Tower Terror Haunted Mansion - The Darkest History In Town PART 1

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welcome back everyone to another episode of beyond the dark in today's episode we are exploring an abandoned haunted house not this one this one [Music] i don't know about this explorers this might be the most haunted mansion we explored yet not saying that conjuring wasn't as haunted or as crazy as it was but this one's actually rated number nine in the most haunted abandoned mansion or house in the entire united states this is by far one of the most haunted mansions in the entire world rated number two in massachusetts as one of the haunted ones but number nine in the whole us we are located right now in gardner mass at the sk pierce's mansion also known as sylvester pierce's mansion this place was built in 1880 and it took a hundred men in over a year to build this mansion now i'm not gonna get into the crazy history right here on the stoop of the sk mansion we're gonna go inside we're gonna talk to the management team here and hear what they have to say but i will say that over nine people died in this mansion and they found bones of unconfirmed deaths located in the basement so there's a lot to discover we have to investigate we're not alone we're with seth with our friend is from our last episode we're with john and we're also with the owners of the conjuring house who teamed up with us for this collaboration video all right guys let's go inside and let's explore this place look at the outside of this mansion guys one of the most spookiest ones i have ever seen and i'm really excited to be doing this episode i don't know what's gonna happen here hi um we just moved into the room you wanted us in can you say hello what the [ __ ] is that yo there have been reports that people are saying that there's a lot of demons or other entities here and the ghosts can get violent they said that don't torment them they say if you start tormenting these ghosts they're going to like attack you apparently there's been already reports that these ghosts have been like throwing things shutting off the lights banging doors giving people scratches and trinity marks on them a lot of different things have apparently went down and happened here in this mansion i have yet to see any of this myself personally and i told you guys we've been keeping the show 100 since day one since the beginning of the conjuring show when we started the owners of the conjuring people generally really liked this and they wanted to join us on this video they think we're cool they're pretty cool before we go inside and really get down to business i want to show you the whole house a whole circle of the house obviously this house was built like i said 1880 super super old been refurbished the inside's beautiful i've seen it for myself one day i hope to own a place like this all the windows are gated apparently they even had people trying to break in here people trying to ghost hunt you know the whole thing like that people actually think that no one lives here but i've heard some people do live here like sometimes the owners of the place uh will come back the owners who own this place now live in new jersey and that's the only thing i really know about it [Music] yeah guys that's pretty much the whole outside of this place i was just showing you guys what it looked like i really like how it looks before this the paint job that we're looking at here it was actually an older color and i'm going to show you a picture what it looks like before than what it looks like now here one thing that's cool that i didn't know about it but corey just told me about it walt disney was going to buy this house and split it in half cut it literally in half and bring it to the california disney park and bring it to the florida disney park and use it for their haunted mansion that is so far the best history i've heard i didn't even know about it i guess corey's bringing the same he's the one opening door for us now cory i gotta ask really quick what house is more haunted yours or this guy's no comment all right explorers we're going inside the first room i'm assuming their living room we're walking it's a bit dark let me try to bump up the isl on this camera oh maybe i could just turn the light on does the light work in here i'm still used to no power in places wow yes so not knowing the history of this place all the way to its full extent we're gonna explore before we get a tour i'm just screwing around here seeing what's going on look at this nothing out the ordinary though yet but just everything looks amazing and very victorian i mean dude i don't know why there's a skeleton on it but that's cool the old piano does it work oh it works honestly though now that we're talking about the haunted mansion this might be the real haunted mansion like from the disney wow look at this from beautiful wallpaper there's even some designs on it now see this is like the little museum room and apparently we're going to get more into this but they said that this t-shirt was found in the walls they found it in the wall so that someone could have died and they tried hiding their clothing we don't actually know and this is sk pierce sylvester he's the owner of this place and this is his second wife his first wife died only a week of being in here after it was built and i don't know why a lot of things we're going to talk about as we go i'm just doing a rundown first all this is shot in 4k obviously trying to step it up a notch people have been asking me why i'm filming 4k so we're doing it look at this piano and look at this the main lobby dude what the heck now we're gonna head up to the second floor we're gonna see what's going on and if i missed anything we'll figure that out later towards the end of the night when we're filming for the ghost part obviously we usually put things in part one part two the first episode is always like showing you guys the house getting a feel for it and then the next episode boom we go right in an attack sometimes we put it all on one episode starting off with room five love that the