Exploring World's Most Haunted Asylum | Terrifying Experience

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all right no problem we're just here at penhurst asylum one of the most haunted asylums if not well-documented asylum in the entire united states we just got here and we have to go sign our waivers before i can even start anything so let's go find out where to do that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right explorers we're starting off our video right here in the back of the scenes of penhurst pretty much the buildings are collapsed um i'm meeting up with my team i decided to stroll off away from everyone i'm going to meet up with my team right now we're going to meet up with our guy named eric and eric is going to be with us the whole night till three in the morning here at penhurst exploring this place till the end and eric is saying so much about how this place is haunted you got to watch out like it's insane and i'm just really like mind blown how insane is this gonna be how crazy is this gonna be is ghosts gonna pop off today are we gonna find some things we can't explain we're gonna know everything tonight as we go but right now i'm just like it's ticking guys time is ticking it is getting dark we're filming at night you guys already know oh going underneath the spiderweb all right check this out look at this really really cool building though the architecture here is really cool now we will be going inside some of these buildings don't worry i'm just looking around i'm just amazed by the outside seriously i started beyond the dark with the goal to make the show different and entertaining i think we did a great job at that we learned a lot since the show we met a lot of great people and even some with special gifts as of now i learned that there's way more that meets the eye well i got that from transformers that quote by the way i'm just saying but no seriously there's something out there and i don't know what it's called except ghost i think it's a ghost i think ghosts are actually out there in today's halloween special by the way guys give a huge thumbs up and please share this video we are heading to pennsylvania to explore pennhurst asylum one of the most known haunted asylums in the entire world the pennhurst state school in asylum originally called eastern pennsylvania institution for the feeble-minded and epileptic was authorized for construction in 1903. it was conceived as a state-funded and operated facility to house any individual deemed feeble-minded and thus unable to function in normal society this included anybody with physical or mental problems such as abnormalities psychological issues mute deaf or even blind people even people with offensive habits or even people with imperfect speech when admitted into this asylum they were classified under physicality as either imbecile or insane then they classified their mental health as either healthy or epileptic and then they classified their teeth as either having good poor or treated teeth as time went on the institution would be pressured to also house and hold immigrants criminals and orphans it became a solution for riddling out society from all the undesirables and pretty much what that last uh little paragraph meant was if you were pretty much disabled or you did something wrong or you're just was born sick or you know whatever and the family didn't want you they would drop you off there and just pretty much hide you from society anyways by 1960 pennhurst was home to about 2791 people which is almost 900 more than the maximum capacity and in 1968 a reporter went there and did a tv series on penhurst which was the first for most people to even heard of this place no one knew that this institution pretty much existed now when the tv show actually aired a lot of people were upset what they were seeing they seen people chained to adult side cribs they seen children in cages they seen a lot of other things that just really upsetted everybody even though a lot of bad things happened though this was actually a positive impact in the end because after all the long suffering patients that happened it just pretty much helped and changed medical practices today across the entire country and society as its whole so from bad things happening they learned and they made their mistakes they learned from their mistakes to now where we are today but i will say i don't agree with a lot of it and a lot of it could have been avoided with just better staff and crew in general though but a lot of these things kind of needed not needed to happen but it really helped society now and by 1987 the place had finally shut down for good and all the allegation and abuse has finally surfaced throughout the years here the administration this is where we parked to start this adventure but there's a lot of them and we're going to be going over this with eric eric is going to be showing us every bit of information about this place as we go in and it's it's really hard as a creator myself especially doing ghost videos when i just started already you know i take these ghost videos i make really seriously and i try to make sure they're authentic and i can show so much information but still keep it as real but also entertaining as possible and that's where it gets really hard because when i first started off doing this i was a skeptic and i didn't believe in ghosts