The Deadly City - Standing In The Red Zone Of Fukushima

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I'm Josh and I'm Cody as urban explorers we travel the world to rediscover locations that have been abandoned and left to decay in time oh ho ho we've created a personal bucket list of these forgotten destinations all over the planet true adventure together with urban exploring friends will track them down capture the beauty of their ruin and an earth of stories that people have left the height so it's gonna be a lot of fun to explore this is pretty rare and crazy what we're doing right now this is like a hundred years of dust this looks like it's like from the chemical wars or something EPIK exploring what's up explorers after nine months of shooting it's finally here I'm excited to finally talk about my new TV show epic exploring an epic exploring Cody and I are on a mission and together with our urban exploring friends we are traveling the world in search of the most spectacular abandoned locations on the planet for example like going to Chicago for a prison or going to swalls ward by helicopter to an abandoned frozen in time ghost town but yeah the list goes on seriously guys so I was having so much fun with this car that I think it just broke off but in this video we are exploring Fukushima in Japan but this time unseen places that no one in the world has water was literally up to here it's incredible story because if this building wasn't here everyone would have you know been really hurt or died in this area right here and this was also for the TV show but I was able to make a personal video for YouTube while filming the TV show now to watch the TV show the link is in the description down below inside TV is where the show is airing and insight TV is an online network with a monthly subscription similar to Netflix or Hulu but costing as little as a fancy cup of coffee for a month access of $5 now while it does cost money to watch it's because of the months of work around the world with a big TV crew involved to make this happen it's the first episode though is totally free and you can watch it on a laptop phone or smart TV the show will run for about ten weeks and it's all in 4k Ultra High Definition in addition to the three shows if you buy the insight TV subscription you can get access to a bunch of other shows on insight TV also oh I forgot to mention yeah there is three shows of us there is one of us trying to find ghosts with Ghost Hunters and there's another one of us with local urban exploring friends exploring local parts around the world as well so pretty much we got three shows guys we've done Chernobyl we've done Fukushima the two most nuclear power plant disasters to ever happen in history and pretty much the only two that actually caused so much damage that everyone knows about well we're back in Fukushima and this time we have permission to access any building anything we want including inside the red zones yellow zones or green zones guys this is a huge big deal we're here for the TV show that I've been working on with insight TV and this is mainly all for their show that we're doing I mean it's amazing show that that's gonna be coming out I'm guessing around october/november and this is a video for them now this is again this is huge and this is pretty much all for them but I'm here filming for them but I was like listen guys inside messaging so I'm like it's like can I film a video can I feel like at like a almost like a sneak peak for you guys but for myself because I'm in Fukushima and I've been here and I and I and there's so much more that I never got to see that now I can actually go see can I do this and they were like yes you guys can so first off links to the insight TV is down below check them out I mean it's it's gonna be cool I'd be really gonna be really cool but I'm gonna film whatever I possibly am allowed to show for you guys for us I'm if you Kashima guys I'm in Japan let's do this staining tsunami hit Japan the Fukushima power plant is still trying to clean up from one of the worst nuclear disasters in history over this I think is something that everyone in the world should know first off here we go so here is the Fukushima area this whole thing this is huge remind you the incident happened right around here in this line this little this coastline [Music] this coastline problem is in the beginning this almost this whole entire thing was affected if not everything was affected sometimes going even over here like the air waves would move the radiation towards here now they worked so hard and because of the scientists from Chernobyl and the incidents and they studied so much about radiation they managed to take down in the last eight years almost everything all the radiation is cleaned up except for like this area now just this little little portion where mice like fingers are hiding it Fukushima is safe all here is safe but the world is scared by it no one in Japan wants to go to Fukushima no more they think it's all contaminated or one wants to even vacation there nothing and I think that's a big thing to bring up to you guys that Fukushima is okay to go to just not the redzone areas and not the areas around it people are living in the green zones now when we went three years ago guys it was completely different it's getting better and better every day and I just want you guys to know that now one thing is for sure is that there is still radiation going and leaking into the waters that is one thing I'm upset about authorities in Japan are set to release water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea