Inside The Cecil Hotel | The Deadliest Hotel in Los Angeles

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[Music] one of america's first serial killers to be given a brand name the night stalker this take a look is 21 year old elisa lamb riding an elevator at the cecil hotel in los angeles several weeks after she was last seen los angeles fire crews pulled lamb's body from the hotel's water tank on the roof what is going on explorers i am super excited today because we have access inside the most infamous place right now it is the cecil hotel in california in los angeles this is right by skid row it's a very crazy place actually and i can totally understand why the hotel had so many just crazy things going on first off richard maris stayed here after he was done killing people he'd always come back inside here we had rapists living in there criminals all over it living inside here the reason why it's so famous right now is because they did a netflix documentary on the alisa lam murder case and she was found in the water tanks above long story on that but we'll get into everything as we get inside the sisa hotel as we are the first youtubers to ever go inside and explore all the floors thanks to elton from tfil so big shout out to you man and also we're going to be doing the elevator game that elisa lam maybe have done that's a conspiracy we don't really know but we're going to do the elevator game and see what happens guys so check it out stay tuned let's get it the cecil hotel was founded in 1924 in downtown los angeles california the 19th floor and 700 room hotel was originally built to be a destination for business travelers and tourists but after the great depression happened it became a budget hotel that attracted some evil guests from 1944 when the first death occurred all the way up until now a lot of gruesome things has happened and a lot of very strange things in 1944 a 19 year old woman named dorothy was staying at the hotel and gave birth to her baby boy on the bathroom floor she literally took her baby and threw her out the window killing him now that was the first murder that happened but the first documented suicide happened in the cecil on january 22nd 1927 when percy cook at 52 years old shot himself in the head the next reported suicide happened in 1931 when a guest who was staying in his room poisoned himself and then throughout the 1940s and 1950s more suicides happened two longtime residents of the cecil call this place the suicide hotel and when you think it can't get any worse it does in 1985 the cecil was home to the infamous serial killer richard ramirez aka the night stalker now the most known thing about the cecil hotel is the elisa lamb story elisa lam was staying at the cecil hotel she was 21 years old when she went missing for two weeks she actually was dead stuffed inside the water tanks of the rooftop no one knew where she was for two weeks they were looking for her but the hotel staffs and guests was smelling the water it had a weird smell the water was brown it tasted different so they went to go check and that's where they found her body stuffed in the water tank now after hearing about all these stories i was like i need to go check out the cecil but when i actually got here and walked through the halls and got to see everything i realized wow everything started to make sense all these deaths all these tragic events this place is just very dark and gruesome and scary i was getting so much negative vibes about being here everything just started to make sense i do believe there's some sort of portal inside that's very evil but join me as we explore this place and here it is guys the cecil hotel we're in what is going on now first off this is the lobby the lobby is made out of all marble it's pretty extravagant i find it to be almost like the titanic uh we're doing again a walk through the cecil guys check it out this is it's not even bad looking though really reminds me of the haunted mansion hang on walking through here we go are you here every not every night just like three nights a week do you did you ever like hear creepy things here at night um sometimes i hear a couple things sometimes yeah is people always trying to get in here at night like come in every night you gotta kick people out or they just never make it in some try to make it in some but every night yeah it's crazy yeah it's the new thing right now this place is insane for people everyone wants to come in here because you know the lisa lam case richard ramirez the netflix documentary this is a very popular place never mind ghost adventures we've been in here what up brandon yeah this place is stoked wow yeah the alarm's going off right now you can hear it yeah that's the alarm this is the main lobby guys this is insane [Music] and that's the elevator now what we're gonna do guys is we're gonna go in the elevator by ourselves and we're gonna do the elevator game the one that we think or what could have happened to elisa lam the korean horror game we're gonna try it by ourselves in a little bit i'm just giving you guys a tour really quick walking around [Music] the elevator game the elevator to another world first you enter the elevator alone do not get out of the elevator or get off of any floors and don't let anyone go inside or you have to start all over and what you have to do is you have to first start off by going to the fourth floor never exit the elevator then you're