and a lot of things have been happening and it's been making me think a lot differently about even life itself because now i'm like okay if ghosts are real that means heaven's real and it kind of makes me feel good about myself or you know in general just because it's like oh like at least if we die it's not just like blank and like that's another good thing about it but it's like who knows like i still i still need more i still need more and i hope tonight's the night where i can get like really like okay that's insane but it already happened so many other times so the last information right before we go and start this video is i want to talk about this really quick because i feel like it's important these buildings are all getting knocked down except for two or three of them the administration building's going to stay the mayflower is going to stay and they're trying right now to make the philadelphia stay and they're trying to get to quaker building to stay these are the only four buildings they're going to have at here at panthers asylum in the next three years or less demolition is knocking every single building down that you've seen in this video already and that's important because when this place is gone it's gone for good including all the crazy history that's ever happened here and that's why again we document these places for in general before we even did beyond the dark so as you can see here they already moved the building there they already removed the building here and on the other side they've already removed a ton of buildings these are the last ones to go on this side before they actually come and remove these sides there's actually two buildings way back there as well and those are going to be the first ones to go before this side the city and everyone wants to keep not the city actually the city wants this building gone but the people that are running this place now are trying to keep these buildings even just for the looks and effects of it to show like hey this is cool this is haunted this is fun um like let's keep it going let's try to keep it running and most importantly preserve them as much as we can because everyone here loves the place too i'm definitely digging the orange lights maybe this is the way yo i legit got lost i was looking for you guys we were just gonna come looking for you i was like where did they go it's getting dark we have to start now yeah man let's do this let's create the best beyond the dark video ever exactly we gotta find eric our guide he's inside right here i've never been inside any buildings yet none okay it was my first time we checked out the first floor and there's so much stuff that you would actually find in the places that we explore like all the time like this is stuff that we see every single day when we explore these places just left behind here clean taken care of it's amazing that's good this is our administration building the pensioners guys this opened in 1918 so it's actually one of the newer structures on campus because campus opened in 1908 that's when we got our first patient and this was the first building that patients would see when they would come here they'd walk right through those doors there um we used this building today as our haunted attraction so we used the first and second floors in the basement and surrounding tunnels unfortunately we can't go in there tonight like i said our honda attractions in there but this building is in great condition so we're able to see the outside of it and that little dome shaped structure i'm not sure if you can see it that's kind of like our symbol of pen hurst you know real cool yeah like on the t-shirts yeah yeah super cool iconic so yeah actually all these catwalks you see that we're walking on is part of our tunnel system so these are all tunnels um we won't be able to access this part of the tunnel right that's where our honda attraction is of course um but we have we have a very big very long tunnel system no way is it because the the red light beam above us or no it just went it just came and went my phone is on my phone's on too that's true we were kind of in front of them a little bit so hard to say unless their phones are on i don't know all right i don't know keep this i'm keeping moving see we got the people they're ready they're ready for the ghost stuff you see these queue lines and our ticket booth right here well the shack um this is for our honda attraction here and actually this big green lot that you see there used to be a building there again is it still going yeah you're saying with us can you like that can you light that up to yellow nope oh now it's stopping gone as soon as i asked him to go up oh oh you still here with us can you light that up again if you're still here with us no okay well i'll keep this on so if you want to uh chat swing by we'll be here all night seriously we had a woman here two years ago and i was given the tour like usual and she said erica i keep getting the name of marie over by the swing set and i mean i'm sure we've had multiple but um she kept saying it over by the swing set open and that same night um i was over here on the catwalk and i was looking this way and i was talking to my group there right here and they pointed at something right by the swing set this is like an hour after and they said we just saw a little girl by the swing set i said no you did