Best Prayers To Fall Asleep | Peaceful Bible Sleep Talk Down To Invite God's Presence

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[Music] dear lord jesus you deserve all the glory and the honor and you deserve all of the praise i invite you into my heart and into my home may your presence be found in this place may the presence of the holy spirit be strong in my home i ask that you watch over me as i sleep i ask that you keep me safe jesus defend me from every attack of the enemy protect me from all trouble and all unrest that can be found at night and just as paul and silas worshiped you in their darkest hour i too i too will sing praises to your holy name i will lift the name of jesus on high higher than all of my cares higher than all of my problems higher than every principality and power of darkness as the book of psalms psalm 57 states i pray that you be merciful to me o god for my soul trusts in you and in the shadow of your wings i will make my refuge until these calamities have passed by i will cry out to god most high to god who performs all things for me he shall sin from heaven and save me [Music] i will go to sleep in peace knowing that you have said in your word that i should not be afraid for i have you with me i should not be discouraged because you jehovah are my god it's you the creator of all the ages that will strengthen me it's you the only one with resurrection power that will help me i speak with the authority that is in the name of jesus that i will not encounter bad dreams or nightmares i will not encounter spiritual attacks while i sleep in the name of jesus instead lord i pray that you give me a sound mind peaceful and relaxing rest i come before you lord with a heart that is after your own and a mind that is focused on you keep me in your arms tonight lord jesus amen the bible describes jesus as the prince of peace in isaiah 9 verse 6. the bible says for to us a child is born to us his son is given and the government will be on his shoulders and he will be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace we all need that peace that jesus christ gives i've gotten to the point where my number one prayer point is lord may your peace be upon me let your peace fill my mind and my thoughts let your peace dwell in my heart and i am desperately pursuing the presence of god the peace of god so that in the midst of chaos or turmoil i can say it is well the peace that christ offers means that even if you're caught in between fear and uncertainty you are still able to say it is well with my soul the peace of god means that you and i are strengthened and calmed from within it means that our hearts are not weighed down neither are they troubled it's this peace that will keep our hearts and minds secure from everything that seeks to disrupt our faith and belief when the world is worried anxious and perplexed as children of god we have a peace that is beyond human understanding it's that kind of peace that no one can steal away from me saints we serve a god of no limits i can look back at the word of god and see that he has power authority strength over everything and everyone if it's nature he parted the red sea he created the heavens and earth he spoke to a storm and it had no choice but to obey if it's animals they listen he commanded a den full of hungry lions not to touch daniel and they listened in jonah 1 verse 17 the lord commanded a huge fish to swallow jonah and to keep him in its belly for three days and three nights but not harm him and it listened if it's human opposition then we know that pharaoh couldn't stand against him goliath couldn't stand against the power of god and the prophets of baal were no match for the lord and if we talk about the devil well we know that he's been defeated and will always be defeated because god is almighty and this is the good news that i want to share with you we can call to a god who has no limits is there a limit to his strength is there a limit to his wisdom and knowledge is there a limit to his patience his love his mercy lord jesus i come to you because when i am weak you are strong when i am weary and tired you offer me rest and you can renew my strength [Music] mighty god of the universe it is indeed a privilege to approach your throne knowing that you love and care for me in my time of weakness i will always rely on your strength lord if i feel weighed down with the cares of life or crushed and battered by my troubles you are ever faithful and all powerful to equip me to handle life's difficulties when they threaten to overwhelm me i pray that your presence surrounds me may your divine peace be found in my heart and in my mind i lay my burdens at your feet and i ask for peaceful rest in the knowledge that you are a god who will always fight for me holy spirit help me not to let the worries and stress of this world pull me down help me not to hold on to any wounds or feelings of hurt from today or from the past help me quiet my mind and turn off all unsettling thoughts [Music] i pray that when i feel anxious replace anxiety with a godly peace when i am low when i am disappointed may you lift my burdens and give me strength when i'm in need of anything may you be my provider you're the rock of all ages my stronghold and my fortress you're my source of joy and strength when i am discouraged or tired and weary i know that i can always find comfort in you in jesus name i pray amen my reality of you my reality of your love and protection is more real than what my natural eyes can see i place all of my trust and all of my confidence in you my lord my god the lord is good he is a stronghold in the day of trouble and throughout the bible he is described as faithful he is described as the alpha and omega he is the beginning and the end he is patient caring and loving and so i believe that we need to prioritize him we need to commit to spending time with the lord each and every day and we should be seeking him with a hunger because we need him to lead and guide us we need his grace to get us through the day we need his protection to keep us safe as we go about our business we need him to keep us safe throughout the night we also need the holy spirit to be there constantly so that he might counsel us we need the holy spirit to be there so that he might empower us so that he might minister to us and pull us towards god i believe we need to pray at the beginning of our day and at the end of our day so that the lord's presence is constantly with us you see god's presence is wonderful when his presence surrounds you you're surrounded by pure love when his presence surrounds you you're covered in safety and there is nothing from the enemy that can touch you in his presence there is power so much power that you can do all things through christ who strengthens you so much power that there is nothing impossible it's only in the arms of the lord that you can find divine strength it's only in god that you will find strength in your weakness it's only in him that you can do all things because he strengthens you and so now let us pray my king and lord jesus christ thank you for your goodness for your pure love towards me guard me against the devil lord be my shield and my defense i declare your word in joshua 1 verse 9 which says be strong and courageous do not be frightened and do not be dismayed for the lord your god is with you wherever you go i declare your word to be true in my life today i will be strong because of you jesus i am courageous because of you jesus i am not frightened or dismayed by the enemy because of you my lord jesus be my comfort and my peace i bless your name for being faithful my risen king my chief cornerstone philippians 4 verse 13 says that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i speak this promise to be true in my life king jesus whether i am at work i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i have the skill to do things efficiently and well through christ who strengthens me whether it's related to school or my studies i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i ask that you be with me wherever i go i ask that you be with me in my home at my place of work may your hand be upon me in whatever i do may your hand be upon my loved ones may you guide my steps and lead me to walk in safety may you be a lamp into my feet and show me where to go lord i have the strength to face each new day because of the power that's in the blood of jesus i praise you for your goodness i praise you for your love which knows no bounds ask that your presence may be upon us i pray for even those who are around me and those who will be around me may your presence and your favor be so strong upon me that they will feel it father i declare that i am blessed in the morning i am blessed at noonday i am blessed in the evening i pray that today the favor of god goes before me the blood of jesus christ is what covers me holy spirit may you speak to me it's in you jesus that i seek strength the strength to get up and face each day with joy gladness and boldness it's in you jesus that i place my hope my hope in the one who never disappoints my heavenly father i praise you for you alone are worthy to be praised i praise you because your word in isaiah 40 verse 29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength father increase my strength let me not faint but give me the strength father the strength to face each day with confidence the type of confidence that fears nothing because you lord jesus are greater than anything on this earth father when i feel as though i am lacking or when i feel as though i don't have enough may i be reminded that your word says in psalm 34 verse 10 the lions may grow weak and hungry but those who seek the lord lack no good thing i lack nothing because you are a good shepherd your rod and staff they keep me close and they guide me your word says god is not human that he should lie not a human being that he should change his mind does he speak and then not act does he promise and not fulfill it's you lord jesus that lead me through the valley of the shadow of death you lead me through it and still offer me peace you lead me through the valley and even when i am weak and tired even when i am afraid you still make it known that you are there you're a friend that sticks closer than a brother you are with me as a defender and a strong tower i bless your name and thank you for your love and kindness protect me today and always i pray that you cover me lord jesus i thank you for hearing my prayer i bless your name for being a loving god a god who looks upon me favorably blessed be your holy name lord in jesus name i pray amen before you look anywhere else before you look to anyone else call on the name that is above every other name the name of jesus christ call on the lion of judah the prince of peace call on god almighty the one who is who was and who is to be call on the one who commands millions of angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation god wants you to call on him jeremiah 33 verse 3 says call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know and psalm 50 verse 15 the bible says call on me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you will honor me and so i want to encourage you when you look at god's word when you look at his promises he says trust me in your times of trouble and i will rescue you he says abide in me and i will restore you he says come to me all who are weary and heavy-ladened and i will give you rest so let your hope be found in god he has the perfect solution each and every time so call on him whether it's day or night and so with this understanding let us pray our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high and above all other names thank you for you are amazing lord thank you for your endless love i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched you are a god who provides us with all that we need with more than we need whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you lord jesus i pray for every person under the sound of my voice for the one who seeks healing today may they find healing in your arms for the person who is feeling empty may they find wholeness in your presence for the one who feels lost father i pray that they might find your word to be a lamp to their feet and for those who have suffered heartbreak or loss i pray that your love and your compassion may fill them may your love overwhelm and overtake them lord be praised king jesus we call upon the holy spirit and we invite him into our lives into our hearts and into our homes may he give us the strength required for each day may the holy spirit lead us into a future that is rooted in christ a future that is in your arms help us holy spirit so that we