Noel Jones... Victory Cost Something

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chapter 16 and beginning at verse 16 through will I'll read through maybe 19 let's see oh yeah just read in John's attempted a little while and he shall not see me and again a little while and ye shall see me because I go to the Father then send some of his disciples among themselves what is this then he saith unto us a little while and he shall not see me and again oh the while and ye shall see be because I go to the Father so what Jesus has done now is in in in preaching as opposed to what we've learned in public speaking what he's done here now is he's upset their equilibrium amen and then you upset the equilibrium and then you analyze the discrepancies and then you give a clue to the resolution so what he does here now is he has upset the equilibrium with a little while and ye shall not see me again a little while and ye shall see me what is he talking about we cannot tell what he said now Jesus knew that they were desirous to ask him and said unto them do you enquire among yourselves and what I said a little while and he shall not see me again a little while and ye shall see me verily verily I say unto you that ye shall weep and lament but the world shall rejoice ye shall be sorrowful but your sorrow shall be turned into joy a woman when she's in travail had sour because her hours come but as soon as she's delivered of the child she remembereth no more the anguish for the joy that a man child is born into the world and he now therefore have sorrow but I will see you again in your heart shall rejoice and your joy no man taketh from you and in that day he shall ask me any you shall ask me nothing verily I say unto you whatsoever ye shall I ask the Father in my name he will give it unto you hither to you have asked nothing in my name ask and ye shall receive that your joy may be full I want to read little further verse 31 after they acquiesced to his declaration after they came to an understanding of him speaking plainly he says do you now believe behold the hour cometh the a is Malcolm that she shall be scattered everyone to his own and shall leave me alone and yet I'm not alone because her father's with me these things have I spoken unto you that in me he might have peace in the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world I want you to look at somebody demonstrative Lee as you can and declare to them victory cost something look at somebody else and tell him I didn't get here cheap what none cheap about it [Applause] statements of course towards the end of a sojourn and particularly in a relationship with someone as powerful as Jesus his final statements as he begins to close in this ministry final words become extremely important I don't know if someone close to you has ever gone on to be with the Lord has died and and we generally rushed to the bedside not just to see then before they pass but generally we would like to enjoy their coherence we'd like to get a word because final words are important my father passed three years ago and my sister Grace was in the room with him and I had visited and left and and I wanted to know at the end of the day what did he say did he talk to you did he say anything did he leave any blessings in world did he give any prophetic utterances because final words are so important it was interesting that a few weeks later the lady who cooks for me that my mother designated to cook for me there my mother chosen the heading brought me a letter handwritten letter that my father had written three years before he died and said to her don't give it to Noel until I am gone now it seemed real eerie because it seemed as if he were talking to me from the grave but it gave me a sense of peace because I am now in I have his final word and he was not nearly as significant as Jesus and so the disciples now feeling the transition and they're holding on to his last words to them as it begins to move towards his crucifixion and the impact is astounding because he is about to replace sight with Ray he is about to move from his quality his PACU to Dina's presence he's about to leave them and move away from them and they can only now contact him in spirit there is a certain comfort that comes from sight and there's a challenge that comes from faith because anytime you can see that God is with you it brings one attitude it's another attitude when you can't see it you can't perceive it sensually and you have to believe it by faith we have operated in America for the last 25 years and and all of us have expected to see the operation of God in our lives see the financial blessings and see the growth in our churches and in our own homes we like to see things and we like to touch things but he's bringing us to a state of affairs where the real ones of us have got to now walk by faith and it's a challenge whenever you have to make the transition from the comfort of a physical presence to the challenge of a spiritual presence and then Jesus is saying to them now I gotta move you from sight I've got to now move you into a place that you've never been because from the time I called you you were with me in my physicality as your leader can you still follow me with the ebullience and the drive when you can't see me and you can't get to me in the same sense that you talk to me now because the only way that I can give you the power you need to have is for me leave in this physicality to send the