Inside UK's Area 51 Found Secret Base | Caught By Police

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you know what this means i think it's time to go underground and try to get to the right door i recognize you so uh with your mind excellence oscc the global operations security command center in the past there used to be lots of ways to get in here sign you see in here saying exit this way exit that way exit that way they're all roads to nowhere you'll go nowhere you will never get out [Music] what is up explorers we are geared out right now in like these dope ass uh raincoats we're technically all matching in a way look at this yo geared out but today we are doing the area 51 of the uk there's a lot of talkball and a lot to get into but we had to do it with matthew williams he's like the king of this place the king of maybe conspiracies or is it real we'll find out as much as what we know as we go along on this video this is our journey hello manor r-u-d-l-o-e rudolo manor and that is the manor house whoa wait and so what so you think they were what were they doing in that manner 100 we know guaranteed they were investigating ufos the mod denied it for many years they said that they had no involvement but eventually we were writing letters to them and we got an admission that they did investigate ufos from this place sent out the officers to interview the witnesses sometimes the witnesses were asked to stay quiet which means the md may have known a bit more about something and that's military defense mld mod ministry defense royal air force and the red caps this is their base uh they're known as the provost and security service pro boston security service which means uh provost is police and security services the security service as in like mi5 mi6 so professional security service right okay yeah so i know like 20 years ago i was reading they said like 20 years ago that not many people knew about raf bases and so they were saying like they knew that there was a lot of stuff going on in court what is that caution and they said like a lot of things were on the ground but they were saying for a while that there's nothing underground that there was no tunnels but you can see it because the big hill patches i've literally stood outside the main gates for where i'm going to take you in a bit this is massive underground facility there i said i wanted to speak to the base commander he sent out a press officer and i said to her so can you tell us about the underground tunnels you said she said what underground tunnels i'm like what like the one that you can see that yeah patch of earth there right the like those underground tunnels yeah and she was like i don't know about any underground tunnels and i'm like oh my god yeah it's crazy because because like this is this is literally equivalent to the area 51 in in the u.s so that's why i'm like well we had we had to do this it's like it's not like a conspiracy video where like this is like you know it's it's legit and it's cool so it's just interesting and fun so i really wanted to do this but we are going to be eventually going down in the underground mines and exploring because there is a red door down there that would lead into the base redlow mana was a weapon store rnsd uh spring quarry was over in that direction and moncton farley over in that direction they were these were the largest bomb dumps in europe i mean you had like millions and millions of tons of uh weaponry underground stored here and it was basically you know they didn't want this place bombed out but you had a place for the royal family as well it was a bunker that they could come if london got bombed out they'd come down here so they had a whole city 5 000 people every day working underground five thousand right under the manor right under this area here and so the manor was used just as the manor was kind of uh bluffed in a way you know because uh there were a few surface things but they didn't talk about what went on underneath and the the locals kept the secret pretty much you know many years after the place closed down and after the war a lot of people still didn't know that this place was here it's only like in the last 20 30 years that people have really come to know about its existence wow the manor looks beautiful though there's some black cars here and a military car down there in the back i can't really see it on my camera though i didn't know this years ago because i heard there was an underground bunker underneath this bit and there was and there wasn't it was it was supposed to be underground but they didn't end up putting it underground it was actually here it was a radar control station wow call them rota bunkers and this dealt with the whole of southern england and they had ufo sightings appear on their radar screens and they would send out interceptor jets from where we're standing now they would be like you know something unknown on screen scramble jet and that would be happening pretty much about here right now huh this place never gets sold it's been on the market for like however many years it never ever gets sold and people can't understand why maybe they build the houses around it because they want to hide something and we're going to go and see the caution computer center later on they build a whole housing estate around an entrance to a bunker that you would never realize is there so what's here they look down from above like people shout commands down to the women yeah that's in there they've got the board they've got the long long sort of reach i don't know what you call them yeah because they're all they're all looking at the table they're looking at the table and they push things around on the table and that's this manner that would have been about here in in this section they knocked it down so that so all of that was here and i've seen that picture online that's the picture but everybody thinks because they see it they say oh look it's looked like a bunker yeah yeah but it was actually on the surface it's one of the only ones that they actually had on the surface most of them rotor bunkers are underground oh hey what do you think you're doing in here i'm