i like quick turn i didn't see anything but i swear to god it was there and it was gone just just thinking about this gave me like chills you know hey but that was really it was really weird the same night the psychic said that she wasn't part of the group that was here but yeah it was weird do you believe in ghosts eric i do after working here i do okay uh uh before i started working here i was kind of uh i wasn't a skeptic but i was open to it right but after being here for four years now it's real what's your worst story like like any like dangerous stories um there is one negative energy here that i'm gonna get to right up here he lives in this building i'm gonna talk about him in a second um but i think for the most part they're really just kind of stay back they're kind of shy they'll come out you know if they get comfortable but okay yeah good i'm feeling good about it i'm feeling like i'm feeling like some stuff might happen nice i'm hoping i hope so i'm hoping for it fingers crossed all right so i want to talk about quaker real quick or quaker quaker so this building is probably the next building that we want to try to open to the public um just because of the activity that goes on in here um the first and second floors a lot of activity happens actually that's where i had my first paranormal experience i was in this building one night um before i started ghost hunting and this was back when i was a bit of a open-minded person and uh i went to the second floor and i felt this k2 is spiking right now did it just start right here yeah wow it's been silent since before that's interesting i actually never seen that happen and it's staying there though that's the thing and you're just talking about how we think something might happen well this is where you said the negative energy was right yes i'm trying to debunk there is a power cord here that's a steady that's a steady signal so that i don't think that's paranormal yeah it could be this this power chord here maybe i don't know [Music] i like how we're debunking though because we keep it real i would be like oh my god it's legit but we're trying to really figure this out oh kind of there now it's died down is there electricity to this building nope not electricity this is the knock back door is it not it is it is the memory like i said knock back door so the uh rumor is if you knock it'll knock back so i won't lie to you i've only ever seen that happen once and my group almost ran out of here and it was like nine o'clock oh wow we're here for i'm even pulling away just i wasn't sure if it was me my phone's not with me but that it's not even the phone the phone won't do that that's going off like crazy yeah yeah we know that person personally that's how i know it's not the case dude it's like moving though it's like there's like a ghost on top of freaking joe well that would that would be the oh no and what did i just say this building was one of our active buildings yeah you did just say that all right yeah let's get let's go on with that so what you were about to say yeah so anyway oh so yeah so uh i was out here one night back before i was a you know i was more open-minded i went to the second floor and i felt fine the whole time and i was with my buddy and we walked through like the threshold this room it was like a day room it's right over there you can't really see it but as soon as we walked through that door it was like immediately a 180 energy you know like goosebumps up like it felt like people were watching me i kept checking over my shoulder i turned to my buddy i go do you feel that and i didn't want to tell him what i was feeling i was i wanted him to confirm it he's like dude it feels like there's people in here with us almost like like like hurtling in it was so weird and i felt like this immense pressure on me so i said dude i gotta get out of here so we got out of the building and it took until we literally exited the building and then i felt better but that was like kind of like okay maybe there is something here you know and ever since then i've been a big believer in energy that [ __ ] is real and being able the human body being able to pick up on energy and i agree with that the electricity your hair is standing up on your arm that that is real so um yeah but i do want to talk about the basement real quick so we have a we have a negative entity living in this basement um i'm not going to tell you his name although if you if you ask me enough maybe i'll say it i'm not going to say it here because i don't really like him um but we have confirmed reports on record that he worked here he worked in this building and he was a janitor here and um we found out over the years that he does not like women specifically younger women 20s 30s i'm so sorry i'll go in i'm so sorry guys yeah all the women in my group usually are like oh [ __ ] so so um unfortunately we can't go in his basement but i got the next best thing we're gonna be in the tunnel right outside his door okay so okay so that's something maybe we could try to you know talk to him get him out tonight casey do what you got to do flirt with that ghost actually we have another investigator here her name's jen she's not here tonight obviously um but she this was a couple years ago she has it on video she was provoking him i never recommend provoking and she was doing that and he made a light fixture