can let go and move on from a past of sin and hurt lead us to christ fix our eyes on the sacrifice he made at the cross on calvary turn our hearts to desire the things of god i pray that you would renew repair and revive our hearts repair and revive our minds and our souls give us peace where there is unrest give us closure where we need give us strength in those areas where we're weak fill the voids that may unsettle our hearts remove any and every scar from a painful situation that we have experienced may we learn the lessons you wished for us to learn and may we move on to become better believers in your kingdom and even as i pray in this moment lord i declare your word which tells me that greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world that means you king jesus have placed within me the strength to overcome adversity the strength to overcome the devil and for that i rejoice and i thank you lord [Music] the power to walk in victory the power to defeat sin it all comes from you so i bow down today i humble myself and surrender all that i am to you i trust and believe that you will liberate me you will redeem me and you will make me whole again i thank you for such love and such mercy you've picked me up each time that i have fallen you give me grace upon grace even though you know what all of my limitations and inabilities are you know where i fall short and you know all of my weaknesses so i pray that through the power of the holy spirit you would give me the strength i need grant me the grace i need to fulfill your will for my life and all that you would have me do i decree and declare that it is well with my soul it is well within me i confess that all is well in my life and in my home may the holy spirit grant me boldness and courage may he help me to be strong and firm in faith i pray that i will not be found to be fearful in any area of my life i pray that i will not be a believer who is oppressed by worry by anxiety or stress in jesus name father i claim your word and i say surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life i have victory in the name of jesus victory over any evil victory over every goliath i declare that i have victory over the obstacles set by the enemy through the power that's in the blood of the lamb power that allows me to overcome daily to be blessed daily to wake up in your grace and mercies each day thank you for hearing my prayer king jesus amen the bible describes jesus as the prince of peace in isaiah 9 verse 6. [Music] the bible says for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government will be upon his shoulder and his name will be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace we all need the prince of peace in our lives and the fact is that jesus christ is the only way that we can experience real and tangible peace i want to encourage you to get to the point where your prayer is lord may your peace be upon me may your peace fill my heart and mine i love the verse in jude chapter 1 verse 2 it simply says mercy peace and love be multiplied to you what a wonderful and blessed combination so i say to you right now as you are listening may god's mercy be multiplied to you may god's love be multiplied to you and most definitely may the peace of god be multiplied in your life when you pursue the presence of god his peace love and mercy are part of the package when you have been blessed with peace that is beyond all understanding you can stand in the midst of chaos and still say it is well you can stand in the fiery furnace just like the three hebrew boys and still be able to say it is well saints of god with god's peace you can go through a year that has been filled with fear and uncertainty and still say it is well it is well with my soul so now let us pray [Music] lord jesus be glorified and honored may your will be done lord the bible describes you as wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace you are all these things to me king jesus i can say that it is well with me because luke 12 verse 24 says consider the ravens for they neither sow nor reap which have neither storehouse nor barn and god feeds them of how much more value are you than the birds your word says in john 16 verse 33 these things i have spoken to you that in me you may have peace in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world your peace means that i am strengthened and calmed from within your peace lord is the reason i am of good cheer i am filled with joy because the one who i believe in has conquered death hell and the grave may all glory be unto you jesus i praise you as my lord and savior because with your peace in life my heart is not troubled it's your peace that will keep my heart and mind secure from everything that seeks to disrupt my faith and my belief lord i pray for each and every person listening to this prayer when the world is worried when others are anxious and perplexed we as your children we as believers will have our peace multiplied we will have divine tranquility and a stress-free mind despite being in a world filled with uncertainty we desire your peace lord it's that kind of peace that no one can steal away from us give your peace at all times and in every way lord i pray that you would shine your holy presence in my life shine your light upon me within this world of darkness i pray that i may be sensitive to the voice and counsel of the holy spirit i pray that i may be sensitive to the voice and counsel of the holy spirit even as he speaks to me in a still small voice and reminds me that your word tells me not to worry your word tells me not to be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to god and the peace of god which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus and father there are times that we fight with conflicting voices of doubt voices of fear and discord i pray that the holy spirit will strengthen me to cast down all other evil voices and even when the negative voices of other people are loud in our lives i pray that in those times may you filter our minds and ears so that our spirit may not receive anything that is not from you i pray that your voice the voice that is in your word will rise above everyone and everything else your word says my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me so father i pray that your voice will be the only thing that gets my attention may your voice lord jesus be the only voice that has the final say in my life and over my life may your voice be something that i hear always may your voice speak the words peace be still in the midst of my situation today walk with me lord stand by me jesus we bless your name for your word says no longer do i call you servants for the servant does not know what his master is doing but i have called you friends for all that i have heard from my father i have made known to you i thank you that we can know you lord both as a friend and a father a friend who sticks closer than a brother i choose to listen out for your voice today lord may your will be done i pray that the holy spirit will help me to recognize the voice of the lord help me to hear you help me to be sensitive to your loving voice your voice of guidance and instruction your voice that will lead me through the valley of the shadow of death but still give me peace i bless your holy name for hearing this prayer you are the alpha and omega the beginning and the end an almighty and all-powerful god be with me today may your peace follow me wherever i go may your peace be multiplied in my life in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ i pray amen grace grace to me is being gifted with something that you cannot earn or pay for grace is god giving us what we do not deserve and i wonder how many of us really understand the magnitude and wonder of god's grace his amazing grace the grace of the lord is something we should never take for granted and so beloved personally i think of his grace over my life his goodness and mercy all of which are totally undeserved but he still freely gives all i can say is thank you lord jesus christ it's by his grace that i am here today it's by the grace of jesus christ that i am in good health i haven't done anything to deserve it i've done nothing to be worthy of such favor but in his mercy in his love and by his grace i have strength in my body i have breath in my lungs it's by god's grace that i am filled with joy and hope it's by god's grace that i have peace in my heart i am grateful to the lord because if it had not been for his grace and mercy things could so easily have been tragic for me things could have so easily gone horribly wrong but in his goodness he made my crooked places straight he made a way for me when my back was against the wall i am amazed by the grace of god as i look back over my life as i look at some of the bad decisions i made some of the mistakes i made god held me and he kept me it's by his grace that nothing destroyed me it can only be his goodness that kept me from losing my mind so allow me at this moment to just praise him equally as you listen can you honestly look back at your life and not praise him look at where he brought you from look at how many times he saved you look at all the times he forgave you we need to thank him and appreciate his goodness we all have a story we all have a past yet we all have been given amazing grace i believe that his grace should also be the reason we have boldness to proclaim the gospel to the world the bible says in 2 timothy 1 verse 8 to 9 therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our lord nor of me his prisoner but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of god who saved us and called us to a holy calling not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace which he gave us in christ jesus before the ages began let us pray my dearest savior and lord the king of kings the lord of lords jesus christ i thank you for your grace your amazing grace that has been so good to me your grace and love is what has kept me your grace toward me is unmerited i do not deserve it but yes you gave it to me you gave it to me in abundance and i thank you lord there is nothing that i could possibly do or offer to earn your love and favor but father you have been so kind to me you have been ever so faithful nonetheless your word says my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness thank you lord jesus because of your grace i lack for nothing because even when i am weak i am strong in you lord i stand on your word and hebrews 4 verse 16 a verse that says let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need may your grace and mercy continue to surround me and lead me it's by your grace lord that i am blessed when i come in and blessed when i go out so i ask that you may stand with me and stand by my side [Music] lead me to walk with discernment and diligence in this world lead me to walk by faith and not by sight holy spirit please encircle me comfort me and hold me safe and secure in your arms help me to be bold if you are on my side then i can declare that i will not be crushed by fear and anxiety if you are with me then i can declare peace in my heart and mind i look to you as the rock of my life my fortress my strong tower and my strength when i am weak you are a sovereign god who has charge over my life and you are a god who is faithful to deliver those who trust you your word says a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you i believe this i believe that nothing no evil no darkness shall come near me because of you because of your amazing grace so i look to you a mighty god who moves mountains a god who breaks down every barrier a god who can crush the devil and remove every obstacle in my life i have the confidence that if i remain in your presence you will help me to let go of all my worries and stress help me to let go of everything i cannot control i may be limited but you are not you are a god who is in control i believe in your word which says and my god will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in christ jesus i stand on your word that says surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever thank you for the promises in your word promises that fill me with hope and remind me of your love the more i read your word the more my faith grows the more confidence i have the more strength i have to press forward isaiah 40 verse 31 says those who wait on the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint i pray that you renew my strength lord renew my faith and believe so that i might face today in the authority of your word you are all-powerful lord jesus and you are a god who will never leave us nor forsake us you are holy and worthy to be praised thank you for listening to my