"After the Dust Settles" - Bishop G.E. Patterson

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[Applause] [Music] God most holy and everlasting and eternal we want to praise you for this another Lord's day that you have allowed us to assemble to worship to give glory to give praise to give honor to your majestic name we pray Lord that you would anoint these lips of clay that we might speak as an Oracle of Christ hide us behind your glorious cross and cover us with your precious blood allowing no flesh to glory in your sight Lord the service is totally released into your hand that whatever the Holy Spirit has designed will be accomplished and will take no credit but we give you all the glory and all of the honor in the name of Jesus and we thank you amen and amen give the Lord a hand of praise and you may be [Applause] I want you today to turn in your Bibles to the second book of Samuel and there we would read just a few brief verses and second Samuel we want to begin with chapter 16 verses 5 through 13 second samuel chapter 16 if you have that same man beginning with verse five it reads the slip and when King David came to Barham the whole fence came out a man of the family of the house of Saul whose name was Jimmy I the son of zero he came forth and cursed still as he came and he cast stones at David and at all the servants of King David and all the people and all the mighty men on his right hand and on his left and thus said that shimmy I when he cursed come out come out without bloody man thou man of Belial the Lord had returned upon the all the blood of the house of Saul in whose dead thou has reigned and the Lord has to live with the kingdom into the hand of Absalon thy son and behold thou art taken in by mischief because thou art a bloody man then said the abbe ashamed the son of Surrey ayah under the king why should this dead dog curse my lord the king let me go over I pray thee and take off his head and the King said what have I to do with you you sons of the riot Zuri I O so let him curse because the Lord has said unto him curse David who shall then say wherefore hast thou done so and David said to ABBA shine and to all his servants behold my son which came forth of my bowels seeketh my life how much more now made this Benjamin I do it let him alone and let him curse for the Lord had bidden him it may be that the Lord will look on mine affliction and that the Lord will requite me good for his cursing this day and as David and his men went by the way schemey I went alone on the heelside over against him and cursed as he went and threw stones at him and cast dust I want to talk to you a little bit about after the dust settles after the dust settled now let me just make this statement from the beginning god bless us it doesn't matter what kind of dust the enemy may be throwing in your direction it doesn't matter how dim your view of life may be because of the dust let me assure you the dust will settle oh yeah it doesn't matter how it seems now I've got to tell you that the enemy who is throwing dust in your domestic situation and seem like he's trying to break up your marriage and permanently spoil the relationship between the children and the parents it doesn't matter how he's throwing dust in the direction of your financial situation builds a stack yay hi and looked like you can't pay him and can't find time I came making into meat you can't even find the ends it does not matter how he's throwing dust even in the direction of your physical health and even your doctors don't hold out a whole lot of hope I want to assure you in the name of Jesus Christ my lord that the dust will settle I think you better tell about three or four people that the dust will settle [Applause] oh yes [Music] my god somebody just got a Rhema the only thing that it takes to settle dust is a little rain all the taxes the Gardo muck the heavens and let the rain begin the fall and before you know it the deaths will settle I don't know about you but I feel the rain [Applause] calling [Applause] the dust is already starting to settle I don't I don't want to stay the full year long they're wrong many characters blessing name [Applause] I'm try I'm trying to get to this message of 50 [Applause] [Applause] go over to Jesus Lauretta Jesus glory to Jesus over to Jesus [Applause] rude [Applause] oh thank you long [Applause] let me take just a few moments and then we are going to hopefully spend a few minutes at the altar in prayer there are many characters involved in today's message and actually the message itself covers quite an extensive amount of time chapters verses in this portion of God's Word it really starts with second samuel chapter 11 where david commits one of the two greatest sins of his life as i've said before when i preached from the subject of david's second greatest sin but you would not normally think of his second greatest sin as being a sin because it was only the numbering of the people but god considered it a sin because God did not want him to depend on numbers he wanted him to depend on him and any time we began to trust in our own might in our own numerical strength and our finance in our connections and the people that we know then when we gain the victory we give those people and our assets the credit for God many times diminishes our assets so that we will give nobody the credit but him and him alone but the one great sin of David's life as recorded in the 11th chapter of the book of second Samuel it starts off by talking about the fact that it is the time when Kings go to war but instead of David going