Abandoned Japanese Billionaire's Family Mansion $200,000,000 Worth w/ Everything Left Behind

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RichEL7224 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
you [Music] we just went underground no way [Music] look what we're walking into see right now [Music] when you watch this video I want you to ask yourself this question what are the most important things in life this is a story a story of falling from grace a billiard I lost everything but what led to it all was the loss of a loved one [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] well guys I am back it's great to be here again be new around here my name is Steve Ronan and gonna have to convince every single week welcome to the Rowan family don't forget to join our discourse server I'm always there trying to everyone 24/7 and subscribe and hit the notification button Bell I've been here before it's been a month since I've been here the first week I came to Japan I actually came here to explore the very first weekend so it's been a while since then but everything here is still the same as it once was this place is absolutely incredible guys it used to belong to a Japanese billionaire who fled the country due to like money issues and tax issues that went on in his life no one has even found him ever since then and there's there's been a few buildings that I've explored that was owned by them because he was a real estate tycoon that's where you would profit and make most money from well yeah since I did this video the first time the second video is gonna be just a short walk through of this place the reason why I'm back that was because there's another building that was actually where he lives I think last time too I came here during the evening so I didn't really have much time until it got dark on that day so I'm really happy that you know there's enough daylight for me it just takes some incredible photos of this place and to show you guys around better in the basement floor so long guys and before we do smash that thumbs up button and when I first came to this place I didn't really know much information about it but I've been doing so much research on this guy exploring some of this properties man he had such a crazy life and before I had no idea how much these like statues who are worth they're made of marble and they're just so so expensive and it's just insane how they're just left here I kind of want people to take them out and preserve them and keep them safe but hey it's Japan we're also in a busy area at the moment so I don't think anyone can just roll up here and take them without being caught so I'm happy about that you know the effort it takes to carve something like this and how much money this is worth it's a lot this is made of bronze which I think it's much more expensive than marble statues how much are bronze statues according to Nathan Scott with a limited-edition sculpture if a mold costs one thousand dollars to make and I will be making ten sculptures in the Edition the price is divided over those ten pieces so these cost of the mold making can be easily arranged from $25,000 to $6,000 and I found this whiskey box right here if you're from France you probably recognize it this would cost roughly maybe 65 to 75 US dollars and I can't believe these sofas are here too they caught this Great Dane so well now I believe this was some sort of piano I don't know where the keys are though to play it oh wait this is sit right here it's not opening oh yeah there's an imprint of a biscuit oh yeah you're right did you see that last time I was wondering what it was before yeah real cloth so they had a bear rug they had a tiger and they had a peacock unbelievable so sad that they're just left here they should really take everything and put it inside a museum that's it for here if you want to see a thorough exploration of just this building just check out my first video I assure you guys downstairs really really quick this is the most insane part if you haven't seen it from my first vid down here is where he was some most of his art collection there has to be over maybe a hundred marble statues and maybe over 20 bronze statues you just imagine how much everything is worth in here not only that but the whole architecture of the entire building - see has a little bit of marble on it - so this building alone also costs a lot so one inch of this room in the first video was really a big dark and get a better look what was inside here [Music] now you may be wondering why on earth did he have so many statues at the time I also wondered why they were scared everywhere I couldn't imagine people moving these heavy stashes around but upon further research he may have suffered from depression and developed a hoarding problem [Music] well we're gonna leave the place and head to the other building [Music] [Music] [Music] you believable man actually this entire like cool right here in the marble statute I've just left outside there's vines growing everywhere on them freshest work of art not being taken care of dad there's more down here we just went underground no way what the hell we just walked through like and on the ground Tunnel straight into the kitchen and look at the entrance - it's like someone took a sledgehammer to get through here man