almost fall on her head really where i got she has on video yep yeah and she just narrowly missed it she like stepped out of the way because she heard it she heard it coming off like like the ceiling and then she just like stepped away and it's shattered right next to her that would be insane to ever see ever she got evps the same time and the guy was like you could hear his voice he was like he even said her name i'm kind of tempted to do that no i mean you do you but that's for a little bit i have a challenge for my customers that i do because i get a lot of hard asses here you know i'm not scared of anything you know whatever so i'm like okay all right wise guy so i'm like go into the tunnel the tunnel is right here by the way this is how you get into it the rockwell tunnel system i'm like go into the tunnel by yourself walk to the middle turn your light out and set your timer for 10 minutes on your phone and just stand there guess how many i've had do it actually do it probably a hundred percent no zero i'll do it three people dude three people i've been doing this for two years man there you go only three but you know if you chicken out there's no shame i won't even do it yo i'll do it i'll do it nude if you want me too all right explorers we are back at our base camp uh which is the mayflower hall everyone's getting the stuff together we're about to start the investigation so we got all of our gear ready we're going to the tunnels and john right here is pretty much ready to go find some kid ghosts that's right he's ready though if they don't like this then something's up right yeah so the idea is to try to like get the kids to talk or like do some ghost stuff at least even touch the uh the elf doll because whatever what happens if you touch it like lights up right yeah he'll turn it on yeah he lights up yeah i see that when you touch him dude that's gonna be crazy if that works yo that's great that's gonna be nice that's gonna be nuts actually start screaming yeah at night in the tunnels yeah that is gonna be really creepy we have six hours right now it's nine p.m we have we're here to three a.m so six hours to do all this stuff it's gonna be super fun so guys we decided to all go down in the tunnel first as a group and then one at a time oh there's not even a batch on it yeah what are you guys looking at in there anything it's pretty cool it's like just an extra extension oh okay it even says like what what building maybe it would have would have been right there at this time with the t building i was just gonna say it looked like a team yeah building tea yeah wow if you start talking to him and trying to get him out especially if you say his name i'm not gonna say his name um this will just become like an air conditioner and it just gets so freaking cold here how is that that thing is freaking going off is yours going off too yeah this is a real one both the k2s are going off at the same time and i think they're both emitting the same level too three k2s all reading the exact same thing so there's no power there's no power there is no power it's only at the door oh my god can we do like a shaving haircut so his name i'm not going to say is the same as a peanut butter that's your hand teddy no it's not colder even colder skippy oh my god john got it so what dude his name is his name is skippy so we should try to like call us yeah so yeah if we want to do like an evp and we could just ask some questions you should definitely try to talk to them hold on or do we have a straight box did you yeah i didn't hear that i heard a whistle and then a voice and then a bang is someone down here let's go no way yeah dude you're going to have the whistle on camera and you're going to have the bang oh we just heard it okay all right let's let's see what just happened it sounded like it was down dude it was down the whole hallway that night wait there's nothing else here it's a dead end dude this door is locked did they bang on the doors what yeah they banged on the door in sk too and you said the door is locked doors locked doors locked okay so it's not like anybody i [ __ ] you not that is not the first time that door is banged it's not the first time no that wasn't let's be quiet and see if we can hear it again i'm not sure if that was it though who's down here with us [Music] can you tell us your name is his name dick or is he calling you a dick he's calling him a dick yeah all right say your name please claire you said dick again yeah were you a patient were you a staff [Music] what was your role you a nurse yes that was a yes what was your name ma'am joyce joyce voice that was immediate too how many of us do you see can you count how many of us many hello who just said hello male voice said hello what's your name sir bruce hi bruce my name's joe can you say my name that said i heard it it was pretty faint it said joe if you said my name thank you can you say it again a little clearer [Music] what's on john's pajamas wow thank you who's this guy you know this guy right here you say his name all the time seth oh my god just said it dude every time every time [Applause] thank you [Music] what is that why did i just go off by itself oh oh dude is this a sign what the hell maybe maybe they want us to use that one maybe that one say hello to this what other names do you know they say josh dude yeah so john and josh any other people's name