prayer in jesus name i pray amen dear lord jesus you deserve all the glory and the honor and you deserve all of the praise i invite you into my heart and into my home may your presence be found in this place may the presence of the holy spirit be strong in my home i ask that you watch over me as i sleep i ask that you keep me safe jesus defend me from every attack of the enemy protect me from all trouble and all unrest that can be found at night and just as paul and silas worshiped you in their darkest hour i too i too will sing praises to your holy name i will lift the name of jesus on high higher than all of my cares higher than all of my problems higher than every principality and power of darkness as the book of psalms psalm 57 states i pray that you be merciful to me o god for my soul trusts in you and in the shadow of your wings i will make my refuge until these calamities have passed by i will cry out to god most high to god who performs all things for me he shall send from heaven and save me i will go to sleep in peace knowing that you have said in your word that i should not be afraid for i have you with me i should not be discouraged because you jehovah are my god it's you the creator of all the ages that will strengthen me it's you the only one with resurrection power that will help me i speak with the authority that is in the name of jesus that i will not encounter bad dreams or nightmares i will not encounter spiritual attacks while i sleep in the name of jesus instead lord i pray that you give me a sound mind peaceful and relaxing rest i come before you lord with a heart that is after your own and a mind that is focused on you keep me in your arms tonight lord jesus amen the bible describes jesus as the prince of peace in isaiah 9 verse 6. the bible says for to us a child is born to us his son is given and the government will be on his shoulders and he will be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace we all need that peace that jesus christ gives [Music] i've gotten to the point where my number one prayer point is lord may your peace be upon me let your peace fill my mind and my thoughts let your peace dwell in my heart and i am desperately pursuing the presence of god the peace of god so that in the midst of chaos or turmoil i can say it is well the peace that christ offers means that even if you're caught in between fear and uncertainty you are still able to say it is well with my soul the peace of god means that you and i are strengthened and calmed from within it means that our hearts are not weighed down neither are they troubled it's this peace that will keep our hearts and minds secure from everything that seeks to disrupt our faith and belief when the world is worried anxious and perplexed as children of god we have a peace that is beyond human understanding it's that kind of peace that no one can steal away from me saints we serve a god of no limits i can look back at the word of god and see that he has power authority strength over everything and everyone if it's nature he parted the red sea he created the heavens and earth he spoke to a storm and it had no choice but to obey if it's animals they listened he commanded a den full of hungry lions not to touch daniel and they listened in jonah 1 verse 17 the lord commanded a huge fish to swallow jonah and to keep him in its belly for three days and three nights but not harm him and it listened if it's human opposition then we know that pharaoh couldn't stand against him goliath couldn't stand against the power of god and the prophets of baal were no match for the lord and if we talk about the devil well we know that he's been defeated and will always be defeated because god is almighty and this is the good news that i want to share with you we can call to a god who has no limits is there a limit to his strength is there a limit to his wisdom and knowledge is there a limit to his patience his love his mercy lord jesus i come to you because when i am weak you are strong when i am weary and tired you offer me rest and you can renew my strength mighty god of the universe it is indeed a privilege to approach your throne knowing that you love and care for me in my time of weakness i will always rely on your strength lord if i feel weighed down with the cares of life or crushed and battered by my troubles you are ever faithful and all powerful to equip me to handle life's difficulties when they threaten to overwhelm me i pray that your presence surrounds me may your divine peace be found in my heart and in my mind i lay my burdens at your feet and i ask for peaceful rest in the knowledge that you are a god who will always fight for me holy spirit help me not to let the worries and stress of this world pull me down help me not to hold on to any wounds or feelings of hurt from today or from the past help me quiet my mind and turn off all unsettling thoughts i pray that when i feel anxious replace anxiety with a godly peace when i am low when i am disappointed may you lift my burdens and give me strength when i am in need of anything may you be my provider you're the rock of all ages my stronghold and my fortress you're my source of joy and strength when i am discouraged or tired and weary i know that i can always find comfort in you in jesus name i pray amen my reality of you my reality of your love and protection is more real than what my natural eyes can see i place all of my trust and all of my confidence in you my lord my god the lord is good he is a stronghold in the day of trouble and throughout the bible he is described as faithful he is described as the alpha and omega is the beginning and the end he is patient caring and loving and so i believe that we need to prioritize him we need to commit to spending time with the lord each and every day and we should be seeking him with a hunger because we need him to lead and guide us we need his grace to get us through the day we need his protection to keep us safe as we go about our business we need him to keep us safe throughout the night we also need the holy spirit to be there constantly so that he might counsel us we need the holy spirit to be there so that he might empower us so that he might minister to us and pull us towards god i believe we need to pray at the beginning of our day and at the end of our day so that the lord's presence is constantly with us you see god's presence is wonderful when his presence surrounds you you're surrounded by pure love when his presence surrounds you you're covered in safety and there is nothing from the enemy that can touch you in his presence there is power so much power that you can do all things through christ who strengthens you so much power that there is nothing impossible it's only in the arms of the lord that you can find divine strength it's only in god that you will find strength in your weakness it's only in him that you can do all things because he strengthens you and so now let us pray my king and lord jesus christ thank you for your goodness for your pure love towards me guard me against the devil lord be my shield and my defense i declare your word in joshua 1 verse 9 which says be strong and courageous do not be frightened and do not be dismayed for the lord your god is with you wherever you go i declare your word to be true in my life today i will be strong because of you jesus i am courageous because of you jesus i am not frightened or dismayed by the enemy because of you my lord jesus be my comfort and my peace i bless your name for being faithful my risen king my chief cornerstone philippians 4 verse 13 says that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i speak this promise to be true in my life king jesus whether i am at work i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i have the skill to do things efficiently and well through christ who strengthens me whether it's related to school or my studies i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i ask that you be with me wherever i go i ask that you be with me in my home at my place of work may your hand be upon me in whatever i do may your hand be upon my loved ones may you guide my steps and lead me to walk in safety may you be a lamp into my feet and show me where to go lord i have the strength to face each new day because of the power that's in the blood of jesus i praise you for your goodness i praise you for your love which knows no bounds i ask that your presence may be upon us i pray for even those who are around me and those who will be around me may your presence and your favor be so strong upon me that they will feel it father i declare that i am blessed in the morning i am blessed at noonday i am blessed in the evening i pray that today the favor of god goes before me the blood of jesus christ is what covers me holy spirit may you speak to me it's in you jesus that i seek strength the strength to get up and face each day with joy gladness and boldness it's in you jesus that i place my hope my hope in the one who never disappoints my heavenly father i praise you for you alone are worthy to be praised i praise you because your word in isaiah 40 verse 29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no mind he increases strength father increase my strength let me not faint but give me the strength father strength to face each day with confidence the type of confidence that fears nothing because you lord jesus are greater than anything on this earth father when i feel as though i am lacking or when i feel as though i don't have enough may i be reminded that your word says in psalm 34 10 the lions may grow weak and hungry but those who seek the lord lack no good thing i lack nothing because you are a good shepherd your rod and staff they keep me close and they guide me your word says god is not human that he should lie not a human being that he should change his mind does he speak and then not act does he promise and not fulfill it's you lord jesus that lead me through the valley of the shadow of death you lead me through it and still offer me peace you lead me through the valley and even when i am weak and tired even when i am afraid you still make it known that you are there [Music] you're a friend that sticks closer than a brother you are with me as a defender and a strong tower i bless your name and thank you for your love and kindness protect me today and always i pray that you cover me lord jesus i thank you for hearing my prayer i bless your name for being a loving god a god who looks upon me favorably blessed be your holy name lord in jesus name i pray amen [Music] before you look anywhere else before you look to anyone else call on the name that is above every other name the name of jesus christ call on the lion of judah the prince of peace call on god almighty the one who is who was and who is to be call on the one who commands millions of angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation god wants you to call on him jeremiah 33 verse 3 says call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know in psalm 50 verse 15 the bible says call on me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you will honor me and so i want to encourage you when you look at god's word when you look at his promises he says trust me in your times of trouble and i will rescue you he says abide in me and i will restore you he says come to me all who are weary and heavy-ladened and i will give you rest so let your hope be found in god he has the perfect solution each and every time so call on him whether it's day or night and so with this understanding let us pray our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high and above all other names thank you for you are amazing lord thank you for your endless love i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched you are a god who provides us with all that we need with more than we need whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you lord jesus i pray for every person under the sound of my voice for the one who seeks healing today may they find healing in your arms for the person who is feeling empty may they find wholeness in your presence for the one who feels lost father i pray that they might find your word to be a lamp to their feet and for those who have suffered heartbreak or loss i pray that your love and your compassion may fill them may your love overwhelm and overtake them lord be praised king jesus we call upon the holy spirit and we invite him into our lives into our hearts and into our homes may he give us the strength required for each day may the holy spirit lead us into a future that is rooted in christ a future that is in your arms help us holy spirit so that we can let go and move on from a past of sin and hurt lead us to christ fix our eyes on the sacrifice he