Exploring The Glass Asylum | Disturbing Experiments and multiple Deaths

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a group of protesters made a pitch over the weekend to save the allentown state hospital the small group gathered in front of the hospital's campus yesterday afternoon they held up signs asking state officials to walk back their plans to demolish the vacant psychiatric hospital many are pushing for the rehab and reuse of the historic buildings for other purposes but state leaders who signed off on the demolition plan say it would be too expensive to renovate and maintain they say the site is better off being completely redeveloped [Music] [Music] what is up explorers right now we are heading to one of the last asylums that still look actually pretty new inside a lot of the asylums right now pretty much have been demolished or they just got completely vandalized and the city hasn't had enough money to destroy them i'm with the gang we're sweating right now we're in the middle of the forest yeah we're trying to get there we've been going through some high grass trying to dodge ticks snake always i didn't even see a snake he's seen a snake so we're still going there again guys this is one of the biggest asylums we're ever exploring and it's one of the last ones still remaining that actually was one of the last ones to actually close it closed in 2010 so really interesting i feel like we're in jurassic park but there is an asylum out here it is not fake it is true i should have brought water okay uh where do we go hmm this is tough oh we can cut through this way it would be the only way realistically this is a real adventure to get here okay grass is so tall i don't know how big the drop is oh oh god it's like an illusion oh yeah come on if you look a little bit you can tell people have walked through here so we're on the right path i mean this ain't my worst one but it's definitely one of the worst jesus god all right i think we're very close now guys dude there's something in here oh i heard it really i don't know we're good i heard something not nice oh god watch out this is completely straight down it's somewhere over here i think i see it oh i think it's over here i mean we have a great view and all but how do we get up here [Music] oh i don't know if i have a proper intro or not but it wasn't it was insane for the heat to get here i just want to say this place is massive you've seen the drone shots this might be one of the biggest asylum hospitals we have ever explored we can go this way through this way this way this way we are in a four-way intersection it is unbelievable steve's literally dying guys just go on without me rest in peace but kyle's hanging in there he's trooping myself off wasn't that a hike that was a crazy hike i know i know we have to check for ticks too dude seriously oh my god we have a lot to talk about a lot to go over and we're going to be in here all day almost i think let's do this right now we're just talking about how we're going to film but we don't want to get lost my battery's at 14 so i think what i'll do is i'll turn my phone off and i'll keep in contact with you guys when i just start roaming around if anything crazy happens uh i don't even know because i don't know if you guys can contact with me but let's just figure this out we're you know you already know the deal guys exploring cool gang gang say your name to the cam bro radic jasper i make corporate videos and music videos any kind of videos i do cinematography and we're going to get some insane footage of the sound so guys a lot of these stuff you're going to see are coming from him so link description down below check them out kill you for kyle give us the gatorade give us the gatorade dude he only has a little bit how did we know seriously good luck guys take care of her all right guys so we're on our own right now there is an extra this door does that mean it's locked that's that means it's locked it's actually a dark hallway [Music] [Music] ot center kit elevator ot5 i don't really even know what ot means guys if you guys know in description below let me know so far being in the basement of this hospital we're not seeing any desks we're not seeing like much left here besides the shelves that were kind of attached to the walls everything might be fully cleaned out you know after exploring abandoned asylums for the last six years i don't get scared going off on my own anymore and this place seems nice it seems nice oh it's super dark right now i have to attach a light to this and live in it okay oh you know just wandering around by myself in the asylum yo look out this freaking staircase all uh actual just carved wood we're gonna go up there but then it's like the whole basement what if there's so much down here i don't i really don't know where to start or what to do explorers first off let's let's remember exactly what we're doing we're in an asylum that opened up in 1913 their budget was over one million dollars to build this place back in 1913 really big at its time remember the place closed in 2010 so this place was one of the longest lasting asylums ever when it closed it had over 170 patients left here but it went on so long what's really cool that stuck out to me the most about this sound was that in 1930 they opened this place up for children like for a children's board and had a pacific like a class they used to do here some sort of therapy for the kids here that only was done here in this asylum and another interesting thing about this place is that the movie glass was filmed right here in this whole entire facility the whole entire movie which is super cool because remember it was all about an asylum and things like that so those are the highlights about this so we're going through here also this just caught my attention it says music room look how it looks where is the music room just through here unless it wasn't there that's the fire exit what the heck yo we see you oh my god i mean this place is just freaking ginormous i i just can't get over how massive this place is you even got the spider web windows across from there we're gonna have to go show those my favorite kind of window style oh man i mean everywhere you look it's just it's just all connected this is one long clip i'm filming for you guys another crazy