you would like to say [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi [Applause] [Music] if there's a guy named skippy please say your name [Music] goodbye [Music] [Music] this is so cold if you put your hand through here it's completely different yeah yeah the air is coming through it's definitely colder though in there different temperature in there did you did you move something in there no when you what happened it something grabbing you something moved when you when you touched it did you like shake it or move or anything i don't remember to be honest i didn't touch anything i know that nothing really um yeah i know i mean did you feel it again did you touch it i mean like i'm like right here i mean maybe the vibration yeah maybe no no i felt something else it's cold yeah sorry man dude he was standing like right here i couldn't see your hand it's here can you finish this for me if you're on the other side come on skippy knock back buddy way the movement and the whistle that got us to even get the skippy's door was 100 legit absolutely some of the evps we got the the emf kmf meter there's something definitely down here so we're going to now head to devin's place which is the cool huge building looks like a school we're gonna try to wing some stuff there the night's still young we're gonna keep recording keep recording all night i mean it's gonna be crazy we're on a big adventure right now yep let's do it so this is technically the newest building on campus it was built um well it started before world war ii and then obviously the war came so they had to stop construction but after world war ii they came back and they built it up and it was originally meant for offices for staff but as pennhurst's patients numbers kept increasing overcrowding dude they had to start shoving patients in here they didn't have a choice so in the basement of this building that's where we're gonna go first there's actually a children's ward down there it's really really creepy but if you look at like over here like those makeshift wall things that was a cubicle those were well those were originally going to be cubicles and then they kind of had to do something so they turned them into makeshift rooms oh wow that's what they did and they started pushing patients in that [Music] all right guys let's go to the basement yeah we're going to see candyland so they were filming a movie here a couple weeks ago and this is what they left what were they filming do you know i don't know yeah i don't know i don't know i don't know if they actually slept down here i have no idea but dang this is a setup let's do something here [Music] we should do our next station here this is candyland and so you're saying right that this was the children's like there was a little children's world down here and then this room right here was like a like a day room i bet you can't guess why they call it candy land huh yeah yeah right yeah no this is cool but they even have the other so i really like this mural because i always ask people like how many children do you see in this mural yeah because i see four it's four so far oh see the girl in the wheelchair you know so they didn't leave anybody out yeah i didn't see i didn't i literally just didn't see it yeah yeah she's like hidden you know yeah yeah man this room this room is cool yeah oh i'm going to take my rem pod out too yeah yeah yeah we're going to set up we got some i mean they'll come up soon here they come if you're happy about that can you say the word happy or if you're sad about it can you say the word sad into that red light what the [ __ ] is that [Music] did we just hear you down that back hall in front of me where did you guys hear that first noise like back here oh yeah sounded like a crunch or something like something yeah yeah they were stepping are you happy the owner reopened this building to put some visitors in it was just been closed for so many years are you happy now that people can come back in here and see it if you're happy about that can you say the word happy i didn't think that was really going to happen did you not hear it again so so you know it's intense when the staff at penn verse is i think dude i've never heard them right yeah you know let's play that again that's scary that's scary something like that i heard it there too it's very very sad about it can you say the word into that red light oh my god oh my god that's amazing i need the light johnny i need the light i heard it very very faintly the first into that red time oh my god oh my god that was a good one oh my god did you guys hear it thank you for leaving that message as you can see we can hear you and we're very happy that you're happy can you tell us your name please cause i heard two things i heard it i heard one i did hear i did hear one little like noise back there tiny one yeah tick so this is juicy right now yeah it is this is about as juicy as it gets tell you can sing us a song you can do whatever you want happy again let us know you're here okay or something right there yeah happy again happy again totally i want to hear it i want to hear one more time i know it's time is it happy again it's the same voice too a lot of emphasis on the p yeah the p definitely tell us anything you want you can sing us a song you can do whatever you want oh my god oh my god it sounds like a girl saying that you're doing such a