G.E. Patterson... That Name Above Every Name!!!

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oh why don't you just lift up those holding hands because the Lord is ever ready to reign in the midst of his people and whatever we need this morning God through the supply of the Spirit is here to meet every need why don't you just tell them rain on me law hallelujah rain on meal or father the Oh Bobby thank you bless your Holy Name just Baskin is glory for just a moment and Aviation hallelujah whoa bless your name Jesus bless your name bless your name bless your name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah in this place hallelujah No God that is up friends we've known before now the latter rain let it be upon you people today that those sick ones will come and go on another way that those who are bound who have come will go out another way and your name which is ever worthy shall be praised for the gloria steinem vine alone and we thank you come on and get tough go fans and god bless you you may be seated hallelujah or bless his name another one of those great songs on the album with Tennessee forth jurisdictional choir under the direction of system evangelist Barbara Jackson and being led by sister Tabitha Adams well what a joy it is to be in the house of the Lord on this another Lord's Day I want to speak to you briefly this morning before we shall approach the table of communion I do feel that I have a special message to deliver at 11:00 and I'm going to try to not expend all of my images this morning because I keep telling you I don't care how y'all denied that is a difference between 46 and 64 that is a difference look with me for just a moment to the book of Philippians and I most certainly am appreciative to all of you the Lord's people who have continued at this season to keep your posture lifted up in prayer a man appreciate that the enemy likes to take advantage when he thinks you're weak I don't remember who it was but somebody told me about three weeks ago that somebody called and said Bishop Anderson you're gonna learn very early this year that there's some people that's sitting right close to you that's really against you and you're gonna it's not gonna take you all yes don't happen early and prophecies are being fulfilled but in the midst of it all amen in the midst of it all a lot people don't understand that there is a difference we live in a day when everybody wants to wear the title bishop all it preaches basically now they want to be Bishop and they don't understand that there is a difference between being a preacher and being a bishop a bishop in any church system has to enforce laws and disciplines he is the standard bearer of the church and y'all brag about you know how pastors are presiding bishop but see you be rejoicing in the preaching you don't think about those times when the bishop has to hold the line and 11 o'clock I'm not gonna dwell on it but the Lord gave me a message to the night that the thing that I'm in the midst of now and fighting against is the thing that is the leading crime in this day identity theft yeah that's the leading crime today people stealing other folks identity hello the goal that Deacon demson he's a high up with his communication company Clear Channel they wouldn't a sit still if somebody who is within that ranks that have learned all the best systems within when they come up with Clear Channel new day FedEx wouldn't stand by somebody came up with FedEx new-and-improved and the Bible says first natural in the in spiritual and it's so easy for us to understand in the realm of the natural but when somebody tries to steal your identity in the realm of the spiritual or Bishop all the lead alone you can't leave some things alone and then when you have somebody who is supposed to be with you and they are with the folk who are trying to tad up and telling them I'm with you 200 percent if you whip them two hundred percent why keep coming sitting on my pulpit and I know y'all like that excuse old folks but although folks ain't see now they know what they don't want let me get your minds but a lot of times people like to sit around we're there a lot of folk and they know that folk just got money and if they call you son daughter that's to obligate you that if I want some money so are you sons and daughters no way your pity really should be anybody that is of a certain age all to know better then try to help somebody else tell what they are party now let me get my script awaiting that saves Oh y'all remember don't you Philippians chapter 2 let us read together beginning with verse 5 come on let's read it let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men and being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father alright we'll stop right there I just want to talk to you a few minutes this morning about the name that is above every name now we're living in a day when there is much confusion in religious circles and sad to say that there is confusion within the realm of Christianity I've said it so many times and I know it sounds a bit redundant but I never thought that the youngster growing up that I would live to see the day and of course today being February 1st the first day of black history our african-american history and I never thought of the youngster growing up that I would ever see the day when african-americans as we are now you know a little bit focus we were black and well a little bit before that we were Negro and a little bit before that we was colored I won't even go back but but growing up I never thought I would see the day when those of us who milord had taken our full powers off of the plantations and from the days of slavery and there was no body but Jesus our grandparents and great-grandparents they never heard of these religions from the east that are invading our shores at this time it was only the name of Jesus it was only praying to God in the name of Jesus and it was Jesus that brought us who were not a people and made out of us a great people and I never thought I would live to see the day when I would see black people embracing other so-called deities and even frowning upon and cursing the very name of Jesus Christ and yet when you think about it what we called gains have not really been we're able now to go into places we've never been able to go well young folk don't know what I'm talking about I heard one of the basketball players the other day and he was talking about you know the days of the colored drinking fountains and the riding on the back of the bus that's just what he heard about those of you who in my age craft or you know about it you know that right here in Memphis that you could go downtown and get ready to get a drink of water and it might say white only you couldn't drink that water