gonna go to the second floor then you're gonna go back to the sixth floor proceed to the sixth floor then you're gonna return to the second floor and you're gonna ascend to the tenth floor and after that you're gonna return to the fifth floor now when you get to the fifth floor that's when the girl the little girl will walk in this little girl no one knows who it is now if the girl does not walk in you're safe but if a girl walks in you can't look at her you can't interact with her and you have to legit go to the first floor right away either way you have to go to the first floor no matter what and what you do is when you exit out the first floor you never look back until the elevator closes now if you go to the fifth floor an elevator shoots up technically you now made it to the other side the another world but if it doesn't it shoots down you're normal so guys if you don't know elton from tfil he is the one that got me in here without him there's no way i would even do this so guys this is the elevator we're gonna attempt the elevator game this is elisa's lamb elevator if you obviously this is what the security cam was right here where it happened and when she went to the 14th floor she was looking out and going in like this and a lot of us just think she played the elevator game or she was scared or something was going on with her you didn't press a button actually i didn't press any button and oh i thought i got to the 14th floor and stopped there dude i was gonna be scared hey guys what's good you wanna join we're gonna go to the 14th floor are you on the 14th floor all right we're gonna do an elevator game okay uh yeah casually all right so we're gonna do it over again right now then okay yeah you guys wanna you guys wanna do the elevator game with us but we're gonna start now we're gonna start with you yeah i'm just telling the story yeah yeah okay oh no from the first person so what we'll do is we'll hop out go back in okay and then yeah okay we're gonna wing it let's go got it got it i got it watch it work for josh because it never worked when we did it no no we don't want we actually don't want this to work we do not want to see a little girl just why are you doing it why fix the car if you don't want it to work yeah exactly all right with the help of it all right here we go okay everybody out all right all right all right now yeah back in there we go all right this is it so enter the elevator yup proceed to the fourth floor uh fourth okay i thought that works i will i will poop my pants now it says don't exit out the elevator but descend to the second floor are we allowed to look out the elevator just don't go out there all right now we proceed to this explorer and then it's when we get to what floor do we think oh you go to 10 and then you go back to five that's when you start seeing little girl okay yeah yeah yeah now we return to the second see this is kind of scary oh it is hello oh you hear that i actually heard something did you hear that you heard a screech like like no no i just heard like oh the camera definitely got that [Music] hello no but the floor before this one that was you heard i heard something yeah no we definitely heard something all right now five right what was that bb you just heard that yeah return to five okay okay when you reach floor five it's then you people report encountering a young woman okay this is it the moment of truth is this game works well no right now just quarter scores hello well it didn't work but i i'm kind of happy it didn't work it's not over yet oh it's not that's when you hear floor one and if it goes up instead of down [Music] it took a pause it took a pause for a second it's definitely a mind game though it definitely is a mind game i can't believe we actually did that game that and what we have to do we still have to walk out we're good yeah okay let's do it yeah so elton how many rooms are we going to i think we'll go to the the main three the main three and who are the main three i know it's lisa lam richard ramirez so there's elisa lam's first room right and there's eliza lam's second room because the first one right she was basically removed from for complaints from her roommates right and then her second room so first room's on floor five second rooms floor four and then the most notorious of them all is on floor 14 which is actually 413 that's richard ramirez the night stalker nice so we have all those rooms yeah it's going to be sick dude yeah 4 5 506. dude you know what what's weird too is like you see like the dog it's just all beat up the whole place is beat up yeah i mean it's been closed since 2017 and now there's only a handful of residents on the floors two and three but there's no one on floors four to fifteen yeah the whole place is now just sitting here right it's just sitting and like some rooms are more renovated than others yeah so how would you lead the way good you're doing it i like filming you too yeah it's okay we're just filming each other walking around that's your channel nah it's cool i like filming i like filming was this 506 that's 506. so guys this is elisa lam's first room that she stayed in let's see what it looks like oh my god that's nuts this whole room is like a jail cell there's no carpet it looks it just looks horrible i would never want to stay here look at this because they don't even have a bathtub in here they have just a standing shower there was nothing else oh wait