comforter in the spirit I can't empower you like I want to empower you if I stay here with you this way but if I empower you it's because I'm going to release my spirit and I'm going to place it in you and I just want to know are you able in your own mind to understand that I'm not outside of you but now I am in you you had heard my voice for three years now I want to use your voice you have seen me lay hands now I want to use your hands you have heard me declare at the end from the beginning now I want you to declare and when you open your mouth can you believe it's me speaking through you as when you heard me speak for the last three years it's always a challenge when you have to replace visual deeds with promising words we were flying the other day and I think we were coming somewhere and as we were flying it was clear it was wonderful I mean there was no turbulence there was nothing because we had clear air and and the pilot could see all the visibility was at least a hundred two hundred miles and and he was flying it was wonderful and you know I said to Brian that the water wasn't even shaking in the glass it was that marvelous then suddenly everything went turbulent little boy hollered today when the plane hit the temple he just screamed and and everything went turbulent and the first reaction is to look out the window to see the conditions that are outside and when I looked out the window I found that it was so foggy and so cloudy that nobody could see it's interesting that even though the pile that could not see he didn't stop flying haha because of what he did was he switched to the instruments and he trusted the instruments so that he could keep on fly there now and then you got a swing to the instruments and let the devil know because I'm in turbulence I'm gonna stop fly I still have the power of the living room he is establishing the phenomenology of power because what I've got to do now is I've got to move from being outside of you to move in you and the reason I've got to move in you is so that I can declare that greater is He that's in you than he that's in the world I've gotta come out of this corporal attea flesh I've got to come out of this incarnate state so that I can take the spirit that is in me and place it in every one of you unless I do that then you can't do greater works because greater works is me stepping in all of you and using all of you to defeat the enemy in every place that you are in when you talk about the phenomenology of power you understand that what is on the outside does not have the strength of what is on the inside I want you to view yourself for a moment just view your portrait Odonis boundaries your body and and there and and just believe me that your body separates what's outside of you from what's inside of you now your friends and the people outside of you they look at the circumstance that make you up they see everything around you and and they notice that you are in the middle of a circumstantial environment the tendency is for them to judge how you are feeling by what is around you and they have a tendency to intellectually and cognitively decide as they analyze you how you ought to be feeling based on what they see around you but unless they have the same spirituali they can't tell what's in I am NOT judged by what's outside of me because what outside of me does not declare Who I am it's what's on the inside that declares Who I am great is he is he that's in you than he that's in the world the reason you're still here right now but with all the hell that you have been through it's because greater is not on the outside but greater is on the inside the reason we won't keep you long but difficulty then is in conquering the world that's what the text is about the difficulty is conquering the world when we want to get over something we leave it if there's a man and and and rich white people do it all the time you know the little girl falls in love with somebody don't they don't want them to be with they just packed the child up and ship them off ship on the England ship of the Scotland ship them to some far place in Siberia until they get that individual out of their thinking then they bring them back new creatures most of us and many of you have moved from one city to of the next just to get away from somebody I gotta get away I just gotta pack the kids up and get away out of sight out of my I'm dude I'm gone yeah some sneak out in the middle of the night because you're trying to overcome something and many of us think that by getting away from it we overcome it the question is how do I overcome something that I am still in the world and I'm still in it how do i subject' it and put it under my feet when I'm moving in it all the time I can't escape to overcome it so I've got to prevail to overcome it you know be of good cheer I have overcome from the word nickel I've gotta fight til I bring it under my feet you told me just stop by the altar somebody lay hands on you no no no they've laid hands on me all my life some things you got to fight until you get the victory over some things you got to wrestle with and the word Nicole means you're holding on to it yes smelling the sweat yes smelling the breath it's so close to you that you feel everything that's going on but you gotta make up your mind that this battle afford to lose and so I gotta fight it till I get the victory over it I feel the Holy Ghost already somebody in here had to fight something this