despite reports that the water is still highly radioactive 100% that the world should know is that that's what's going on 100% but they're working really really hard to clean up especially for the Olympics coming out in 2020 Tokyo Olympics they're working sorry to clean up for that and they want this all to be gone and forgotten about to make this even easier if you want to learn more about radiation go check out my did I get cancer from Chernobyl video so you can learn and read up about radiation from my video she understand what I'm going to show you in the upcoming video right now so our first stop is Tommy yoga and you can see these signs this is right it reading the radiation meters goodbye but like they have these signs that shows like what's the radiation levels right now and that's it 1 2 - I think microsieverts which that's ok but I mean I'm sure in red zones we're gonna see it get you know a lot higher as we go but Tommy yoga is 80% green and green is actually okay and they're working towards becoming just completely safe top for Java where we're going later which is like the one of the worst ones that one's 95 percent red so and what what what also makes red zones and green zones different is a how much are they cleaning up how much soil they like taking up off the ground and replacing it with how much buildings are they knocking down thing is they have to knock down all these buildings and that also will bring the percentage down my problem is here in Japan is that they're all you have to ask permission to knock your building down while they're in the US or anywhere else in the world you're just going to get your building knocked down but here if someone owns it so because someone owns it we can't just knock that building down so that's what's really cool about you know their country and how nice they are but also I mean I feel like they should just knock it all down as sad as it is because they really should clean up everything [Music] right here is my whole entire squad my whole entire film crew my boys [Music] so guys this is a huge thing you guys have to this is really important this is actually all these black bags all those green tarps that are over there in the back those things is oilless oil from the ground they dug up ten feet of soil put them into these black bags and then that's how they're they're cleaning up the place and decontaminating everything they take them they put them into here promise is way more this it's like a landfill of just radioactive dirt problem is they don't know where to put any of this nothing so right now they're putting it all here this is just one town's dirt this many more promise now it's like what are they gonna do with it they have no idea like maybe send it off for space they don't know they thought about digging a big hole and then cementing it underground for 100 years but problem is up to a hundred years it's gonna dissolve and so I just get decontaminated all over again so right now they're just leaving it here at least they can dig up everything and then think about this after but this is a huge thing to know okay so guys when we're in the other village wrote a bit ago we've seen this and I didn't know what it was at first until my director just told me that this actually is new for me to even see but when they demolish a house this is what they turn it into this and minds you they have to get permission by every order like we said and essentially they wanted to acknowledge all these eventually [Music] all right I'm gonna go under desk March 11 2011 a magnitude 9.0 earthquake strikes Japan Oh where do we go like this stuff right here is very dangerous you don't really want to walk through it because you know you're gonna start stirring up some dust it's gonna go into the air you're gonna breathe it in keep it the way it is don't touch it again it's dangerous but it's also not horrible at all really really low readings almost if not lower than some parts of even Chernobyl well this place they're doing their best to clean up Chernobyl still they're not even dig it up their soil or anything at some areas they've already done a lot in the past already really a lot and if it wasn't for Chernobyl they would not know how to even do any of this and this is why this place cleaned up way faster than Chernobyl while Chernobyl took so many years to clean up this place got cleaned up within eight in certain areas because they took all the scientists and studies from the last time to now you know one disaster they learn from the next well at least some you know they got better is what I'm trying to say is this is it we're going into the first red zone ever with permission of course crazy that this is in the same oh my god dude this guy's in hazmat suits everywhere hey even covered his face a bit what is he doing dude this was this was the hospital he did so weird Oh were they doing with this guy they're like stopping these dudes I'll just a check I wonder you think it's okay to just be like registrations and stable work I had a passport switch today yeah I just can't believe this I don't know first time in the red zone its way because I'm really excited to be here but it's also such a sad place so it's like really it's a hard thing it's like how do you feel we supposed to feel really sad or or excited but I feel both at the same time you yeah it's just because you know we like to you know we like abandoned places so free we're in the heart of the best abandoned places on earth that are untouched crazy history and just such a yeah like you know crazy back when I'm sober hind