thing about this place is that this place was over 35 buildings in one connected together through hallways yo oh this is amazing the architecture here is so clean it's not even really destroyed i mean look at this look at this hallway dude anyways this is chapel's right here yeah the chapel right here inside of chapel total two two five zero oh god wow amazing it's so moist in here it's so moldy it's like unbelievably hot well so obviously we already can see now that after being in here they removed all this chairs seats or anything there's like no objects left but the actual buildings itself and the architecture but you got to you know put yourself together think about how the chairs are all lined up it was once alive i mean it's kind of just literally crazy some of this stuff is really interesting that caught my attention like look at that they it looks like it's like a i don't even think if that's wood or a metal pipe attached together with that symbol leading up to here the little chandelier custom-made is also intact and not even destroyed it looks it looks beautiful looks great very good spot but oh dude no way that's real okay it looks kind of painted i don't know if that's stained glass then yo that's crazy so one of the things i did on research about this place is what was here i knew that there's an auditorium here and what caught my attention is that there's not one but there's actually two chapels in this asylum i've never been to an assignment that had actually two chapels it's always just one so it just shows how large this place actually was they ended up expanding this place and then adding an extra ward for more patients because at the time this place was only built for a thousand patients they ended up overcrowding like always but not that much like any other asylum this one just was able to get more funds but they ended up expanding this place to ex to make room for 2 000 patients i think it ended up topping up to 2 200. so it was only crowded it was only overcrowded by 200 but that's really not that bad considering back in the day they were stuffing everyone inside rooms what they did is they wanted to make this place more sufficient living so they would build a water tower like a barn and they were able to like do all their stuff in their living right here on this base rather than getting all their food imported and things like that so that's a cool thing and they did that five or six years after this place was actually built so it wasn't that long ago you can see a deer just staring at me through the asylum windows [Music] i literally wouldn't be surprised if there was a pool here um i don't remember reading about one being here but i don't even know this is so awesome again i love these windows okay wow this is really nice look at the archways oh my god i actually remember this from freaking glass this is where they had the fight right outside of there and i remember seeing this in the movie yo yeah because they had the crazy fight right here oh my god i hear steve thank god look how look how crazy it goes these hallways this architecture is so freaking cool but i remember they fought right here dude this is the front of the place i remember they fought they fought right here they were battling back and forth and then like other people came and the cops came and they were showing it right here i remember when they filmed it it's so sick when movies are filmed and places that you've been to i've been to so many places like that it's just how it is movies are always looking for abandoned places or other places that are just cheaper to use because they've been sitting here for so long the city's gonna let them use it and it makes money off the place especially i mean i don't know this place there's really nothing in here it seems do you remember this from the glass dude wait what the fudge and then the upstairs i didn't know this existed and like it's got like inside balconies i went upstairs and it looks insane oh dude i want to climb to the tippity top later dude there's just so much to film yeah there's a lot here it's mostly just like i said this it's just architecture bro do you remember this from glass when they fought outside and they battled it was right here yeah dude that's so sick i don't remember this room oh oh dude this is so cool [Music] so there is a chapel if you go down there to the left so i'm just yeah so almost you'll see signs for it too so i'm assuming the other chapels on this side because there's two but i think i'm gonna go to the auditorium next which is over here down there these are cool though i mean dude this is the main gate this is what everyone sees when they're going to drop their freaking their kid off or you know a patient is what they come through here they really made this like they put a lot of money and like time into this place this is not just no regular you know not every silent was made and built beautifully but this one's like so good this is cool too you ain't got the spiral staircase man like come on this is insane i only done the first we're still in the first i'm gonna go i'm gonna go through the auditorium in the middle what time is it let's see it's 5 45 it gets dark in two hours and a half so let's hurry all right where would they put in auditorium i guess just straight in huh this is so cool the reason why there's signs that says restroom is because after movie was over you know i mean that's it so they ditched everything but the restroom signs are still here for the workers that were filming in this building and apparently there was a movie sign here but someone stole it i don't know too much on that but yeah we're gonna go through down here i'm assuming this was the auditorium oh there's actually cheers and see oh look at that let's get over there all right clean large buildings like not even damaged whoa but right there the ceiling is caving in dude look at this a freaking foosball table untouched right here i wonder if they use this in the movie as like one of the scenes i can't remember this is mint it's not even destroyed all right explorers so just a quick talk this place is getting demolished anytime most likely it's going to be demolished in the next five months and if not it's going to be demolished by summer of 2021 next year it's crazy because actually i've