week just to get to this place and that's why Jesus has stepped in to us to change your situation you got overcome it Oh God and to overcome it you gotta have a source that's separate from it I cannot be in the world and not of the world if the world is the source of my power in the world but I'm not of the world because I'm not looking for power from the world my what comes from a source that is not in the world so when world folks say one thing I say something else because my power is not controlled by the world feeling I won't tell you touch your neighbors seven times give somebody a high five for the first time and say the only reason I'm still here is because I have another source of influence I feel like preaching now I have become a I have to be different from the world because the world world here is cosmos and it's primarily an order or an arrangement it's an ornament or it's an adornment and it ultimately comes to the present condition of human affairs in alienation from God and it carries with it this cosmos carries with it an eon or a spirit and it is the spirit of temporal possessions it is vicissitude earnest it is sometimes it is sometimes down and carries with it the influence to bombard your mind so that you never operate in a consistent manner that's why sometimes the lapels get big then the lapels get small sometimes the dresses are long and now they're shortening the thing of the day now our boots after they've come through the red-bottom shoes now the fashion boots so just as soon as you get used to one thing here comes another thing and as soon as you get used to that thing here comes another I have a Brioni suit I bought 25 years ago and it's still in style because it does not have big lapels or small lapels and I ain't got time to be buying things every week I'm too busy for that so I buy the right thing that stays in fashion all the time I've got time to be shopping with the devil that's why I stay with God because Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever so while focal going up and down with the changes of the world I can declare I will bless the Lord his praise shall continually be in my mouth and the reason is I have a shock absorber the wheels of my life may be going up and down but between where I sit there's a shock absorber and Jesus is my shock absorber so while the wheels are going up and down the cab is going consistent because I've got something to absorb the shock and that is the power of the Spirit of God give somebody a high five for the second time and said neighbor I'm not going up and down because the spirit of the world does not control me I'm controlled by the Holy Ghost and the power of the Living God y'all sit down for a minute I got to work please yes tickle writer calls it he says all is vexation of spirit and vexation here is a grasping after without attaining changing circumstance just when you think you got it it moves away from you so the whole system then is Moody and it's unattainable and it's designed to leave you with deep frustrations always out of reach always anxious and not only is it designed to leave you psychologically debilitated it's designed to affect your health so your mind now becomes an effect of your health then it affects the way you interact with other people because you can't trust where they will be at any given time and it so affects how you deal with your enemies because Satan pops your enemies up and down and the haters that come around your life I've got news for you you've got to give God thanks for your enemies oh yes oh yes you've got praise for your haters can I just lay this one on you if you don't have anything you're not very gifted we might as well have Church in here the reason you got so many haters is God has his hand on you and whenever you have God's favor whoever around you doesn't have favor it's going to be a hater if you don't have favor you're gonna be a hater I feel like the system moves the system is fickle and it moves you up and down because the system is seeking to control that when you are bordered by the system and controlled by the system you can never flow with the freedom that comes through the anointing of Jesus Christ I wrote a poem some years ago I called it life's a game and it goes like this I started playing a game I can't remember when now whose rules change every day so no matter how hard I try I never learned to play called out when yesterday you're in said it's right but it used to be sin think it's peace but its tired strife the vicissitudes rage this game of life nobody knows what's in the deck the pieces move in a senseless pattern to be sure of confusing instructions yet and crawled by incessant interruptions play by faith and not by sight our eyes are not configured to know what is right it seems the problem with life's game is all of the players are insane unquote now the Greek writer put it differently he said that the world system has all kinds of floating masses of thoughts opinions and Maxim speculations and hopes impulses aim aspirations that are current in the world which it may be impossible to seize and accurately define but it constitutes a real and effective power sometimes you're depressed and don't know why yeah sometimes you gotta search to see what's going on sometimes you have to check what is moving around you because oftentimes it feels like spirits have invaded your space I wanna know who I'm talking to sometimes it feels like no matter how