it so it's just like what how do we supposed to feel and it's just really crazy though I can't make the turn hard enough Oh guys we are now approaching the red zone oh my god we're in the red zone Bourgogne within the red zone and then deep red oh man look at these things god I feel like well there's so much paperwork we need alright guys so this is such a big deal for us because first of all we haven't been here in two years second we actually got permission to be here which is pretty cool if not the coolest probably the first Americans to be here with permission well it likes to play something else we also have that paper yeah we got this paper and they are like yeah yeah let's show them what the paper is yeah but we made it and this is a seriously super exciting to be here but it's like we're because we're really excited we're also like sat at the same time we don't know how to like feel here because it's such a huge disaster but also abandoned places and we love abandoned places so jeez it's hard to say like you know we feel sad at the same time we feel excited which is a weird mix you know it's like the polar opposites of you know excitement because this is the best urban exploring in the world but at what cost yeah that's the kind of dilemma well we're here now guys let's get to it [Music] oh look is that the power plant oh my god yeah look at all the cranes yeah that is name your power plant that blue look how close we are to it yeah we're right next to where this power plant went off guys so you seen the trash bags you've seen all that stuff that we've seen this is what we were talking about this is what they think they want to do they want to take all the radioactive dust particle dirt soil and put it into these huge things these huge man-made holes that took three years to build they want to just cement it and bury it down here again there's no solution this is the only solution this is their town solution right here in Futaba by the way so this is this is massive and I think we're like the first ones to ever even be a journalist to even report this especially be an American here this is this is big Cody where are we on the coastline of Fukushima where no urban explorers have been true this is Catawbas coastline this is legit a big deal and we're here and it looks really beautiful though [Laughter] [Music] it's interesting because there is coastlines here in Fukushima you can go to Amina but this one because we're at futaba's coastline this one's this one's really rare and again like I said we have super access to everything so everything has been such a mind-blowing experience again all the crazy good stuff is for the show but I'm showing you as much as I can show for you guys and as much as they can't over-there to rebuild and fix and clean and decontaminate if you can look in the in the la way down there you can see all the cranes and stuff and they're working really hard here guys and another thing to talk about every force here is not touched and not cut and nothing has been touched or decontaminated in these forests these are the original forests everything you see here and that's because the Japanese believe in something I forgot but they just want to keep everything the way it is at all times because of their culture and what they believe in so this can be really contaminated [Music] they got said in this marine house this is the rest house for people they used to go to the beach so you can rest of a shower and so on it was not a hotel about there and so they go save the structure is still standing see the street those are exactly or wasting one question so right here this all back there was all villages and towns that there and that was all swept away from the tsunami and so then people came to this house and they were saved because this is the only one that never got knocked down correct and now now they are planning there to have a park in Memorial Park and they are thinking of keeping this marine house to remember you know the disaster and and this is just like the the tree that we the one standing tree that's down there as well this is the same story that we did two years ago and covered that trees I see I never knew about this one so that's another cool thing too yeah so right now inside the building that the translator told us about that like where the water raised all the way up to the top well you have this building still standing and we're inside the top floor because the first floor and the second floor was all hit by the water from the tsunami but guess what because this building is made out of concrete cement it didn't get knocked down there's the view now guys this is insane I mean look at this now we're really high up looking at the cosign of Fukushima but what was really you know weird about it is the fact that you know this was one such a blue you know beautiful area you know farmhouses were all over here and when the tsunami hit when the tsunami hit everyone didn't know where to go so they raced inside this building went all the way up to this floor the third floor and that's how they were saved I don't know how many people were actually stuffed up here but you know everyone's in ferret panic but they survived from being right here on this floor the water was literally up to here it's incredible story because if this building wasn't here everyone would have you know been really hurt or died in this area right here so it's really it's a noble area it's a really iconic spot and they're gonna try to turn this into a museum later again can you imagine when the will you see the wave coming and it's literally