Scariest Abandoned Hospital In The World - The Upside Down

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[Music] the disaster in Texas in the wake of hurricane Harvey is deepening Houston is a city in crisis and now a city of islands overnight more than 4 inches of rain an hour coming down millions waking up to a scene of epic flooding and tens of thousands calling for help needing rescue help will be there and we will help bring all of this back after this is over [Music] the National Weather Service now predicting some areas to get 50 inches of rain and saying in no uncertain terms what this event is unprecedented and all impacts are unknown and beyond anything experienced that person's on that roof they've been yelling help and hello for the last few minutes thousands more trapped inside their homes amid rising water Houston's 9-1-1 call center overwhelmed the water came up so fast it was incredible like the amount of water residents going door-to-door to check on their neighbors helping them and their pets get out [Music] another hot day in Texas this video is actually a bit different and actually you know very sad as well this we're inside of a hospital at close down due to the hurricane of Harvey Harvey was a category 4 hurricane that hit Texas really hard last year in 2017 and left his place completely abandoned now we're starting off on the top floor of this hospital I'm not gonna get into this hospital it closed down because of Harvey but the first floor is ridiculous I mean it is so bad full of black mold because the water I mean the whole first floor was under water the second floor is safe that's why it's still so mint in here we're gonna we're gonna explore the whole top floor we're gonna go straight down to the bottom but we're gonna leave we're only gonna show you like two rooms and we're getting out of there quick the whole place is just full of black mold not asbestos it's the newest rep it's pretty new but just black mode and that's really bad just imagine hurricane Harvey hit Texas like this it's really it's really sad it's just like I'm filming those disaster videos on Chernobyl or Fukushima it's it's pretty it's kind of similar but obviously different different disasters causes obviously different abandoned places around the world so this is one of these videos where it's like damn you know remember when I did on New Orleans I filmed Hurricane Katrina some abandon spottster because of that it's just insane but this is like still new so we can see that this is so min but we're going on the first floor dead zone down there it's like a horror movie down there it's because the whole entire first floor to the ceiling was flooded with water and they were like the city was like this is this can't be fixed so we're just gonna keep it here for now we don't know what we're gonna do to it it's gonna just remain closed and that's what they determined it was just way too much money to fix it and now this place is complete just sitting here left so let's just get right up into this video and explore this place so one thing that we do know is right away is that everything on the top floor and whatever they could fix and repair on the bottom floor has been removed all the beds have been recycled and even their ventilation systems everything the whole system has been removed we're actually in like an apocalyptic place I said this a lot you know it's like oh wow it feels like we're in like you know like a zombie movie but this is this is one of these disasters where everyone had to really just up and leave and go imagine all the patients had to evacuate from this hospital and leave and just go get out of here evacuate that's what happened here this is like the real deal it's even scary to see that date 2017 you know just all frozen in time this guy was on morphine this was his room before he had to evacuate when we go down to the first floor we're gonna put these gloves on put the surgical suit on and even wear like ten of these little masks I mean I know they don't do much but it's definitely gonna help a bit just to get the heck out of there down to the first floor our teamwork makes the dream work one last show of this section before I move over to the next place this place is actually pretty big [Music] hmm can't go on the elevator not that I would I mean I just get the chills look at that when they had evacuate they just left the food still in the trace the nurses well what's this no idea what's in these jugs but they are filled to the top it's a staff lounge there are mailboxes I want to show their names just in case oh my god yeah we can just pick out and eat all their food like man you can't get over this these are one of these videos that's gonna like kind of like open people's eyes you know a lot of people did see the hurricane online like the whole world seen it and like you know please pray for Texas please pray for Houston and then that's it but when you're actually in it and you're filming it and then you show it online like people have damn like there's still abandoned spots in Houston or in Texas because of this hurricane it's like whoa like yeah it was so bad and to just be here in it right now even though the heart canes been done with and still see places that are affected and hasn't even been repaired it's still a mind-blowing experience and like I like I said I've done so many of these places due to different disasters that it's like yeah like III know like this is horrible I never been in the hurricane Harvey I never been in any hurricane for that matter but I feel you guys man like it's insane to even experience or be up here but also also is definitely like a mind-blowing experience it's like well like so much history happened here because of that disaster and you can still see like why go on the first floor the whole thing's black mode flooded because all the water infiltrated it and just filled it up and then you know a year later we can still see that and actually walk the first floor I'm trying to compare anything like that but it's just it's still like a mind-blowing experience and it's definitely a wake-up call you know they're