Abandoned 1920s Department Store - Found Dog Inside

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Note: If you watch to near the end of the video, the group returns to the store a while after calling animal control, where they have a confrontation with the dogs owner. Around 40:50

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/robotboy199 📅︎︎ May 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

So I lost my grip......

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Novus20 📅︎︎ May 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
in today's episode we're checking out two abandoned locations in Baltimore first we're exploring an abandoned theater that was later repurposed as a church then we're heading over to a massive department store still fall of vintage items our exploration here however would end up taking an unexpected turn [Music] [Music] [Music] recently while passing through Baltimore we met up with our friend Dan Bell who always has a seemingly unlimited number of abandoned places in the city to show us the first location we ended up filming was the Apollo Theater which dates all the way back to the 1920s the curtains hanging from the middle the ceiling or cool all Tigers working electricity are now return to two murders a basement that we could fall into done that one before yeah it's like the lifecycle of an abandoned place after its original purpose it becomes a church and then it's abandoned happens a lot as you might have just heard Dan was not in the mood for such a grimy place so he continued on without him we're also joined today by another Explorer Jayden who runs the Channel nation decay holy [ __ ] there's a water coming in everywhere where'd you see 2017 yeah but the way that the inner room looked that's interesting I guess a lot of water just Scott yeah I'm so watered it's in snow maybe collapse the part of the roof or something where they do the lighting and stuff oh yeah oh it's like a really cool warm light but they're really modern light bulbs do we have to CFL kinds pretty tight up here up and grab bit more you want to check out the shoulder first yes look at this office oh that's a really cozy cardigan pastor and Edwards look at the way those simple phone responds and wooden siding is warping out it's crazy 1999 is the calendar here does this one turn on this is the upper-level resonance this is probably gonna be sketchy up here on the projection windows are boarded off over there that doesn't mean to be something in there want to go look cobwebs everywhere there's nothing in here no there's no projectors left yeah there were literally just using like fold-out patio chairs here well look down there there was drop ceiling up to the end of the balcony so they closed this area down way before they did the rest of it oh I didn't even notice that right little wall changes there used to be a drop ceiling there so this entire old ceiling would have been sealed off from the rest of the place and just rotting away next up was an abandoned department store that Dan recommended we check out I know everyone loves to see us exploring with Dan but unfortunately we'd be checking this one out without him as he had other business to take care of there's already Christmas decorations if you want to go all the way up to start and then work your way down okay yeah it doesn't make sense just start on a random floor in the middle well what is this all you're gonna walk by this there's like little bags down here there's stuff to go into this thing that's been it says something National Bank maybe like a coin machine Oh everything's hooked up to a chain is there like a crank yeah there's a wheel over here ee spin no I bet it was some kind of money sorter probably cuz you don't think I'm much money in this place would ya upwards to go this building dates back to 1929 and originally opened as a department store called Gutman's eventually it was bought by a discounts to our company known as Epstein's and they operated here until 1991 quality cosmetics for less here's the elevators check it out the elevators had glass doors so you'd be able to see your car arriving that's pretty cool yeah do these still slide no been in elevator shafts or some of the creepiest things there's this is the old style of fire door where it was on a sloped rail and gravity would shut it that's where all the glass on the light fixtures went it's been smashed with some clothing racks over here [Applause] [Applause] do they have a way out over here no you might be freaking them out by cornering them we are you gotta love that toothpaste cream paint color well there's a elevator car right here yeah the whole car all the way up here somebody rips this out get in there get in there and start jumping up and down in the door when I was up the bees used to just slide yeah they're jammed big time though cuz I'm sure they had a lock on it for what elevator cars are not even cool looking like they're definitely not original no was this like all but above the drop ceiling you could actually see a bit of an ornate this man added the trough ceiling in an elevator car and probably wall paneling also yeah they might have also replaced manual elevators with the automatic electric elevators at one point - yeah it's misaligned something tells me that penalty would be a little bit more than today's dollars why the glass is still intact on these lights wow that's a green room in there did you guys notice how not straight this wall is too curvy well no but it's curvy I can hear it's bright and yellow everything's like birthday cake colors the way the pain is cracking here it's really cool it's a bunch of desks stacked up in here church bells car alarms and people screaming the sounds of Baltimore did you see this fluorescent light fixture up here they're all like that yeah it's cool it's not super ornate but you know they don't even try to make things ornate in this day and age exactly there's some interesting colors so it's like what we've been on your