sorry i recognize you so uh would you mind exiting stuff yeah sorry all right so the guy was really cool he told us just to get out but he did get on the phone and uh he just uh went to go tell others he says he's everyone here is saying they're going to call like the men in black i really don't know matthew just a crazy conspiracy theorist or not but i'm just kind of here for the ride i tell you what it is this place has never existed yeah so therefore all the security around it is like they had a npr sensors before anywhere in the in the in the world you know like they had secret cameras that you couldn't see you know in trees and when you drive down the road it picks up your number plate and we proved this years ago because we were literally driving along and again we just got into town we we pulled into the middle of nowhere and like within seconds car police car came up to us all right boys how are you doing what's going on and i'm like what you know and this was like years before people saw these little cameras on poles you know this is what we're talking in the 1990s yeah right and this stuff didn't exist and we were like whoa what's going on they know when you're here once you're here then they stay so like their alert level raises you know right and this place doesn't exist it's like you know there's nothing to see here there's nothing going on we put this place so far on the map you know we've talked about this place so much and put it so far on the map they just said do you know what why don't we just use this place like and go go full you know go on the record and say to people that we're here so what they've done now is they've actually spent like 670 million nearly a billion pounds on a new base up there which is akin to the nsa gchq it's a it's a tracking station it's an intelligent station and it's out in the open but guess what they did when they put it here then they reactivated the bunkers they reactivated all the stuff and they said hey you can't come into the underground stuff now so that's all back in use so they went from saying it's not in use and allowing cameras to go in a little bit of it yeah they had like tv shows they were like look it's all just just open old tunnels you don't want to come in here now that's all back in use in the united kingdom our secret bunkers in wiltshire in a place called caution and if you zoom in on google maps you can see some interesting things like air shafts as you can see here more air shafts and you've got um this interesting building which they built with hundreds of millions of pounds it's a command and control center which is kind of funny because they they said that all this was shutting down it's all shutting down there's nothing going on here and then some people no names mentioned um kept publicizing the place so i think they gave up on this secrecy thing and they just built a new big command and control center which was to replace the old command and control center that they denied they ever had um whilst across the road here they built a load of houses which is where this car park used to be it used to be over here and then they put the car park here and then this bunker entrance which is the nuclear launch command center for trident nuclear missiles in the uk in the public records office there's actually a letter we found which is from the ministry of defense to the secretary of state saying this guy matt williams he keeps asking us questions what approach should we take with him and the secretary of state wrote back and he said he said do not tell him anything so they they cannot take they can't take me into any confidences and or sort of like show me anything or allow me to see the bunkers it's like nothing so every time i ask a question i just get stonewalled that's the policy they they they look like barracks yeah yeah these barracks they've left all this stuff looking run down yours so that they could make out that there was nothing going on at this place and this stuff is now being knocked down because they know that the the game they were playing of saying there's nothing going on here look it's all old crap there's nothing happening here when it was all going on underground this was all to make people think you know play it down low-key now they know the game's the game's up they're spending all the money there like a billion pounds on the base down there which is all built they're knocking all this down now and turning into houses because the game's up you know there's no point in keeping up the light yeah guys you can check it out get on this site right so you go from complete crap and nothing to see here this is the old story and in about 30 seconds you're going to see the new story opened the fire station now there's no reason to have a fire station for an above-ground ground base the reason the fire station has to be open is because of the underground base that's why that fire station is there it's the underground step yeah and there's your fire station yeah they wouldn't need that they would not need that before and see there's people in there it's like man 24 7. this is not like your normal fire stations which is like they bring in the people when there's an emergency they're there well think about it 24 7. where the money's gone this is the nsa pretty much pretty much the nsa the british equivalent this is the geoscc the global operations security command center geoscc they call it the gosk if you ring them on the phone they go hello gausk oh nice right here yeah it looks it looks pretty nice they'll have screens they'll have a command room you know where it's like different parts of the world different operations pins on the map it takes the place of the women who have the little sticks pushing the things around on them on the flat map you know yeah so uh up here you've got um spring park now this is honestly folks this is publicly owned this is owned by the public this is just a data center it's nothing to do with the thing across the road honestly this massive data center nothing to do with the facility across the road honestly honestly i guarantee you it's got nothing to do with it it's massive yeah we've still got