Abandoned Hospital That Vanished - Everyone Left Without A Trace

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[Music] [Music] [Music] I want to start by saying this hospital is super hot for some reason or whatever the heat is on inside the hospital in the summertime it is dark right now but the power is on in here which is so surprising and this place is huge off the top of my head it looked like it was about like 12 floors this place is massive and yeah it smaller than it looks new this hospital is a psychiatric hospital so in other terms in an asylum it's weird because they used to say asylum and then they stop saying asylum and now that you psychiatric the old days the Salomon patients or whatever was actually a normal thing to say and obviously society knew it was wrong and they changed it to a psychiatric mental health mental disabled and all things like that whatever I'm just saying anyways so yeah this place um actually opened up in the early early 1900s and just been here ever since until like 2010 and the crazy thing about it is that closed in 2010 but it's still pretty mint I mean there's no beds left or anything like that but it's still clean as heck for 2010 it's a rare find the fact it is still pollen from 2010 is just insane let's get it I chose this room because it had the operating lights here these operating lights cost so much money but they're also here I don't know if they work maybe this is some of them I can turn on and check but yeah still dope operating table would have been obviously right underneath here and they were operating on people here all the things are here nothing's like damaged sometimes usually in these rooms that everything would be damaged or broken but nothingness I'm with the squad by the way you can hear them you can see them we're all here just to show you how hot it actually isn't here leader this guy I saw way hotter in here than outside for sure I'm having an Asia so many freaking times and it's so hot you made that I can rock my pants and oh my god I'm good right now on into the temps we're all doing okay Wow 750 degrees in Gila bin right now again I'm not your dad but I would get out I've actually never seen a room like this look at these the monitors aren't on this I've never seen like monitors I usually just see surgical lights and that's it how many rooms are air like everything is pretty much untouched right here these are pretty much for like your x-rays they're on but they're actually not on it would be like super bright it would be overexposed even if I recorded medical tools would be here you know everything you're using to cut open someone and operate on them would be inside these and then it's just they're all here this like eight operating room right on this floor alone [Music] look at this everything's just here last time into a hall slide even looks similar to this was the Harvey Hospital I call it the hospital in Texas is a reception desk page charged nurse [Music] it's really cool hey I see a restricted area over there got some biohazard on it maybe this is where all the pills are oh I don't even want to know I feel like all like people's bodies would be inside this room religion just exploring I mean who knows what we can find in here by myself now in the dark uh-oh someone's sample is in that black tube don't know what kind of sample but it looks like blood a blood samples right there it's black now because it's all old oh wow this is actually even sane medical waste you know people's all their blood these are all everyone's blood tubes are inside there don't know if you can see that that's that's ridiculous and I can see that it's used a lot of black inside of some of them oh just stuff yourself sitting there you know it could be like really bad what aids or something could be in that [Music] you don't want it you don't you want to know what's in there why did you go I went in there it's secret I'm just alright yeah alright something cool was in there I'm not saying what it was but I was just in there and I quote Ising some cool stuff how the nurses were back in 1948 here there's no joke this place is this is an amazing spot yo to think that that went down in this building is incredible no way look how the medicine all looked in the back that's a pharmacy look how that pharmacy looks so different back in the day all the exam rooms are actually locked up I don't know what they mean by exam this one was open it's all empty though what does endoscopy mean I forgot do you know what endoscopy mean none of us know what it means what are those glasses you guys looking at they make you look losses we're shifty well what's the reason for them let's see what it looks like on this it doesn't look any different on the camera but I have to try for myself then yo the f-bomb on video I feel like everything's like a bit 3d yeah looks like they could be slightly like you're popping out at me yeah the scrapper is like new literally which whole like wall to make a hole in really yeah they probably look at the blueprints new like what to steal out of here they're smart but bad at the same time but like geez I found a treatment room damn sucks there's no beds though yeah everyone what is it what is with us and mort's like why do we all like morgues because we all do abandoned buildings though why do we all like morgues that that's what I'm thinking right like you know because so many people feel like why do you guys always want to find the morgues like what is it with you guys in morgues and I'm just like damn like I don't even know why I like morgue so much maybe cuz it's rarely people work that's true that's true almost everybody like has never seen a morgue in their life but like we have not weird like we're different more churches where like I love them too much dude that's the thing like I absolutely don't even like churches except one I did and uh it's a gothic one and I can't even say how do you want to say it [Music] we're all squatted right now looking for the x-ray room I mean it is amazing here so what we're trying to find and we're just talking about cool places we all hit we're all from different parts of different states just got together for this tire on the main floor now that should start off in a second on you okay Oh actually control right let's find these x-rays dude well that's the thing is cool like we're like Oh as urban explorers it's funny because like you go inside the hospital alright where's the x-ray where's the morgue let's go find these stuff or if you go inside a certain place is like we want to find and see this first you go inside of school where's the theater at you know everyone has their own preferences but it's just funny today they still work this room doesn't this is prime though they just left this whole machine here what oh oh dude it was it wasn't letting up at first yeah this is why it's all the monitors the machine I'll do this one long to do we gotta find x-rays and get some good shots if we can if there's still any like Okinawan pictures we just made this room a lot better so that people wants to take cool pictures it's all set up nice I don't mind me guys this is what happens when you hang out with IG explorers Instagrammers oh well they're doing that I'll