nose big buttons these doors are probably maintenance elevators and there was eight elevators total maybe these was replaced later on oh [ __ ] my foot just did that some of that I felt something under my foot I thought it was just an object or something but yeah the floor is a little crunchy in some parts no it's like two layers of wood though so yeah but they're always punching through the top the top layer of the laminate is like bulging sometimes and then you get to the wood and the wood crunches here's another display oh yeah these stairs are just covered in pigeon crap it's like mounds of it by your feet those look like laundry baskets oh there's were some of the missing light fixtures one these were all clothing racks over here all these old products stands just the fonts are so cool small handwriting right here skirts sweaters blouses [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] here's all the lights from the cash registers this machine here would probably probably be price tags so go through here you set the number you want don't punch it in a Kmart ad from 1974 what'd you find I think these are old cash registers oh [ __ ] they are Wow okay this might be the coolest thing we found in here yet we could do one all the way at the end yeah cash registers oh yeah I know these are obviously not cash registers I don't know why we kept saying that they're just mechanical calculators which is still pretty cool they're just in rows you'd have to enter in each row you've at least like one four six four etc and we'll go you press well they wanted a row the other one pops up the people who worked here we're like punch the Nets check oh yeah buh B's much we're in the same row the other one pops up people who works here like all over the place think it was still punch [Music] okay so this floor I think is the first real department store floor the rest have been offices and storage floors the actual sales floors were gutted yeah whatever cool if these were still intact okay can you see all the way through good sizzle oh it might just be like this no you see the floor below I guess that's why they didn't rip this part out holy cow domestics oh you know why this part is concrete and then it's what here escalators this this is where the tower continues up you're right see above us here it's just a roof but then right there is where the tower is where's the other escalator this would be the top floor if the sales floor yeah but you still need to be able to go back down if you came up now vice versa you only go over stock here it's really strange I guess you either be expected to use the stairs in the elevator if you came up here using this [Music] this thing just starts rolling away go for the brake is still burning [Music] no he didn't want to check that out into the dark and creepy to our way it's a big storage area but there's something down here look at the floor buckling that's a hole - that is it smells like an old log cabin in here all the wood look at this cash register that is not Wow I've never seen one like that in person this is amazing I'm glad we came in here we almost missed this holy [ __ ] look in here look at this wooden one it's wood holy [ __ ] this is the coolest thing in here so far we didn't cash registers and the money drawers is it real one it's a vineyard thing play look receipt paper looks like toilet paper at a hotel look at this these are all shams I just wanna push buttons 100 more buttons wow this is the one this whole back area is filled with them these are they're all term different generations it's amazing it's so satisfying look at that nice all these ones are in worse shape though cuz this area's falling apart right back here - yeah bulletins this entire room is filled with them I like the wooden ones they stand it out they look like slot machines or something they kind of do there's money Trias no I don't see money though even if you found a dollar bill in here it would be super cool because it would be extremely old there's got to be at least like 50 of them back here total what is that a window noise I don't know yeah it is now it's a hole when you can see one abandoned building out the window of another 96 82 they're all numbered probably had around a hundred of these it was 97 over there they're literally just everywhere oh this one's number 208 so they had at least 200 of them I want to find some vintage money yeah there's probably at least one old bill somewhere in here but probably pretty hard to find yeah but you know sometimes stuff gets missed oh yeah oh there's a stairwell here yeah wait where is this stairwell is this like a different stare it's right outside you see [Applause] get in the building sure sound like someone was in that stairwell um so I have a problem why got knocked off somewhere oh [ __ ] it's in the building what the dog oh it's not yes it is he looks he's wearing a collar it is yeah it's a dog of the dog no he looks he's wearing a collar he looks friendly well don't be scared of him could be some homeless guys dog oh he's right behind this swell box yeah he's sitting behind this box he's literally right behind there so I lost my great I can't leave the [ __ ] dog in here he's got his own business yeah hello he doesn't look friendly yeah good boy that's one of those that here's a letter missing that's what I want to know - you're talking hello so weird that was no you would not let your dog run loose in a building like this if you were like it was like a normal responsible person it could just be like a dog got out how would he get in the building though there's no way anybody open the doors you could hear it unless he nuts that opens I know I know but we haven't we start at the top and we're working our way down and we just heard barking all of a sudden and we thought it was me from outside at this point I decided to give Dan a call since he had been in the building just a few nights earlier and didn't mention anything about a dog being inside at first I thought this could have