Alien: Covenant (2017) KILL COUNT

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Man, I remember my brother being so hyped for this movie. He didn’t really like Prometheus but the trailers for this did it for him and the fact that he loves the Alien franchise to give it another go.

I asked him how it was and he was told me that it was β€œdown the road average” but his tone made me tell how disappointed he felt.

I never saw the movie because of that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FriskeyVsWorld πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Beat the bot for once!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/omegatheory πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Facehugger > any other alien type... those jumpers are more scary than those xenos...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YOUREABOT πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Stupid teenager slasher: Alien edition

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheKazarka πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This film is currently available to stream with a DirectTV subscription.

Otherwise it can be rented/bought via Prime Video, Google Play, iTunes, Youtube and VUDU.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Khalbrae πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Could it be assumed that the people who died in the cryo pods have a 50/50 split of gender? If there was a whole thing of it being married couples used for repopulation?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jimbobhas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

If he included engineers on the kill count this would have been as bad as kill counting infinity war

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FrenchmanUnderYurBed πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I did really like how animalistic the neomorph and Xenomorphs were in this movie. I’d count it as a solid sci fi action/horror movie, and far better than Prometheus or AVP movies and above Resurrection)

The scene with the Xenomorph bashing its head into the lander window was awesome.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JabroniSn0w πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I did not enjoyed this movie at all. Saw it in the theaters and man I was so disappointed by it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Esquilax21 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] welcome to the killcam where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies I'm James Agee DS and today we're looking at a lien covenant released in 2017 as a sequel to Prometheus and thus another prequel to the alien series once again directed by Ridley Scott covenant attempts to combine the philosophical musings of Prometheus with the more outward sci-fi horror of the original film which includes finally bringing Xenomorphs back into the picture will the heavier focus on action give us more kills to count let's find out and get to them the movie begins with a prologue that takes place long before Prometheus showing the first time boot up of David the human hating Android who apparently named themselves after the Michelangelo sculpture guy Pearce's back as Peter Weyland though thankfully without that hideous lizard man makeup and he tells David that together they're going to find out who created human beings you seek your Creator I am looking at mine I will serve you yet you are human you will die I will not wait a pick at Whelan's insecurities David and no a spot of tea doesn't make it any better tick 10 years after the events of Prometheus the spaceship covenant is on its way to colonize a planet called aura gay 6 although it's still seven years away right now just like its predecessor this movie starts with everyone on the ship in hypersleep except an android played by Michael Fassbender but this Android is named Walter and he's missing David scorn for humanity as well as his posh accent on my way mother the Covenant full of sleeping colonists and frozen human embryos it's real messed up after it flies into a solar storm and the resulting raucous makes Walter get the crew out of bed early unfortunately they have a hard time getting captain Branson's pod open and an electrical accident of some kind causes the dude to go up in flames before they can free him he's incinerated in front of his crew including his wife Daniel's and burns off before half the audience can even realize that he's played by James Franco he helped when Daniels goes through his stuff later we see that captain Branson was James Franco careful there Jimmy wouldn't want to fall down that mountain and get your arm stuck in a ravine the tragedy has not only claimed Branson's life it also messed up a whole bunch of colonists in hypersleep and since the movie gave me a number we lost 47 colonists I can actually go ahead and include the 47 colonists on the couch yeah it's a bit of killcount inflation but we see some of them die and we get a solid number so onto the list they go with Bramson gone the Covenant screw was down to Walter and 13 humans and just now promoted captain Chris Orem addresses his new crew in a meeting Orem played by Billy Crudup is a stern god-fearing man whose spouse is also part of the crew which consists of various married couples for colonising purposes Chris's wife Corrine is the Covenants biologist and she's played by Carmen ejogo last seen on the kill count following Frank Grillo around in the purge anarchy although newly captain Chris says there's no time to mourn the dead some of the crew directly disobeys him and has a toast to honor the late captain Branson with his widow Daniels Danny for short ultimately giving him a burial at space gotta say I do love the shots of his body flying out into the emptiness of space very eerie Chris complains to careen that he gets no respect and blames it on faith-based persecution because you can't be a person of faith and be counted on to make qualified rational decisions but she says he's got to make nice with the crew since they're gonna end up being their neighbors on aura day 6 the covenants pilot Tennessee played by Halloween 2018 Coast scribe Danny McBride conducts a