great job communicating with us you're making us happy for talking to us [Applause] uh dude what if that really is a sign that can't be a coincidence that that's happening like we got to are you still here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's what i think we should do here [Music] goodbye all right i'm gonna shut this off okay [Applause] what that was that was solid that was a solid like thump from back there [Applause] oh that's crazy as soon as you turned your light on so what do you think should we sit here for a few minutes just like do nothing and then we just it's activities nuts man it's been fun this is nuts the ebp is the best part always for me oh that's my favorite yeah i'm taking a seat right here and i'm just gonna chill a little chilly we did yeah and i thought i just heard a little girl's voice behind me [ __ ] you got like right before you said there's someone down there well no way no we heard you knock can you knock again what is that yeah it's like a couple of voices if you're in one of the rooms in the hallway can you roll something out from one of the rooms what was that oh the pebble or something i was just gonna say can you throw something did you did did somebody kick something no nobody here nobody was moving i totally heard it it was literally right here maybe it was me no it was way off no this was like over here by me and john it sounded like a little pebble that was that was the very next thing i was gonna say is could you throw a little pebble there's a lot of crap going on it's right here wait right now yeah was that you if it was thank you can you do it again over here really yes i think the same exact pebble i think i heard it too thank you for communicating with us if this is you we really appreciate it can you show us where you are now can you make a noise right so i'm thinking if throwing something is all you can do you can do that for us we would like it a lot what the [ __ ] was that that was somebody's stomach okay it honestly sounded like a hum or some [ __ ] yeah oh my god whose stomach was that damn it john it sounded like a [Music] is that you no that was not drawn i literally looked as soon as i heard that that was it are you down that hallway down there where i'm shining my light can you step out into the hallway for us [Music] did you watch this steps those are oh my god dude those footsteps they were all the way down at the end of the hall [Music] either way those were like three or four solid footsteps i don't know if i heard it oh my god guys it is already midnight now three hours left till three a.m the shower shower for the second floor shower in particular oh this is [Music] that almost sounded like turtle pumpkin is there a pumpkin on it yeah there's like five pumpkins right now but did it say it that's the key oh it sounds like pumpkin yup it sounds like pumpkin yeah literally it definitely said that that's awesome that's awesome yo just play it one more time that's cool did you did you hear it did you do it [Music] did it say it again twice dude that was way louder bro i'm not even lying when i say this it's been a long time since this much activity has happened that's interesting i just can't believe we heard pumpkin three times on the same evp it's crazy all right guys we have an hour left before 3 a.m we're gonna start the challenge now everyone's staying in here and one by one we're gonna be taking into uh skippy's tunnel um i have i'm gonna take the rem pod with me i'm gonna do it there yeah they're going everyone else is going uh through this tunnel what's this tunnel called oh the mayflower tunnel they're going to try to get something good good luck guys good luck i mean you know if you need me i guess i will run out so hard for real though something happens all right let's do this nah i gotta face my fears like this is what i have to do i'm gonna say whatever battery i have left in this bad boy all right now we're gonna do this man like i said i'm gonna i'm gonna come over it's gonna be like a true ghost adventure [ __ ] man i think it is i'm gonna come over i'm gonna slide the door open let you in slide the door closed and i'm leaving all right all right yeah ten minutes that's all i have to do that's all you need that's all i got if you don't make it it's okay it's okay i'll i'll let you just walk back if i can't handle it you can't make it man it's totally understandable but keep in mind i've been here for four years i won't do it yeah no worries i don't blame you man if i heard noise oh my god and plus if there's any evps that can get it off of my own camera so that's another thing all right i'm recording now too well the door's already closed huh that's why i gotta open it oh my god all right i'll do it bro 10 minutes it doesn't start till you get there though remember all right you have i'll see you later man yo just watch your step down there oh for real all right yep thank you holy [ __ ] yo i actually don't think i could do this i gotta shut the door too i don't know guys i don't freaking know about this i can't see anything like i'm not even kidding you explorers i literally on some real [ __ ] i can't see anything but the camera itself and just my rem pod i don't even want to turn it on oh my god i'm actually really freaking scared there's no way people are actually gonna do this there's no way my team's gonna do it i mean i have to be