out and leading his armies he stayed behind and sent Joab and from his palace window he saw this beautiful woman whom we came to know as Bathsheba bathing on the rooftop and because of that incident it led to a and adulterous affair between David and Bathsheba but in this case the sin itself was not nearly as bad as the cover-up when David recognized that Bathsheba was with child then he wanted to throw the responsibility upon her husband who was on the battlefield so David gives him a furlough and that's him come home hopeful there to spend some time with his wife but this man was such a dedicated soldier that rather than go home to spend the night with his wife he stayed there with the military persons there at the palace and when David saw that there was no way to pend the child on the father then he gives instruction that when you go back to the battlefield put him in the forefront of the hottest battle and then withdraw from him and this meant certain death but the one thing that is factual that it does not matter how we may successfully hide our deeds in the dark from man there is the all-seeing eye of God that sees everything we do when hears everything we say David thinking that he had successfully gotten away with the cover-up and having Uriah killed God sent the Prophet to pay him a visit and when Nathan the Prophet came Nathan came with a parable and I remember when we were teaching on the powerbal several years ago I remember that one of the definitions that we gave our parable is that a parable of a method for truth to enter a door disguised as a story he comes to David Nathan does and says to him that that was a man that is rich many flocks and herds but one of his friends came through at a late night hour and instead of him reaching among the many flocks and herds that he had that was another man who had nothing but one little ewe lamb that was so close to the man until he slept with the lamb in his bosom the lamb was like a member of the family but the rich man takes this man's poor little new lamb and kills it and dresses it and feeds it to the Wayfarer and then when you finish telling the story he asked of the King King what should be done to such a man and David thinking that he was pronouncing judgment upon somebody else and I got a pause for just a moment it's always easier to meet our judgement when you think that it's being meted out against somebody else david says such a man should be put to death and then Nathan with that prophetic finger said vowed ought the man and when David heard it he broke down and wept and repented of his sinful deed but even though he repented that was not the end you see sometimes a repentance isn't enough there are some things that people do and there must also be a penalty the prophet Nathan says to David that because you have done this deed first of all look at how God has blessed you he delivered unto you the home and the house of your master in other words your predecessor saw that was the king before you all of his concubines and everything that you ever wanted God said he gave it to you and if you had wanted anything else God said I would have done that also but you have slain this man you riah with the sword of the Hittites and because you have done this the sword God's gonna put a sword in your house and the sword will never depart from your house and from that time things begin to happen in the house of David first of all the child that Bathsheba had conceived that child died but here is something that is so difficult to understand about God while God can be an exact judge God can also turn around and show so much mercy until you don't even understand how he's able to do it God brought judgment against David and Bathsheba's adulterous affair by taking the life of that child but at the same time God turns around and now that Uriah is dead nothing hinder David from marrying Bathsheba and then she conceives another child and that child's name is Solomon why is this man that ever lived before Jesus himself and is even in the ancestral line of Jesus Christ how God can be a judge on one side and then show so much mercy on the other side I think that there are some of us in the building that can even admit that some of the things that God have allowed us to have to face the music saw the judgment seemed to have been rough on one side but that same God turned around on the Merseyside and if it had not been for the Lord who was on my side Wow maybe you don't ever ask that question but every once in a while I have to ask where would I be if it hadn't been the Lord on my side look at what happens the Prophet says the sword will never depart from your house the little infant child died and then the next thing you know David has a well the Bible talks about him being really beautiful and handsome son by the name of Absalom and Absalom had the Bible called a fair sister and I think that word fair referred to the fact that she was beautiful but that was a half brother another psalm of David by the name of m9 and Amnon fell in love with his half-sister tomorrow who is the whole sister of Absalom and he wants her at any cost and finally he ends up raping her and as soon as the act was concluded he hated her as much as he loved absolutely waited a while to see what David was gonna do and David wouldn't do anything so Absalom hatched out his own plot Absalom had one of his servants to kill his brother Amnon and after killing Amnon Absalom when in the Exile for about three years and when he came back he had a grudge against his father sometimes it's strange to figure out