you had to find a fountain that said color we could leave here in our car my system of the Hawkins there can remember that my dad and my mother and my brother the late Debbie Patterson jr. and my three sisters and myself all seven of us would get in the car riding to see cousin Hewitt Tara's sister and that family in Cleveland and Alice was living up there and driving seven and eight hundred miles but you would pull into a service station and I have to ask before telling them to fill it up do you have a restroom for coloreds because they would fill up your car and take your money and you still couldn't use a restroom there's not many of y'all that remember that I know but I've lived through that I know what that's all about as far as lunch no such thing as pulling into some restaurant now the best thing you do you pull into grocery store and get a pound of Bologna and some cheese and a box of crackers and find a tree some way on the side of the road oh I know we'd give credit to this one to that one but the only one that brought us out was Jesus Christ nobody but him and when you try to sell me a newspaper I don't care if it's the first call out the last call when you try to tell me what Muhammad has to send you try to tell me what Buddha has to say what Confucius has to send now many of the entertainers they have embraced the religion of what is that Scientology and we've gone all kind of directions and yet the more we embrace these other religions the more the crime rate goes up in our community the more we turn our back on the Christian Church the more you've got problems in the home that you cannot solve the more that it looks like this generation is just going somebody said to hell in a handbasket and we wonder what is the answer I want to tell you that the answer is simply in returning to a name that name if the name that the angel Gabriel gave to Joseph when he said now don't don't become afraid because you're a spouse wife myriad he is with child she haven't had anything to do with any other man but this thing is of the Holy Ghost and she shall bring forth a son and thou are in other words and you Jacob rather Joseph you're going to call his name Yahshua Joshua through the Greek transliteration Jesus and you're gonna name him that because the name Jesus means Savior Redeemer deliverer and call him by that name because he shall save his people not from wrong oh yeah they're looking for somebody that's going to deliver Israel from Rome but Israel doesn't need deliverance from Rome neither do we need deliverance from some other race he shall save his people from bad sin and don't fool yourself the worst enemy you got to deal with is the one that you look in the mirror and see every morning it is the thoughts that go through your mind it is your inability to resist the devil and unless you got some help you can't do it by yourself but I want you to know that that he'll salvation there is deliverance there is victory everything that you reposes in Jesus Christ now I'm halfway finished now but when he came upon the scene his disciples really did not understand the purpose of his coming these men that gathered around Jesus they were religious zealots they were Jewish men looking for deliverance from rule and they heard the words from his mouth and they saw the power that was in his hands to perform miracles to open eyes of the blind unstop deaf ears to cleanse lepers to even raise the dead and they began to follow Jesus not for their soul salvation but they thought one day he was going to create insurrection during one of the Jewish feasts in Jerusalem and declare himself to be king you understand that because James and John their mother the wife of Zebedee one day she came to Jesus and said now master I know you're gonna set up your kingdom and when you do it you know I got some from they're capable boys it doesn't really matter to me which one is on the right and which one is on the left but make sure that one of them is on the right and make sure the other is on the left and Jesus asked us and now first of all you want them to have the seat of Honor but can they drink of the cup you see most people miss the scripture that says if you suffer with him your reign with him you know that we live in a day when everybody wanna rain and there's some ministries that make you think you can bypass suffering but I'm gonna tell you doesn't matter who you are you cannot bypass suffering God does not give you a free ticket and you who think you got a free ticket I Got News for you you're gonna have to do some suffering Jesus Christ was God incarnate in human flesh but the Bible said he was in all points tempted just like you and me he had the misfortune of being betrayed by one of his own Judas went out and sold him and then after selling them came back and kissed him oh you're gonna have the suffering of betrayal you're gonna have the suffering of misunderstanding you don't even have the suffering sometimes of having physical affliction in your body oh I know there are those who said that if your life is lined up with the scriptures that you can't you know you don't get sick and this doesn't happen but but I love the words of that song that Andre Crouch pinned many years ago that says and now I thank God for the mountains I thank him for the balance and I take him for the Strongs he's brought me through because if I never have a problem I wouldn't know that God could solve them and I wouldn't know what faith and God can do but through it all hallelujah through good days and bad days through sick days and well days through days when I'm surrounded by friends and days when I'm beset by enemies I've learned to trust in Jesus I've learned to depend upon his word oh sit down for a moment I'm almost finished Jesus had to endure suffering and then he says that you and me into Hartness as what as a good soldier look at somebody and tell them that this is a battlefield it is not a nursing home hallelujah anybody that think of the churches being a nursing home you've miscalculated maybe this is a battlefield that's why you got to fight the good fight of faith and lay hold on eternal life but I want you to know it doesn't matter what you're going through if Jesus is on your side you're not going through it by yourself you may be going through sickness but you're not going through it by yourself let me close this Paul says he humble himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross and it was because of how he went through his suffering see the thing you got to understand is that when Jesus the eternal Word of God when he left heaven he left all of his deity in heaven he came down here totally stripped it's just like that the mythological story of Superman they all never see it I'm talking about Superman the movie well the