Abandoned Portuguese millionaire’s MEGA mansion with private Disney castle (UNBELIEVABLE)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right so current traffic situation is we stranded in literally the middle of nowhere portable and we are in a nature spot right now and to reach our destination or next location which will be some kind of Disney Palace it's called we have to drive for how many kilometers one kilometer on this bumpy roads all right so let's go man [Applause] this is ridiculous Raymond can only drive like literally not more than 10 km/h like if I'm just walking I'm still walking the velocity of the car Wow but it's beautiful like the scenery here the way we have to go to reach this place I like the adventure of that it's our second day still an important goal and so far we had some really nice spots we also saw some crazy things just the culture the houses the cities there are so picturesque also there's a lot of poverty and Portugal which we already saw which means there are many but really tons of abandoned buildings but most of them are wounds are they fully over sprayed with graffiti people tend to have less respect for the buildings and only in the smaller towns all around you find the gems like the untouched places where not many people have been to and this is one of them where we're going to right now so stay tuned so we borrowed a car just left from the roads in the bumpy roads and there's another way down over there but it's really impossible to drive down there that would be ridiculous like there stumbles everywhere [Applause] so this palace mansion whatever I should call it it just has its own private road and this roads is not accessible by car we have been walking for five minutes now I'm wondering how far this road goes but only imagining that a mansion has its own roads then you know these people had enough of money for sure so let's talk you with you about the rumors which are going about this place there are two stories I don't know which of these two are true but the one story is that this was the holiday art of Michael Jackson itself the real Michael Jackson and yeah was probably just if he went on holidays was his own private mansion and he would spend his time here the second story is that people are thinking that this belonged to a Mexican drug cartel and the cartel they they just built this and eventually when they build that was never finished like inside with all the belongings and they just had didn't have enough money but they can destroy it because it's in a private nature area and it got abandoned so those are the two rumors I don't know if I have to believe that this was real Michael Jackson's palace about the Mexican drug cartel I think that makes sense so I'm curious let's check this place out okay so we made our way inside we're on the area right now we boss the wall man it's this crazy [Applause] to close it yeah [Applause] this was a little garden house I think so there's also an upstairs spot Wow I think this was supposed to become a bar this is made from actual trees you can see the gay this was I think this was a table tennis table ping pong yeah and there is a beautiful fireplace as well but the floor it's not stable anymore Daniel told us gentle air as well all right so let's find the actual palace this road is beautiful man so magical like obamas all these leaves what no way I don't wait to move this is a legit millionaire smidge [Music] right behind us or you can follow me this is the abandoned millionaire's mansion and it's so huge you won't believe it let's just go for this man yeah I won't wait any longer that's just kidding [Music] man oh that's the ballast bro [Music] unbelievable this is really unbelievable you don't know where it's Luke everywhere our stateís and then Wow Road is legit this is from a movie it's from a Disney movie for sure Wow so this Bell is like how it's made the towers then the angel stay do and then there's another tower above this was actually used as a garage but not an ordinary garage but this was used for horses and everything yeah this is like too much money to buy this is too expensive and besides is in a private nature area so that's the reason why it also can be sold and the cartel which owns place it was was it Nogueira what's the Nogueira was the name of this cartel and yeah they just flew they just flee away to Brazil Mexico that's it is a parrot this is this is unbelievable unreal so dis is depart when they wanted to live but eventually it was built and it was never live inside this building hey see the name of this man with the cartel okay yeah and then the majesty of this place this is unbelievable how the architecture is made I keep saying the word unbelievable but I literally don't know another word for it like beautiful would just be too ordinary for me because this is even more than beautiful [Music] and then these palm trees this is this definitely portico Valen trees this mansion even the horse buff we can't access the roof so that means that we're we going on the roof we will give you like okay so let's walk around this building over there you see the dolphin status this was actually a pool [Music] water is completely green but imagine it's so beautiful man I also really like the state of with the dolphins there was there used to be water coming out of their mouths oh yeah I can see that man let's welder on there was a fish inside yeah it's a fish accidentally it started moving this was also used to put water in the pool the 'ervix highway let's just follow the Eurex highway and we will find what we are looking for also these styles it's typical Portagee style [Music] Wow there used to be a stairway you can't reach it anymore it's full of spikes we're only looking at this stairway Oh and there you can see that over there that's another pool as well as huge but we can't reach it guys unfortunately but that's crazy man so they had two pools maybe even more that we can see three three pools I can't see the third one where did you saw yeah I can see yeah there's a small third pool behind it bro this is legit threats passing behind us you can see it the building again stop looking at it but what's such a shame is that people sprayed it with graffiti no it's so sad the fact that they can fix this plays out but it just where to of money for de Gaulle is not a very rich country and besides this we already told is in a private area so that means that they just can't are under the trees right now and let's take a glimpse inside of this building because it's quite empty from the inside but status and the architecture it still sparks my mind take a look that really majesty exterior of this place man all that stay to stay Wow unbelievable still unbelievable man the statues and generally the marble pillars over there the marble fireplace the marble crowds alright let's walk around this house we gotta be careful because behind this wall it's the neighbor's house and that's how it's not abandoned this looks like a concrete's room hey Mike from the Indiana Jones movies yeah everything is so you see this photographer and I want to give a big shot at him because this is how I met this guy I saw displays on the forum and I was flabbergasted I told him bro we have to find this place do you know it and he said