like i'm in outlast i'm looking through my camera to see and even my camera can't even focus cause it's so freaking dark i don't know about this explorers i know this is like the time to do this because of like september october halloween i mean i can't even freaking see i can't see my own arm in front of me and all the people in the history and knowing that people died here i don't know if i can do this hang on we're gonna use my flashlight to get down to the end i cannot do this okay all right all right here's skippy's room just like i said i'm gonna put a rem pod down if it goes off i swear on my life i'm leaving it down here i'm by myself by your door skippy i'm just hanging out don't want to cause any trouble or anyone else is down here for that matter i'm just hanging here if there's anyone here can you please make a noise or a sound you know i actually got my own ghost gear and an evp recorder i'm to try this myself exploring with josh is going in on evp [Music] all right guys we're about to play the uep back hey skippy [Music] i'm in your basement [Music] or for anyone else around me if you can hear me can you say hi i don't mean any harm or trouble i'm just alone here wanting to talk to you can you see me if you can see me can you can you say see if you know you're dead can you say the word dead very explorers just did an evp record by myself nothing happened but it is so scary and the thrill's real also keep in mind explorers if you're watching this and you're listening keep an eye out because we might have got evps walking in this hallway just me and you so listen to the audio because that could always be a thing if there's anyone in this tunnel can you please make a sound my last try before i go for anyone who's around me right now can you touch the red light right there i'm pointing at it right now on the [Music] ground nothing [Applause] i won't lie this is not like my abandoned videos jesus so creepy down here by myself god uh definitely was a big challenge to do i know this is super bright on me but just so you guys get i'm just documenting my experience because this is one for the books nothing scary has to happen here it's just a scary thing to do in general so i did it but i did it with the lights on i couldn't i couldn't do it i could not do it bro it was too scary right there's no way is i want to see someone else do it without the light on i laughed at the 10 with the light on that's it i want to see them do it without the light you know what i'm going to tell them i did it without the light so i can see what they say so that's the thing dude they said they're like yeah maybe we'll wait and see how he was you know engaged his reaction so yeah yeah yeah it wasn't bad i'm gonna say it honestly it wasn't bad and i'm just gonna say you guys do it now i'm gonna i'm gonna be like just watch out you can't see you have to you have to look into the the screen to see but i just yeah yeah and and like casey doesn't know like the screen has a light on it oh my gosh so she's only gonna think it's scary but yeah oh let's go see what happens guys i won't lie to you it is freaking crazy it's scary and you have to the only way you can see is by using this screen you have to look into the screen nothing happened though but your mind's gonna just mess with you it's up to you guys i mean casey said she's gonna do it casey just swing it okay yeah all right let's go wait did you go to the middle i went to skippy's door i just chilled there i did but nothing happened but it was just scary by itself honestly just take my camera and go do it just have fun all right so i'm at skippy's door now and turning the light off i'm actually going to sit down apparently skippy does not like woman skippy i just turned 22 and [Music] it's cool if you don't like me no hard feelings maybe make yourself known if you want to knock on the door skippy if you're here knock if anyone is talking to me at all thank you i appreciate it skippy if you came by i'm sorry not so bad all right casey did you actually do it really it's on video if it is you did it yeah the first like five i was just like messing around in the hallways and then the last five i started messing with the door skippy yeah it's on there yeah so yeah there's a bunch of bangs especially in skippy's hallway she did it were you there with her oh no i wasn't there i actually went back over to mayflower and i went over there so like so so yo here's the thing like so you were knocking on the door yeah and like was there like noises coming back or i thought this had pockets i started going like that um like at first i was like sitting right across the door and then i was like talking almost like skippy like if you're here like make it known like kick something move something then i heard a bang like in the door oh [ __ ] i heard a bang in the door too it was like a tap so i just questioned it off but if yours is more of a louder bang yeah it was a loud bang yeah yeah all right we have to check that so so when i did it i had the flashlight on [Music] there was a flashlight on this but i figured you wouldn't know about the flashlight on it no i don't know exactly so i was like okay i was wondering i was like is casey actually gonna do it because it was just pitch black and you did it yeah and like every time like i like move the camera it i felt like it was cheating so i would look the other