that means you can just go right off this window yeah well well you one of the people here in 1964 died is because they got in a fight with their husband or their boyfriend she ended up just jumping out the window and landing on a pedestrian down the street and killed both of each other so dude yeah this place is crazy can it open oh wait it was opening damn there's just trash down the streets across the streets it's in a pretty rough area but we're gonna head to the second room yeah her second room so this is the room where like i think if if she did die of like a ghost or something i think this is the room that kind of like set it off for her and i and i believe this is like the conjuring house and the conjuring house is a portal here and that's why so many spirits come in and go inside that house i think it's a portal in something dark here and it affects a lot of the people that was living here and that's kind of like my theory about this place but we're going to keep it going [Music] i just can't imagine state wanting to stay here but i guess the budget the budget's right and you're out here it's la and it's expensive i mean even now they're saying 900 a month like now 900 a month you know i mean that's i mean it's so cheap but dude that's still a lot for what you're getting here 412 right here her last room she stayed in let's see how this one works several weeks after she was last seen los angeles fire crews pulled lamb's body from the hotel's water tank on the roof so this one looks like they're going to redo it right they remove the carpets they have the the whatever they were going to do to it i i honestly don't know but this one's way smaller because this was a single because she had a partner in her room and then she ended up moving to this one yeah no bathroom yeah no bathroom and then she went she had a community bathroom um just right outside the hallway so she had a chair but now it just all makes sense dude it looks like blood in here like dried up brown blood it's probably not i couldn't even be freaking chocolate for i know but it's nuts mare is knocked down so now it's time to go to richard romero's room aka the night stalker and what's crazy about that is like he would literally stay here kill people come back here with blood on his clothes throw him in the like the the trash can and just come straight upstairs and people just thought uh it's just his job they didn't know what he was doing a lot of people here was just nuts i'm almost on the wrong way i'm really [Music] no no but you know what after this we have to go up the fire escape because the thing is the fire escape is so scary that i was i could not do it so i was just like what are you going to do now are you going to do it with your video no i can't do it with your videos i can't do that i was hoping you would climb it i don't want your scaredy-cat arms to hug me in it dude no way what's that how did that happen why would it why would that happen why would it open on our floor it wants us to go somewhere well we're going to go to 14 either way but hold on dude so think about it just as soon as we're coming out it starts opening i'm telling you i'm telling you something was gonna be in it again oh i thought i thought it was brandon or something no just that's what i'm saying the whole time me and you've been filming for your channel like all these videos dude these things have been going off by themselves all night and i don't know what i don't know damn this thumbs up damn [Music] we're back at the lobby it didn't go up it didn't go at all now we're stuck oh now i'm going oh yeah dude i hit that button it did i hit that i killed it yeah you feel me hitting that button it went green it just didn't go i don't know i filmed my hand touching that button i don't know what's going on and again i don't know if you've seen this but why are there just paid clouds on here i don't know all right 4 14. now i remember this one right four four routine 14 14 19 correct [Music] wait so did you guys put on the fourth floor for the elevator to come today yeah what was that was good okay what happened oh because like when the elevator door opened on 4 4 yeah it was just open for us it literally opened as we were walking up to it like it just was inviting inside yeah i just said that when we were measuring i sent it to the fourth floor oh dude that was good that was good look at these friends over here of course have fun with your video yeah that was good guys subscribe these guys too link description down below [Music] we're going up to the roof so yeah we're going to 4 19 4 19 14 19. [Music] richard mayer's room oh do you not disturb i put that on okay i was just saying we were talking to him there's something odd about this when you come here too he enters private homes at night through an unlocked door or open window and hunts down his prey while they sleep it was connected to a wide-ranging series of assaults by a killer who's become known as the night stalker oh it even has that smell yeah you know what's weird is look at this look at the window his windows smashed wow i don't know you know that's how he would break into people's houses through their windows yeah that's wait but this is 14 floors up yeah i don't get why that's like that either i mean he was some like you know he worshipped the devil and everything i'm so crazy considering dude this guy he would kill people look how small the space was yes or in such