spacewalk and repairs the ship but on his way back inside he intercepts a loud staticky signal over his radio [Music] ah geez what kind of aliens are still on dialog they decode the transmission and here a human humming John Denver and when they tracked the signal to its source they find a solar system with its fourth planet smack dab in the habitable zone even better turns out Planet four is only two weeks away as revealed by navigator Rick's played by Jesse Smollett huh kind of a small role for a dude whose other performances earned him 14 Choice nominations and 16 felony charges with Aurra gay six still seven years away and everyone reluctant to get back into those Franco furnaces Chris makes a decision to check out Planet four instead and see if it's a cooler place to colonize Danny who's now second-in-command privately object saying she thinks Planet four sounds too good to be true but captain Chris overrides her this is good judgment based on all the data available Pam there's more character logic and intelligence than this one scene alone than all the Prometheus waiting room on that point prequels two weeks later the Covenant arrives at Planet four and most of the crew boards the dropship Lander want piloted by Maggie Faris who's married to Tennessee they head down to the planet and find a tumultuous atmosphere waiting for them giving Lander one a hard time but after some classically beautiful Ridley Scott shots showing the drop ships descend it ends its rollicking adventure with an aquatic landing in a lake welcome back Ryder how was your ride everyone except for Faris who stays back with the drop ship heads out into this earth-like alien world to find the source of that intercepted signal their GoPros at the ready so they can make cool fish islands YouTube videos later they find cultivated wheat and evidence of a giant ship having crashed but no signs of life anywhere captain Chris's wife Corrine splits off to collect some water and soil samples and while she is sciencing her security escort led word steps aside to populate this planet with piss and secondhand smoke jokes on him though because an up kick egg sac releases some alien particles that coagulate into an inky looking cloud and Magic School Bus their way right into lead words the ear canal at my old school we never infected humans through their ear pores the expedition crew finds one of those wishbone shape - juggernaut cruisers and heads into it to find the source of their signal they track into the ship's bridge and accidentally unlock one of those holographic memories chose Elizabeth Shaw singing the John Denver tune they intercept it and although they find her dog tag and a picture of her and Holloway they don't see her or anyone else anywhere inside the ship an egg sack and the ship's overgrown interiors sprays out more of those spores which go into the nose of Tom Hallett another member of the security team that's not gonna be good I mean look at lead work he's already so sick that Kareem has to help him stand up she radios everyone else and tells them about lead words condition and as the rest of the crew begins to head back Hallet also falls ill alarming his husband head of security sergeant Loeb who's played by Damien Bashir who would go on to stars father Burke and the knot Karina and lead word make it back to land her wand but led word is super gross and blood pukey which freaks Ferris out do you think that's bad Ferris just wait until this dude's spine spits blood in yo face yeah that'll make a quarantine shit real fast which is exactly what Ferris does tool Edward and Kareem in the Med Bay sucks for Kareem but at least she and Ferris get to do a fun reenactment of those Halloween h2o shots the good times and after led words violent shaking leads to some sharp quills jutting out of his spine followed by a whole goddamn alien killing the security officer and restarting our kill count with a slag man I do not love how cartoonish this little fellow looks nor the fact that he's an eel more another not xenomorph species that's different than the deacon we saw at the end of prometheus since that thing came out of an engineer and this neil morph came out of a human Kareem gets a knife out to defend herself against the little bugger but she can't stop it from leaping onto her face and mauling her to death and effects that yeah man this kind of bums me out it's just so obviously not really there you know the Neil morph Riggs through the medbay door window and comes after Faris who shoots at it wildly one of her many shots ignites an explosion on the ship right as the rest of the expedition team gets back to it the Neil morph is able to escape down the ramp but the crew has to watch as Lander one blows up entirely making this the second time someone's had to watch their spouse die in a giant fire haha and she even runs out on the ramp to burn up right there and his feel the vision feels bad man the in-person Widow isn't done yet either since now how it's doing the Neo morphic shake and his husband sergeant Loeb has to watch as he's killed no fire involved in this one though instead how it bluntly pukes outta neo more meaning I guess new alien species just comes out of its host however it goddamn wants to stupid neo morphs I prefer the reliable consistency of xenomorph send their chest birthday the newborn neo more fronds away from the crew but since they're unable to contact the Covenant up above thanks to an ion storm or something they're still standing around the field that night when the Neo morph comes back already much larger it leaps at them and during an altercation with Walter straight up dissolves his hand away with its mouth then this secures another kill for the cow when it thrashes around and its tail knocks off the jaw of the security dude and corner man why did the effects in this movie looks so much more CG than prometheus is before the Neo morph can kill anyone else though a bright flare scares it away and amidst the blinding confusion a Jedi looking figure approaches the group and tells them to come with them the movie briefly becomes Lord of the Rings as they follow the figure through the forest and into an enormous area that is positively littered with bodies it looks like someone