underground stuff underneath us and uh basically there must be some secret entrance ways or exits around here because whenever we come here it seems like you know you get the police turn up so just for this road there's nothing on it i mean it's it's old people's homes now you know they've got like apartments up here so why do they come here yeah i mean it doesn't look like anything to me this had all the alarms in it this was the alarms for the underground base so they had like a panel on the wall and it would be all the fire alarms and everything in there and the keys so in the past you would drive up to here and you get your key and you go down underground but in case there were fires this is where it was all controlled from so you can see you know we're kind of still on top of underground tunnels you know everywhere we are but we don't know where the secret entrances and exits are it could be just under like under a cover of you know like moss or something just right under here you know just entrance opens up could be something like that apparently if we just hang out here the police will just come for no reason right here on this road it's supposed to be a public road all right here we go who's this behind us anything it's just somebody belonging to the oh okay see i'm freaked out already wait to get underground before this is when an entrance ways this is one of the entranceways and it's like you just drive down this road and then this is camouflage here um i've actually got footage of me in underground where i had long hair at the time and i was like i'm underground boys you know we got in here this was how we got in so which one is this called this will go into burlington and spring quarry burlington yes yeah billington bro for real this is the way whoa man the thing is also is like we're not doing anything wrong technically we're not like yeah we're not doing anything we're not vandalizing we're just literally looking at stuff but has a lot of story and history to it and we seem to be by an opposite way here which is underground and probably connects either to the red low tunnels or the caution computer center and uh this is actually locked at the moment and it seems like somebody's been trying to get in there because there's a few files of being actually sort of put in behind the door and somebody's been trying to lever it open but looks like this lock held up if anybody knows anything about conservation bats are like treated like gods you know like don't touch your bat you'll get fined you you don't go down the caves you don't disturb their habitat you do not disturb you can get fined thousands of pounds put in prison for disturbing a bat's habitat but when it comes to the ministry of defense and this disused tunnel which just happens together a little bit too close to the tunnels they don't want you going there they sealed up completely what used to be bars for the bats to come in and out they sealed it up so now it's just metal it's just total metal and to compensate for that all around the area around here they built bat boxes so they're little houses basically they look like houses with roofs on and we were suspicious what were they and when we found out they're actually just holes in the windows and things the backs that come in and out of and that was to compensate for closing down the back you know the back home yeah oh yeah yo is the siren going off i hear it could be a drill [Music] so explorers explorers right there is the entire house made for bats yeah they blocked the whole cave off and built houses those sizes just for the bats so i'm assuming many of you guys have seen terminator and the whole skynet thing but apparently skynet is actually real and we're going to a place called skynet drive now what is sky is this what is this what's this is this before you blink right there's an entrance to a bunker if it goes underground oh right here burlington bunker entrance yeah now there's an escalator in there like you know the other london underground you have those big escalators going down underground that is in through those doors big escalators going down underground takes takes you know a couple of thousand people an hour you know down underground so what's up with the skynet drive that we're heading to right the cdcn stands for command of the defense communications network you know like in the us they've got cheyenne mountain yeah well that's like a headquarters where they'll communicate out to all the subs all the boats everything but the cdcn controls the satellites and those satellites are known as skynet satellites okay now they're floating around the whole of the globe so that the ministry defense and the americans they share part of the system together yeah they can speak to anybody anywhere on the globe pick up a satellite phone be instantly connected send data communications pictures it's like it's like internet before everybody had mobile phones and internet yeah these guys were using satellites to do what we do today they can send pictures video data they did it all first and it was all facilitated through sites like this now it used to look really dodgy this place it looked like a bunker now because they've spruced everywhere up they've spruced this place up too and it they put a nice new facade on it that hides the big old gray bunker buildings and look there's an am a npr camera there they want to know when we're getting close you see they have a bunch of satellites in the back yep now this is owned by uh boeing and british aerospace bae and boeing now boeing actually launched the satellites they actually invented the the machinery for the satellites but the the technology on board the bit that does the communicating was invented by this uh this doctor that i met so and now we're leaving skynet drive survey yeah i think we're gonna head right now into the ccc to see uh the actual bunker with our own eyes before maybe we head underground i don't know yet we're gonna see but it's just to show the bunker off one of the ways in oh yeah yeah so we're in like like a little neighborhood nothing that says we can't be here no gates saying don't go here no private property it's