a small space you would kill people and then you wash it off in that sink oh he definitely did he definitely did just that sink right there he killed people in this room no no no he'd come back he'd come back after killing i think there was a possibility somebody said that he might have killed somebody yeah that was true that was true too yeah look at that i know hey he had an upgraded room too because he had his own private bathroom he must have stole all the yeah also dude he was a taller dude so that that has to be i mean that's the reason why it's so tall probably that's crazy that is pretty crazy to think about that he had a custom shower head yeah yeah he had special treatment huh i don't know that's nuts yeah i mean people want to see richard romero's room there you go this is it all right all right now we're gonna head to the fire escape the famous fire escape check it out it's it's sketchy it's sketchy i i can't believe you guys climbed up there oh no no no no no no i took the elevator okay i couldn't do it we climbed up the other one and the other one's a little bit better because it has like a little awning over it so you could like if you fell you could like go like this right oh okay the one that she went up doesn't it's literally just straight building so it's just it's just all flat and so you have this little tiny ladder that if you like you skip your leg or you skip a hand right there it's so you're not gonna fall down the fire escape you're gonna fall down like over the building dude yeah that's the one that i was at that's the one i knew of yeah yeah yeah yeah but it's just good to show i'm gonna show them like there's no there's no way there's no way she did that you know there's no way she climbed it because what they're saying was she went right here and she could she was talking to somebody they don't know who the guy was or anything like that but she came out and as soon as she left this way it was like there was no scene of her of anything so if she went to the top that rooftop is like uh you know the door's locked right there's no way she could have gone through there so she went through here came through this way and went down this hall they're saying this is the only way that she could have gotten the roof over we're gonna find out yeah they say she came in right here and this is her only way oh yeah this is the harder one yeah yeah check this one out like honestly i don't understand how she would have did this like did you climb this one just pushes i didn't climb that one no this is the i climbed a different one look at this one i was with brandon with this one and we're like there's no we can climb up here oh wait oh i did one very similar to this yeah check this out we can actually climb up upside the stairs like i like how we're on the cecil's fire escape right now going up actually it's kind of scary dude if you want to try it i have a little too much weight on this now because i can go up this side but i can't do the next side bro how does this do it's i don't know if it does it's super sketchy that's the one that take your camera so don't drop this thing don't worry okay so this is what's amazing it's like we're out here this is where they think that uh elisa lamb climbed up to the top but dude check this one out it is sketchy up here i mean looking over all of like pretty much la and you see this one like dude there's no way look how high it is she there's nothing there she would have fell like i can't climb this i literally cannot climb this i'm too scared i know do you climb this one i climbed a different one yeah i climbed on the other side how do you think this was sketchy yeah that's why i'm gonna go this way yeah i see see it is sketchy it's super sketchy i just feel like this fire escape is going to break oh god this is good now we can find a way to the water tank yeah so we got to go up the other side of the stairs also guys just saying every room looks the same so just really quick i can show you they're all the same looking rooms there's nothing different about them nothing special they're all pretty much the same looking room pretty standard there's nothing fancy that there was no extra rooms that were better than others giving you the whole cecil tour peeling off oh yep that too wallpaper's feeling off yeah down here all right all right we're gonna head down okay have fun up there thanks guys appreciate it now the whole story if you don't know i mean everyone knows that she still knows elisa lam is that she she was found dead in the water tank we're going to check out the only reason why they knew that she was in the water tank is because the people living here uh was smelling the stench uh there's their water was brown and it was pretty much the blood of her dead body and a bunch of other things decomposed into the water that they were actually some of them were even drinking and they found her dead in there so let's go wow [Music] this door but it's locked bro he could have just died right now and i wouldn't have seen any of it happen because he perfectly blocked you bro it was i mean that was great i mean you're just standing there right when i open up like well i heard you guys like super loud but i was like man i do not want to climb back down that fire escape oh guys if you don't know him that's brandon he's dope he's sad he's just dope oh no no he's no but tell him what's up tom what's up no yeah i mean i just i jump off