All FLYING Pals to Get | Which is the Fastest? ► Palworld

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what if I told you that the flying Pals in the game all had different speeds and the fastest one moves this fast this is this is the speed of the fastest pal in the entire game which is absolutely absurd this is like it's default speed I haven't boosted this or done anything to it this is what the default speed is in the game and in this video I'm going to be talking about all the pals that can fly what their speeds are how to catch them as well as uh when you unlock their you know equip to let you fly them just as a disclosure none of the passive skills of the pals that I'm going to show you have any speed boosts but you can get up to four of them that have various amounts of percentage increases to the movement speed of your flying or like the pal in general which does affect your flying but starting out with our very first one this is Nightwing Nightwing is one of the very first I think it actually is the first flyer that you unlock that you can fly in the game this is its fastest flying speed in the game as you can see Nightwing has a flying speed of 750 you will see this in relation to the other ones all Linked In the time stamps of this video you can get Nightwing pretty early on from these areas on the map as you can see here and at level 15 you'll be able to unlock the Nightwing saddle right over here and you can see those those resources to craft it the next flying creature is the vanor worm you can see the van worm moves at a total speed of this this is going to be at 850 so it's 100 faster than the Nightwing you should know that the speed is the same for vorm as it is for the vorm Crist both forms have the exact same movement speed and this is going to be the same for any other pal that I talk about now vanor worm can be found pretty early on at around level 17 or so right over here on the map you can find it in this area you can find high Lev ones at the volcano area but over here is where you're going to get them early on but you won't be able to fly it until Level 21 when you're able to craft and saddle and you can see how much it costs over there the next flying pal is Beacon this is an electric type one and this is a huge upgrade from the first two this one has a speed of 1,200 pretty damn high up there you can see it moves at a at a decent speed this is one you're going to want to get Beacon is number 73 on the pal deck you can find it around the top right hand side of the map over here as you can see this area now it's usually much higher level now you'll only be able to unlock the saddle for Beacon at level 34 you can see all the ingredients that it cost to crafted there the next p we're talking about is ragna Hawk now ragna Hawk has a travel or flying speed at 1,300 it's a little bit faster than the beacon as you can see over here it has a decent speed nice coverage something you're going to try get as soon as you can number 74 on the pal deck over here you're going to be able to catch it from the volcano area at the bottom left of the map over here in these locations if you want to attempt breeding a ragn Hulk you can see here are some combinations that you can use on screen right now now you will only unlock the ragn hawk saddle at level 37 so so it's a little bit after Beacon but will be much easier to get because you're able to breed it quite simply the next flying Mount is lran elran over here it has a flying speed of 800 so it's not quite as fast as the ragn hawk or the beacon not really designed for flight speed it's number 80 on the pic and you can find this at level 20 on the map over here at the bottom right right by this um you know this Wildlife Sanctuary over here if you just fly around for a bit like let the Pals respawn you will be able to find one at around level 20 or even level like 19 or 18 but you will be able to unlock alran saddle at level 21 the same time you unlock the van worm saddle but honestly I don't know if you're going to want this one for Speed the next flying pal is quivver quivver right over here isn't super fast as you can see here it's kind of like uh the other one it's got a speed of 950 so it's a little bit faster than Alan but it's it's not like great Quin is not number 95 on the pal deck you're going to be able to encounter this as low as level 23 on the map at this location over here the Alpha version for it for its dungeon raid at - 255 -131 alternatively you can use these Pals on screen to breed an egg through the breeding Farm to make a quivver but you'll only be able to unlock a quivver saddle at level 36 and this is how much it's going to cost the next p we're talking about is helzer helzer has a speed of 1,100 so it's up there in the speeds not as fast as the uh ragna Hawk as well as the beacon but it's you know in between those and the others number 97 on the pal deck can be caught at night time in this area of the map only at night time around here I'm not really sure what level it spawns in I think maybe probably around like high 20s to early 30s there is no easy way to breed this one unfortunately and you'll unlock its saddle at level 33 and you can see this is how much it costs to make it the next flyer is absolutely massive look at the size comparison compared to like me and this thing this is aagon aagon has a speed of 800 so it's pretty slow it's going to be number 988 on the pal deck you can catch