G. E. Patterson - Healing Service

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within my spirit and it simply says I speak like you're gonna leave oh my brother my sister I speak like you are the head and not the tail you will prevail I speak lie don't give up the fight for your lie tell somebody you shall live and not die Oh hallelujah oh come on and sing it to those around our speed line you got oh my brother my sister I speak lie you are the head the chair you will prevail I speak lie don't give up the fine saw your you shall ah you know if if Satan had his way he'd kill every one of us every Sunday when the announcements are read we're hearing about members who are sick in the hospital and death in the family and I've never seen such a day when so much is happening and a tragic way to the people of God but you can give in the death and die or you can remember what God said through the prophet Ezekiel chapter 16 around verse 6 the Lord said when I passed by and saw you polluted in your own blood I said to thee when thou wast in my blood Lil's I wish you just tell everybody round your God commands you to live hallelujah you're gonna live Oh my sister our Spiegel you are ahead the tale you will prevail Spiegel I don't give up the fine fine you shall live down just repeat that last line oh yes tell somebody you surely ah you shall live oh yes sure ah hallelujah how are you before you sit down tell three people live live or a glow flower to God hallelujah Oh hallelujah Oh what this Paul said in Romans 8 there is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit for the law of life huh God has done what the law of life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death that that's the spirit of life in here and sets and sets that the spirit of life I wish you tell somebody in the name of Jesus I command you to be healed living and be set free the cheese well be seated if you can hallelujah we thank you we thank you for your presence the life-giving presence you said the thief comes the steal kill and destroy but you come that would might have life having more abundantly we rebuke sickness illness disease infirmity death God rebuke you in the name of Jesus woman God was healing you now man God is touching you now right now give your praise the life give him praise giving praise for your deliverance thank you my miracle working thank you fine thank you for a miracle thank you for the touch get something dealing fine accept it but you just need to start thanking God thank him to the pain disappeared for your healing right now Oh God lower the car Schama hustle over my on day haha see receive it now receive it now receiving in Jesus name hallelujah oh listen name hallelujah hallelujah take a seat if you can glory to God Laura the whole side thank you thank you Jesus nor in a car don't give up the fight for your life you shall live and not die so I had I had to catch a hole to that I had to catch a hold of that when the enemy had me believing and I was ready to check out of here but the words came don't give up the fine for your life you shall live and not die somebody in here today the doctor has given you some bad news told you if you don't have the surgery you're definitely out of here and if you have it you got a 50-50 chance I don't know who you are the doctor said you in the final stage but if you step down here just one minute with your hand up she had the rebel side Oh God Alleluia a balloon that's what the holy ghost told me to tell you but that's what the law told me to tell you and every one of you standing here and every one of you that's on your way the Lord is saying it he's saying it through me one who has been through the valley and the shadow of death but I heard and tell me say to you don't give up the fight what kind of fight the fight of faith believe it no matter how you see you believe it no matter what the doctor said let the doctor's prognosis be alive let your feelings be alive and let God work be true should put on the haas a doc said you gonna little God say it on a live i rebuked the hand of this Internet I tell this disease to be subject to the Word of God for the Lord set in my name you can cast out devils lay hands on the sick and they shall recover as your hands are lifted to God I hear the Holy Ghost and you shall kneel he shot the lavash io you shall not you shall die you shall not know when I read in my Bible Jesus heals when people came to him individually he healed when they came to him in groups like the ten lepers then there's one passage where it was evening the Sun was setting and they brought all the sick folk in town brought him to his door and that day he healed in mass you got to understand it doesn't matter whether you come one by one two by two ten at a time a whole multitude when his presence is in the room you can receive whatever you need he he delights in healing his people he's not glorified in your death the psalmist said precious in the sight of God of a depth of his saints now that word precious means something very valuable if something God doesn't take light it doesn't mean it's something that God is wanting to happen hallelujah so it's a precious moment that even heaven angels tear up but when people of God are delivered this is what God is looking for this is what he's glorified in Satan comes he's the great thief steal kill destroy but Jesus said when I show up I come that you might have life let your might have it more formally and I'm still saying that he doesn't want you to die I don't care what it is it can be high blood pressure low blood pressure heart murmur tumors on the brain it can be a female condition our male condition it does not matter cancer in the last stage whatever it is if you can believe you can see the glory of God if you can't believe you can experience a miracle right here right now if you can believe Satan will have to take his jump right back to the pit of hell where came from yes you can believe what they want you to believe Isaiah 53 said he was wounded for our transgression so he did die for our sins but he was bruised for our iniquities but the chaste Heisman of our peace when they whipped him it was really you and me that should have been getting the wippen trashed Iseman of our peace was upon him and with His stripes with his stripes what are you talking about with his stripes the night before they crucified him they beat his back somebody said if he was beaten after the method of the Jews 39 lashes will put on his back but if he was beaten according to the custom of the Romans he was just whipped will a cat-o'-nine-tails with little pieces of metal that when they hit his back and pull it away that those little hunks of metal would pull slash from his bone but he will beat his BAC was beaten in order the heel yo backache you don't hear what I'm saying they took a crown of thorns somebody said that was 72 songs that were platted and a crown was put on his head anything that's happening in your head my god it may be your trouble it may be I trouble it may be nose trouble it may be a tool on the brain but they put a crown on his head to heal your headaches you don't hear what I'm saying they nailed his hand that what happens happening from the truss hole to the tips of your finger maybe he'll they nail this eat your swollen ankles bunions all kind of stuff in the feet all up to the knees down to the ankle all the way up to the toe so whatever is going on he was nailed of a cross in order that you may be healed they took a sphere and put it in his side and drove it up to his heart they're in it same that's happening in the torso it does not matter if it's stomach condition kidney complaint live a complaint anything that's happening in your body he would for our transgressions bruised for our iniquity and by his strike I wish you'd set by His stripes his fried I'm here I'm a hoe over it body is here mind is heal my spirit is healed my emotions are heal wish you tell somebody I'm here through and through here down you to start pregnant when your healing I dare you to stop praising him try your healing maybe you need to just get out of where you are and walk around and tell us you people I'm healed and God wants us all with you Oh take it take it God's giving it to you take it we'll sit down if you can hallelujah all go read well at 7:45 this morning required did that number I am healed and as they give me just a little bit of it now I'm going to open the door of the church and if there's anybody in here whose soul needs healing you know you haven't given your life to Jesus but while we were dealing with healing a spirit of conviction fell on you and you're ready to have a soul healing you're ready to give your life to Jesus wherever you are I want you to get up and come here now you're lost in sin but you're ready to give your life to Jesus hallelujah I want you to get up and come now don't worry about what other folks are doing you that no you need to be saved come you then may already be saved and want to make this your church home you come Heaney bless you my sister why do you keep putting it off you know this is where God wants you Lester young lady let's you young ah Oh Oh hmm my mind come on come on the doors open this is your chance God speaking to you ah come on and praise God for these souls that are coming yeah heaven is waiting Lester my brother lush lamentable
Channel: Jamar A. Boyd II
Views: 891,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor, Healing (Film Genre), G.E. Patterson, COGIC, Temple Of Deliverance Church Of God In Christ (Structure), Memphis, Praise, Gilbert E. Patterson (Musical Artist), Richard, Gospel, Bishop, Praise (song), Deliverance, Religion (TV Genre), Bountiful Blessings (TV Program)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 06 2015
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