how people come up with these grudges and in the midst of the drudge that Absalon had against his father david epsilon was determined that only one thing would satisfy him he wanted his dad is thrown Jesus told us a story similar to that when he talked about a certain man had two sons and the younger said unto his father give me the goods that fold it to me in other words since she won't go head on and die I want my part 9 well it seems as though this is where epsilon was since David wouldn't die he decided I know what I'm gonna do he capitalized off of his so-called good looks hmm well I mean that that's really what the Bible says about it look at 2nd Samuel chapter 14 I just think you need to read that for a moment and second samuel chapter 14 and around verse 25 yo got your Bibles don't you verse 25 wasn't says but in all Israel that was none to be so much praised as Absalon for his beauty from the sole of his foot even to the crown of his head there was no blemish in him and when he pulled or cut his head is how far it was at every years in that he pulled it because the hell was heavy on him therefore he pulled it he weaved the hair of his head at 200 shekels after the king's weight cut his hair once a year and then they waited and the Bible here says that that was no man throughout all Israel that was as beautiful as Absalom I think I want to read that from the contemporary English Bible it says no one in all Israel was as handsome and well-built as absolute he got his hair cut once a year and when the Hat was weighed it came to about 5 pounds so what does he do with all of this apparent beauty that he has turned to page 2 chapter 15 and starting at the top the first six verses read the slit and it came to pass after this that epsilon prepared him chariots and horses and fifty men to run before him and Absalon rolls up early and stood beside the way of the gate and it was so that when any man that had a controversy came to the king for judgment now you know you got to look at this thing about beside the gate throughout the Bible especially the Old Testament when it talks about somebody sitting in the gate of the city it means that person was an officer hello it don't just mean they physically located inside the gate it meant that they were an officer they held some kind of position in the city so here Absalom picks out him a position hello and when anybody would come to the King for judgment Absalom calls unto him and said and he said thy servant is of one of the tribes of Israel and Absalon said unto him see that matters are good and right but there's no man deputed of the King to hear thee Appling said moreover all that I will may judge in the land that every man which has any suit of coals might come to me and I would do him justice in it something when somebody puts themselves between the people and the one in authority and say that the one in authority he doesn't have this together but if I was y'all have never met nobody like that and it was so that when any man came nigh to him to do him obeisance he put forth his hand and took him and kissed him and on this manner did absolute to all Israel that came to the king for judgment and look at this devastating last part of verse six so Absalon did what stole the hearts of the men of Israel his thing was that the only way that I can get my daddy out I've got to get into the heart of the men of Israel and he plotted and one day got his dad to say it's alright for you to go to Hebron and offer an offering value but he had already told his men now when I get there wait till you hear the sound of the trumpet and when you hear the sound of the trumpet no I'm not over there friend but let him know that Absalom is now reigning in Hebron and so it was that the sword in the house of David materialized to the extent that the infant child was dead materialized to the extent that one of his sons became a rapist great David's daughter and then on top of that he ends up getting killed then on top of that the son that was behind his killing is now trying to steal the throne but David loved the people to the extent that he said I'm not going to let warfare come into the city of Jerusalem I'm going to take those who are my faithful followers and I'm gonna flee to the hills and let Absalom come on in to the city of Jerusalem and take over and while David is fleeing from his own son he runs into this man that we read about named shimmy I and the thing about Sharia is that Chevy I is saying some stuff that he knows himself is not the truth if I really took the time to deal adequately with this message I'd show you where he knew it wasn't the truth shimmy I in chapter 16 and verse 15 he starts cursing David and throwing rocks and kicking dust and yelling at David get out of here you murderer this is the way it's expressed in the contemporary English you good-for-nothing the Lord is paying you back for killing so many in Saul's family now in the King James Version he's blaming David for taking the throne away from Saul but when you go back and read the story David didn't take the throne when God saw the disobedience that was inside God sent Samuel down to Saul's house and let him know that I am rejecting you and I'm rejecting you for disobedience hallelujah David wasn't nothing but a shepherd boy and the Lord anointed him to be king and it took years for the family of Saul to decrease in the family of David to increase and while schemey is telling David said now you took the throne away from from Saul and now God has cursed you and I'm cursing you and I'm throwing these stones at