made at the cross on calvary turn our hearts to desire the things of god i pray that you would renew repair and revive our hearts repair and revive our minds and our souls give us peace where there is unrest give us closure where we need closure give us strength in those areas where we're weak fill the voids that may unsettle our hearts remove any and every scar from a painful situation that we have experienced may we learn the lessons you wished for us to learn and may we move on to become better believers in your kingdom and even as i pray in this moment lord i declare your word which tells me that greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world that means you king jesus have placed within me the strength to overcome adversity the strength to overcome the devil and for that i rejoice and i thank you lord the power to walk in victory the power to defeat sin it all comes from you so i bow down today i humble myself and surrender all that i am to you i trust and believe that you will liberate me you will redeem me and you will make me whole again i thank you for such love and such mercy you've picked me up each time that i have fallen you give me grace upon grace even though you know what all of my limitations and inabilities are you know where i fall short and you know all of my weaknesses so i pray that through the power of the holy spirit you would give me the strength i need grant me the grace i need to fulfill your will for my life and all that you would have me do i decree and declare that it is well with my soul it is well within me i confess that all is well in my life and in my home may the holy spirit grant me boldness and courage may he help me to be strong and firm in faith i pray that i will not be found to be fearful in any area of my life i pray that i will not be a believer who is oppressed by worry by anxiety or stress in jesus name father i claim your word and i say surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life i have victory in the name of jesus victory over any evil victory over every goliath i declare that i have victory over the obstacles set by the enemy through the power that's in the blood of the lamb power that allows me to overcome daily to be blessed daily to wake up in your grace and mercies each day thank you for hearing my prayer king jesus amen the bible describes jesus as the prince of peace in isaiah 9 verse 6. the bible says for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government will be upon his shoulder and his name will be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace we all need the prince of peace in our lives and the fact is that jesus christ is the only way that we can experience real and tangible peace i want to encourage you to get to the point where your prayer is lord may your peace be upon me may your peace fill my heart and mine i love the verse in jude chapter 1 verse 2. it simply says mercy peace and love be multiplied to you what a wonderful and blessed combination so i say to you right now as you are listening may god's mercy be multiplied to you may god's love be multiplied to you and most definitely may the peace of god be multiplied in your life when you pursue the presence of god his peace love and mercy are part of the package when you have been blessed with peace that is beyond all understanding you can stand in the midst of chaos and still say it is well you can stand in the fiery furnace just like the three hebrew boys and still be able to say it is well saints of god with god's peace you can go through a year that has been filled with fear and uncertainty and still say it is well it is well with my soul so now let us pray lord jesus be glorified and honored may your will be done lord the bible describes you as wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace you are all these things to me king jesus i can say that it is well with me because luke 12 verse 24 says consider the ravens for they neither sow nor reap which have neither storehouse nor barn and god feeds them of how much more value are you than the birds your word says in john 16 verse 33 these things i have spoken to you that in me you may have peace in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world your peace means that i am strengthened and calmed from within your peace lord is the reason i am of good cheer i am filled with joy because the one who i believe in has conquered death hell and the grave may all glory be unto you jesus i praise you as my lord and savior because with your peace in life my heart is not troubled it's your peace that will keep my heart and mind secure from everything that seeks to disrupt my faith and my belief lord i pray for each and every person listening to this prayer when the world is worried when others are anxious and perplexed we as your children we as believers will have our peace multiplied we will have divine tranquility and a stress-free mind despite being in a world filled with uncertainty we desire your peace lord it's that kind of peace that no one can steal away from us give your peace at all times and in every way lord i pray that you would shine your holy presence in my life shine your light upon me within this world of darkness i pray that i may be sensitive to the voice and counsel of the holy spirit i pray that i may be sensitive to the voice and counsel of the holy spirit even as he speaks to me in a still small voice and reminds me that your word tells me not to worry your word tells me not to be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to god and the peace of god which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus and father there are times that we fight with conflicting voices of doubt voices of fear and discord i pray that the holy spirit will strengthen me to cast down all other evil voices and even when the negative voices of other people are loud in our lives i pray that in those times may you filter our minds and ears so that our spirit may not receive anything that is not from you i pray that your voice the voice that is in your word will rise above everyone and everything else your word says my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me so father i pray that your voice will be the only thing that gets my attention may your voice lord jesus be the only voice that has the final say in my life and over my life may your voice be something that i hear always may your voice speak the words peace be still in the midst of my situation today walk with me lord stand by me jesus we bless your name for your word says no longer do i call you servants for the servant does not know what his master is doing but i have called you friends for all that i have heard from my father i have made known to you i thank you that we can know you lord both as a friend and a father a friend who sticks closer than a brother i choose to listen out for your voice today lord may your will be done i pray that the holy spirit will help me to recognize the voice of the lord help me to hear you help me to be sensitive to your loving voice your voice of guidance and instruction your voice that will lead me through the valley of the shadow of death but still give me peace i bless your holy name for hearing this prayer you are the alpha and omega the beginning and the end an almighty and all-powerful god be with me today may your peace follow me wherever i go may your peace be multiplied in my life in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ i pray amen grace grace to me is being gifted with something that you cannot earn or pay for grace is god giving us what we do not deserve and i wonder how many of us really understand the magnitude and wonder of god's grace his amazing grace the grace of the lord is something we should never take for granted and so beloved personally i think of his grace over my life his goodness and mercy all of which are totally undeserved but he still freely gives all i can say is thank you lord jesus christ it's by his grace that i am here today it's by the grace of jesus christ that i am in good health i haven't done anything to deserve it i've done nothing to be worthy of such favor but in his mercy in his love and by his grace i have strength in my body i have breath in my lungs it's by god's grace that i am filled with joy and hope it's by god's grace that i have peace in my heart i am grateful to the lord because if it had not been for his grace and mercy things could so easily have been tragic for me things could have so easily gone horribly wrong but in his goodness he made my crooked places straight he made a way for me when my back was against the wall i am amazed by the grace of god as i look back over my life as i look at some of the bad decisions i made some of the mistakes i made god held me and he kept me it's by his grace that nothing destroyed me it can only be his goodness that kept me from losing my mind so allow me at this moment to just praise him equally as you listen can you honestly look back at your life and not praise him look at where he brought you from look at how many times he saved you look at all the times he forgave you we need to thank him and appreciate his goodness we all have a story we all have a past yet we all have been given amazing grace i believe that his grace should also be the reason we have boldness to proclaim the gospel to the world the bible says in 2 timothy 1 verse 8 to 9 therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our lord nor of me his prisoner but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of god who saved us and called us to a holy calling not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace which he gave us in christ jesus before the ages began let us pray my dearest savior and lord the king of kings the lord of lords jesus christ i thank you for your grace your amazing grace that has been so good to me your grace and love is what has kept me your grace toward me is unmerited i do not deserve it but yes you gave it to me you gave it to me in abundance and i thank you lord there is nothing that i could possibly do or offer to earn your love and favor but father you have been so kind to me you have been ever so faithful nonetheless your word says my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness thank you lord jesus because of your grace i lack for nothing because even when i am weak i am strong in you lord i stand on your word and hebrews 4 verse 16 a verse that says let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need may your grace and mercy continue to surround me and lead me it's by your grace lord that i am blessed when i come in and blessed when i go out so i ask that you may stand with me and stand by my side lead me to walk with discernment and diligence in this world lead me to walk by faith and not by sight holy spirit please encircle me comfort me and hold me safe and secure in your arms help me to be bold if you are on my side then i can declare that i will not be crushed by fear and anxiety if you are with me then i can declare peace in my heart and mind i look to you as the rock of my life my fortress my strong tower and my strength when i am weak you are a sovereign god who has charge over my life and you are a god who is faithful to deliver those who trust you your word says a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you i believe this i believe that nothing no evil no darkness shall come near me because of you because of your amazing grace so i look to you a mighty god who moves mountains a god who breaks down every barrier a god who can crush the devil and remove every obstacle in my life i have the confidence that if i remain in your presence you will help me to let go of all my worries and stress help me to let go of everything i cannot control i may be limited but you are not you are a god who is in control i believe in your word which says and my god will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in christ jesus i stand on your word that says surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever thank you for the promises in your word promises that fill me with hope and remind me of your love the more i read your word the more my faith grows the more confidence i have the more strength i have to press forward isaiah 40 verse 31 says those who wait on the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint i pray that you renew my strength lord renew my faith and believe so that i might face today in the authority of your word you are all-powerful lord jesus and you are a god who will never leave us nor forsake us you are holy and worthy to be praised thank you for listening to my prayer in jesus name i pray amen [Music] dear lord jesus you deserve all the glory and the honor and you deserve all of the praise