yeah I know it and that's how we met and now we're doing just a wall throw together so say your name bro this is your moment she can see it's really hard to pronounce I know yeah we have no regrets at all that we came too poor to go home he rides so there is a way in apparently but this is way too dangerous if we fell into the glass we still have ten days to go and we will not make it you see there's a rope and then they placed this bucket full of sand and this nut canola's and besides if we fall through it we will land in the glass on the ground we will cut our legs open and there is no way out there's always safety first it's pretty dog in there but this was used as a wine cellar two-story wine bottles I got a little eyes you can see it a lot probably five on this little guards [Music] that's funny so this was I think this was for the servants yeah we served the coffee and the wine and just came to the garden when they were some bad thing they definitely have for sure if they lift there but eventually never happened it was built and there's also mods everywhere flying so let's get out can take another glimpse insides I hope we won't make it once we have heard that there is a silent alarm in the building so that will mean that after we flew to throne and we can finally we will probably will be able to spend not more than 10 minutes of them run aways fuss we can't big a car then drive to bumpy roads let's hope nothing will happen and if you don't we would just leave in peace where you can see kitchen all right so it's time to check out the roof a little more quiet yeah we're gonna be silent because otherwise neighbors can probably hear us these are Auto doors but also logged as well man look at this mysterious fairway then he wanders it's pretty slippery so we got to be careful but this looks very magical you can even go up in but this is the roof right man and then we were standing on the roof [Music] Wow we can even see more of the interior beautiful staircase now comes the crazy dink big local planner Oh huge swimming pool you can't see with reflection but yet you you can see but not very properly this is swimming pool those are the stage with the arcs Wow they thought about all the details when they build this place yeah they definitely lied horses that's one thing for sure [Applause] and that's the crownless guys oh my gosh now you can actually see how you today [Music] saving a look at this view rope I'm speechless yeah it's so Mexico but also like it's a big area you know yeah they had so much ground which they owned and bought it's all the way all the way down there yeah it's really big literally the air is still yeah yeah yeah down there yeah all these Staters are marvel we were told then I got one question you said like there are almost no houses in this area how did the people get the permission to build this at the time they just build it it's that long ago that they have build this but 10 years 20 years 20 years man it still looks so neat from the outside do you think so yeah like okay but the Brazilian owner or the Mexican owner from the cartel yeah yeah so he still asks like its workers who come to clean this place but I think it's a good thing that they still that they still preserve it but imagine the owner that gives the mission to clean it is that much money that you can just send people you know like oh here you have 20,000 bucks and let's fix my place so much money to do like all these things this palace is on the list for demolition it can be these type of structures can be built on the private parks like this is the national park so we may not be rebuilt so it can be destroyed because it's on the privates Park yeah it's not only to be destroyed so it's but that basically means that the owners of this private park refuse to destroy it because otherwise that's why it's it's like this [Music] this is a tower over this this this door is closed see these wires it's from the alarm he said honey alarm be Fajardo it's East looks pretty death from the inside yeah so we eventually can go in the dollars death is not alarmed so we're gonna do it right now and that's how he back loses a ballast inside of this tower there's bets I've been touching all the bushes there literally everywhere I think is as if there's a lot of big spoilers and Beth well I don't like spiders but I think we gotta do it as long as there's no Darryl Tula is really hard I don't know you can go with a camera I'm doing it maybe you have to aid me a little bit but there's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to stand-up double for disney castle we just found it what is it spread Yash penny was right it's falling I can see that I would just stay here it's fine for me man the construction of these towers think you can stay in this balcony and we're above the angel yeah was pretty intense yeah [Music] Wow you can see we're in the mountains there all these hills with rocks those are the nests of the bats we saw in the other tower all right so this window is the way in but this is legit gonna be a hit and run there is a sign alarm we're gonna go in there now do a wall true we're gonna not spend time details would show you the interior let's go three two one and Showtime reveal the girls there's the swimming pool the state whose desks closets everything's white marble [Laughter] [Music] we traded the loan yes it's probably to scare people away that's what we knew when we expected that's where we were all right so we've got a bagel equipment now and get out we made it yeah we made it man it's freaking hot we had to run so fast we only had three minutes and the walk it was longer yeah it's deep the road but I think this place it's my top three for sure yeah it's so unique it's I understand why there is a lot an alarm there is no furniture inside yeah you saw a little bit but not so many stuff inside but still from the outside you know people will smash the windows and everything that would really ruin this place yeah it's it's so unbelievable it was I think we told each other the priority spot of this place like it's this is the most spectacular place of the world trip but we still have a lot to go it's only day two we will be ten days here ten day we will go back to to the Netherlands but wow this place was just I'm speechless man and I hope you you lied our adventure and everything what happened and our perspective of this place once again big shout out to Dani Gaspar who is with us and yeah I hope you just really can appreciate the stuff that we did and if you did like comment down below and subscribe and yeah we see you guys on our next adventure see that [Music]
Channel: Explomo
Views: 551,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, abandoned house, haunted mansion, abandoned, drug cartel, portugal, pablo escobar, mega mansion, mansion, disney, disney castle, house, urban exploration, urbex, explore, exploration, drug lord, unbelievable, explomo, exploring with josh, theproperpeople, steve ronin, exploring, urban, proper, people, untouched, we found, millionaire, million dollar, millionaire mansion, incredible, history, abandoned places, abandoned buildings, palacio, abandoned castle
Id: ky73GyxWAqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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