emptied a giant bug zapper there they enter the central structure where the figure reveals his identity my name is David Bowie because he kind of sounded like him there no it's David from Prometheus and he tells them that when he and dr. Elizabeth Shaw arrived on this planet the payload of black goo accidentally deployed and caused that engineer Pompeii they saw out there also more bad news dr. Shaw died when the ship crash-landed bus or Gilligan like on his Island after taking an interest in their colonization mission and casually calling Walter his brother he takes lope to the roof to see if they can radio covenant through the storm but they're still unable to make contact with the mothership so Tennesse decides to bring the Covenant down towards the surface despite the protestations from Rick's and the other crew members still aboard Rick's his wife upwards played by Callie Hernandez who was great in the endless David gives himself a haircut and then has a conversation with Walter which is kind of a weird scene to watch since it's Michael Fassbender teaching himself how to play a recorder in an extremely suggestive way watch me I'll do the fingering gentle pressure on the hose this is the future of masturbation Walter says that he's a later motto with some upgrades David doesn't have because David's model freaked people out you were too human too idiosyncratic thinking for yourself made people uncomfortable 10 turns out people were damn right to be freaked out cuz after David steps out onto a balcony overlooking the wasteland we see a flashback that reveals what really happened here and it is not pretty the flashback reveals that when David and dr. Shaw brought the juggernaut back for its homecoming David willfully deployed the thousands of black goo canisters down into the town square filled with at least tens of thousands of engineers the biblical genocide that followed is the reason I didn't bother counting engineers in prometheus because it would be impossible to follow that precedent when we're watching a whole goddamn species go extinct and all of this digital death and destruction was delivered by David who I think we can all agree by now is one of these scariest and most effective villains we've ever seen on this channel that night one of the Neil morphs approaches David's base and comes across Rosenthal a security team member who's busy tending to her wounds she turns around to find herself face to face with the pal he'll head and before she can grab her gun it bites into her shoulder and kills her by ripping all sorts of flesh out later on we see that she was actually decapitated her head floating separate from the rest of her body that the Neil morph is still haunched over that grisly site is discovered by David who seems pretty smiley in the face of this terrifying extraterrestrial but before he can properly make friends with it Chris shows up and shoots it away Chris ignores David and shoots the neo morph until it's dead for shell and turns his gun on David and demands some answers David takes Chris to his laboratory and shows him how he's become something of a mad scientist in his decade of alone time he's been using the black goo pathogen to breed new species and then crossbreeding the resultant species in an effort to create the perfect organism and his latest effort looks pretty damn familiar the xenomorph egg sacs that david says are alive and waiting what are they waiting for David mom yeah a mother Manhattan if you will because Chris becomes the universe's first base hugger victim when one leaps out of an egg and straps itself to his head hole all while David watches dispassionately now that the Covenant is closer to the team on the ground they're finally able to make contact with each other and they make a plan to use a cargo lift to get the survivors back up to the ship Daniel's that has to tell Tennessee that his wife Faris died in the lander 1 explosion Oh nobody likes to see a sad Danny McBride but he sucks it up and hops into the cargo lift so he can disengage it from the Covenant and fly it down to the planet's surface david wakes up captain chris by lazily tossing rocks at his face who which is actually a less annoying alarm clock than a chest burster ripping itself out of your body sorry to see you go Chris but at least we finally get to see the origin of the xenomorph and the appearance of a classic chest burster wait what the fuck is that yo David what the fuck is that nut cracker looking thing dude why is it a tiny fully formed little xenomorph or not a chest burster that looks so fucking stupid listen I understand seeing new species develop as beta versions of Zeno Wars but we finally got busy no egg and the Z no face hunger why the hell are we not following the same rules with a Z no chestburster here come on Ridley Scott show some respect for the original mythology that you made the final survivors of the expedition team are ready to leave planet 4 but when Walter goes to find David he instead discovers the chest bursted corpse of dr. Elizabeth Shaw turns out David lied of course about her dying in the ship crash and I'll include her on the cow since we knew her from the previous film and since we're seeing her body up close and personal right here Walter finds David who admits that yeah he used Shaw for a genetic experiment and sure he genocide to be engineers with the black goo but come on Android brother were the superior beings I was not made to serve after distracting Walter with a kiss that's again kind of weird to watch David deactivates the nicer newer Android by stabbing him in the neck with that flu such a disappointment to men sergeant lope and his last security team member Cole find Captain Chris's body in the egg room before a base hugger attaches itself to low Cole manages to successfully cut it off and the acid blood scars low face but at least he survives the same can't be said of cold after the xenomorph he got from captain Chris now for we groan attacks and murders him in a bloody assault while sergeant loaf runs away clutching his chief Daniels finds a drawing of Davis that depicts Shaw getting xenomorph so now she knows he's evil that gets double verified when he finds her snooping around and attacks her throwing