i invite you into my heart and into my home may your presence be found in this place may the presence of the holy spirit be strong in my home i ask that you watch over me as i sleep i ask that you keep me safe jesus defend me from every attack of the enemy protect me from all trouble and all unrest that can be found at night and just as paul and silas worshiped you in their darkest hour i too i too will sing praises to your holy name i will lift the name of jesus on high higher than all of my cares higher than all of my problems higher than every principality and power of darkness as the book of psalms psalm 57 states i pray that you be merciful to me o god for my soul trusts in you and in the shadow of your wings i will make my refuge until these calamities have passed by i will cry out to god most high to god who performs all things for me he shall send from heaven and save me i will go to sleep in peace knowing that you have said in your word that i should not be afraid for i have you with me i should not be discouraged because you jehovah are my god it's you the creator of all the ages that will strengthen me it's you the only one with resurrection power that will help me i speak with the authority that is in the name of jesus that i will not encounter bad dreams or nightmares i will not encounter spiritual attacks while i sleep in the name of jesus instead lord i pray that you give me a sound mind peaceful and relaxing rest i come before you lord with a heart that is after your own and a mind that is focused on you keep me in your arms tonight lord jesus amen the bible describes jesus as the prince of peace in isaiah 9 verse 6. the bible says for to us a child is born to us the son is given and the government will be on his shoulders and he will be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace we all need that peace that jesus christ gives i've gotten to the point where my number one prayer point is lord may your peace be upon me let your peace fill my mind and my thoughts let your peace dwell in my heart and i am desperately pursuing the presence of god the peace of god so that in the midst of chaos or turmoil i can say it is well the peace that christ offers means that even if you're caught in between fear and uncertainty you are still able to say it is well with my soul the peace of god means that you and i are strengthened and calmed from within it means that our hearts are not weighed down neither are they troubled it's this peace that will keep our hearts and minds secure from everything that seeks to disrupt our faith and belief when the world is worried anxious and perplexed as children of god we have a peace that is beyond human understanding it's that kind of peace that no one can steal away from me saints we serve a god of no limits i can look back at the word of god and see that he has power authority strength over everything and everyone if it's nature he parted the red sea he created the heavens and earth he spoke to a storm and it had no choice but to obey if it's animals they listen he commanded a den full of hungry lions not to touch daniel and they listened in jonah 1 verse 17 the lord commanded a huge fish to swallow jonah and to keep him in its belly for three days and three nights but not harm him and it listened if it's human opposition then we know that pharaoh couldn't stand against him goliath couldn't stand against the power of god and the prophets of baal were no match for the lord and if we talk about the devil well we know that he's been defeated and will always be defeated because god is almighty and this is the good news that i want to share with you we can call to a god who has no limits is there a limit to his strength is there a limit to his wisdom and knowledge is there a limit to his patience his love his mercy lord jesus i come to you because when i am weak you are strong when i am weary and tired you offer me rest and you can renew my strength mighty god of the universe it is indeed a privilege to approach your throne knowing that you love and care for me in my time of weakness i will always rely on your strength lord if i feel weighed down with the cares of life or crushed and battered by my troubles you are ever faithful and all powerful to equip me to handle life's difficulties when they threaten to overwhelm me i pray that your presence surrounds me may your divine peace be found in my heart and in my mind i lay my burdens at your feet and i ask for peaceful rest in the knowledge that you are a god who will always fight for me holy spirit help me not to let the worries and stress of this world pull me down help me not to hold on to any wounds or feelings of hurt from today or from the past help me quiet my mind and turn off all unsettling thoughts i pray that when i feel anxious replace anxiety with a godly peace when i am low when i am disappointed may you lift my burdens and give me strength when i'm in need of anything may you be my provider you're the rock of all ages my stronghold and my fortress you're my source of joy and strength when i am discouraged or tired and weary i know that i can always find comfort in you in jesus name i pray amen my reality of you my reality of your love and protection is more real than what my natural eyes can see i place all of my trust and all of my confidence in you my lord my god the lord is good he is a stronghold in the day of trouble and throughout the bible he is described as faithful he is described as the alpha and omega here's the beginning and the end he is patient caring and loving and so i believe that we need to prioritize him we need to commit to spending time with the lord each and every day and we should be seeking him with a hunger because we need him to lead and guide us we need his grace to get us through the day we need his protection to keep us safe as we go about our business we need him to keep us safe throughout the night we also need the holy spirit to be there constantly so that he might counsel us we need the holy spirit to be there so that he might empower us so that he might minister to us and pull us towards god i believe we need to pray at the beginning of our day and at the end of our day so that the lord's presence is constantly with us you see god's presence is wonderful when his presence surrounds you you're surrounded by pure love when his presence surrounds you you're covered in safety and there is nothing from the enemy that can touch you in his presence there is power so much power that you can do all things through christ who strengthens you so much power that there is nothing impossible it's only in the arms of the lord that you can find divine strength it's only in god that you will find strength in your weakness it's only in him that you can do all things because he strengthens you and so now let us pray [Music] my king and lord jesus christ thank you for your goodness for your pure love towards me guard me against the devil lord be my shield and my defense i declare your word in joshua 1 verse 9 which says be strong and courageous do not be frightened and do not be dismayed for the lord your god is with you wherever you go i declare your word to be true in my life today i will be strong because of you jesus i am courageous because of you jesus i am not frightened or dismayed by the enemy because of you my lord jesus be my comfort and my peace i bless your name for being faithful my risen king my chief cornerstone philippians 4 verse 13 says that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i speak this promise to be true in my life king jesus whether i am at work i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i have the skill to do things efficiently and well through christ who strengthens me whether it's related to school or my studies i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i ask that you be with me wherever i go i ask that you be with me in my home at my place of work may your hand be upon me in whatever i do may your hand be upon my loved ones may you guide my steps and lead me to walk in safety may you be a lamp into my feet and show me where to go lord i have the strength to face each new day because of the power that's in the blood of jesus i praise you for your goodness i praise you for your love which knows no bounds i ask that your presence may be upon us i pray for even those who are around me and those who will be around me may your presence and your favor be so strong upon me that they will feel it father i declare that i am blessed in the morning i am blessed at noonday i am blessed in the evening i pray that today the favor of god goes before me the blood of jesus christ is what covers me holy spirit may you speak to me it's in you jesus that i seek strength the strength to get up and face each day with joy gladness and boldness it's in you jesus that i place my hope my hope in the one who never disappoints my heavenly father i praise you for you alone are worthy to be praised i praise you because your word in isaiah 40 verse 29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength father increase my strength let me not faint but give me the strength father the strength to face each day with confidence the type of confidence that fears nothing because you lord jesus are greater than anything on this earth father when i feel as though i am lacking or when i feel as though i don't have enough may i be reminded that your word says in psalm 34 verse 10 the lions may grow weak and hungry but those who seek the lord lack no good thing i lack nothing because you are a good shepherd your rod and staff they keep me close and they guide me your word says god is not human that he should lie not a human being that he should change his mind does he speak and then not act does he promise and not fulfill it's you lord jesus that lead me through the valley of the shadow of death you lead me through it and still offer me peace you lead me through the valley and even when i am weak and tired even when i am afraid you still make it known that you are there you're a friend that sticks closer than a brother you are with me as a defender and a strong tower i bless your name and thank you for your love and kindness protect me today and always i pray that you cover me lord jesus i thank you for hearing my prayer i bless your name for being a loving god a god who looks upon me favorably blessed be your holy name lord in jesus name i pray amen [Music] before you look anywhere else before you look to anyone else call on the name that is above every other name the name of jesus christ call on the lion of judah the prince of peace call on god almighty the one who is who was and who is to be call on the one who commands millions of angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation god wants you to call on him jeremiah 33 verse 3 says call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know in psalm 50 verse 15 the bible says call on me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you will honor me and so i want to encourage you when you look at god's word when you look at his promises he says trust me in your times of trouble and i will rescue you he says abide in me and i will restore you he says come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and i will give you rest so let your hope be found in god he has the perfect solution each and every time so call on him whether it's day or night and so with this understanding let us pray [Music] our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high and above all other names thank you for you are amazing lord thank you for your endless love i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched you are a god who provides us with all that we need with more than we need whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you lord jesus i pray for every person under the sound of my voice for the one who seeks healing today may they find healing in your arms for the person who is feeling empty may they find wholeness in your presence for the one who feels lost father i pray that they might find your word to be a lamp to their feet and for those who have suffered heartbreak or loss i pray that your love and your compassion may fill them may your love overwhelm and overtake them lord be praised king jesus we call upon the holy spirit and we invite him into our lives into our hearts and into our homes may he give us the strength required for each day may the holy spirit lead us into a future that is rooted in christ a future that is in your arms help us holy spirit so that we can let go and move on from a past of sin and hurt lead us to christ fix our eyes on the sacrifice he made at the cross on calvary turn our hearts to desire the things of god i pray that you would renew repair and revive our