power works dude that wallpaper is vibrant it's like furry literally it's furry with silver apparently again we're gonna go into this later apparently someone actually got strangled in this room moving on to room six oh no it says two that's weird so if that's two why do they name that one five right next to it we were just in that room this looks like a baby room i don't even know oh i mean i guess it was a baby's room there's a baby right here [Music] and that is a cradle some sort oh god no what is this doing here just empty what is this i'm assuming old photos of people that lived here [Music] yo look at this old record player it works yeah oh my god we're gonna have to have them to play it yeah there's a lot of rooms we have to go figure things out here we have to investigate [Music] are you guys scared of like getting possessed or something i don't know yet i'm scared of that room though well yeah because that's why i just said that people got strangled in there right we don't think the red one yeah i just explored it did you like feel the heaviness in your chest not really really not yet everybody else in the room in the house has already said that they have you're the only one ghosts never like me man but they want you guys that's why they always like you you always want me they always want you but this is the room on the outside that sticks out but obviously if we go upstairs we'll be on the tower part of it it's just a small room see this is where i always wanted like a small room i just i don't know i'd probably be my like little live stream twitch room if i actually had one if i had a mansion like that where i can just look out see everything outside my view that's all i would want just that thing that can stick out and just kind of see what's going on almost like a watchtower right whoa this actually has no power in this room well inside the that room yeah like it's just a heavy feeling in your chest yo i just flipped the switch mad times and now the power turned on just randomly by itself yeah i know what that is no but that's weird i literally just remember you guys see me i'm flicking the light and then she just said she felt like she couldn't breathe in that room and all this just happened everyone's i don't know that could be a sign already but what i was trying to tell you guys is that this is sk pierce's room and we already just had maybe something just i don't know i don't know unless it's just old but that light did not turn on it took a while that's weird there's a guest book did you sign it yet i didn't sign it this is this is from 1938 look at the calendar oh i didn't know that i thought there was one you're saying that we can just sign right now dude that whole thing is full of like signatures and stuff that was supposed to be on like the desk or something dude i was saying like maybe we should sign it but i don't think we should huh no maybe not they'll explain what it is yeah all right so i did all the floors except this one it's time to go up oh the air feels good in here because obviously they installed ac just checking everything why is he here wow this room's massive why are you here what's your name wild willy talk yeah i'm really talk oh my god i'm bored so quick things to go over one more thing i want to talk about is that yes it took 100 men to build this house but what's intense is the whole outside was customly done with sweat and tears to make this house look great and that's why it took one year so that's why the outside is just so magnificent and i'm sure something's been damaged and we just don't know about it but the archways and things like that obviously it's been kind of refixed up but in its time it was prime one of the best again yeah i don't know i don't know what any of these rooms are but we're here we're just exploring so i'm about to say we're done see i didn't open up any closets yet because i'm waiting but i didn't want to open any doors but um john's friend that is is coming here i guess um one of the people that stayed here the guy that ran the circus pt i forgot his last name or whatever yeah yeah yeah i guess one of his original pieces his oddities that he used in his freak shows the original there's only three that were ever made one of them is actually purchased and in is in this closet they call it the fiji mermaid get the heck out of here yo dude i swear to god they're gonna tell you that too i swear so they so this is for the freak show yeah what the heck are we doing here that was bought three years ago oh my god it even says please don't touch fragile it's an original there's only three ever made three and that's the one like the first one and it's just hair sitting here in the closet yo i did not expect this guy me neither what the hell it's insane you know remember when we watched american horror story they feature this in the in the wait an american hearthstone and freak show they feature that yeah there's like an episode where the guy like he collects all the oddities and this is like i didn't even know that yeah yo it's like a famous thing the fiji mermaid and we're looking at it yes the fiji mermaid there's two replicas but this is the one let's keep it this is our mention now this is rs9 there's probably a lot more in this house i did not go over and that's why we're going to leave it to the expert who knows the place more the manager who runs the place now on the property we're going to go ahead and talk with them obviously we have john and corey and jen here and they're going to be helping us on this ghost investigation all i would like you to do is just give us a general tour and like tell us like some of it not all i mean actually no i want to know about every death of the house oh that i i mean let me get that paperwork yeah see we have to get the paperwork because nine people or whatever it died so it's so amazing stuff that you can't remember yeah these are the spirits that have been in here wow [Applause] so and one of them's a cat oh so we have a cat that died here this is that the list of the spirits that interact here oh oh that's you guys pause that and read it if you