gonna be thankful and grateful for everything you've got because this kind of disaster can honestly it could happen everywhere anywhere earthquake tornado hurricane you know different things like the whole nuclear reactor thing so I mean everyone just got up men we had that one world one love thing so it's all about just donating helping each other out there's different countries that has so much earthquakes and everything that goes on it's insane to see like so much abandoned places are out there you know like to Chile earthquakes or down down in Mexico City when they had that earthquake I had friends down there and then they're telling me like what's going on so I mean this whole world has these crazy disasters and you know I think for me like going into these disasters and filming them is it's a good way to show you guys like you know this is this is it like officially the guys who watching all the time and then they see me go do it they're gonna listen to what I what I say and like I'm trying to do good by showing you all what's going on but also I want to document a healer or a year later and show like statuses and how this is doing and how this happened and I know it's I like doing it but also I feel like it's a bit it's good it's meaningful because I'm now I'm documenting this this hospital and why it's destroyed and who knows where they're gonna make out of it but then you're gonna see this video I hear later from now still on YouTube like this is how it was from the disaster and now look at it maybe it got renovated or something so many people's files are in here I even seen someone's ID look at this it's unbelievable I mean this is how you know it's new because look at these surgical lights these are like some of the newest ones that are out if you watch my American Horror Story you've seen that one big huge just bulb in the middle we even got some equipment in here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh wow anesthesia tray everything's still inside all the call cabinets look at this section I've got a warmth in here sun shining through this side and he beds nope any beds here nope Oh oh that's sad oh wow there's a pipe that burst it's still leaking water that is not good this all right so I think we about explored the whole entire top I'm gonna go gather up everyone and get everyone to wear these suits so we can go downstairs I thought about it and definitely is a good idea so right now we are gearing up to go inside the underworld you know I completely thought of this title as we're going to stranger things underworld because here it's like all you know kind of looks normal but this downstairs it's like destruction and darkness that you're about to see completely arrives me of the underworld from stranger things so that's why the title is called beyond the world [Music] so what's your thoughts right now getting the fresh air back into the real world and making it out alive yeah I feel you though I mean when you go inside these like places it feels like you're not even in earth anymore like you're in like sometimes you get like fantasy anime type game vibes sound Hill resident evil and you don't even know what time it is anymore you don't think about anything except the place that you're in and when they come out it's like whoa it's this time already like you don't even know anymore this is it you ready guys so we covered this just to keep the black mole away from ya upstairs for and we didn't do this by the way it was very like that just so y'all know so I'm blessed enough full power light so you can already see the mold everywhere now we're explorers just remember this whole thing was filled to the top with water so we got patients on this side in rooms follow me sir large conference room there's a projection screen right there you want to show it for your camp all right we got a laboratory over there to the right you know what that means good chance that there's a morgue there yes yeah I'm gonna rush there really quick we're gonna just show up this morgue if there isn't one here and it's gonna bust out of here laboratories this way she's not in here we go oh my god well you're not going in there you're not strapped it's a deathtrap I don't even know do you can't amination room chief yeah yeah I'm you know yeah we're just a boarding mission trying to get out of here there's so much freakin hallways oh that's ray and youth oh dude you scared me oh my god if I'll actually run though operations for should be out of here now that's gotta be a way out of this place does that I can't even see it oh my god I'm so glad to be out of there that place is the worst place for black mold I have ever seen in my life and that's why you gotta gear up and we're Masson do whatever you can for any abandoned building this is the way there was no asbestos in this one just black mold but that's all it's all it takes for cancer or anything I did what I could I was only down there for like 10 minutes tops I mean it's unbelievable down there I geared up as much as I could I did forget my mess that's my fault Pat my mask on with all that care would have been perfectly fine but I still know I'm okay no headache no nothing I'm good good video overall hope you guys do subscribe to our K just grab the Steve cuz we are heading now from Texas and I'm gonna say where I'm going next it's a secret we'll see what happens next but also I know if I said this but mo is no longer with us he flew back to Canada so it's just us three for the rest of the remaining trip we're going ahead we're heading right back to Long Island [Music] [Music]
Channel: Exploring With Josh
Views: 3,802,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 5, top 10, exploring with josh, stranger things, stranger things the upside down, resident evil, silent hill, zombies, freaky, ghost hunters, exploring, chernobyl, radioactive, contaminated, scary movies, abandoned buildings, abandoned places, around the world, secret, world record, haunted, haunting, sam and colby, tfil
Id: NtDyBDisxtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 07 2018
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