you yeah and then the same man as David kept on walking he kept throwing rocks kicking dust and cussing I want to tell you something that if you are on a mission that God has put you on you're gonna run into the devil but the one thing you've got to remember is the devil is like an old line the old line has a terrible rule but you've his teeth have already decayed it's the young line you got to watch Satan will throw rocks he'll cuss and he'll kick up dust but when he get through then not much he can do to you if you own a mission for the Lord let him cuss let him throw rocks let him kick up dust because that's about all that he can do he cannot stop your divine mission is anybody in here no you're on a divine mission and you know the enemy is trying to stop it hallelujah after the dust after the dust settle there's a whole different picture when the dust settles capsule on that plotted out how he was going to kill his dad at David and take over the kingdom when the battle gets started it talks about 20,000 men dying in one day some of them were killed by the sword but just as many of them were killed by getting into the wilderness it was such a thick wooded area until some of them just got him then in the woods and died and that's what happened to Absalom riding on his muse long half flowing in the wind and after wild up the mule went under a great old and his half his head got tangled up in the old but the mule kept on moving and when the mule moved out some on them that he is hanging up in the old kicking screaming trying to get some help and a young man saw it and went and told Joab and a Joey I've already knew that David said I don't want the young man killed but Joab took him a few young men shot him through with three darts and then looked at the young man and let them shoot some arrows through him and when they went back to tell David what had happened David is up there weeping and crying because it was his son and he loved him and he didn't want to see him die like that but he ended up dying as a result of his own [Applause] I told y'all I believe it was last Sunday in the early service that in the twelfth chapter of Genesis in verse three when the Lord promised Abraham a three-fold blessing of Sevenfold blessing one of those blessing number six afton blessing number five he said I'll bless them that bless you and I'll curse him that curseth and I told you I don't worry about for cussing me I don't worry about it I don't even try to fix my mouth because I let God do my persons from it and let me tell you can do by the curse like God I know we're saying if God say you bless you bless but if God say you're cursed you're cursed if God lifts up your but if God puts you down your down Absalon ended up dying because he was really trying to kill his father and the next thing I know I run in the shimmy I again and the same man that was kicking dust the same man who was throwing rocks when it was over when that was no more battle to fight when he recognized that Absalom whom he thought was going to put down his father David that in reality and ended up that Absalom had been put down himself that same shamea he didn't have no more rocks he didn't have no more dust he didn't have more my god didn't have no more dust the kid but then he's begging for his life K I'm sorry you got to understand that sometimes they'll throw dust at you sometimes they'll throw rocks at you but when the dust settle whatever God said that's what it's gonna be I don't know who I'm talkin to this afternoon but somebody's had some rocks thrown at them somebody have been cursed on their job somebody's been cursed in their neighborhood somebody has been cursed by who seem to been their best friend and when they got through throwing rocks and when they got through cooking kicking dust after while the rock is gonna settle on the ground after a while the curse words are gonna disappear in the air after a while the dust will go into oblivion and when the dust settles everything that God said concerning you is going to come to pass I wish you tell somebody don't worry about the dust blowing don't worry about the rocks being thrown when the dust settles you gonna be where God said you'd be when the best seller [Applause] [Applause] this passage popped in my spirit and I just got to read it and it may not even sound related but but I think I just got to read it to you anyway in Romans chapter 16 I'm starting at verse 17 now I beseech you brethren mark them which cause division and offences contrary to the doctrine which you have learned that avoid them for they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ but their own belly and by good words and fast speeches deceive the hearts of the simple for your obedience has come abroad unto all men I'm glad that for on your behalf but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good and simple concerning evil and the God of peace I'm in verse 20 and the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly I wish you tell somebody it won't be long what if he was when I was a little boy I was always fascinated when I saw whirl winds I'd look and see my dad and I might be riding down the highway going fishing and driving down through wherever cotton fields were and you get to a dry dusty place and you see that Dust Bowl spinning and I'm wondering what in the world is going on it's the same power that makes the dust spin that ever larger form brings about the tornado and in a larger form brings about the hurricane a low-pressure center where the wind is turning counterclockwise and the next thing