never even heard of this asylum and i'm always just finding new places every time you think after six or seven years of filming abandoned that i'm gonna finally run out of spots but that's not the case and it's crazy how i'm still finding new hospitals to explore but going back on what i'm saying the story is is like you can see right here we have some damage and this place is you know falling apart and it's cool to come here and document its history and film these places but it sucks when they get demolished and it's like you just lost crazy history and they just demolish it all and i just find it kind of crazy um i wish we can keep all the asylums up for so urban explorers can come take photos and stuff but it's not the case i don't know what they're gonna do with this land when they demolish this place but it's great that we can come here and actually film these places before they knock them down because there's been a lot of asylums i wanted to see in a lot of places in general that i wanted to go to but it was too late they demolished it and that is uh the worst thing for urban explorer is people like us that want to see this history in these places that are really actually excited that don't vandalize that want to come here and find these places so it sucks when it happens dude look at how it just keeps going down and down it almost feels like we're like underground or some sort but we're not just built with these huge concrete walls and just some arches feels like we're in like a freaking castle i love how the sun's coming down but shining through the windows might be one of the perfect times to ever explore here that looks like a green window down there i'll have to check that out i just don't even know what the heck was over here but if i had to pick i think this is where they did all their cooking it was right here i think their ovens and things were all based here just want to put you guys in mike my perspective it's like very large buildings you know the history and how like people were walking here back and forth for years and how there's completely empty now and you've got the sun coming in and it's forgotten about and it's just really quiet and relaxing it's really cool i don't know how i ended up here i'm just again roaming but look at this is just all natural decay from just being humid or hot in here and the paint's just generally chipping from the ceiling there is not a single like sign of graffiti here as if no one's ever been here it is so cool and these are just offices we're walking through of course there's going to be a lot of offices because of how big this place was and they're all connected so it's just one big office i could go upstairs but not yet there's still more remember there's 35 buildings and they're all connected except like a few of them like two and i don't know what they would have put in here but it is hot we still have to find the other chapel and we have to find a theater i know there's some sort of theater around here uh but i don't know where let's check outside i still i love looking outside so cool look at this one area this is one section okay oh chapel too this is still actually the same layout this is the same layout on the other side what is this oh just a little relaxing area they even have like a walk through and i think that's a little bird house right there yep this is chapel 2. this one's actually gutted it smells bad same style as the other chapel just a mirror image but they ripped the carpet out of this one if that's real stained glass at least it's still here i'm almost tempted to say hey like let's go upstairs finally but i feel like i still shouldn't go yet it says set here bruce willis if you were here man walk in the same hallway you're one of my favorite actors dudes okay another three-way intersection actually that leads to a dead end but now we're in like a dark area this says to the set so i'm assuming this is where everyone just hung out and chilled i don't know look at this though yo e121 this is just like little work desks all of them are like little cubes but this there's so many i would not want to work in this oh my god look at this it's so weird because it's all painted the same and just feels i don't know weird vibes all right guys we just figured out with steve's help that this was the sleeping quarters well at least some of them one of the wings of it for no reason not fbi yeah it looks cool it looks sweet so this is a mural of uh actually the north bank river which is this is the place it's actually built on and you can see like what it looked like before you know houses maybe have been built over it and things like that remember this place was built so long ago so back in the day this is some sort of small town that we're looking at here and yeah it probably was there when this place was actually painted and stuff i don't know i don't know about hot air balloons though but yeah it's still dope i literally just can't believe how far we're still going on the first floor i mean we're going into a whole new corridor now i don't know how long it's gonna be for sorry if my camera is shaky i'm just so freaking thirsty i don't know how much longer i can go okay i'm just gonna film like this yeah oh my god dude this area is wild it's just a dead end though it's just little rooms you know i mean well they're big but that's it it doesn't lead you anywhere i might go upstairs now i think i found everything yeah i think i've seen everything on the front the first floor so i i seen two chapels already they look exactly the same okay so we're just missing like like cedar looking rooms or something there's like an all pink room i thought that looks was big i just can't find it all right we have to retrace our steps let's go back yeah we have to go back and try we're so lost even with google maps it's like we're looking for this one room that's just like it looks like almost like a huge gym kind of just we can't find it no matter where we go we just i don't know it could be anywhere i mean look at this it's just everywhere there's freaking buildings and turns and stuff it goes all the way over here i don't know i don't know let's go upstairs let's go yeah let's just take it upstairs guys come on i mean we might actually dehydrate and die in here but we're gonna explore this whole place