EXPLORING Suicide Forest Aokigahara, Japan ( 青木ヶ原 )

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so before the video sighs I just want to give a brief message suicide is everywhere it's all over the world not just in this one area it's a serious thing we're not here goofing around looking for dead bodies pretty much we're here to experience it document it and just give history on this place because it is a serious matter thank you [Music] just getting off the bus everyone's giving us like weird looks like saying don't go in there and stuff welcome everybody you already know I've been pushing through the limits going to all these crazy places around the world and right here wearing one of the most well known talked about places for people who commit suicide it's right here in Japan Akiko Hara forest also known as the SIA tree is also known as suicide forest many Japanese people believe that this forest has like an association with angry ghosts there's been bodies being report here since 1978 been bodies being reported every year from 1978 to 1988 about 30 bodies or so but in 2003 it's been rising up they've been finding more bodies every year being reported here over 105 and it kept rising over the years to the point where by 2010 they were finding over 200 bodies every year here by 2013 they stopped reporting all the bodies they want no one to come here anymore really they look down upon this place many Japanese people who are locals will not come to or show their face near here mostly just tourists going to find the case there's a wind cave the ice cave and there's a couple more and then there's Mount Fuji itself which is located right here I mean it's it's honestly a sad place to be I want to go explore as much as I can here by the way it's raining so hopefully we don't get soaked let's do this alright so here's the way we have to go beyond this way is where anything can happen honestly he [Music] so that's where the no entry was we just crossed it now at any point in time we're just gonna pull off and turn to where we think something may actually be it could be people's items some tents lost shoes anything could be here now a little bit of information if you see a tent here if we find one that means they're either contemplating on killing themselves or they've already done it if we see ribbons stuck on trees that means they're going inside and they don't want to get lost so they tie a ribbon to their tree hoping they can backtrack and get out look at this they don't even maintain this trees are falling down all over here long rope to a tree up ahead I found a couple okay here's what we found let's follow it was over here we don't know we found a ribbon or some sort right here okay now we found a pink ribbon it's going far down geez to get there way back if they decided not there yeah that's what it's supposed to be if you get lost you post the tie ribbons and stuff here all right it ends right here oh no oh my god it keeps going holy Shh yeah but see it's it could be honestly more it could have been like someone who was like screw it this is it I want to use an umbrella right now cuz I'm soaked but I don't use that one you know what you want to go down there more and then follow the track just in case they might have went down there thick through here we're just gonna see if we can find anything the compass work is working right now okay good we're using a compass to get our way out right now we lost all signal on our phones and everything yeah what's weird about it just it's like all these underground random-ass tunnels are all over the place we're coming across some stuff now we got some ribbons tied to the trees we got a green one right there and a blue one let's make sure there's like if there's anyone Indian let's make sure they're okay oh yeah their campsite we're gonna check out the campsite right now it the same ribbon that we found from the look from the pathway led all the way in here to the campsite this place is no joke I'm already feeling like so weird here like I'm getting these arid archives like I can let go yeah like like I can feel it inside me it's like unexplainable I can't really explain it but it's no joke what happened what must have happened was like the guy whoever it was with the ribbon must have just been pacing himself around just thinking if he actually wanted to do it or not but here's all I found left at least maybe he drew that before he did it a bottle of course I don't know how recent this was no one knows yeah this could have been the umbrellas right there there drink all right so I'm just here documenting my experience about being here and looking to see what I can find I'm just very curious so far since I've been here I've already been hearing like these faint voices coming from like the far out area like a girl but I can't make out what you're saying it's like I would say it's a whisper but it's like a shout at the same time I'm not very big on spirits I talk I really don't think about it or really get scared I'm not saying I'm scared but really I'm sensing a very dark like I'm not even sentient I'm just feeling just different we found something it looks