way so it's a little darker oh my god dude you're crazy you're crazy yeah that is ballsy that's badass now i look like a [ __ ] if i say i mean i mean it doesn't matter at this point it's okay yeah it's it's it's we only i mean you can just there's no recording time left on the camera i don't think yeah i know it took like two more minutes just four minutes left on the car yeah uh we can get away with it for part two part two seth will have to do it next time you want to see me in that tunnel by myself give us 30 000 likes that's how much it's gonna take it's done what's done is done hopefully they have the key to this place but we're heading out of here guys we just left the mayflower hall they said it's one of the hottest place ever but we had some crazy activity up in this building on the third on the third floor it was they were like messing with us going back and forth yep in that corridor with the hallways and what else did we get we had some of the best stuff i thought of this night was john's spirit box literally alarm going off or something like hinting that they want us to use us he turns it on and says john and then my name i think even yours right after right yeah eventually it said my name that was amazing and then it happened again yeah i mean i mean i don't know it's been a long crazy day we have the evps of them saying happy non-stop we had them saying pumpkin literally describing the book it's been a great night it's been super fun uh shout out to our tour guide eric as well he's in the back he's chilling he's cool you know he's the star of the show actually he's better than us yeah he's better than us that's all right we'll get that we'll get there yeah i mean johnny you as you can see john and joe they just left they dipped out it's just us now we're probably gonna have to end it here overall it was a super good day a good time some of the best evps we got was right here i think i don't know actually no sk was good too sk was pretty good we keep bringing a basketball really really good yeah overall i mean this is a this is a really a special place all the buildings that are still here with the best documentary history online that you can kind of pull it download and bring it into this footage it's all good stuff i'm just saying random things so you can just add it in if we want to it doesn't matter it doesn't matter um but yeah guys we're so spacey right now like we're dude it's all the way to three in the morning actually i think it's passed i think it's like 305 now we got to get out of here we just shut the doors pretty much that means we gotta go i'm out of here i'm tired of this i'm tired of this i'm tired of getting almost possessed i don't want it anymore i quit explorers it is 305 a.m this is when we said we were done ghost hunting i told you guys from the beginning we're gonna stay till three in the morning we got here at 5 00 p.m on the dot and we stayed till three in the morning we've been ghost hunting and filming for over dude i don't know like 10 hours honestly like for real i can't even think anymore but overall it's been an amazing day a great experience we got to explore one of the most haunted insane asylums in the entire us and again one of the most well documented asylums ever to exist with so much before and after history to make this whole story put together strong it's been an amazing day like i said we had some of the great greatest you know evps lots of noises everywhere all around this at some time being inside any of the buildings we went to the mayflower went to the third floor we had all the crazy noises happening we went inside devon building and that's when we got some of the best evps ever they're saying happy they're saying pumpkin in other areas it was just non-stop just great some of the best stuff we ever got even the guide said oh this is crazy this never happens like this it's been good and again we kept it real since the beginning i'm gonna end this video here right back where we started showing off the administration building boom it's been a good one guys um again i run a merch website this is some of the beyond the dark merch this sure is actually my oldest one so like they'll be even better looking than this but you can even get some amazing sweaters repping beyond the dark if you love this show thanks so much we're always trying to go to the next haunted place or the most known haunted places all around the world not just the us this is my new show that just kind of started we started off with the conjuring house we built a team up a ghost adventures and we ended up here at pennhurst big place for us big accomplishment and oh my god my arm is getting sore from doing all this if you're still watching this thanks so much but it is now time to go shout out to everyone who was with us and without further ado guys we're gonna end it here rise above just get out there explore peace and thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Exploring With Josh
Views: 1,472,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pennhurst asylum haunted, abandoned places, haunted places, top 5, top 10, scary, ghost adventures, exploring with josh, tfil, sam and colby, urban exploration, ghosts
Id: 4fOawW_4gaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 48sec (3648 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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