Jake Peralta's musical talent for 8 minutes 28 seconds straight | Brooklyn Nine-Nine | Comedy Bites

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two three four prepare to hear me play the bagpipes perfectly okay all right point proven [Music] that was we are the champions [Music] see amy fun thing about working cases you meet people from all over the world this song is a celebration song from when a dog loses his fragility who checks that never been arrested before i mean i was detained once by taylor swift's security team but that was misunderstanding she's probably gonna write a song about me point is hater's gone hate shake it off taylor swift always right i'm telling you this machine is broken ask me a question is jay-z really your favorite artist yes obviously lie see it's busted is it or is your favorite artist really taylor swift no lie all right fine she is she makes me feel things she makes all of us feel things this binder tells the story of a sloppy disorganized irresponsible individual who's not allowed within 500 feet of taylor swift that was a misunderstanding come with me amy to the dumpster me and amy going diving in the dumpster so i wake in the morning and oh going on we need a theme song the pontiac bandit and jager cops oh taking down crooks in the streets where they live flooding with girls who are hopping a bath there's a talking police dog that helps them solve crime the pontiac bandit and jay got cops with the wives cracking captain along for the ride they'll have the pinchers wherever they go the talking dog flies in outer space jokes on you they was always friends now imma get my immunity the ghost of the talking dog haunts the precinct the talking dog died oh man i know it's a bummer note to end on i wish you were alive dug today god will give you a high five this song is thanks so much it's been a great audience i mean it's a funeral that's psychotic i'm so sorry staring to the maggot draw i need to step to her step to her amy this isn't high school musical yeah amy this isn't high school musical too yeah and it isn't high school musical three senior year all right and mario is doing it with theresa teresa is doing it with paulie i knew that paulie is doing it with lisa and lisa's doing it with anthony i really like this song did you come up with a melody i'm pretty sure i did freddie is cheating with bianca g but also with her younger sister valerie no oh yeah i saw them together that's why it's in the song we're good to drive in in a car destination drug dealer's bar pass the mic right over to charles we forgot charles but we can't turn back because we've gone too far we have to turn back though we can't leave them it was a good rhyme though all right but be careful oh don't worry about me i'll be invisible now you see me [Music] like when carly ray jepson puts out an amazing single then you have to wait six weeks for the album to come out she's great i'm not apologizing it's gonna be hard to spot a crazy person in here they're all crazy tell me about it this is more insane than the crowd at the carly rae jepsen i mean slayer concert break my heart say you love me again you know what i like this song this hurt that shut up the nerve unbelievable cried so many your sores and string your bows the beasts have gone away and so on to the briefcase goes the ground didn't sing it with me i know accepting teddy's jazz brunch invite was the only way to get his phone back and save the nine-nine but this place is literally hell eggman i in my lick eddie split she's doing jazz about brunch i'll skip his cup scoop this is super uncomfortable [Music] jazz all right bob you want to play hardball good word on the street is you like jazz i don't just like jazz i'm fond of it i don't understand the difference tell me where the file is right now or i will ruin jazz for you forever i'd like to see you try wrong choice daddy-o ah skipper scout got boob rapping jazz jazzity jazz juice old jazz jizz jang jingle jazz well they stole their own books it's plain to see but who's on the case the addams family terry is gomez i'm cousin it you are wednesday let's do this okay we should go so hey guys what's up you want to join our acapella jam circle oh no are you guys harry potter fans i do not like where this is going three four won't you come visit hogwarts i'll be alone this is actually pretty funny you got to know harry potter one day i picked up my battered old guitar and i sang her a song oh how did it go oh you don't want to hear it yes i do well i don't have my guitar here sing the song rosa rosa rosa rosa rosa rosa rosa diaz diaz diaz diaz diaz diaz diaz rosa diaz rosa diaz diaz rosariza diaz diaz you are so cool sounds better with a guitar cream in my coffee and rock and roll peralta what you're gonna do with all that hunch all that hunch inside your brain we're gonna source off solve this case solve this case right in your face we should probably leave this prison yep so do you recognize any of these men i was hiding in the bathroom stall so i didn't see his face but i heard him he was singing along to the music at the bar do you remember what he was singing i think it was that song i want it that way backstreet boys i'm familiar okay number one could you please sing the opening to i want it that way really okay you are my fire number two keep it going the one desire number three believe when i say number four i wanted that i never wanna [Applause] oh chills literal chills it was number five number five killed my brother oh my god about that part you
Channel: Comedy Bites
Views: 56,750
Rating: 4.9845486 out of 5
Keywords: NBC, The Office US, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Jake Peralta, Andy Samberg, Andy Samberg singing, the lonely island, doug judy, jake peralta and doug judy, jake and doug karaoke, jake and doug theme song, doug judy singing, jake peralta guitar, jake peralta guitar screaming, brooklyn nine nine tell me why, brooklyn nine nine backstreet boys, brooklyn 99 backstreet boys, brooklyn nine nine theme song, taylor swift, jake peralta taylor swift restraining order, brooklyn 99 taylor swift
Id: Yh8dpDWEc3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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