just we're just here i mean looking for yourselves and and you're saying that there's a bunker just literally just right over here and we can walk to it yeah and you think that after we do that we're going to be stopped they may well the police will be on the way if we if we get in photograph and out we may beat the police but i reckon that we're more than likely going to see them especially after you know just for being in the neighborhood that's what's weird about it absolutely there's really nothing going on though yeah and of course you could be the center is actually behind these this here you can't see it but it's behind this okay oh wow this is the equivalent there really is a bunker it's right in front of you it's right there all right let's just get out of here now we see the bunker it just seems weird um as long as it's it's like area 51 if you go through the the white line you cross that line then you're in trouble but you can still see what you can before that's cool all right all right let's go boys it's cool it's cool i just feel i feel safer because we all know each other if you're if you're done yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you just happened to count the same advantage as possible so so question when you guys are in there like what actually is this for then it's all yeah what the heck was that what the heck was that this is the tradition you know every time i do uk every 51 this this happens all the time no but the thing was that police officer i i didn't really record it but he was just saying like dude if we go down to the red door he's the one that gets called he's the one that's gonna open the red door to the other side so that guy knows everything yes that police guy knows absolutely everything but he won't say anything that's crazy but he let us go because he even said we went through the gate and it's okay because you did nothing wrong but just don't go further so it's just insane that's crazy it begins with it let's just say we call him agent a okay wow guys if that was in the u.s done would have been way different experience yeah yeah even if we didn't because we didn't do nothing wrong but you in the u.s we they would have still prosecuted it as if it was something wrong at least i think so let's see let's see whether let's see whether josh can spot what's interesting what's not right about down here what are you seeing that's not right about down here okay yeah i don't know i feel like everything looks okay it's a weird looking garage there's no drive up to that garage look yeah there's no uh tarmac going up to it that is true there's no there's no uh time i put in that garage every weird garage so what do you think's in it have you been in it you turn the engine off you might be able to tell what's going on here yeah it's hot it's really hot you think this is the vent system to the to the underground now yeah yeah what is this strange looking garage and he said oh it's cool yeah it's the vents in the other ground you can even smell like the moldiness the caves yeah the caves smell the cage you've already seen the front door now you've seen the bat back guys you know what this means i think it's time to go on the ground to try to get to the red door yeah i think that's a wise idea i don't know but it's probably not but we have to go at least try they definitely know we're coming so maybe they'll have a surprise party for us let's see what we can do then sounds good let's go do this guys it's time to go underground yeah we seem to be by an exit way here which is underground and probably connects either to the red low tunnels or the caution computer center and uh this is actually locked at the moment and it seems like somebody's been trying to get in there because there's a few files of being actually sort of put in behind the door and somebody's been trying to lever it open but uh looks like this lock held up all right guys so what's like the danger levels down here what am i getting myself into yeah and we'll see i mean we're geared out we're ready we've already done like four mines in the last like week and a half it makes me feel a bit better a little little like training yeah a little bit of training pretty pretty red door warm-up warm up normally they say you must always tell somebody when you go down a mine right you must wear a hard hat i'm gonna leave out to tell somebody you've got one of mine because i think half of uh caution security center know where we are right now so yeah all right guys i'm going to share this video and get a huge thumbs up because this is going to be crazy wow so this is like the paris catacombs it's how we started for the powers catacombs just like this i guess now we're in wow really does remind me the past catacombs though all right so what people did is they told everyone where we went to and everything like that so if something did happen or this did collapse you know hopefully we'd have a rescue team here in like 10 hours tops so our friend luke here he's our guide he's been in here at least 10 times so it feels a lot better and hopefully we don't get lost okay dang those are big they're growing out of a tree yeah be tripping for about three days then die really yeah all right so luke is this mostly like this just power walks or does it get crazy in certain parts is it mostly like that a lot of it's like this it gets crazy in parts um right there's a couple of climbs okay there's that's where you'll look up and it's literally just falling from your head all right well that's not good you see a lot of bits that's fallen and got trapped and stuff like that right yeah some of these things like this is literally so rotten you'll see a lot of them falling on the floor and rotting away yeah this is kind of like holding it up in a way yeah let's let's go on the opinion on that one because you said the classic which is they hold the roof up i heard it different yeah the alternate theory is they could never hold the roof up they're not there for that purpose they're there to make a noise if the roof starts collapsing because it means that that's an area where the roof might be moving so it tends to be they'll go crack whereas