to think yes i did put on sunscreen and i bragged about it all morning amy's on the move and i'm walking i'm walking okay so captain holt leaves fencing and heads north if we really want to do this we got to get in his head we have to be captain holt hello gina how does this sound captain holt is that you oh no it's jake nailing your voice exactly right the trick is to find a key phrase you know exactly how he'd say mine is peralta that's enough seriously jake this is getting scary come with me young wise assistant let us walk in this direction oh a hot dog would i stop not for one of those i wouldn't damn it it's morphing into british do your catchphrase peralta that's enough and i'm walking with purpose and i'm walking with purpose and bingo a door it's a narnia situation no but i love that it's a security camera if something happened to hold when you walk past here we'll be able to see it peralta you genius hmm that does not sound like him lighten up your jacket sit up straight judge mendel has a reputation for being strict and proper all right no worries i'll just act like you say something so i can get the cadence of your voice down i will not perfect i will not i will not i will not okay so you guys are rich europeans looking about shelby i'll make the introductions wait we can't just be europeans what country are we from what languages do you speak french spanish some portuguese obviously greek enough flemish to get by tight what about you peralta um i can do a pretty good italian accent you think you could milk me so you're just doing de niro from meet the parents i don't know am i this is dinero i think it's pretty good now mine's better pretty good we'll just make america okay i'm walking i'm walking and i'm seeing a paper supply store i wonder if they have those new summer folders whoa you're good i've definitely heard her talk about those folders that's because they have such a fun color scheme perfect for vacation organization this is chilling darn it to heck the store is closed my bad day just got a whole heck of a lot worse time to go smoking secret [Music] and as i'm shame-smoking i'm seeing the library i think maybe i have a way to put kevin in danger without putting kevin in danger well hello there raymond teach me kevin and i am detective jacob peralta he didn't have anything else to wear so he just switched he understands okay if we're gonna pull this off we need to teach you how to move talk and act exactly like kevin in other words we have ourselves a pygmalion situation exactly a pig mailman situation right it'll be okay well it'll be okay let's get started yes let's get started it's getting worse spot on kevin look raymond a yellow-crusted warbler a greymund a yellow-crested warbler no you're too excited the warbler is a common bird and then i said which metamorphosis kafka or ovid i loved it he loves it oh so that's the joke now you tell it oh okay so a professor walks into a rare books collection no you've ruined it no it's not funny look raymond a yellow crested warbler look raymond a yellow-crusted word ugh not excited enough they may be common but they're still birds the 92nd street y had a wonderful symposium on just that topic that's it you're getting it ah don't say cool instead say indeed oh indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed that's weird look raymond a yellow-crusted warbler yes that's the right level of excitement for such a bird you captured the essence of kevin you've done it correction i've accomplished it indeed indeed it's growing on me i don't care for it classical music uh yeah i was ooh but now i'm back eh meet me in the service corridor we've got a situation with the hostages okie dokie sorry to hear a boot that service corridor that was great jake thanks okay i'm approaching the drop site i don't see anything unusual we have eyes on you just be natural indeed i will oh look a yellow crusted warbler very good she's calling wait kevin we didn't go over how you answer the phone there's in time just answer you've reached professor kevin cosner please start speaking when i finish this sentence pick up the book on the bench and head south he hung up and he had me pick up a copy of the tempest oh no raymond do you know what's happening in the park today the shakespeare festival which will be attended by guys i'm in a sea of kevin's you could've had a chopper raymond why don't you take advantage just a minute my cauldron's boiling over yeah but what she actually said was chopper's yours peralta your impression was better damn it he's still here excuse me hmm uh i was just talking to another one of the voices is it tatiana who knows the mischievous seven-year-old british girl you told me about on the phone may i speak with her uh yes hello doctor i'm from wasaks is that an actual place in england how should i know i'm just a little girl i am i am well it's nice to speak with you tatiana can i say hello to brian the bookkeeper from central london cheers i'm brian i like bookkeeping right in the middle of london did i tell you a full list of my old many personalities when i called you on the old telly in it yes you did you know any of them hopefully not from england there's jeffrey you said he's australian oh crikey well garrett our time is up shall we pick up here next week uh no i can't go there's still someone left inside that wants to talk do you mean satchel the gentle african-american man who was born in 1908. oh no you know what satchel probably shouldn't come out right now or ever for that matter garrett i can only help you if you open up andy dufresne escaped through the tunnels of shawshank prison he was my friend are you just doing morgan freeman ah yes and you calling me on it just gave me a major breakthrough i'm cured anyway deuces doc all right sorry for the delay but i have some news i gotta say your hazmat suit is super scary you should talk in a silly voice so you seem less terrifying well we ran our test see even that would be much less ominous if you just did a grover voice well we ran our tests and it's not baking powder there's a chance it's toxic what you
Channel: Comedy Bites
Views: 249,990
Rating: 4.9560771 out of 5
Keywords: Jake Peralta impressions, Jake peralta's impressions, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Jake Peralta, Andy Samberg, jake peralta holt impression, jake peralta and holt, brooklyn nine-nine classical music scene, brooklyn nine-nine slow-mo, jake pretends to be kevin, jake's kevin impression brooklyn nine-nine, chasing amy, jake finds amy, jake pretends to be amy, jake's impressions brooklyn nine-nine, andy samberg robert de niro impression, robert de niro, jake peralta and doug judy
Id: t9S4evLUpnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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