cliffs pretty much year round that's like all i do cliff diving skydiving all that kind of stuff yeah it's in the description down below too yeah the whole tfio guys here now i hang out with these guys and they get me into this kind of stuff this is out of my realm but he's he's a wild guy did you just lock us up here you can they're gonna do the ladder oh okay yeah all right well i'm gonna head down wait that won't that won't reopen no you shut it up oh oh we gotta come up through the window oh hey dude see ya dude like you were saying elton like we were the only other other uh youtubers that come on the roof right to the table we're the only youtubers oh we're the only youtubers like ghost adventurers is not youtubers yeah that's we're the only ones yeah that's insane and we could just look at them they're iconic i guess it's so weird seeing it like after knowing everything about it in the history but apparently she died in the the back right one right yeah the one that actually has a wood ladder leading to the top yeah that's nuts is there any like i wonder what they're gonna do with this place they're gonna reopen it like renovate it yeah yeah it's gonna take a lot of time yeah they're gonna renovate it and obviously a lot of people are probably gonna stay here because you're gonna stay here right you're gonna do another video i'm assuming right whatever reopens i'm sure oh heck yeah i'm gonna do one too i might even do like like a little series it's like the queen mary or anything right exactly yeah nah but i mean dude that's it i mean we can go around all the other floors and everything's like that but all the floors are the same guys uh just gonna go we just went over some rooms i literally only had like an hour here before we had to go i mean it just is what it is i hope you guys enjoyed this though uh but we're gonna head back down yeah that's gonna be the hard part oh i wouldn't cut that i wanna see you get through that window oh man yeah yeah josh i know he was trying to look cool for viewers but i feel like people need to learn i'm just scared of everything and lazy right come on you're right come on let's go get through the window it's actually kind of difficult i'm going to say that right now it is stayed like two more minutes i actually never did it when brandon did it he opened the door for me oh really yeah so i don't know what i'm doing so you got to go in hook it that way if you're facing that way right leg on it and then you'll grab the handrail you know when i first did youtube that's what i had to do but then you know because they got it you've got friends you got yeah you got daddy elton i did that easily you did that easily bro i still got it i still got it i got you man we're exploring man now i feel like an explorer i'm a little less oh you got it all right nice nice there we go shabby so good have you felt that yet oh dude all the way down yeah that's so good all right i'm gonna head back down to the base the main lobby watch it not work that's what i'm thinking i'm thinking if we're getting stuck i'm filming this all to the end oh my god what are you doing i keep getting every time every time what were you doing dude i was just i was in here trying to film the camera that the last camera that ever filmed her and then as i'm in here uh corbin and corey come in twice so you never get to know me it's like the third floor this building is 700 rooms and you can't get a second of privacy i i can't also you know about the chairs in her room that weren't there but then they are what do you mean the two chairs that were in her room yeah what about them they filmed in her room earlier and they said that they were never at least with them and then there was randomly chairs there yeah two chairs in the middle they said they filmed there earlier and there were no chairs there well good luck with your thing you were doing dude if i go up and you're up there again [Laughter] all right guys i hope you enjoyed today's video i literally had an hour and a half to be inside here um i had a total of eight hours to be here but we filmed four videos with tfil so he was giving me he was nice enough to give me an hour and a half so we did what we could i hope you guys enjoyed i really liked the elevator game and just kind of going around every room i think it's just really insane that we got to go to alisa lamb's room richard ramirez and a few other rooms and it's just like once you know the history about this place and you're being here it's just like a very creepy vibe if you don't know anything about it and you're just here you're automatically gonna think dang this is creepy but when you know the history you're like okay yeah this is legit some things i just want to say is like this place is seriously hot like as we're filming inside there are people outside of here taking photos everyone is trying to get inside here it's pretty crazy i didn't actually expect that so i'm very happy to have gone in and filmed this video and guys we're going to end it here so subscribe if you like it and stay tuned for more rise above just go out the explorer peace and thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Exploring With Josh
Views: 1,071,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: netflix, elisa lam, the night stalker, ghost adventures, hotel cecil, haunted
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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