this at the top right hand side of the map around level 40 or so it's going to be a rare spawn on the wildlife sanctuary over here so just fly around until it spawns in alternatively you can find it as an alpha on the you know Volcano Island which is in a cave the cave entrance is here at negative 570 414 but that's going to be quite difficult to get there's no easy way to breed it and you only unlock the settle for it at level 47 so you're not going to be flying this thing anytime soon and this is how much it costs it's actually kind of cheap not going to lie all right the next one is suzaku probably one of the coolest looking flying like creatures in this game it's actually I I think it's one of the best looking it's really so cool suzaku has a flying speed of 1,100 the same as helzer but slower than ragn Hulk and Beacon but it's faster than all the other slow ones suzaku is number 102 on the pic and the aqua form is the same speed so like like I said the both forums are exactly the same speed suzaku can be found at around level 40 in the desert area of the top right hand side of the map all over this location there is no easy way to breed one and you only unlock its saddle at level 40 and this is what it costs to make it this next one is my new favorite lately this is ferious ferious is the fastest one I've shown you right now in terms of like the the list here it has a flight speed of 1,400 and you can already feel that it's much fostter than everything else which is great I really like this one it is number 105 on the P deck it can be found at around level 40 as a r spawn on the wildlife sanctuary at the top right hand side of the map over there unfortunately there's no easy way to breed this thing but you do get it saddle at level 38 which is quite convenient for like the really fast speed and you can see this is what it costs to craft it the next flying one here is Shadow beak Shadow beak has a flying speed of 1,200 not bad it's pretty much the same as Beacon the electric one we looked at earlier it is number 107 on the pal deck it can be found as a rare spawn around level 40 at the wildlife sanctuary at the top right hand side of the map you're just going to keep flying around here until one spawns in and you can go ahead and catch it there is no easy way to breed this one unfortunately and you only unlock it saddle at level 47 in the P deck over here in the like technology tree for these ingredients so it's probably one of the most expensive ones too sort of now this next one is Frost alion now Frost alion is a legend so having the legend thing in its party over here if I go ahead and look at it you'll see it does have movement speed increased by 10% this happens when you catch any legendary version kind of like pal its flight speed is the fastest of the ones that I've showed you in this list it has a flight speed of 1,500 plus that extra 15% on top of it you can see that it moves at a very nice Pace this is actually pretty cool and the animation effects for it with like the ice on the ground is pretty awesome looking now Frost alion is 110 on the P deck but it's also only really caught at like you know it's one place you can't really catch it in the wild as far as I know it's only caught as an alpha spawn right at the top left of the map in the snow area at a level 50 Alpha right over here at 357 by 510 on the map of course you are going to have to be level 48 to unlock the saddle for it right over here as you can see how much it costs it's one of the most expensive yet but the absolute fastest thing is jet dragon jet dragon the one I really started this video out with to like you know intro is the fastest one in the game nothing comes close to the speed it has a speed of 3,300 it is double the speed even more than double the speed of frost alion which is the second fastest one in the game this does have the legend trait so this does have a 15% increase of movement speed on it and that 15% tracks really well because of how high that number is so like you can you can travel this map with jetrion it is number 111 on the pal deck it is the final one on the pal deck to to get it isn't caught in the Wild on the map it is a level 50 boss battle which is going to be found in the volcano area of the map over here as you can see level 50 Alpha jet Trion atga 789 321 it is an absolute Beast of a flyer to unlock and nothing can compare to it but it's obviously designed for like really late game because you got to be like level 50 to get this thing in fact you literally have to be level 50 because you don't really unlock a saddle for it like it seems like you can fly it without the saddle I'm not sure if you need this missile launcher for the saddle cuz it's actually a missile launcher item but I think you can fly it without the saddle anyway but you still have to get it at like level 50 or so and those are all the flyers in the game let me know in the comments down below which one is your favorite which one do you like the most which one you're going to go for right now and thank you guys so much for watching this video I'll see you in the future
Channel: ConCon
Views: 13,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, how to, guide, video, game, pal, pals, all, fly, flying, fast, fastest, speed, limit, rank, ranked, gear, level, unlock, find, where, catch
Id: iqCP_DDo9Jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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