like a freaking alien species what the hell we've been slipping and falling this whole time since we've been walking through here I already hit my shin a couple times I think I'm bleeding just so slippery [Music] we found new ribbons we've been following it and we're coming across what we think is another campsite let's go it has another here's another campsite we just found following that white ribbon on looks honestly like fresh tail although it must've been a fire going on right here but what's weird to is this the only the only pink tree that we've seen here just in the middle of nowhere an interesting fact is one time of year during the holiday season Japan people get together and volunteer to come to the forest and pretty much just sweep the whole area and look for bodies wow this umbrella is very old look how it look how it looks is like dark green things completely rusted okay this is our first tent we just found look at this yeah the whole tent has been dismantled it's probably sitting it for a very long time unbelievable their hat is here too um what else is here geez tripped a little bit it happens here it's slippery as hell oh it's not that bad there's two tents here and they're still there still there they're still there okay let's check this out what is all that a campfire here yeah there's no one there's no one here anymore they're either the either venom found or they turn back or they're still in the forest just around we just found this shoe now this shoe had have been here for well over five six years there's moss completely growing on the shoe it looked like it morphed onto it whoa doot-doot-doot a backpack this backpacks brand-new hmm see that's an umbrella over there we've been fighting tons of umbrellas tents pretty much everything you would actually expect to find yeah the backpack looks brand-new but also this umbrella right next to it looks brand-new too which means I don't know I'm just gonna start searching the area around this premises they're checking around this area I'm looking around this area and Shane's actually around that area the rain started to pick up again so we searched the area for about 10 15 minutes we found nothing except the umbrella in that backpack who knows where it what happened or I don't know I just talked more about the dangers of just walking through here not even of the superstition and rumors that go on I mean there's holes everywhere Shane already fell in I already fell he just felt right there it is horrible here you can get really hurt twisting your ankle you're gonna slip and fall on a rock here I mean it is dangerous here you're just you're just walking on trees you're just literally there is no let's like have to think and even land it's just Reeve roots you're walking on and what happened is all the roots just build up with leaves after all these years of them falling down that you're just walking on leaves but they could be loose you're just gonna sneak your foot right in look at our viewer getting now the rain has stopped the fogs all out but it's actually making this force look actually really beautiful and enchanted nobody really walks in here as it is so it's been around six hours since we've been in here but it turns out our last bus leaves in 30 minutes so we couldn't explore till dark but we've been here all day my legs are hurting we've all tripped and fell I've been hurt Henry's been hurt everyone's sore we're soaking wet it's been it's been an insane time it's been an insane day for sure it's an unreal experience the airy feeling I was getting in my chest was just all negativity even all around me it was it's unexplainable um we found backpacks clothes is still pitched most likely ii-i've been told just a few minutes ago actually I've been told by the internet that it's it's because of patrol people come by and they pick up the bodies so they just I guess it's been recent so they haven't undone the tent or stuff or I just we just haven't found the people yet we just see the tent still there which is pretty insane if that's really true but overall I mean I'm never gonna forget being here because it is a very unique unexplained area I mean the nurse thought I didn't like it before yeah I mean II go silent like you can't hear anything there's no echoes it really is it really is something different I mean the terrain is just ridiculous it's just we're walking on routes and trees there's no ground it's it's never trees yes literally the series alright peace guys thanks for watching
Channel: Exploring With Josh
Views: 10,168,917
Rating: 4.8268666 out of 5
Keywords: exploring with josh, the forest, horror, scary, crazy, legend, dead, ghost, ghosts, evp, demons, satanic, ritual, japan, anime, paranormal, urban exploring, urban, urbex, tokyo, mt fuji, ramen, vlogging, vlogs, adventure, Aokigahara, vice, abandoned, abandon, hospital, asylum, chernobyl, gopro, nikon, samsung, halloween, haunted, haunting, house, top 10, top 5, secret, ufo, aliens, bigfoot, witches, zombies, gaming, video games, final fantasy, mmo, wow, rpg
Id: xRJuROs1MoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2016
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