as high as this right here footage was captured in Kesennuma people retreated to a high-rise rooftop and could only watch in horror as tsunami waves inundated their city knocking buildings into rubble and mixing into a kind of tsunami soup filled with vehicles building parts in country what are we doing right now so right now we are about to interview people during the accident Fukushima like these these are people who were in Fukushima when this disaster happened they moved away and then later years later they actually moved back to the area that is now in the Green Zone so they're one of the few people who've moved back here and we are coming here in their house they're super nice a super light through traditional Japanese family of course they're amazingly nice we're about to interview them here in their home you know it's very traditional very Japanese we're about to interview them this whole family there's like a grandma some kids as a mom everything I'm nervous it's great we started the shot off by interviewing the grandma in her garden and she's gardening like how more perfect of a game yeah yeah in Fukushima gardening and Fukushima so we're about to ask all these questions about like why they came back here is it safe to grow vegetables here what about the radiation all that cast off so cool [Music] the customer meeting up at the CDC djoser at saqqara soon we forgot to dis me well the thing I've never lost a self the trembling of the earthquake last very long and I'm a person who's very scared over heartily so for me that was really shocking and that's the thing that stays in me you know for long time Vietnam and and and when the earthquake happened and that happened worth their kids in school at the time so no to keep on opening our stuff so the kids of course they were much later than me because it down he was in elementary school so he was at school and the girl she was zero here you know because she's nine now she was one year ago and she was in the kindergarten and it was near where I work so I immediately went to pick her up and try to come home guys worried about radiation right now I know mama I know OSHA sanitation past aerosol Miska tyranny constant oh yes we are not worried because you know for coming here and even after we came back we followed a lot of seminar which were put up by the local and piaggio companies and also by and therefore we got a lot of information about that and we came to the conclusion that it is no danger and we are not scared of radiation okay [Music] we're approaching one of the stores and look at guys what looks to appears to be like some sort of damage from like vandalism or something but it's not it's from earthquake damage but as you can see everything is still here a true time capsule explorers this is so unreal even being here already and knowing everything about this place it is still so unreal to be here and see it again a Family Mart was right here the lights just blinking no one's here a bike is left there a Bandung vending machine I mean this is insane [Music] you know out of all the band in places I've ever been to in my entire life in the eight years this place will always be the most arias scariest place ever not too noble not anywhere else would ghost towns I've been to this place this is an 8 plus year old vending machine everything is still here definitely probably radiated I would never drink that but even how look all the sprite looked 8 years ago the zero free caffeine sugar free coca-cola zero was still here well also Japan just has a bunch of different drinks that are cool and here a family shop unreal though [Music] [Music] who would have thought two years ago we were inside the Fukushima futaba's hospital and now in this show we're doing the nursing home what a crazy scenario we've never predicted this guys look at our filming crew set up for this it's massive that's David Mann he's a thug he's chilling but seriously this is crazy yeah all the left yeah all the leftover bikes eight years ago and all yeah the wheelchairs can you imagine back in the day when the incident happened and you had and you're really old and you got to get shipped off on the bus somewhere else to evacuate and be safe not knowing what's going on so if you have health issues yo I guaranteed you guys were probably the first ones being here in eight years y'all our sound guy is looking like a boss with his mask he's well protected [Music] art Explorer so we're starting off here in the front lobby of the daycare nursery check this out everything is still frozen in time just going behind the workers desks everything is still stacked with all their items and again more vending machines but not just one but three vending machines the Japanese have some amazing drinks for literally so cheap it's always a dollar or a dollar and twenty cents a drink here there's always so much cool stuff to drink ever order that drink I never seen both of these drinks I think we also have to take in and remember that this happened eight years ago so there's gonna be some cool drinks or flavors that we just maybe I've never seen before actually right boxed milk melt coffee yeah we've never seen that one before I was told him I was like Cody check out this one right here these two drinks you never seen those two right Kanna no one looks like Adam that's like a weird robot alien thing yeah almost like the poor Rangers of something yeah so we have to take into account that when the evacuation happened back in 2011 what happened and what was the purpose of this place back then was this was a daycare nursery but then when the first