go look around here energy saver monitor I have no idea what that is if this opens I think it's another room while they locked it look what's in this room another x-ray machine j-just stay like that just like that no move oh my god [Music] explores this literally looks like Rob from super smash bros tell me not it literally looks like Rob right now like I literally am picturing Rob from that game I actually don't know why they took out all the tables all the you know furniture everything but they actually left all the x-rays here I'm assuming maybe they're trying to find another buyer you know that's why they leave in some of the equipment here some I think I think of that's a hot room that's a hot room there's even more oh my god they all like it's amazing if only there was x-rays laughs oh you guys check inside of them oh they're all empty and I definitely what I love when I find them put them up and take a cool picture yo this one has a monitor on the Dell monitor it's a whole box full of x-ray film unused just there it looks like this [Music] all right this is the best thing I've ever seen in any event in hospital ever I know it really does this is epic dude it's a TV freaking castle I love it you think it everybody slurs it now yeah you're right they don't have all that time to set this whole thing up it's just so unique though imagine if we had a freaking land party of fortnight on these little monitors it'd be the most epic four night land party ever oh this is not listen you leave the wrong way gonna be Rob pranking everyone I know row works every single time Oh Grob plate like this police scanner thing and I knew when you played it but he got every one I love seeing those signs I don't know why that's it I mean that's everything you know I'm gonna show you the rest but that's actually all that's here I mean the hospital is unique because the powers on it still looks modern and new it's non psychiatric place with tons of history but that's all that's left here is just the things on the first and second floor I'm gonna check some of the top floors just because but so that's all that's actually here the only time I ever do places at night is unless this power on because I usually never come to any band in place at night and I've said this before but a lot of new people has subscribed to my channel so they won't know but the reason why I don't explore in the night is because I don't necessarily want to look or discover find ghosts I don't necessarily think ghosts are actually real and I don't believe in really much haunted videos now I do think things can happen you know unexplained things and I want to one day maybe even do a video trying to actually find a ghost I don't know but the reason why I don't do them at night is literally just because I want to actually show you the abandoned place for it actually isn't a building rather than make some spook film I want to breathe whatever it is in here but inside here smells so freakin bad it's like this sour musky thing it's like a recovery room after you're done your operations you go inside here Oh oh I don't know what that was like it literally it tingles your nose here's but that was the operating lake recovery rooms I'm now on the third floor by myself everyone has only went to the first and second so I'm just roaming this place it's actually making me a little freaked out like a bit nervous I think just because it's a hospital and it's so massive and I'm all by myself that it's just getting to my head more x-ray viewing rooms there's so many of them this exam rooms more exam rooms the fact that we're just in an abandoned Hospital in general you know just think about the whole idea we're inside an abandoned Hospital a place that was full of people please people that died here people that needed treatment families everyone people lived here for at you know however long it is until they were recovered memories everything is here it's a sad spot and just to see it here left here in this state you know imagine like I know just the whole idea of being someplace like this that has history that has a dark past and and you know things is just weird to me like the whole idea of a place that's just forgotten about an abandoned it's just like to me is just interesting as hell first of all but I don't know it's just a weird thing it's like weird vibes sometimes like no-man's land a place that has no rules where anything can happen you know a place where like people could actually be here we don't even know it and then you know like jump us you know things like that there's no rules here anything can happen and it that's I think that's one of the most coolest things about it is because you know this is not I mean it's a normal thing but it's like kept private it's kept hidden all these places around the world I explored probably over like 30 or 40 abandoned hospitals right and every single one I explore it has always been different there's always been something else that like is like completely different that's been inside that hospital or like something might happen inside one of the hospitals to make it different you know every toss-away been in there was always something I have done or film differently an entry single hospital and that goes with every single school I filmed and every other thing and damn this is probably the coolest room look at all these rooms these are some of the recovery rooms after surgery these are all it even have their own open doors it is scary if you think about it though like I Fivefinger like oh hey what am I actually doing right now and I start picturing like who could be in like a corner or something like right then I get scared i'm i all right and now i'm starting to scare myself like even right now talking about it freaks me out you know i'm like oh is that what there is someone actually here you ever think it's weird how like a halloween we like pay people to scare us in those haunted houses like even when i do this stuff like all this you know abandoned stuff i don't even pay obviously i don't pay for any of it but yet I still go to abandoned spooky houses it's like we humans love the idea of getting scared it's like we love fear but then when it actually happens if it was real we don't like it anymore I just think it's a really strange thing you know and like I remember when I was like 16 years old I used to go inside this Asylum back in the I used to get scared because I just started I would go inside asylums and I'd play the quiet game with my friends and we would hear things all the time and like if you just like be really quiet it's like what if you can actually what if we actually did catch or something it's like we're asking for it but then if it actually happened I'm gonna pick up my camera I'm gonna run so fast out of here but it's like guys it's like I want it to happen though [Music] [Music]
Channel: Exploring With Josh
Views: 584,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mysterious, top 5, top 10, what happened, ghost, ghost hunters, exploring with josh, sam and colby, haunted america, horror movies 2019, best scary movie, abandoned places
Id: 5KJXkrHlk84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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