I'm so glad I came back here cuz if I have missed this this is ten times better than the previous building we were just ad insane look at his view to his little garden right here with some pawns and a view of the entire town that we're in and look at this massive bronze chandelier this is so beautiful take a look at this view this was what he was seeing every day or most of his days look what we're walking into right now nice we can get outside from here this is unbelievable hands-down the most gorgeous abandoned mansion I have ever explored this is the first time I'm exploring abandoned mansion that was owned by a billionaire and I can tell the huge differences from the mansions that were worth only millions of dollars for millionaires it's crazy how many marble statues there are and bronze statues and even the walls are made of marble I wonder what kind of style of interior this would be called if you guys happen to know to leave it down in the comments [Music] I think we're able to see Mount Fuji from here it looks like a mountain could be wrong though this could just be clouds my gosh I think this is by far my favorite one [Music] [Music] look at this Amira cabinet I've never seen anything like it before like it's all carved and there's paintings right on it next to it something incredible this is by far the most beautiful painting I've ever seen left the band in it saddens me really like this is such fine art it's just being left here rotting away gained destroyed and deteriorating over time can just imagine the lifestyle how different it is and a strangest part two is that the billiard had to flee the country I don't know if he in has money anymore or what he's up to so the dude has definitely done a 360 degree of his life if he asked no money now but hey maybe it's a life lesson to learn that money isn't everything and valuable objects aren't everything and it's a little stuff in life that's worth a lot there's major the second floor though it's crazy I love it the whole mansion it's insane all the rooms mostly have windows and done so so much natural light comes through and I think that's my favorite part of mansions and houses like if I would own one I would love this one like to just shine through right over here was another room crazy man so yeah Oh like not only did he sell these statues but he also owned them in this home Wow I feel like I'm in heaven right now everything is white and check out the marble floor [Music] I don't even know was walking through I thought this could have been a glass mirror as well but now I'm good oh it was attached to the bathroom probably the most expensive toilet he'll ever see and the most expensive sink in the world and my gosh imagine having a nice bath here and I'm overlooking that view you something is definitely growing in it this almost looks like a giant bomb [Music] this room kind of looks a little bit unfinished hey over here are the nationís of the rooms probably in square feet we're gonna head upstairs check it the railing this is the very top floor of the mansion god damn so mirrors look at the chairs and sofas what if you happen to know the price of this leave a comment down below this is huge and incredible look at that carving this room is fit for a king I'm noticing so much of a difference between the stuff that millionaires buy and billionaires buy I feel like this would be even expensive for a millionaire such a beautiful clock man [Music] we went full circle a lot of the architecture was inspired by Western culture [Music] we can actually keep going down even more and we're right by the cliff so this is the bottom floor it seems like you didn't even have a basement holy crap I think this is the largest floor ever let's check around here really quick and this was their dining room like more like a museum down here that is a large chandelier I've ever seen so gorgeous paintings I love art so much there's anything I'll collect in the future its art this looks incredibly stunning okay so it doesn't really end that long it looked really long because of the mirror over here [Music] [Laughter] you won't believe this guys but there's a third abandoned billet that he owned as well not sure if it could have been another mansion of his all right another building that was used for art what a hike we have a set time of 20 minutes inside here because we have to hit up another amazing location but we're almost done this only has two floors and right now this is another abandoned mansion that he owned or he can call it a villa it's crazy that he needed two of them I'm guessing this could have been like a place for parties or events these chairs are the craziest trips I've ever seen looks like it's made of marble and this one too the sculpture so much detail put into this I really dig his style like even though this is abandoned as I'm walking here it makes me feel so wealthy okay just a difference normally millionaires right they would have this sure but look at the extra details put into this like this right here the bronze part and how is holding a chandelier made of bronze out of all the mansions worth millions of dollars never seen anything like this this is by far the biggest table this is $70 a pop it's not even open yet the plastic is still around it we got this ball of wine next to it too it's the