the earthquake happened everyone came here for the shelter but then the tsunami happened and then when you think it's all over then the nuclear power plant exploded the next day and then that's when they were shipped what they thought was here that was safe was then shipped out even 45 minutes away after this now even the old people some of the old people were sick and I'm gonna show you something that's somewhat graphic so right here is someone's blood it's an outstanding to the carpet eight years ago it's really sad it's upsetting this was a traditional Japanese place to rest and sleep check this out you want to know what these were for this was the shelter's beds untouched not move left here from 2011 again this is the same kind of accident from Chernobyl everyone just up and left and had to leave all their belongings now I'm gonna pull out my I'm gonna pull my Geiger counter out we have a reading of 0.28 microsieverts it's safe reason why I have a mask on it's a dust mask just in case any sort of old radiation dust particles are in here mind you all the doors all the windows have been shut for eight years nothing is getting inside here it's just to be somewhat safe I'll say the meter and here we go 0.31 microsieverts again nothing to even be an alarming I can stay inside here for a week and not nothing bad will ever happen [Laughter] I really don't know how I ended up doing all this crazy things in my life but wow this is one heck of a journey anyways right behind here this was all houses almost like like a mini village right here you can tell because via one house right here a house right here and a house in the back those were all knocked down it's probably gonna take four or five years or more to knock all this down okay guys so update when we head outside of the nursery home we're now getting a reading of like 2.0 microsieverts 1.9 microsieverts not high but still the highest we've seen so far and now it's starting to go down I think there's a hot spot over there let's go back over there really quick just to see alright let's see here we go now what's going up again so right here there's something here that's slightly more radiated than the rest now 2.0 microsieverts is really not bad at all I mean hey mom if you're getting an x-ray or a chest x-ray you're still getting 0.5 millisieverts and things like that and it takes a thousand micro sieverts just to make 1 millisievert so it's not an issue here it's about what you're breathing in that's when it could that's the the problem here or it depends what radiation - again this alpha and there's two other ones and most likely we're getting alpha which is like the weakest one alright guys now we saved what I think was the most fascinating yet sad place best for last now this show we spent a total of five days in Fukushima five days exploring some of the craziest places and I can't give away all the spots but I could I was able to do some spots for my show for my channel on YouTube and this was the one I was like I have to put in for the YouTube vlog first off we're in the Green Zone and this is more of a walking so I don't have much time but we're in the Green Zone right now and we're in Tomioka at this junior high school now it's completely untouched and I'm gonna show you everything inside that's pretty mind-blowing and what really hit me the most here so we're gonna do a nice walkthrough guys again I don't have much time first off here's some of the kids I used to go here again eight years ago now a lot of them are grown up it's not everyone's growing up right again on the map just to show you where we are guys we are right around here this area not that you guys really might not understand Japanese but yeah so first off I want to give this out look at this hallway this hallway really looks like something off like The Grudge or the ring or if you know any of those Japanese or Korean horror movies now I already went through this whole entire place so I'm gonna show you the highlights really quick and I wish I had more time but I'm really grateful to even see and go through this first off look at this room again like I said everything is here everything is untouched this is what it was really impressive to me was seeing these again never been to a bad place and I get to see like these birds you have drums here these classrooms they're all like I said cleaned up were preserved untouched maybe some of them are moved over three floors of this huh junior high school we're now on the second so come check this out these are where things start to get crazy here we go first when we walk into everyone's stuff is still here the dates are filling the calendars are still on the walls everything is just here like the desks whoever sat here that was there you know backpack or book or whatever could have been their their pencils one kid even has this still here and the behind here this was each kids of personal belongings or stuff for their class again they didn't use lockers here they use these well we might have done this in kindergarten they did this in like their high school middle school days and this is how I knew I was like okay this place had a lot of money because you know some schools in the u.s. don't you don't have much stuff this school had it all you know we have the tennis courts here and then behind in the back you know get the tennis courts here and then over there behind it there was a pool and then they had this whole lawn to jog run do activities anything again just imagine when this was filled up with kids and then when the incident happened on March 11th 2011 everyone didn't know