you try something always to bring you down no matter how you see to get away from it the composition is satanic control constantly changing nobody can live with it the subtle informing spirit can I preach to you like I feel it you see Satan made arrangements for you to suffer from your childhood he made arrangements for you just in case you might meet Jesus Christ he made arrangements to have the wrong parents in your house he made the arrangements for your uncles and aunts to attack he made arrangements for you to fall in love with folk that he made insane through his control he made arrangements to keep you in poverty through the psychological debilitation of how you've been socialized that he made arrangements for you to hear a lot of negatives about yourself until you believe what folk tell you and you live like how they tell you can I preach like a villain we have been controlled for so many years by a dominant culture and they have tried to make us feel as if we were cursed in a fam Wengert when Noah cursed his son ham but Noah curse of course Noah curse Damon because cleanin is in the history of the Jewish people cush went to Africa Canaan went to the Canaan land and we have debated whether or not we were cursed and we live like it but Jews believe they're the chosen people and they live like it I was somebody talk to me here but I found out that I have been chosen in Abraham and chosen before the foundation of the world and don't expect me to live any less than to believe I'm chosen and when I'm chosen I've got favored and when I got save her that's why I give God praise for my enemies my enemies get me blessed I feel something coming on here give somebody a high five for the third time that's a neighbor you prepare a table in the presence of your enemies you better eat you better not have indigestion I feel the holy words it is here now then he's made arrangements to control my attitude arrange means to control me through temporary possessions to bring me into moments of uncertainty like a car skidding out of control on a slippery road but Jesus declared I have prevailed against this there is divine purpose for your life and that's the reason I've gotta go cuz I need to sit something in you that gives you a vision in the middle of a distorted world I don't want you to see yeah come on I gotta go I don't want you to see confusion in your life but I want you to understand that I put vision in you and vision means purpose and purpose means destiny I'm not here to be moved up and down by the world's system [Music] so Jesus the situation belongs to you you don't belong to your situation cuz I've grabbed the world the world under my feet filled you with the same spirit that I control the world with put that spirit in you I don't care how America goes [Applause] I'd say ok Patchett you've got to change it control this means I have some sorrow before you'll have joy because while you're finding it it's go hit yourself while you're fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] what I've been through because I have to shake the devil is a liar [Music] they won't see they see check done what I heard [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] it's [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Oh God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and whoever comes in your spirit must be like mine you've allowed too many people in r-spec who are not like mine and how can two walk together except they be agreed you can go as far as you believe and this is leadership outside the lines because the designation is of God and there's a uniqueness about you that you're responsible to fulfill because you've been placed to do it and nobody else can do it and I close with a line from the great friend of mine who just passed as I was visiting him a few months ago and I flew for hours one way to talk to him for 20 minutes got back on the plane and flew two hours four hours back home and as we were talking I said to him it's interesting that from the days of Jesus the Apostles to this day that nobody is indispensable everybody has a time to live and the time to die were by work Wireless day for the night cometh and as I said that and was musing but maybe that wasn't the right thing to say at a time like this but we just talked and he said to me he said no nobody's indispensable but some of us are irreplaceable and if each of us would receive as a part of our lives and our prayer to God will be Lord I know I'm not indispensable but he helped me to live so then I'm very pleased well cuz there's a uniqueness about you I see it and when you get up tomorrow morning please give God thanks for Jesus and thank him for your sin because someone that cheap I want you to do something I want you to solicit very good and I want as many to saw Jubilee see the $50 right now on the altar I want you to do that with me I'm sowing a $500 see it denied me I'm sewing it in the name of my friend I want you who can and this is always - who can sew a 15 LSC just come bring it to the altar cuz it's not shame and I want this seed to represent who you are and what you have been through to become what God is shaping you to be
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 369,070
Rating: 4.7747669 out of 5
Id: IoiWVH_ijt8
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Length: 43min 18sec (2598 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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