her around the room with this crazy robot strange but then Walter the good twin shows up and gives Dani a chance to escape turns out next stabs don't deactivate these newer model Androids there have been a few updates the two of them get into an all-out droid a5 which is pretty impressive from a technical standpoint since it's Michael Fassbender kicking his own ass alas we don't get to see a conclusive ending to the fight since it cuts away before either of them kills the other Daniels and Lowe the last remaining human survivors see the cargo lifts coming down to them and make a run for it not noticing at first that there's a Michael Fassbender on their heels oh and a xenomorph got any room for an alien they get aboard the cargo lift and the Fassbender android claims that he's walter please do expired but before anyone can say anything else they're interrupted by a hitchhiking Z no more Danny's had it with this shit so she goes out Dec side to take care of the bug and ends up in a solid action sequence where we get some real nice shots of the xenomorph apparently some people online call this thing off proto morph but fuck that it's a Z no more this is an alien movie let us have Lena warps the sequence ends after Danny captures the alien in a giant crane most thought those games rigged and crushes it to death definitely avoiding the spray of acid blood that comes out before the crane opens and drops the Z no body to the ground with some Android assistance Daniel's comes back inside and the cargo lifts occupants finally leave planet 4 and return to the Covenant in orbit up worth tends to Lopes messed up phase putting what melted peas all over it while Daniels gets to surgically staple that perfect Fassbender face up god damn that's a handsome man just when you think they've made it and we've got ourselves a happy ending you realize there are still 20 minutes left to this movie so it's no big surprise when the ship wakes Daniels up with a report of an unidentified life-form aboard turns out the face hugger that face hugs low back on the surf it's managed to shoot its load off before load space was cut free because Daniels in Tennessee find lope dead with a nasty hole in this torso courtesy of a chest bursts or sorry I mean a fully-formed mini-z no more stupid Daniels finds out that Lopes Z no baby is headed towards the crew corners and issues in order for Rick's and up Werth to evacuate but they're a little busy right now their shower sex gets a suggestive intruder who then straight up murders Rick's with a headlight finally that's some classic Zeno action I like to see people the xeno also kills up worth off screen since Danny and Tennessee find her body in the shower but I can't show the shot cuz she all naked just take my word for it Daniel's in Tennessee follow the xenos bloody footprints and tell Walter they've got a plan to destroy it by blowing it out of the airlock man that's like the trench run of alien movies figure out a way to end one of these films without it they have their Android on the bridge leave the xenomorph through the hallways and into the airlock where they're waiting in their spacesuits to lure it into a trap Danny gets the alien to follow her into a terraforming vehicle that she locks it inside of then she tells Walter to open the pod bay doors Hal and holds on tightly as everything gets blown out into space the xeno manages to break its way out and we get a real cool shot of it trying to run back into the Covenant but it only manages to leap right onto the fork of another truck headed outside which finishes off the Zeno with a fatal screech with the cumin it's safe at last Tennessee goes to sleep in a Betty bipod leaving newly captain Daniels the last waking human on board she climbs into her own Serta sleep pod and Walter tucks are in only as I'm sure you've guessed by now turns out this Android isn't actually Walter which Daniels realizes only too late haha that is gonna be a bummer to wake up's you Danny David the dick don't let the bedbugs bite I'll tuck in the children the children David's referring to our a couple of xenomorph embryos that he had sowed away down his throat and after he puts them to bed in a freezer the movie ends with David walking along the rows of colonists he undoubtedly hates for being human and imitating Walter in a voice log for the Covenant I'm not gonna put Walter on the list cuz who knows what happened to him but don't worry there are still plenty other kills without him I'll show you at the numbers 60 damn people died in Alien Covenant five women eight men and 47 colonists of unknown gender thanks to the accident at the beginning yeah it's pretty skewed but hey my rules are whatever you know with the runtime of 122 minutes that left us with a kill on average about every two minutes I'll give the golden chainsaw for coolest kill to that Angkor guy it's quick but it's a jaw getting tail-whipped off a face that's pretty cool regardless of the CG looking effects stole machete for lamest skill will go to careen since I think it has the worst combo of effects quality and blood amount and that's it alien covenant came out in 2017 but since it didn't do great at the box office a third alien prequel film is pretty uncertain at this point all of another episode for you next week but until then I'm James a JD's this has been the cocao thanks a lot for watching this week's kill count I want to thank some patrons like bella martinez anthony stamps sean clancy and rath sack jack what's and that is the alien movies down bet you can guess what next week is it's the predator and then I'll be done with this complicated sci-fi action horseshit also Lucy want to say hi hi Lucy says be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 7,357,560
Rating: 4.9032168 out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, alien, aliens, series, franchise, sequel, prequel, xenomorph, ridley scott, john logan, dante harper, michael fassbender, android, katherine waterston, billy crudup, danny mcbride, demian bichir, colony, carmen ejogo, jussie smollett, callie hernandez, guy pearch, weyland, noomi rapace, DMKC
Id: l1CfUGxNYGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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