what to do they panicked and they ran out and what what I was also thinking is like just imagine like when you're the parent and you have a kid here and it's like all this is going on where'd you go do you drive there do you meet them like what's going on what's happening so explores what makes this place different from the rest is the fact that we had over like twenty thousand people died during this disaster so many people lives have changed from this disaster exactly to ennoble and a few other places we did like hurricane locations this place is not just an abandoned place that went abandoned there's so much behind this and that's what I'm just trying to make off like I don't want to come across like oh this is crazy let's keep going let's do this unless then you guys know I'm super respectful this place just really gets me hard and it's just feel again mind-blowing you know that we still have these locations that are crazy on this earth and I'm still able to go around and document them for you guys and show you guys and also for myself [Music] [Music] [Music] and now I'm gonna take you guys on the last floor where I found the music room and it's where it like was so mind-blowing and hit me the most we're gonna see how these chairs will all lined up in like a circle when they were all like with their instrument learning with their teacher how to play a song together and they just left everything and ran out and it's so preserved and just till such a story that is just like mind-blowing all their instruments are just on the floor perfectly untouched violin just decayed over time a saxophone all their stuff is here and even this one I forgot one this what this is called and not black and last but not least the piano a really expensive piano Yamaha it's like how do you even get it in this room and when you think it's over it's not because it just gets better drum sets guitars everything [Music] so again guys it's the story it's not even about the abandoners hair one last room the science room a full blown skeleton different rocks that they were looking at at the time maybe for crystals granite test tubes measurements and all these other things that are interesting boxes an old school maybe like I think this is a generator all the lights supposed to turn on but the lights not turning on all right guys it's time to get out of here everyone's literally waiting for me I just covered so much in such a short time obviously you guys know that I'll be going through here getting cinematics drone shots everything but I said I'm filming for the TV show and it's already over by the time you see this has been over so what an experience so at the moment explore at a Japanese guy's farm here in Fukushima now mind you check out that that's a robotic statue of a cat with all these activist science about you know anti-government and radiation now there's a crazy story behind I'm gonna show you the cows first off there was a Japanese guy actually still here right now and when the nuclear reactor blew he stayed he never left and not only did he not leave but he owned a farm with cows and when everyone else left he took everyone else's farmers cows and brought them here to his he never killed the cows he never did anything now mind you he never left Fukushima the whole eight years gathering up radiation every single day even when it was strong - now with his cows and his other farmers cows are all here these cows are radiated they're contaminated they should be killed and they're not killed and you try to make a statement while the government's like all you got to kill your cows you got to do this you're gonna do that he's like no we have to remember this incident so I'm keeping the cows alive and he's like just you know really cool-looking got Japanese guy right now and I'm just going to show you the cows and things like that no mind you like obviously it's not good you know I don't know what I would do with his situation I don't know if I would I probably wouldn't kill the cows cuz they're still okay and unless I actually see like some sort of cancer nothing coming then I would kill them you know put them out but I mean look at this same stories though and these are the cows there's more cows than this but I don't know where they are I mean but these cows are you know you can't you can't drink their milk you can't do anything with them but at least they get to live I do agree with that but they're all contaminated the land is contaminated and they're eating a bunch of pineapples Oh I mean it's radioactive cows as sad as it is it's so like it's just like how did this happen [Music] want to see the pictures I'm taking a few Kashima just check out my Instagram down below it's exploring with Josh just so you know if you want to see some exclusive sign the main hall you get a bunch of different desserts that we make here reading reception it must be like a little dessert cake I bet you everything that's here it's still available inside this vending machine right now look over here this is a beautiful hull at one time you can see the sea Emily look up there a place that people used to get married at right here now is just destroyed abandoned and just really it's such an eerie feeling here it's like a dinner table yeah you can smell the whiskey imagine having a celebration here and then survey done 9.1 magnitude earthquake hits oh okay we've never said disco ball check that jeez what the heck man then I just made out what was going on this is where you take your portrait shots right here look at this example one you can even do these kind of photos traditional wedding