hearts repair and revive our minds and our souls give us peace where there is unrest give us closure where we need closure give us strength in those areas where we're weak fill the voids that may unsettle our hearts remove any and every scar from a painful situation that we have experienced may we learn the lessons you wished for us to learn and may we move on to become better believers in your kingdom and even as i pray in this moment lord i declare your word which tells me that greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world that means you king jesus have placed within me the strength to overcome adversity the strength to overcome the devil and for that i rejoice and i thank you lord the power to walk in victory the power to defeat sin it all comes from you so i bow down today i humble myself and surrender all that i am to you i trust and believe that you will liberate me you will redeem me and you will make me whole again i thank you for such love and such mercy you've picked me up each time that i have fallen you give me grace upon grace even though you know what all of my limitations and inabilities are you know where i fall short and you know all of my weaknesses so i pray that through the power of the holy spirit you would give me the strength i need grant me the grace i need to fulfill your will for my life and all that you would have me do i decree and declare that it is well with my soul it is well within me i confess that all is well in my life and in my home may the holy spirit grant me boldness and courage may he help me to be strong and firm in faith i pray that i will not be found to be fearful in any area of my life i pray that i will not be a believer who is oppressed by worry by anxiety or stress in jesus name father i claim your word and i say surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life i have victory in the name of jesus victory over any evil victory over every goliath i declare that i have victory over the obstacles set by the enemy through the power that's in the blood of the lamb power that allows me to overcome daily to be blessed daily to wake up in your grace and mercies each day thank you for hearing my prayer king jesus amen [Music] the bible describes jesus as the prince of peace in isaiah 9 verse 6 the bible says for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government will be upon his shoulder and his name will be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace we all need the prince of peace in our lives and the fact is that jesus christ is the only way that we can experience real and tangible peace i want to encourage you to get to the point where your prayer is lord may your peace be upon me may your peace fill my heart and mind i love the verse in jude chapter 1 verse 2. it simply says mercy peace and love be multiplied to you what a wonderful and blessed combination so i say to you right now as you are listening may god's mercy be multiplied to you may god's love be multiplied to you and most definitely may the peace of god be multiplied in your life when you pursue the presence of god his peace love and mercy are part of the package when you have been blessed with peace that is beyond all understanding you can stand in the midst of chaos and still say it is well you can stand in the fiery furnace just like the three hebrew boys and still be able to say it is well saints of god with god's peace you can go through a year that has been filled with fear and uncertainty and still say it is well it is well with my soul so now let us pray lord jesus be glorified and honored may your will be done lord the bible describes you as wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace you are all these things to me king jesus i can say that it is well with me because luke 12 verse 24 says consider the ravens for they neither sow nor reap which have neither storehouse nor barn and god feeds them of how much more value are you than the birds your word says in john 16 verse 33 these things i have spoken to you that in me you may have peace in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world your peace means that i am strengthened and calmed from within your peace lord is the reason i am of good cheer i am filled with joy because the one who i believe in has conquered death hell and the grave may all glory be unto you jesus i praise you as my lord and savior because with your peace in life my heart is not troubled it's your peace that will keep my heart and mind secure from everything that seeks to disrupt my faith and my belief lord i pray for each and every person listening to this prayer when the world is worried when others are anxious and perplexed we as your children we as believers will have our peace multiplied we will have divine tranquility and a stress-free mind despite being in a world filled with uncertainty we desire your peace lord it's that kind of peace that no one can steal away from us give your peace at all times and in every way lord i pray that you would shine your holy presence in my life shine your light upon me within this world of darkness i pray that i may be sensitive to the voice and counsel of the holy spirit i pray that i may be sensitive to the voice and counsel of the holy spirit even as he speaks to me in a still small voice and reminds me that your word tells me not to worry your word tells me not to be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to god and the peace of god which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus and father there are times that we fight with conflicting voices of doubt voices of fear and discord i pray that the holy spirit will strengthen me to cast down all other evil voices and even when the negative voices of other people are loud in our lives i pray that in those times may you filter our minds and ears so that our spirit may not receive anything that is not from you i pray that your voice the voice that is in your word will rise above everyone and everything else your word says my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me so father i pray that your voice will be the only thing that gets my attention may your voice lord jesus be the only voice that has the final say in my life and over my life may your voice be something that i hear always may your voice speak the words peace be still in the midst of my situation today walk with me lord stand by me jesus we bless your name for your word says no longer do i call you servants for the servant does not know what his master is doing but i have called you friends for all that i have heard from my father i have made known to you i thank you that we can know you lord both as a friend and a father a friend who sticks closer than a brother i choose to listen out for your voice today lord may your will be done i pray that the holy spirit will help me to recognize the voice of the lord help me to hear you help me to be sensitive to your loving voice your voice of guidance and instruction your voice that will lead me through the valley of the shadow of death but still give me peace i bless your holy name for hearing this prayer you are the alpha and omega the beginning and the end an almighty and all-powerful god be with me today may your peace follow me wherever i go may your peace be multiplied in my life in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] grace grace to me is being gifted with something that you cannot earn or pay for grace is god giving us what we do not deserve and i wonder how many of us really understand the magnitude and wonder of god's grace his amazing grace the grace of the lord is something we should never take for granted and so beloved personally i think of his grace over my life his goodness and mercy all of which are totally undeserved but he still freely gives all i can say is thank you lord jesus christ it's by his grace that i am here today it's by the grace of jesus christ that i am in good health i haven't done anything to deserve it i've done nothing to be worthy of such favor but in his mercy in his love and by his grace i have strength in my body i have breath in my lungs it's by god's grace that i am filled with joy and hope it's by god's grace that i have peace in my heart i am grateful to the lord because if it had not been for his grace and mercy things could so easily have been tragic for me things could have so easily gone horribly wrong but in his goodness he made my crooked places straight he made a way for me when my back was against the wall i am amazed by the grace of god as i look back over my life as i look at some of the bad decisions i made some of the mistakes i made god held me and he kept me it's by his grace that nothing destroyed me it can only be his goodness that kept me from losing my mind so allow me at this moment to just praise him equally as you listen can you honestly look back at your life and not praise him look at where he brought you from look at how many times he saved you look at all the times he forgave you we need to thank him and appreciate his goodness we all have a story we all have a past yet we all have been given amazing grace i believe that his grace should also be the reason we have boldness to proclaim the gospel to the world the bible says in second timothy 1 verse 8 to 9 therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our lord nor of me his prisoner but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of god who saved us and called us to a holy calling not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace which he gave us in christ jesus before the ages began let us pray my dearest savior and lord the king of kings the lord of lords jesus christ i thank you for your grace your amazing grace that has been so good to me your grace and love is what has kept me your grace toward me is unmerited i do not deserve it but yes you gave it to me you gave it to me in abundance and i thank you lord there is nothing that i could possibly do or offer to earn your love and favor but father you have been so kind to me you have been ever so faithful nonetheless your word says my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness thank you lord jesus because of your grace i lack for nothing because even when i am weak i am strong in you lord i stand on your word and hebrews 4 verse 16 a verse that says let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need may your grace and mercy continue to surround me and lead me it's by your grace lord that i am blessed when i come in and blessed when i go out so i ask that you may stand with me and stand by my side lead me to walk with discernment and diligence in this world lead me to walk by faith and not by sight holy spirit please encircle me comfort me and hold me safe and secure in your arms help me to be bold if you are on my side then i can declare that i will not be crushed by fear and anxiety if you are with me then i can declare peace in my heart and mind i look to you as the rock of my life my fortress my strong tower and my strength when i am weak you are a sovereign god who has charge over my life and you are a god who is faithful to deliver those who trust you your word says a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you i believe this i believe that nothing no evil no darkness shall come near me because of you because of your amazing grace so i look to you a mighty god who moves mountains a god who breaks down every barrier a god who can crush the devil and remove every obstacle in my life i have the confidence that if i remain in your presence you will help me to let go of all my worries and stress help me to let go of everything i cannot control i may be limited but you are not you are a god who is in control i believe in your word which says and my god will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in christ jesus i stand on your word that says surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever thank you for the promises in your word promises that fill me with hope and remind me of your love the more i read your word the more my faith grows the more confidence i have the more strength i have to press forward isaiah 40 31 says those who wait on the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint i pray that you renew my strength lord renew my faith and believe so that i might face today in the authority of your word you are all-powerful lord jesus and you are a god who will never leave us nor forsake us you are holy and worthy to be praised thank you for listening to my prayer in jesus name i pray amen [Music] dear lord jesus you deserve all the glory and the honor and you deserve all of the praise i invite you into my heart and into my home may your presence be found in this place may the presence of the holy spirit be