you won't hear the roof move and then it just drops you'll hear these cracks so would you reckon number i think that sounds better yeah i put such a spin on it it sounds you know you know what you know what person who told me made it sound good so ah yeah probably yeah guys the comments below who's right let me know yeah actually no it is look oh hey look at that they're gonna be careful it looks like this one just wants to drop obviously no buying is down no no banging no screaming no vibrations just a nice walk but if i inject it and it absorbs into me like a native american whoa i feel like we can just get collapsed on bro okay not so bad [Music] it's a workout be good over here bro see this is why we need this gloves gloves here and that's from over 100 years ago this was 100 years ago you think dang it is cool leave the horse alone it's over 100 years old it says right on it and look at that though it's been respected no one actually ruined it i like that as well yeah now i like that a lot well it's like you could really get losses this way way's down there but you you remember we're not you're not gonna let me die no no not today we're good we're good dude seriously i've been walking for like nearly like 10 minutes now but there's this way that way this way i mean it literally brings you everywhere pretty much like the catastroph uh the paris catacomb like i said but the paris catacomb they'll have like 10 ways you'll die down there because you'll get lost you won't be able to find your way back out you have some someone's down here what do you think it is could be anybody could be anybody could be just regulars it could be cave explorers should we encounter no no that's weird you never see anyone doing it i wonder if someone's going through a door because wouldn't that be fun all right update uh the voices kind of just left we waited 10 more minutes don't know if they're still here i don't know if they're they could be anywhere but we're going to keep it moving now the arrows stay up oh here we go whoa whoa okay yeah just got a bit quickly yeah yep and the easiest way down this bit is a little ledger all right you've got onto that legend okay i had okay you can either go this way or that way or this way this way that way this way that way we're not really what happens to the best and that's true yeah at least i've noticed okay almost looks like it could have been a dragon's eye if it was slate that's not good that one above you look at the rock top right whoa that's going anytime yeah like i was in like halloween right there boys so i have a ticket i have a flight ticket out of here from manchester so in uh 10 hours or something so if we don't get lost down here i can get out of here yeah so look how it fell look at the size there it's the same it's like a puzzle piece look at this size this one this is what it is oh okay that's coming down too on you bro on me bro uh-oh you can see it cracking it probably maybe what like another any time maybe huh i don't know any time yeah yeah so as we speak we're just going under people's houses and everything their neighborhoods just right under them i wonder how they were even able to build under here like build a whole neighborhood above us i feel like it's gonna like sink in honestly guys with all the turns and twists and and all these things we've already done i just generally don't know how you know this place in your head like this good because i'd be dead down here i just don't get it oh all right that looks a bit crazy too bro i don't know about this just don't talk huh that's nervous dude i've heard lots of people getting lost down here stories i've never heard the story of anyone [Music] well that's good cold behind your bed yeah look people behind lost all the houses by law have to use this stone as their building material to keep in with the tradition right you use this type of stone it has to be from this particular forest you hear what he said so this is the reason why this mine was even built this mine's built uh because they were using the stones out here to make buildings uh the whole city of whole town of bass was made from the stones here always gotta represent espionage you guys know took us to battleship island gang gang oh we have to crawl in there media oh whoa okay prepare yourself kids for going in ugh oh bro don't stand too close yeah it's still there if you touch it you can make it fall out yeah let's not do that the whole piece we're all gonna fall oh no wait no you can still see it's light out do you know what you could do though you could like take a harness and drop down in here if they like cut a hole through the bars maybe it's actually in somebody's back garden is it yeah oh god well this is something you don't see every day dan don't that hamburger pizza we want it sound good later i mean i'm down yes no no diet today right to be honest we should have had one this morning so we burnt it off yeah the diet starts tomorrow for sure luke how far is the rest um if we get straight to where i want to go by now if you turned around and went straight also you got lost too yeah we got majorly lost because uh it happens though well what was going on there was two factors so matthew had a map but it wasn't waterproof and he kept putting in his mouth so when he opened it up the middle of the map crumbled where we were lost soda was up and matthew was using a compass and he was using the electronic gimbal matthew not weren't we like we were gonna die steve ronan was literally saying he's pros like we thought we were all gonna die well i mean look at down here you guys see i mean dude it took us what like an hour or so plus just to get here we just dodging turns left and right right right right it's like kind of crazy if you take one wrong turn that's just going to add another 10 minutes another 20 minutes 30 minutes it is pretty intense down here for sure in the past there used to be lots of ways to get in here and various tunnels are being sealed up by the mod and hanson along the mine now uh they basically have sealed every way up and the way we came in today is something that hansen doesn't know about otherwise they'd seal it up so every