been a guard dog situation and Dan just didn't tell us about it because he knew the harmless pup would get a good scare out of us after getting him on the line however he was shocked to hear about the dog we then developed a few theories as to what the dog was doing in there eventually settling on the idea that was either abandoned or just being irresponsibly stored I think someone abandoned him hmm we'll probably just keep exploring but we'll stay close together so we think that dog might have been abandoned in here so once we're done exploring we're probably gonna figure out somebody to call and see if they can get that dog out of here cuz I really think he was just abandoned in here like these are dog prints and I'm wondering if maybe they're don't think they're dogging her regularly if it's somebody that lives in here yeah I think it's probably someone was in the area and they just [ __ ] dumped their dog in here for the day that's really sad yeah all that is so sad he looked like a good boy the doors were read on this floor oh yeah you know what that others stairwell where the dog was widows down somewhere yeah no it was this corner for sure you want to go back over there if we stick together is there no other pass through to get over it's like a separate building over there actually right there stairs terribly that's what this dog came up right in right no it was one farther back yeah no this is the stairwell we originally came up in yeah there's no past it's there's a notice another building there's must be another building over there please you want to go what if we were in a different building yeah that's a different building yeah we should you want to do that right now yeah let's do that okay so we have to go back to where we just encountered the dog yeah [Applause] his behavior did not seem aggressive he seemed scary yeah he seemed like a little scare a little excited just unsure maybe we just shut it no once he came up here let's just explore the rest of the place we can ask Dan if there's anything working down here after we can come back I wonder if that smells like dog [ __ ] yeah it does it reeks we touch my calling the dog no no I don't call him here he comes see being a good boy hey puppy was wagging his tail come on you want some pets hey oh he's scared now oh no shaking let's just leave he's shaking don't don't you go after him no no no they can get tough thing is he's shaking now he's abandoning her for sure yeah hey he's so [ __ ] scared who's probably abused he's wrong he's scared and scared no no no give him his face yeah cuz once they get scared they can act unpredictably did you see how thin you like lash out that's always so thin yeah we got a decent about that once we're done I just wanted to interject here to say a few things since once again we were saying some nonsensical stuff first off we've since looked up what a pit bull at a healthy weight looks like and this guy was maybe a little underweight but definitely nowhere near emaciated we didn't know this at the time though secondly we don't actually think the dog was abused just because he was acting a little scared I think that was a perfectly normal way for a dog to behave towards three strangers we were all just a little anxious in the moment and didn't want to take any chances with trying to get closer that's gonna crack yeah he was probably in here for a while yeah these footprints everywhere around this time Dan had arrived to see the situation for himself so we headed out to meet him we found the dog here looks like he must go to a homeless person but I don't know not 9-1-1 call animal control really yeah there's all clothes in there it's probably a homeless person but like you can't have running around this building full of [ __ ] the dog even if it there is someone who comes here and like feeds him like the guy who all these clothes are for the homeless guy can't have to stop drinking this disgusting water yeah definitely is you know since example but he's friendly mom as we here okay thank you ma'am Wow all right Thank You buh-bye these because I needed oh well look I'm shaking Oh No [Music] I knew [Music] [Music] yeah and why does he have a dog like this living in smaller I mean the dog looks healthier the arse with you yeah he's not after feeding the dog we went on our way not sure as to what was going to happen a few hours later we got a call back from Animal Control letting us know that they were on the scene and that there were actually three dogs inside the building since we were nearby we hopped in the car to go see the dogs being taken out for ourselves but when we arrived a scene was already unfolding this is is that animal control yeah it is look at the van would they cut this thing open we're taking pictures no it's not baby things shut yeah that is animal control [Music] I'm all about the dogs two and a half years I mean I don't know why any of you idea was what because a success about to go try to break an air skill write down the ground here [Music] funny I'm not I'm not saying well then we am concerned because the buildings are abandoned no to storage everyday so close in this corner every day you see me right out here selling boil stuff breaking stuff everything that's the first off the people buy it with the like dog piss and [ __ ] on it I'm just saying buddy buddy danai it's a little dilapidated to keep some animals in dumbass [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: The Proper People
Views: 866,384
Rating: 4.8900456 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urban, exploration, urbex, exploring, haunted, proper, people, theproperpeople, abandoned places, department store, mall, dead mall, dan bell, baltimore, gutmans, epsteins, shopping, retail, nostalgia, retro, vintage, history, documentary, adventure, photography, theater
Id: R5dP-vvR0CY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 48sec (2628 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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