strong in my home i ask that you watch over me as i sleep i ask that you keep me safe jesus defend me from every attack of the enemy protect me from all trouble and all unrest that can be found at night and just as paul and silas worshiped you in their darkest hour i too i too will sing praises to your holy name i will lift the name of jesus on high higher than all of my cares higher than all of my problems higher than every principality and power of darkness as the book of psalms psalm 57 states i pray that you be merciful to me o god for my soul trusts in you and in the shadow of your wings i will make my refuge until these calamities have passed by i will cry out to god most high to god who performs all things for me he shall send from heaven and save me [Music] i will go to sleep in peace knowing that you have said in your word that i should not be afraid for i have you with me i should not be discouraged because you jehovah are my god it's you the creator of all the ages that will strengthen me it's you the only one with resurrection power that will help me i speak with the authority that is in the name of jesus that i will not encounter bad dreams or nightmares i will not encounter spiritual attacks while i sleep in the name of jesus instead lord i pray that you give me a sound mind peaceful and relaxing rest i come before you lord with a heart that is after your own and a mind that is focused on you keep me in your arms tonight lord jesus amen the bible describes jesus as the prince of peace in isaiah 9 verse 6. the bible says for to us a child is born to us the sun is given and the government will be on his shoulders and he will be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace we all need that peace that jesus christ gives i've gotten to the point where my number one prayer point is lord may your peace be upon me let your peace fill my mind and my thoughts let your peace dwell in my heart and i am desperately pursuing the presence of god the peace of god so that in the midst of chaos or turmoil i can say it is well the peace that christ offers means that even if you're caught in between fear and uncertainty you are still able to say it is well with my soul the peace of god means that you and i are strengthened and calmed from within it means that our hearts are not weighed down neither are they troubled it's this peace that will keep our hearts and minds secure from everything that seeks to disrupt our faith and belief when the world is worried anxious and perplexed as children of god we have a peace that is beyond human understanding it's that kind of peace that no one can steal away from me saints we serve a god of no limits i can look back at the word of god and see that he has power authority strength over everything and everyone if it's nature he parted the red sea he created the heavens and earth he spoke to a storm and it had no choice but to obey if it's animals they listen he commanded a den full of hungry lions not to touch daniel and they listened in jonah 1 verse 17 the lord commanded a huge fish to swallow jonah and to keep him in its belly for three days and three nights but not harm him and it listened if it's human opposition then we know that pharaoh couldn't stand against him goliath couldn't stand against the power of god and the prophets of baal were no match for the lord and if we talk about the devil well we know that he's been defeated and will always be defeated because god is almighty and this is the good news that i want to share with you we can call to a god who has no limits is there a limit to his strength is there a limit to his wisdom and knowledge is there a limit to his patience his love his mercy [Music] lord jesus i come to you because when i am weak you are strong when i am weary and tired you offer me rest and you can renew my strength mighty god of the universe it is indeed a privilege to approach your throne knowing that you love and care for me in my time of weakness i will always rely on your strength lord if i feel weighed down with the cares of life or crushed and battered by my troubles you are ever faithful and all powerful to equip me to handle life's difficulties when they threaten to overwhelm me i pray that your presence surrounds me may your divine peace be found in my heart and in my mind i lay my burdens at your feet and i ask for peaceful rest in the knowledge that you are a god who will always fight for me holy spirit help me not to let the worries and stress of this world pull me down help me not to hold on to any wounds or feelings of hurt from today or from the past help me quiet my mind and turn off all unsettling thoughts i pray that when i feel anxious replace anxiety with a godly peace when i am low when i am disappointed may you lift my burdens and give me strength when i'm in need of anything may you be my provider you're the rock of all ages my stronghold and my fortress you're my source of joy and strength when i am discouraged or tired and weary i know that i can always find comfort in you in jesus name i pray amen my reality of you my reality of your love and protection is more real than what my natural eyes can see i place all of my trust and all of my confidence in you my lord my god the lord is good he is a stronghold in the day of trouble and throughout the bible he is described as faithful he is described as the alpha and omega here's the beginning and the end he is patient caring and loving and so i believe that we need to prioritize him we need to commit to spending time with the lord each and every day and we should be seeking him with a hunger because we need him to lead and guide us we need his grace to get us through the day we need his protection to keep us safe as we go about our business we need him to keep us safe throughout the night we also need the holy spirit to be there constantly so that he might counsel us we need the holy spirit to be there so that he might empower us so that he might minister to us and pull us towards god i believe we need to pray at the beginning of our day and at the end of our day so that the lord's presence is constantly with us you see god's presence is wonderful when his presence surrounds you you're surrounded by pure love when his presence surrounds you you're covered in safety and there is nothing from the enemy that can touch you in his presence there is power so much power that you can do all things through christ who strengthens you so much power that there is nothing impossible it's only in the arms of the lord that you can find divine strength it's only in god that you will find strength in your weakness it's only in him that you can do all things because he strengthens you and so now let us pray my king and lord jesus christ thank you for your goodness for your pure love towards me guard me against the devil lord be my shield and my defense i declare your word in joshua 1 verse 9 which says be strong and courageous do not be frightened and do not be dismayed for the lord your god is with you wherever you go i declare your word to be true in my life today i will be strong because of you jesus i am courageous because of you jesus i am not frightened or dismayed by the enemy because of you my lord jesus be my comfort and my peace i bless your name for being faithful my risen king my chief cornerstone philippians 4 verse 13 says that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i speak this promise to be true in my life king jesus whether i am at work i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i have the skill to do things efficiently and well through christ who strengthens me [Music] whether it's related to school or my studies i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i ask that you be with me wherever i go i ask that you be with me in my home at my place of work may your hand be upon me in whatever i do may your hand be upon my loved ones may you guide my steps and lead me to walk in safety may you be a lamp into my feet and show me where to go lord i have the strength to face each new day because of the power that's in the blood of jesus i praise you for your goodness i praise you for your love which knows no bounds i ask that your presence may be upon us i pray for even those who are around me and those who will be around me may your presence and your favor be so strong upon me that they will feel it father i declare that i am blessed in the morning i am blessed at noonday i am blessed in the evening i pray that today the favor of god goes before me the blood of jesus christ is what covers me holy spirit may you speak to me it's in you jesus that i seek strength the strength to get up and face each day with joy gladness and boldness it's in you jesus that i place my hope my hope and the one who never disappoints my heavenly father i praise you for you alone are worthy to be praised i praise you because your word in isaiah 40 verse 29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength father increase my strength let me not faint but give me the strength father the strength to face each day with confidence the type of confidence that fears nothing because you lord jesus are greater than anything on this earth father when i feel as though i am lacking or when i feel as though i don't have enough may i be reminded that your word says in psalm 34 verse 10 the lions may grow weak and hungry but those who seek the lord lack no good thing i lack nothing because you are a good shepherd your rod and staff they keep me close and they guide me your word says god is not human that he should lie not a human being that he should change his mind does he speak and then not act does he promise and not fulfill it's you lord jesus that lead me through the valley of the shadow of death you lead me through it and still offer me peace you lead me through the valley and even when i am weak and tired even when i am afraid you still make it known that you are there you're a friend that sticks closer than a brother you are with me as a defender and a strong tower i bless your name and thank you for your love and kindness protect me today and always i pray that you cover me lord jesus i thank you for hearing my prayer i bless your name for being a loving god a god who looks upon me favorably blessed be your holy name lord in jesus name i pray amen before you look anywhere else before you look to anyone else call on the name that is above every other name the name of jesus christ call on the lion of judah the prince of peace call on god almighty the one who is who was and who is to be call on the one who commands millions of angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation god wants you to call on him jeremiah 33 verse 3 says call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know in psalm 50 verse 15 the bible says call on me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you will honor me and so i want to encourage you when you look at god's word when you look at his promises he says trust me in your times of trouble and i will rescue you he says abide in me and i will restore you he says come to me all who are weary and heavy-ladened and i will give you rest so let your hope be found in god he has the perfect solution each and every time so call on him whether it's day or night and so with this understanding let us pray our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high and above all other names thank you for you are amazing lord thank you for your endless love i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched you are a god who provides us with all that we need with more than we need whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you lord jesus i pray for every person under the sound of my voice for the one who seeks healing today may they find healing in your arms for the person who is feeling empty may they find wholeness in your presence for the one who feels lost father i pray that they might find your word to be a lamp to their feet and for those who have suffered heartbreak or loss i pray that your love and your compassion may fill them may your love overwhelm and overtake them lord be praised king jesus we call upon the holy spirit and we invite him into our lives into our hearts and into our homes may he give us the strength required for each day may the holy spirit lead us into a future that is rooted in christ a future that is in your arms help us holy spirit so that we can let go and move on from a past of sin and hurt lead us to christ fix our eyes on the sacrifice he made at the cross on calvary turn our hearts to desire the things of god i pray that you would renew repair and revive our hearts repair and revive our minds and our souls give us peace where there is unrest give us closure where we need closure give us