sign you see in here saying exit this way exit that way exit that way they're all roads to nowhere you'll go nowhere you will never get out yeah so unless you know your way in you're not getting out oh my it god like something nice whoa about me two seconds guys because this wasn't meant to be here that was meant to be flat then okay it is all part of the adventure it can be hard what happened to this guy came down here thought it was gonna be a nice day out now all that's left is his plastic eye visor oh no all right so if there's a water tank over here it means one the right way so let's see there it is oh this happens yes bro we were so close last time we came down here yeah back to the tank and he said the red door on the side of each rim bro yeah this is it way we saw you so close to the first attempt dude i'm here you've ever seen man what is this yo it is so clear whoa wanna drink it i wouldn't happen you want to try it no you gotta be careful with this one i almost fell down the big hole well i didn't i would have seen it but still well yeah so uh matthew williams said this was like tunnels and they would pull horses horses would pull uh what were they pulling stone well along here you've had um rail tracks so you can see where the sleepers would have gone in and then there'd be rail tracks coming [Music] dude this is awesome because this is all from the candles right is that true what's this here yeah what is this new wire oh yeah what is this that was not that before oh it stops here what is it um it could be a vibration detector could be potentially holding this whole chunk in here and they're just oh from falling yeah from falling oh yeah both of them got cracks in there dude it says right door to the right well so you guys got closer for your first attempt yeah so as you can see this is a mission with the help of matthew and luke this is our only way to get through this depicted as a rat is it as a demon is that what it was yeah it's like he's got horns he's got even ears the rats licky so this would have been done yo what the whole christmas setup is people come down here and have parties yeah dude robot blocks roblox minecraft what the heck dude they even made a chair look at this they made a chair in the back like like the catacombs chair dude this is sick so you know i'm just posing up on the chair talking about what's behind the red door and you were saying what were you saying when you go beyond the red door you're into an underground city it's literally 200 football fields worth of city and like that's what things hospital don't that's what agent a said the car yeah agent a but it's it's it's fact you can go online and find us out you can see photos there's a documentary by a company called blue peter and they did a documentary down there and you can see there's everything down there from telecommunications hospital to prime minister quarters do you ever show any pictures yeah this video they actually drive around there on like golf carts damn so we need to hop in there one day taking up batteries with us we can get on the golf carts then get around area 51 baby all right guys we're here well look at the what is this razor wire to a wall of razor wire dude a wall of razor wire so right over here is pretty much behind here is agent a's territory now the only thing that sucks is we can't see the red door no more but i'm going to show you luke's video where luke went through here so you can still see the red door and how it was this is all for you guys at this point to see it for the viewers at home because we can't see it anymore but i want you guys to see it so check out this footage right now not many people have even found this as the camera has just moved we are going to bounce as far as we're aware we don't have to come as motion centered or generally following us but it is touch and go kick your way through here the hell is it no what whoa can we see through it a bit yeah yeah it's literally down down that um bit there you go to the right and then it goes on to the red door oh my god wow yo all right we should probably get out of here all right guys so we got to see the red door technically through luke's footage we got here the alarms went off which was kind of crazy i'm actually so beat we're going to group up get out of here but i'm not going to film this whole process let's just get back to the car and sum this up all right guys it's dark now it the whole this whole journey was definitely like an eight-hour thing being torn around by matthew to to uncover uh you know the history of the aliens and all the conspiracies here and then to go actually down under to where they're all happening underground and get right next to it to where you can get access to the red door which would lead you into the whole actual base is also cool but obviously gonna get down there but it's just still an amazing thing it's just so unique and this whole thing this whole topic is just i think it's exciting because we don't really know what's going on and it's all talking about ufos so it's just such a good day thanks again matthew williams thank you thank you for giving me your time nah and thanks luke in the back right here for touring us down there we couldn't have done this whole thing without you guys so big shout out to you guys link description down below also you know we got carl dark arts exploring with fighters it was it was a day but honestly we are all so tired we're gonna get back home we're gonna get the biggest pizza and we're gonna call it but i have a flight in like maybe six hours back at home so i gotta get out of here it's all part of the adventure going back to the u.s peace out guys hope you guys enjoyed this one rise above just go out to explore peace and thanks for watching you
Channel: Exploring With Josh
Views: 815,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: area 51, abandoned, urban exploring, ufo, real aliens, united kingdom exploring, top 5, top 10, exploring with josh, tfil, sam and colby, exploring caves, underground exploring
Id: xB8ZWRK3cw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 25sec (2725 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.