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it looks like we're in a movie right now there's actually power on inside this hospital and the lights are flickering you can't get any more creepier than this alright so he obviously will guess that I'm at an abandoned place and once I go where's the pen videos that where it is here it is it's right here all right right here we're doing one I have been enjoying California so much that I haven't been vlog answer lunch but we're here today we're enjoying this place right now you're gonna enjoy too we're in a hospital right now for 70 years this place served as a critical health care facility for the city so pretty much after some financial issues this place closed in 2002 and what's amazing about this places as I can tell if you look down the hall this still parang which is I don't know who's paying for it but hey a power still on it's been abandoned for already 14 years the power still on from the looks of the inside it looks like this no graffiti looks really clean maybe untouched let's go see if the equipment's away let's go let's just go explore this place tell your friends men tell everyone you know I'm back in the business look at this so you can see that all the equipment at least for now is still here oh yeah I forgot about that the lights are on is that's what's amazing the lights are freakin Houma that is so why it is look at the beds this might actually be one of the most untouched hospitals we have ever been into 100% sure this is unbelievable dye wash liquid still inside they gotta be look at this is not for sale here so they must have some options could have any years ago though I mean close that they were trying to sell everything everything I've been actually sell is still here so and things that weren't person yeah exactly Oh get some lemonade where's Steve wow this is so sick oh my God look this place is massive we're gonna be here for a while seven floors yeah I could still smell the you know that as a hospital smell it has the hospital scent yeah it has the hospital's link to it yeah I mean everything is here I have I love this this is one of my favorites right here after I say about every video though damn it here at the reception desk for one of the area's stone the first floor but look at this the oxygen valve everything says abnormal it's all lit up thank God dude crazed oh yeah it's all set up like it was never there it's just all untouched men yeah man it's like it's like a hurricane ER or something happened like something crazy I read just how to leave everything yeah the unexpected thing we heard footsteps on the first floor like what the heck's going on did someone hear like what is it and all of a sudden what should I do that David comes out of nowhere and he watches our videos too and he's seen us walking here and oh my god I was so scared first this place is so huge and I don't know I'm just looking around everywhere I want to find a morgue I I don't know if there's a morgue here I haven't seen worked in so long so that's the goal I'm looking for a more dry now but really probably the basement should be able to find one found the cafeteria but you can smell like old food in here all I got left is chairs no tables Wow oh yeah nice what kind of good food they're serving here all right so we found the basement the mortgage just might actually be in here let's hope oh man it is creepy you know what I noticed then the building see our mate was like brick and mud and stuff I don't know what the heck they're using cement compared to the ones in the East Coast and they're making what's like wood and they're actually yeah they're Wow we're in a tunnel system damn heck man I just met this guy or he's over inside an abandoned building he's gonna kill me destroyed pretty much all removed or they're just different was a mortgage site yeah I could set a second Ward right here cut them up Washington lead in their blood straightened out here waters draining down here and you know honestly would take the body parts take the organs and they would put it inside this freakin bowl and yeah from there they take it away it's a body laying in there and it's frozen it's not we're done look at this damn look at that blood still in there that is nasty you know after they're after they're dead and stuff they're on there and they get transported out and here's the body bag too we're finding all sorts of freaking crazy things here now it's starting to look like we're in an actual hospital it's not abandoned alright we have room 11 right here and the thing is it's exactly these are all patients rooms at this point oh damn someone came here trying to steal copper it looked like just think about how it was in the past being here you know like put yourself here and think about it's like wow like this was alive back in the day everybody was in these beds you know you know all the like who knows it was probably posters on the walls at one time and now it's just here like freaking Silent Hill these were oxygen tanks used to be in Oran if this still from here small curtains hmm it's like a maze it was you go this way first some probably old tic-tacs see this is a date on over to 2008 these Tic Tacs where well look at this place though this could have been the waiting room maybe before surgery and stuff yeah yeah yeah the preparation room yeah yep if they're not dying but they got surgery you know something they go here no way though there's running water here definitely right you either after surgery or before surgery you're inside that room or just in and here you guys are yep the washroom for the doctors and these are all the surgery rooms there you go don't know many freaking medical tools and medicines are inside here before this one setup to be like a freaking photo shoot one right here Deb I bet you any money urban explorers came and they set up to look like this on purpose for a picture most likely so good old wheelchairs and you see random wheelchairs in hallways it's like it's like a spooky vibe I get it every time so John just sent me a picture of a chapel here I'm surprised if the chapel was actually added in 1947 I thought maybe it was gone by now but now it's here and what's awesome about this is that you know we're really you know we're exploring we're searching and everything and so it's amazing but the thing is like we're trying to find this chapel now so we have to really search like as if you know right in the end of the Jones and stuff Manchu explorers so looking around here trying to find it I mean it really could be anywhere this is my fear room it's like open it's big it's quiet hell yeah okay yes there it is the chapel we gotta go in oh my god Wow I mean this is like a brand-new chapel just look at the stained glass definitely a nice one just picture yourself inside of a chapel inside of an abandoned hospital it's been abandoned for over 14 years yeah look at this guy's they left the biohazard trash share a whole bunch of chemicals could be inside holy [ __ ] guys look the psychiatric ward pretty much in asylum before they changed before it was a silo know before it was psychiatric ward it was asylum so this would be interesting man when how they looked at the doors there are rooms are set up differently it doesn't look too much different though only thing left here and the psych ward is this Wow you found the patients lockers you know usually in psych wards are here for about a week or two depending on the situation and they'd always throw their belongings in their lockers before and then you know when they leave obviously they get their stuff back monkeys in the basement we just told them that is a monkey it is what we just told him that there's a dead monkey in the basement and they really believe it and that's where they going to check right now they stopped everything to go down there yeah he's tough everything they could to go down there try to find the monkey it was the monkey purse it was the monkey all right so they can't find the monkey that we found in the basement the monkeys in the right so the monkey that we found in the basement they can't find so I gotta take them to it with the monkey so like they're like freaking coming out of nowhere like really where's the monkey where's the monkey I'm like all right exactly so now I'm gonna show them with the monkey all right in here hey guys you ready yeah I lied there's no there's no monkey there's no monkey
Channel: Exploring With Josh
Views: 11,283,629
Rating: 4.8383722 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, ghost, ghosts, exploring with josh, haunted, haunting, urban exploring, urban exploration, urbex, hospital, asylum, scary, creepy, freaky, top 5, top 10, ward, documentry, cops, police, fights, donald trump, vlogging, traveling, pirate, treasure
Id: Ntp51V9h7sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2016
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