strength in those areas where we're weak fill the voids that may unsettle our hearts remove any and every scar from a painful situation that we have experienced may we learn the lessons you wished for us to learn and may we move on to become better believers in your kingdom and even as i pray in this moment lord i declare your word which tells me that greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world that means you king jesus have placed within me the strength to overcome adversity the strength to overcome the devil and for that i rejoice and i thank you lord the power to walk in victory the power to defeat sin it all comes from you so i bow down today i humble myself and surrender all that i am to you i trust and believe that you will liberate me you will redeem me and you will make me whole again i thank you for such love and such mercy you've picked me up each time that i have fallen you give me grace upon grace even though you know what all of my limitations and inabilities are you know where i fall short and you know all of my weaknesses so i pray that through the power of the holy spirit you would give me the strength i need grant me the grace i need to fulfill your will for my life and all that you would have me do i decree and declare that it is well with my soul it is well within me i confess that all is well in my life and in my home may the holy spirit grant me boldness and courage may he help me to be strong and firm in faith i pray that i will not be found to be fearful in any area of my life i pray that i will not be a believer who is oppressed by worry by anxiety or stress in jesus name father i claim your word and i say surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life i have victory in the name of jesus victory over any evil victory over every goliath i declare that i have victory over the obstacles set by the enemy through the power that's in the blood of the lamb power that allows me to overcome daily to be blessed daily to wake up in your grace and mercies each day thank you for hearing my prayer king jesus [Music] amen the bible describes jesus as the prince of peace in isaiah 9 verse 6 the bible says for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government will be upon his shoulder and his name will be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace we all need the prince of peace in our lives and the fact is that jesus christ is the only way that we can experience real and tangible peace i want to encourage you to get to the point where your prayer is lord may your peace be upon me may your peace fill my heart and mine i love the verse in jude chapter 1 verse 2. it simply says mercy peace and love be multiplied to you what a wonderful and blessed combination so i say to you right now as you are listening may god's mercy be multiplied to you may god's love be multiplied to you and most definitely may the peace of god be multiplied in your life when you pursue the presence of god his peace love and mercy are part of the package when you have been blessed with peace that is beyond all understanding you can stand in the midst of chaos and still say it is well you can stand in the fiery furnace just like the three hebrew boys and still be able to say it is well saints of god with god's peace you can go through a year that has been filled with fear and uncertainty and still say it is well it is well with my soul so now let us pray lord jesus be glorified and honored may your will be done lord the bible describes you as wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace you are all these things to me king jesus i can say that it is well with me because luke 12 verse 24 says consider the ravens for they neither sow nor reap which have neither storehouse nor barn and god feeds them of how much more value are you than the birds your word says in john 16 33 these things i have spoken to you that in me you may have peace in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world your peace means that i am strengthened and calmed from within your peace lord is the reason i am of good cheer i am filled with joy because the one who i believe in has conquered death hell and the grave may all glory be unto you jesus i praise you as my lord and savior because with your peace in life my heart is not troubled it's your peace that will keep my heart and mind secure from everything that seeks to disrupt my faith and my belief lord i pray for each and every person listening to this prayer when the world is worried when others are anxious and perplexed we as your children we as believers will have our peace multiplied we will have divine tranquility and a stress-free mind despite being in a world filled with uncertainty we desire your peace lord it's that kind of peace that no one can steal away from us give your peace at all times and in every way lord i pray that you would shine your holy presence in my life shine your light upon me within this world of darkness i pray that i may be sensitive to the voice and counsel of the holy spirit i pray that i may be sensitive to the voice and counsel of the holy spirit even as he speaks to me in a still small voice and reminds me that your word tells me not to worry your word tells me not to be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to god and the peace of god which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus and father there are times that we fight with conflicting voices of doubt voices of fear and discord i pray that the holy spirit will strengthen me to cast down all other evil voices and even when the negative voices of other people are loud in our lives i pray that in those times may you filter our minds and ears so that our spirit may not receive anything that is not from you i pray that your voice the voice that is in your word will rise above everyone and everything else your word says my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me so father i pray that your voice will be the only thing that gets my attention may your voice lord jesus be the only voice that has the final say in my life and over my life may your voice be something that i hear always may your voice speak the words peace be still in the midst of my situation today walk with me lord stand by me jesus we bless your name for your word says no longer do i call you servants for the servant does not know what his master is doing but i have called you friends for all that i have heard from my father i have made known to you i thank you that we can know you lord both as a friend and a father a friend who sticks closer than a brother i choose to listen out for your voice today lord may your will be done i pray that the holy spirit will help me to recognize the voice of the lord help me to hear you help me to be sensitive to your loving voice your voice of guidance and instruction your voice that will lead me through the valley of the shadow of death but still give me peace i bless your holy name for hearing this prayer you are the alpha and omega the beginning and the end an almighty and all-powerful god be with me today may your peace follow me wherever i go may your peace be multiplied in my life in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ i pray amen grace grace to me is being gifted with something that you cannot earn or pay for grace is god giving us what we do not deserve and i wonder how many of us really understand the magnitude and wonder of god's grace his amazing grace the grace of the lord is something we should never take for granted and so beloved personally i think of his grace over my life his goodness and mercy all of which are totally undeserved but he still freely gives all i can say is thank you lord jesus christ it's by his grace that i am here today it's by the grace of jesus christ that i am in good health i haven't done anything to deserve it i've done nothing to be worthy of such favor but in his mercy in his love and by his grace i have strength in my body i have breath in my lungs it's by god's grace that i am filled with joy and hope it's by god's grace that i have peace in my heart i am grateful to the lord because if it had not been for his grace and mercy things could so easily have been tragic for me things could have so easily gone horribly wrong but in his goodness he made my crooked places straight he made a way for me when my back was against the wall i am amazed by the grace of god as i look back over my life as i look at some of the bad decisions i made some of the mistakes i made god held me and he kept me it's by his grace that nothing destroyed me it can only be his goodness that kept me from losing my mind so allow me at this moment to just praise him equally as you listen can you honestly look back at your life and not praise him look at where he brought you from look at how many times he saved you look at all the times he forgave you we need to thank him and appreciate his goodness we all have a story we all have a past yet we all have been given amazing grace i believe that his grace should also be the reason we have boldness to proclaim the gospel to the world the bible says in second timothy 1 verse 8 to 9 therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our lord nor of me his prisoner but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of god who saved us and called us to a holy calling not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace which he gave us in christ jesus before the ages began let us pray my dearest savior and lord the king of kings the lord of lords jesus christ i thank you for your grace your amazing grace that has been so good to me your grace and love is what has kept me your grace toward me is unmerited i do not deserve it but yes you gave it to me you gave it to me in abundance and i thank you lord there is nothing that i could possibly do or offer to earn your love and favor but father you have been so kind to me you have been ever so faithful nonetheless your word says my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness thank you lord jesus because of your grace i lack for nothing because even when i am weak i am strong in you lord i stand on your word in hebrews 4 verse 16 a verse that says let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need may your grace and mercy continue to surround me and lead me it's by your grace lord that i am blessed when i come in and blessed when i go out so i ask that you may stand with me and stand by my side lead me to walk with discernment and diligence in this world lead me to walk by faith and not by sight holy spirit please encircle me comfort me and hold me safe and secure in your arms help me to be bold if you are on my side then i can declare that i will not be crushed by fear and anxiety if you are with me then i can declare peace in my heart and mind i look to you as the rock of my life my fortress my strong tower and my strength when i am weak you are a sovereign god who has charge over my life and you are a god who is faithful to deliver those who trust you your word says a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you i believe this i believe that nothing no evil no darkness shall come near me because of you because of your amazing grace so i look to you a mighty god who moves mountains a god who breaks down every barrier a god who can crush the devil and remove every obstacle in my life i have the confidence that if i remain in your presence you will help me to let go of all my worries and stress help me to let go of everything i cannot control i may be limited but you are not you are a god who is in control i believe in your word which says and my god will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in christ jesus i stand on your word that says surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever thank you for the promises in your word promises that fill me with hope and remind me of your love the more i read your word the more my faith grows the more confidence i have the more strength i have to press forward isaiah 40 31 says those who wait on the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint i pray that you renew my strength lord renew my faith and believe so that i might face today in the authority of your word you are all-powerful lord jesus and you are a god who will never leave us nor forsake us you are holy and worthy to be praised thank you for listening to my prayer in jesus name i pray amen [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so you
Channel: Grace For Purpose
Views: 4,002,296
Rating: 4.7745671 out of 5
Keywords: Christian, Motivation
Id: yIhI8vkNgnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 10sec (11830 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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