most amazing cabinet you've probably ever seen [Music] so supposedly the master bedroom was down here all his belong seems to just have been left behind now these weren't the only properties he owned he owned about a hundred and fifty properties in real estate most notably in Hawaii where he allowed them to be rundown it's been speculated that he would try to drive down real estate value so he can snap up even more homes a lot of the neighbors would complain saying it was wrong the houses our homes made to live in and aren't investment vehicles until he owned about two hundred million dollars worth of real estate investment properties [Music] my gosh I think this was just meant to be a bedroom this is the size of most people's entire house you know a leopard rugs very very western here it's funny in Asia people love the West and when you're in the West people love Asia right over here seems like this could have been a sacred altar for meditation look how it looks like a 40 enter it like it feels so sacred to even step in here it's the Tommy styled [Music] he just imagine how many times he's paraded in here with that and he statutes must have been so sacred to him especially these dolls every day he would probably come here and pray I hope wherever he is right now he's living a good life there's still a lot of notes in here [Music] [Music] I feel so sad just walking in here because this guy has had billions of dollars and to be honest like he lost it all he lost everything you would think that when you reach that status of having so much money that nothing can stop you but hey you can lose it all any second so I think in this world it's very true you know you can't take anything with you nothing really matters you can't take these things the stories I've read what's that this guy was very very greedy and that's why he was so rich he was so consumed with money and that's why he owed so much because he didn't want to give it in the end though if you think about it he managed to conquer and leave everything behind so that's why I said I hope he's living a good life now even without all of these materialistic objects there's definitely more to life than all of this but hey I think everyone should live their life they want to live my hands-down experience family and friends moments good health I feel like that's wealth this was his bedroom this entire room was his bedroom and check out how big his bed was look how grand it looks you would have to you would have to take two steps just to get on the bed yeah almost done here's the picture right here wonder who this could have been could have been his wife a loved one hmm well I'm editing this video I'm seeing here in thinking that this could very well be the photo of the loved one that passed away the one thing that truly costs in deep pain which then consumed him into a deep spiraled downward depression and greed that's another thing that's crazy he had to flee and I'm sure a lot of his friends and family don't even know where he went because if they did he probably would be caught and put the jail here's his bathroom my next to the bed everything here's made of marble actually this entire buildings made of marble [Music] well what an entrance to the toilet okay guys wow what a crazy adventure spent today I'm so glad I went back I can't believe I missed so much but even still the first video I did was also incredible just by doing his art collectors house I'm so glad I was able to do his actual mansions and villas I could have never imagined I'd be exploring a billionaires place that's abandoned absolutely insane such a huge difference from anything I've seen for an abandoned mansion we are currently driving to the next location it's absolutely gorgeous right now with the Sun setting the next video after this is gonna be another crazy one that you guys will have to check out so yeah stay tuned guys the adventure never ends I hope you guys really did enjoy the video forget to subscribe hit the notification button Bell and leave your comments and thoughts down below also big thank you to my Japanese friends ran elephant and Ryu check out their instagrams amazing Japanese photographers you guys will enjoy the content and also don't forget to check out the lone tog right here we're actually booking our tickets for our next crazy crazy adventure man once we booked these flights it's like this ends the Japan series it's like a hardened period dot to end it with so we're hoping we actually make it well realism is a crazy driver anyway um yeah hope you guys live a life of phenom wander and I will see you guys in the next episode peace [Music] [Music] [Music] you you [Laughter] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Steve Ronin
Views: 3,081,481
Rating: 4.845098 out of 5
Keywords: steve ronin, exploring with steve, abandoned, japanese, billionaires, family, mansion, $200000000, worth, everything, left, behind, steve ronin abandoned, steve ronin mansion, Abandoned Japanese BILLIONAIRES Family Mansion $200, 000, 000 Worth w/ Everything Left Behind, Abandoned Japanese BILLIONAIRES Family Mansion, Abandoned Japanese BILLIONAIRES
Id: IId-tAGuDqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 46sec (2086 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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