Gina Linetti being obsessed with herself for 8 minutes 25 seconds straight | Brooklyn Nine-Nine

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with all due respect that pigeon is clearly a rayjay hi gina linetti the human form of the 100 emoji are you supposed to be babysitting gina it doesn't need my help she's over there dazzling some psychologists all men are at least 30 attracted to me my mother cried the day i was born because she knew she would never be better than me at any given moment i'm thinking about one thing richard dreyfuss hunkered over eating dog food i feel like i'm the paris of people complete overlap of ego and id it's been theorized but i never thought i'd see it i'm exquisite i did not follow you to pr to watch you quit i followed you because you're great and because you make everything you touch better and i figured pr would be the easiest path to launching my reality show lynnetti set go i thought your reality show was to be called gina in a bottle no that was my fragrance line keep up you should make me your campaign manager i was born for politics i have great hair and i love lying hey gina what are you thinking about right now i was thinking how i would make the perfect american president based upon my skill set dance ability and bloodlust that is fascinating ashanti nobody can ever know that we had sex all right i have spent years cultivating a reputation as someone who sleeps with bike messengers or better i'm sorry i just don't think this is something you're good at what the only thing i'm not good at is modesty because i'm great at it i'm a higher level of being like her from the movie her i really miss these people the whole crew jake terry i forget all their other names your problem is not that you're troubled or at risk or bad dressers is that trucker hat still come on your problem is that you don't have passion for anything my life turned around when i found my passion and today well i hope to inspire you with [Music] you are it no matter what they say words can't bring you down you are beautiful in every single way what are we thinking nothing bad ever happens to me i have a crystal in my pocket at all times charles turn that music off we gotta send someone in as a customer get her to open up start gospel send me i'm a gossip surgeon i can get anything out of anyone you can't go undercover you're not a cop how am i not a cop terry cause they don't have a badge being a cop is a state of mind it's definitely not i grew up forging report cards if people knew how smart i was it would have been harder to control them the english language cannot fully capture the depth and complexity of my thoughts so i'm incorporating emoji into my speech to better express myself winky face all i'm saying is a if not the voice of the streets is this isn't gonna work gina maddie is the ultimate human slash genius thank you i would spend my five thousand dollars to buy backstage passes to brittany and then i'd ask her one question you think you're better dancing than me did you have enough time to read at all yes gina made me call people and tell them she was dead to see how they'd react is she crying is she crying a little you should be wailing you stone cold now call my other grandma gina linetti is the real hero here there's a gina lynette more of a state of mind like in a way we were all gina linetti today gina let's take this gina to the hospital apparently you were just named spring dance princess somehow mm-hmm what am i always telling you guys i'm royalty i'm gina linetti and i approve this message over one million people are living their lives according to the gene amendments they're like the ten commandments only there's more and they're better if i die turn my tweets into a book buy a mic right now i drop it amy and i are going to my mom's house for my birthday adults don't care about their birthdays you came to work last year on a horse once again my advice has like saved the city have you thought this through not at all and yet checkmate that was completely illegal that's not at all how the queen moves that's how this queen moves checkmate it's against the rules of chess well gina lynette done reinvented the game uh what's this meeting all about i've got a full workload today i didn't call it i thought you did what i did no such thing so neither of you called it then who did oh sheila that was awesome okay just stay here wow i can't believe i executed that to perfection that was amazing gina what's this all about i wanted to make one final grand entrance final what do you mean i've decided to leave the nine-nine which is why oh okay [Music] i'm handing in my two weeks notice i don't understand what are you gonna do i'm not sure but jake convinced me it was time to start a new chapter it was time to spread my wings and fly i'm an angel i'm an angel i'm an angel this is crazy i can't imagine a nine-nine without you don't worry i have a parting gift for all of you i printed time for gina's opinion hoodies for you with your names on them uh there you go oh that's fun so like time for jake's opinion what are you insane no it says time for gina's opinion in large text on the back and then your names are stitched really tiny on the front ah i had to guess at some of the spellings arnie but that's not all over the next two weeks i will be leaving each of you with a signature gina moment something so shocking that it will stay with you for the rest of your lives much like this interpretive dance piece entitled the lenexit this dance will be performed in four movements each one expressing one aspect of my personality [Music] uh [Music] awesome was that the first movement what are you crazy no that's the warm-up each movement is 45 minutes oh damn hit it i see we got eight recruits for the junior police program outstanding thank you sir but as important as your praise is to me it should actually go to gina she's the one that got through to the kids yes i am amazing and i only asked for one thing in repayment a 600 race we're like rock stars to these people they're gonna go nuts it's like ah nicely done aubry is great we are going to dinner again tonight i owe you an apology you're a great matchmaker thank you and you know what i'm just glad that you found the courage to tell me how great i am it means so much whatever have a fun day like chances you
Channel: Comedy Bites
Views: 291,081
Rating: 4.9732285 out of 5
Keywords: Gina Brooklyn Nine Nine, Gina Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Gina Brooklyn 99, gina linetti, chelsea peretti brooklyn 99, chelsea peretti andy samberg, gina brooklyn 99 dance, gina brooklyn 99 pregnant, gina brooklyn 99 best moments, gina linetti psychologists, gina linetti paris of people, brooklyn 99 human form of the 100 emoji, human form of the 100 emoji, gina linetti emojis, gina linetti hit by a bus, chelsea peretti brooklyn 99 best
Id: fNugZU61EXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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