want yep the three kids oh my god wait kids died in this house the three kids of sk um no his um granddaughter did okay okay rachel she's a little two-year-old there's a picture of her in the other room oh okay okay you see it on the mantel and then there's a little boy in here that came from somewhere did not die in here but somehow ended up in here yeah right you know who burned to death upstairs yep that's the guy oh yeah we did not spawn spontaneously combust okay yeah all right that's drinking and smoking and he went you know yeah maddie was the servant one of the servants here and she died in this house too she did not die in this house she's just one of those spirits oh okay um susan and sarah on the third floor in that beautiful peach room right they're both in there they die william is on the third floor gordon's little boy that came in off the street somehow they think that he might have drowned david's in the basement the cat wait is it true someone died uh drowned in the basement they're saying that the a child drowned in the sister and downstairs did you guys into the basement yet have you no that i was saving that for you okay yeah we needed like a savior like you're a savior excuse the hell out of me yeah excuse me we wanted to feel more comfortable with someone who knows about it told me that she had an experience in the basement where um really yes yes so then we have james who comes with the piano over there um the piano in the dining room yeah the spirit came with the piano from the previous owner yeah yeah the butler on the third floor so it's a bunch of them oh we're gonna have to we'll use that paper later yeah yeah great all right nice all right let's go tour us around let's go this way okay yeah what what's your name so there's marion all right i like that name my mom's name's mary oh well yeah is that your song on the piano yeah oh you're funny oh you can play no i can't play somebody made that song for me oh i was going to say i want to hear you play no no that's marion's song marion marion song that's the sheet music we got our buddy i named him bill you can't welcome guys thank you so much we're excited yeah please mr pierce sk sylvester knowlton pierce he won the first factory across the street here and he built this house for his first wife susan she died two weeks after it was done so he didn't get to enjoy the house how's she die she died of causing the flu oh damn when i was back in the 1800s they didn't have any medicine for that you know so um he built the house for her and then she died they had one child frank and then he remarried after a year so to his second wife susan and they had two kids they had um edward and stewart come on this way i want to come this way oh look let you know that all this stuff is original to the house everything all of this woodwork and stuff is all from the 1800s wow yeah what i love about this is that the wall is like literally velvet right it's incredible yeah it's furry yeah see the drawing right up there that i can't read yeah um the previous owner edwin up in the master bedroom he saw her floating in the window three mornings in a row and she was walking and crying so we get up and drew her so he also drew the one i showed you yes creepy the creepy guy that came from the floor yeah yeah he drew that too so this guy had a lot of vision like a lot happened to him here yeah and his wife his wife was possessed here oh wow so she had a possession take over her in here question have you had people that came here and like got scratched maybe or uh yeah we've had people scratch we've had people poked hair pulled wow i got yanked down down you said you got yanked um yeah i had somebody here that literally on the third floor landing the third floor got literally lifted up and thrown down the staircase so what happened he he was investigating with there was two camera guys and two investigators and one was going you know and go to the top floor right and he went in he there's one entrance here and there's one answer on the other side and one of them was antagonizing and bullying and they took it out on the other guy that was innocent and they picked him right up and pulled through he went right down onto the so that's why there's a warning on the website that you know don't antagonize you know i wouldn't want my child to be antagonized exactly yeah no i agree it's rude it's rude and he paid the price yep dude and he will not come back his name is john kappas and he will not come back yo guys that's legit well luckily we're we're you know cool you know what it is it's like they're like regular people and they could even be right in front of us yeah yeah they can hear us talking yeah right now okay i'm gonna show you guys something okay i'm excited all right this is um some of the stuff that we caught here okay put this okay these are some of the spirits that we caught just recently this was markabella he was in this room right where his chair is and that's his friend and he took a selfie yeah is that then we don't know he's standing right here taking a selfie and whatever this is was walking by and heading that way mr pierce's picture was on that wall i don't know i don't know it's unexplainable it is unexplainable see the little person yeah right here that was taken at 12 o'clock in the afternoon yep up on the second floor yeah and if you look at this one there's a little girl running around the post right here oh dude yep see you're here and then right here you can see like a white there's a man standing there it's okay some kind of like just thing let's just say that yeah he actually like he's like a butler you're standing like this yeah then we got the little girl here there's the top of her head oh that would freak me out yep that was crazy that was the day she said my name yeah she said my name she goes uh ken was doing the um evp thing and right i was like say marian you hear hi marian no i'd be out yeah on an evp yeah that's live yeah and then this is rachel she's the one that passed in the house rachel pierce and this little boy i told you i told you when i saw the picture in the in