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so what is up everybody um literally we've kind of messed up this is a guy we don't even know named Carlos and he's picking us up here unto you to China will give his YouTube channel we get down there um he's bringing us to in a bed in place now I said 9:00 a.m. let's do it at 9:00 a.m. oh well that's not alright for that's not very for like reverse reverse so I don't down yeah so I said 9:00 a.m. well guess what it's 11:00 a.m. not round so he's been waiting outside and just driving around we just been sleeping I feel so bad okay I'm pretty sure those guys on the cameras right there is the guys I just hope they don't kill me I'm some real [ __ ] right now we're gonna go to a man and places with these guys that we don't even know that was good guys yo I am so sorry dude it's so bad I had the roughest night of my life it was a fun night it's just it was just the longest night and I do I set my alarm till 9:00 a.m. just it just missed it and I was first neither I miss my alarm but I'm ready to fall well what is up explorers today I'm with two youtubers as well as exploring with Danny Oh what's your name Carlo from the cyber realm all right there his link is gonna be in description below and yours Terry rekt adventures alright and today we're exploring pretty much an abandoned mansion looks really good though look at this now as far as what we know this place was owned by a canceled ad and she was able to grow weed legally and after she died or moved out we don't exactly know real estate agents came and they had the whole setup still left there so they start illegally growing it and they mess with the electricity inside and it caused a fire so then everybody was smelling weed apparently so then the cops came and they all got busted and now this whole mansion just sits here just there and I think it's the most unique II story I've ever heard from an abandoned mansion that's awesome what's interesting too is that mean think about this plane like a whole water fountain right here again to get inside here it's an amazing mansion though and it's just just abandoned left I wonder if this was the cancer patients car or just a random car I don't know why that's there unless someone's actually inside with us let's hope not no way guys is a freakin trampoline here in a little playground what even have the grilled hair and stuff I'm surprised they're just leaving it all here yeah I'm surprised they're just leaving all this stuff here I apologize from my voice I'm completely losing it yesterday I had to do interviews I was talking to so many fans yesterday at buffer and I obviously you guys watched my videos I drank so much it was the craziest night but I never I can guys I barely drink but it was just like you know an exception I was there I wanted to live a little you know once and it was a good event I had to do it but man we gotta get right up into this I get my mind focused and ready you know I'm like even tired this is a really nice mansion it sucks to see it go like this to waste even had kids here obviously the main area is so nice it's so spooky to see like think about this everyone your kids we used to live here just gone they just abandoned their stuff let's go on to their kitchen I mean it's really like an apocalypse at this moment everyone just upped and left [Music] let's see the ultimate test do they have running water no okay that's what I was curious about I really can't get over how all their kids toys are just still here makes me feel sad actually Oh what Oh get a fool back here no way the art is amazing in this mansion just how's that the stair railings are but then if you look over here this is what my friend just pointed out all this was like a fountain like this the water would start coming down here they're very thin water just dripping down it's just such a great setup it's different - I've never seen this kind of art in and stuff in a mansion look at this this is just this would be like a water found right here it's a nice place to put it - I wouldn't have thought about that it looks like they were trying to fix it up the only graffiti here so far is that other than that this place is golden definitely the most untouched abandoned mansion I have ever done let's go inside this room when somebody jumps outta me and much stuff is left here they took a lot of things that mostly furniture to check it out this is the where all the features our nozzle reaction suppose not you know that is unbelievable I think it's like when I seen you guys as videos I I was I was skimming through it what's coming through watching this one but I didn't know this was here this is golden you'll never find the conclusion back by yourself yeah this is a clam jacuzzi tub yeah like what the hell this is the best thing I've seen yeah the best thing I seen all week is right here BAM see the big orange people's yeah that's in tap in to try to get free leprosy and [ __ ] all the leuco messy is right oh so the realtors you tried tapping in to get free electricity to grow yeah man because I'm a normal house this size you don't make messy wires like this oh yeah well they went dirty trying really hard to get it and you could play suit right here you can see some of the burn like the black stuff yeah I'm very curious about these pink walls and what's in here and belt that chandelier looks like a disneyland castle down there but then right here seems like a spooky horror looking cradle I said it would be a baby still in there there's still pillows in it what where these are the these are the lights over here used to grow the weed yep if ng dough is empty once you're kind of like freezing Wow the irises grow on it dude I think they grew it right here right they grew their weed right here yeah in this matter I would use it as a bathtub but I guess not what hmm I never knew Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] so we've seen the main-floor we've seen the top floor we got to check the bottom floor now whoa dude yeah this is the bar like the party room this is like my favorite mansion look at their wall this Toronto under here's a hot tub and I could you know you get the idea but it's right there they had their own sauna that's how you know this mansions legit [Music] unbelievable better just sitting in this room sweating it up yeah I love this cool he said that the pool was filled to the top with green outer I would not smell like slimy green stuff how long ago is that too much shadow month and half ago nothing half ago shot it damn and now it's like pretty much all drains well they have it the mansion it's done we did it I'm sorry I'm just so out of place today I'm usually not like this but I had so much fun at buffer you know I had to do this mansion is a it's a great opportunity and they eat too my friends you got to check them out and subscribe to them too so your no me and Ben's gonna go explore dinner at Jack's yeah that's good go alright time ago about the history of this place also Jax has amazing food but I haven't tasted yet I don't know what they have yet but it's gonna be really good it didn't burn down yet but after burn down
Channel: Exploring With Josh
Views: 15,878,796
Rating: 4.7807918 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, weed, drugs, drug, exploring with josh, adventure, urban, exploring, urbex, decay, zombie, halloween, ghost, ghosts, spooky, scary, haunted, haunting, trending, youtube, abandon, challenge, gopro, horror, scared, prank, pranks, high
Id: 69nx9IPfNM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2016
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