photos but then right here is where they were doing them there's a mannequin right there oh well they're pretty dresses on here these are expensive I bet that's crazy something I got like a fairy tale laughs right right that is congratulations on your wedding very traditional room right here [Music] now we don't have too much time before it gets dark so we can't stand everyplace long especially here in Fukushima so we're just heading to different spots along the way it's like a montage but behind the scenes I'm trying to film as much as I can it's fun trying you can see it is like a open door yeah we'll try that side for sure it's like I said guys I mean look at this everything is just gone that I don't know what it is but it looks like a big building yeah seriously now you know Bob some sort of what office think it's like a closed most factory but a warehouse door closes here to see where you think what I met closes here you know something some kind of hand suing your small factory no March 11 all the calendars and everything frozen in time the day of the accident I was like it's not so bad but it's coming from that what's in here what the heck people lived in here stacked up I think it was not only that but they were doing a bunch of clothes designs February 7th collection they had different artists here working because this looks like someone's desk to designs clothes like this too you know it's really crazy because like we might not know what these things is plus we have a language barrier and if we can look around and see our surroundings we can get an idea of what things used to be like here back in the day especially when things are so preserved here it's on a whole new level [Music] well that's two buildings down within the first hour yes seriously do now is knock everything down and we already talked about it guys like every every building here needs permission before they can be knocked down so until then they sit here for nothing each family which want to rebuild their house here or somewhere else the government pays imagine doing that another country nobody would do that yeah they're really the Japanese really knife and they're trying to handle situation as good as they can [Music] look at all the watches do they're expensive eighteen thousand yen thirty-two thousand yen Wow that's crazy yeah so guys this watches in here we just seen up to six hundred and fifty dollars in watches just one watch and over here where the necklaces words are all gone because most likely I'm like guessing they're stolen look at that and down here I think there were glasses in here or necklaces but they're gone too I mean the dust is stacked up to the top I don't know what that is [Music] Suns coming down whoo so sweaty so hot that watch star was pretty mind-blowing now people did steal the Rings people did steal necklaces but there were some really expensive watches and clocks in there which is crazy because like that just shows you that you know there are stuff everywhere we just kind of dig in and look for it and look around and try to find the best-preserved spots I'm trying my best to get photos here but on this time limit it's much more easier to actually take videos and walk around and actually is to take photos because of the darkness so you would have to take the tripod out and get these shots and for me I'm really precise on my shot so it would take me forever if I want to get this shot cuz I'm really picky before I'd even want to post on the Internet and I stopped hearing in kumo okuma is like probably the most untouched yet still abandoned areas that are probably unseen by many but here is the street that is just so surreal this is a Reds on anything that's covered like this is like I said is a red zone no guards no no it's been five o'clock so they're gone but they're still watching the cameras look inside there [Music] explore is that is the end of the Fukushima video now this video obviously we got a big shout out to insight TV because if it wasn't for insight TV we would not be here right now insight TV this was all filmed for their show and the show is called net break exploring I'm your host Cody's also in the show and Cody's the the host as well and we take you guys along to so much different abandon places all around the world some of the best ones in the entire world all filmed in 4k high-definition it's gonna be insane links in the description down below if to see more details on everything insights links in description down below as well guys Fukushima is just it's just a nightmare as literally as a nightmare and Japan's working really hard to fix it and everything's starting to finally come together after eight years things are people are starting to finally come back and things are getting good and so that's a really positive thing about it and like I said we go around and we're documenting everything and we were in a spots that no one has ever seen for sure and it's a really crazy experience to be here and I and I do hope you guys enjoy the whole show so thanks again rise above just go out to explore peace and thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Exploring With Josh
Views: 1,035,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fukushima, chernobyl, radiation, scary videos, haunted places, haunted buildings, top 5, top 10, japan, exploring with josh, sam and colby, abandoned buildings, mystery, hbo, netflix, documentry
Id: u7Sj7mh2j3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 19sec (2959 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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