exploding planet Krypton was exploding but the father of the one who would come to earth and later be known as Superman prepared some kind of a vessel for his son to escape the planet that was being destroyed but it put some recordings in the form of light tubes and when the baby grew up he went to a certain place and saw the image of his father and his father began to tell him who he was and where it came from and you got to understand that's mythical but in reality on the other side Jesus came all the way from heaven down and he really didn't know who he was as a little baby lying in a manger he was not ready to redeem you and me but about the time he got 12 years old he was curious about who he really was so much so that when they went to the temple and when the feast days had expired and everybody else was packed up and on their way home Jesus stayed behind listening to the doctors of the law hearing them and asking questions and as he stayed in the word he was brought back to the memory of who he loves you don't hear what I'm saying and by the time he got 30 he was baptized by John in the river of Georgia and one passage say he was led up the spirit the other passage said the spirit drive at him so in other words the spirit totally enveloped him it was in front of him leading him it was beneath him carrying him it was behind him driving him and he got into the wilderness and was tempted of the devil for 40 days and nights but the Bible said after that he returned in the power of the spirit into Galilee and that's when the miracle started and I want you to know that when he left heaven he left everything there and had he not been obedient to the Father he just would have been one that had gone astray but while he was here he remained faithful even to the death of the cross and Paul said God highly exalted him and gave him a name that is above every name but I wish in your situation I feel your spirit icy lash out coming on hallelujah for he is Lord he is Lord he is risen from the day well can you bring it out for Oh Oh hallelujah Oh bless the name of Jesus God bless the name of alone is risen ha the day is long rittany gee and now God our Heavenly Father the creator and the maker of this universe the author of every good and every perfect gift we want to thank you that you soul of this world that you gave you only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life I want to thank you Lord Jesus that you loved the soul that you said greater love hath no man than this that a man would lay down his life for his friend and how that you came into this dying and sin cursed world and willingly gave your life as an offering for the sins of all mankind and now Lord as we approach this table the unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine which celebrates your body being broken for us and your blood being shed forgive us of our sins if I wounded in his soul today if I have caused one foot to go stray if I walked in my non-willful way there Lord forgive forgive the sins we now confess to thee forgive the secret sins that we cannot see hallelujah Oh God such the hearts of every one of your people today see if that be any wicked way in us hey even as the psalmist said such me and know me O God if there's anything in us that we've missed then you take it out because we want to be what you would have us to be sanctify the unleavened bread that it will serve as an apt emblem of your body which was broken the fruit of the vine that it will serve as your precious blood that was shed and we give you glory and honor through Christ our Lord amen anyway Oh God Jesus hi bless your name I bow at your feet singing Hallelujah Maiki the highest highest praise you are a holy man worthy Jew resi powered riches we the man straight away and bleh in the night when I Lord was betrayed he took bread and he did break it gave it to his disciples and said take and eat this is my body which is broken for you hallelujah worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb wormies the land in the land and he took the cup and he gave thanks he gave it to his disciples and said to them divide this among yourselves drink ye all of it but this is the New Testament in my blood so as often as we eat of this bread and drink of this cup we do show the Lord's death until he comes I do on the main level everybody is standing and turning to your right you will come out of the road at the direction of the issues beginning at the front after you shall have received the bread and the wine you'll discard the cup with the mission area proceed back to your seat those of you who in the rises you'll only stand when those deacons who have preparations for you I in your section and remember this tie experiences a healing experience surely he has borne our grief and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and it is with His stripes that we are healed so as you eat of the bread and as you drink of the cup receive not only the forgiveness of sin but receive healing for your body oh yes oh yes we dare not close this service without giving someone the opportunity to give your life to Jesus Christ if you entered this building and you do not know Jesus in a personal way as Lord and Savior there's no better time than right now for you to get up from wherever you're seated then make your way down the front and then if you're saved and you know in your spirit that this is where God would have you to cast your lot in order that you might be a member here at temple of deliverance Church of God in Christ all you need to do is get up from wherever you are and come the door the church is open if you want to be saved come if you're already saved and you want membership here at temple of deliverance get up and come oh yes to the high bless you my sister is their number one that gives me straight it's not too late we want to give your life to Jesus if you want to make this your church home blood will never lose its power please doc it's time now for the Ministry of giving Deacons and ushers coming to make available the envelopes for those who would like to have them I know this is February 1st and most of you sitting here will say well pastor I don't even have a February check yet well if you're getting it tomorrow going and just date your tithe check for tomorrow that's all right a man it's a banks not open the day it won't get on the record till tomorrow no way but not on write one of them long range faith chicks that you know will be bouncing to the first the next month now
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 165,136
Rating: 4.7012591 out of 5
Id: 6lVQ_NUEnNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 50sec (3890 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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