before that happens or when it happens second floor baby let's go oh it's closed yep go i just ran down and it was like i'm not even gonna close it it was like resting the ball we might have got locked in here we would have yeah i was about to say hold this door just in case i don't think this one would lock the other one does it doesn't all right if the google map is legit right and the whole thing's big in the middle it would be right here right here it would be right here the auditorium is that's what i'm saying it brings us back to here but this one dude it has to be on the second floor it's just built weird it's on the second floor of here that'd be really cool yeah yeah dude it has all right this this room but above the room we're looking for has to be above this we just have to go on the second floor on here okay we're just gonna find out we just gonna find the stairs i would drink so much capri sun like i just want to take the capri sun put into a bathtub and lay in capri sun like that's literally what i want to do dude yep it has to be up here it has to be up here i mean look at this look how winding the artwork is okay look at this we're going this is welcome so cool again this is where the fight scene was done this is probably where the cameras were actually filming the whole thing right on this floor oh god so oh this is nice always appreciate when i see like old bathtubs like this dope that's actually a really big loss like like those killer wasps in like japan i actually never see it's even bigger than ones i see in japan off limits to crew oh it's just the bathroom anyways all right guys so my idea is the room we're looking for is right up there see how it's taller and extends so if we go down here take a left we should be able to get in again there's still more stuff if you look you have this section too so i don't really know again one of the biggest asylums i've ever explored in my entire life there's a lot of walks in here really big so everyone's just scared we might have lost our team but we're still here there's still two and should be through this door all right um maybe it's not here we made it good job steve we ain't dying yet okay this is it yes oh yes we found it dude it's on the second floor because old ones were built so weird dude there's only like other ones like in westborough i found a theater on the second floor instead of the first dude this is massive guys check out look at their unique ceiling lights i've never seen anything like that it looks like a spider the architecture everything is done so good here steve what do you think bro oh yeah this is amazing like i've never been around like this before in auditorium i know and how how pristine yeah we're gonna have to get some good shots here yeah this is the picture spot i found i mean there's some really cool hallway shots maybe we can grab but this is what we want yo see oh my god you found it i knew it bro i knew it i knew it was here i know you knew it was on the second floor that was a good call i got you guys i'm old now i'm getting old this room up here is where the projectors would be but i don't know if there's any more yeah there's no more but you would you get the idea projectors it would show off bounce to the stadium [Music] so looking through the second floor we're just finding random things but watch this besides the wet paint sign by the way that's not it's not really about paint check this room out really good for photos i just had to show it off some crazy wasps in here but look at this one of the coolest hallways this room look at this just watch out for the moss yeah there's a lot of crazy uh hornets above us but it just looks generally cool yeah there's a lot of bugs here but it looks so cool dude this is crazy sun's coming down look at that it just looks beautiful looking down going down that's why i had to show this yo this is crazy you even got the water tower which one you got the guys about that they built see guys we were gonna end the video up there but it's just too dangerous obviously so it was just we're just exploring we were just looking to see if there's anything else that we're missing through the second floor cause i'm telling you this is not this is just half of it remember it goes all the way down there all the way down there and then we got the back and this was the theater right here we just seen the allentown state hospital has been mostly demolished and even though many fought to preserve the estate that served as a psychiatric hospital for almost a century in the end it came down to money many gathered today to watch as the main building was torn down wfmz's sarah madonna has that story this is pretty heartbreaking actually it's an era it's the end of daenerys gone but never forgotten matthew white was one of the many who fought to preserve the historic hospital even got a chance to venture inside it was beautiful inside marble staircases marble lobby everything it was beautiful inside the hospital opened in 1912 as a psychiatric hospital enclosed in 2010. state leaders said it was too expensive to renovate and maintain and governor tom wolf signed off on the demolition last year to dismay of many who argued they were tearing down history a drone captured the site on wednesday all that's left was the main building which was in the process of being torn down many came to watch like cape bartos the residents of these buildings being mental hospital patients i believe it carries a lot of energy and that's what drew me to this location for some it was clearly emotional i'm crying i'm i'm in tears right now joan cressman used to volunteer there patients were awesome the people in here were like they were exciting to be here and i took out people to to go you know to go out to the community and everything else it was nice to be here although sad to see demolished cressman was thrilled to be able to take a piece of it home forever two days from now is christmas i already have my christmas present they gave me a break from the hospital sarah madonna 69 news
Channel: Exploring With Josh
Views: 288,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rj1imD91Ab0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 0sec (1920 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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