the dust begins to spin I want you to know the same devil that's got the dust blowing in your life that same devil if you stop him you'll stop the dust and this is why Paul said it won't be too long that the one that's causing the dust you don't rule them under your feet and when your crush he won't be able to blow any mold dust in your direction tell somebody don't worry about the dust but put the devil down where he belong little under your seat and the bus will soon sell I feel settling now a fresh wind blowing that's some moisture in the air [Applause] if those settle the dust saddle saddle Satan's dust [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't I don't want everybody to come with somebody got a dust storm in your life [Music] [Applause] I got to tell you what the holy ghost said about three Sundays ago this stone is just about over I don't know what storm it is but I got from Heaven's weather bureau and I've heard him set this stone if just a bottle [Applause] [Music] [Applause] does anybody believe it the storm is passing over you know a hurricane I'll shall I reverse and say a tornado it's only called the tornado when it touches down as long as it stays out boy it's only a funnel cloud [Music] some of y'all worrying about funnel clouds it helped me even touchdown I gotta tell you something it will not touchdown [Applause] I hear somebody else ever preacher nuh nuh no you too late you touchdown it tore up my house it messed up my job well let me tell you even when it touches down it still got the lift [Applause] [Music] stay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] preachers I need y'all to help me woo hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise him for the lifting thank him for the lifting thank you for the lifting thank you for the lifting thank you for the lifting the storm is passing over thank you go back THC sprays and alone go back to you see sprays a below yeah thank you thank you thank you thank you it's time to thank him it's time to thank you it's time to thank you thank you thank you [Music] thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you I'm being to live it now [Music] thank you for my deliverance deliverance they're setting me free yeah [Music] who has heard the water today who is it today who is it today that you need to accept the Lord as your Savior and make a public declaration that I receive Jesus today who is it today who will come and make a public declaration that I accept the Lord is my Savior today come now if you want to become a member of this church come now he's here who's here he's here he's here the Lord is here you know anything is here the glory of God is in the room the glory of God is in the room the presence of the Lord is here the ability of God is here open your mouths ayan and just thank the Lord open your mouth and back the Lord open your mouth and faith alone thank God thank the Lord thank you lord thank the Lord you both back in a lot while I'm back in here me feel the strength of thank you thank you and the tech of the devil all weekend but I feel the straight coming I feel my boys coming back steel healer never wrong we make it all for these men that are covenant you said that you were gonna send them in told us you were to send to me and you bring them in [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the word sees the wallet sheets that they followed him a band of men whose hearts the Lord had touched God is calling me in her to step up to the plate in this church and God is calling me and for them to come forth and hold our arms upon our leader huh you just gonna stand up and raise his hand and we don't have his arms lifted up and the floor the God's gonna be moving in this house but it's got to come in through the Mina hi thank you thank you thank you we women stepping up to the plate huh just hold that do you mean come to your rightful place huh we just stepping up to the plate huh just gotta use anybody that's a women the men a band of mana who's hot the Lord had touched and we thank you for these men that have come this morning thank you you come to join the church thank you you come to join the church thank you you come to join the church pakya it's the mole meeting here wanna join don't be intimidated by your wife if you know the Lord's telling you to come over here come on you betcha if not it's party time here Jen I'm gonna cloud my god I thank you get some more men visiting here today God calling you in the nation Omaha I know what thank you Jesus thank you thank you thank you if she wanna come bring a Witcher but if she doesn't want to come leave in the sleep [Music] thank you thank you oh my God thank you Bishop you're gonna sit on a Mac and then you coming off pastors coming to give you the right hand of fellowship somebody else want to come come on thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you thank you thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you the storm is passing over Colony whoa the star [Music] cherish my soul and let me journey on though the night seemed dark it won't be there alone thanks be to God for the morning light is appearing
Channel: Jamar A. Boyd II
Views: 789,524
Rating: 4.6568341 out of 5
Keywords: GE Patterson, Louise Patterson, Temple of Deliverance, Gilbert Patterson, Bishop Patterson, Bishop GE Patterson, Bountiful Blessings, COGIC, Church of God in Christ
Id: cJfGeyRz6Sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 57sec (3837 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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