the dining room i said i said exactly that yeah oh god yeah she's two yeah this is legit it looks legit yeah this is legit crazy that's why i like exploring places like this no one's screwing with us reports of activity yeah like there's gonna be a lot of stuff yeah over here yeah and i mean we have a great team tonight too so i'm super excited we have the best team yeah who do we have the best thing if it was a real thing it would be the people in this building right back i was going to say i've noticed like this is all original to the 1800s this is all the hinges all the everything dude that hinge is legit amazing yeah that's really good knobs everything that stuff gets me the wood work yeah i was pointing out the woodwork i was like dude this is insane this is the ladies parlor this is where the ladies would come after them to have their tea and all the men would go in there and have their brandy or whatever um all the stuff that you see in here is stuff that ken has picked when he was doing the walls and stuff and he found things like old shirts old ladies things over here that they would do they're um what i want to say their neck things and stuff you know that's what this is up here right that's mr pierce right here and this is the second wife ellen we do not have a pitch of susan i wish we did um i think she's gorgeous that's my favorite spirit in the whole house is she nice she's yeah she's very nice she resides a lot she follows you around the house but she's always in the red room oh okay always in the red room so that's the velvet red velvet room with the furry feeling the walls too yeah yeah question because yeah cause you had you told me a story about the bones in the basement the previous owner lillian she had a possession take over her like i told you right and um something told her she needed to go downstairs so she went downstairs and she was digging in the kiln down the basement which we'll go to and she found a bone probably about that big and she brought it upstairs to her boy he's they're not married but and he was going to the doctor so he brought up the doctors the doctor said that it was a female pelvic wounded like a 16 year old and when he was down it's crazy yeah dude they have bones right here and then she also dug out of there like see this thing right here it looks like something like one of these see yeah it goes like right here and then there's parts more bones there's like a key there's like this used to be back in the day they have the nylon things up the garters yeah you know so that's stuff that this is all stuff from women that she found downstairs so and this is undocumented death that's not undocumented don't even know so we don't know how people are fully truly dying we don't even know if she because it dates so far back died in there we don't know i mean who knows that's it's interesting until we find out until it's documented we don't know we don't know that's how we mysterious prove that something was down there oh yeah for sure you know so that's there's things that are still left uncovered that we don't know about anything about we don't know i've been here that i don't even know about it you know that's what's up yeah i like that mysteries mystery yeah yes you have to come back and figure i might make i might call it the house of mysteries oh yeah come on in come on in come join yeah this is the red room i like this room i love this room but the only thing with this room is i can't breathe in here i did you get that i did get it josh is the only person that said he didn't feel that way everybody did sounds diaz felt it too when they came back up here's my guess i think we feel that way is because we always run up the stairs and we come right here so we feel like we're out of breath no i didn't know no it's not like that dude two women died in here two oh okay both wives oh so um oh they both passed away and this is here's how it feels it's not like a corny like i can't breathe thing like it's like there's a heaviness in the middle of your chest right like it's it's just heavy to breathe well yeah she did say she felt it too yes exactly yeah an italian feeling what you said about um your your heart beating fast i can literally feel my heart like i feel like my chest right now like but when i go out it'll stop as soon as you cross the threshold right here i'm glad i don't feel like i'm going to die so i must be really healthy your guys's blood pressures must be up now mine's good yeah and every time i come in here what happens no that's interesting though i find that cool like yeah i find it cool yeah you find it cool i mean i feel like i'm gonna die but it's still cool i find it cool that you guys feel like you guys want to die yeah i just feel it yeah they they feel it you know that's weird that's cool right back in the day if you were anybody you had a sink in your room right in here because it was the ladies this is her about her where she would have bathed and stuff um under here is the sink it's not fixable so we just put one of those um oh okay you know what i mean yeah but this is the sink under here draws this was being her i guess it would have been her dressing room or whatever yeah that's cool that a sink i never had sink in my house i'm nobody though that was bringing me to my story yeah so i read online that there was supposedly a um a red room strangler they hear they say that it's a rumor that somebody came in and they used to be prostitutes here which is there's no no reputation no now it used to be a boarding house because it's number one that's what i was wondering it used to be a boarding house back in the 60s and 50s it was also an inn in the 40s for edward pierce one of the sons to make money he made it into an inn right but they say when there was a boarding house that prostitutes would come in here and somebody was murdered and stuffed in the closet it didn't happen we have no documentation but we're not saying that when it was a boarding house who's to say that somebody didn't go across the street and pick up right a woman yeah it is a possibility you know but it's not it's not true it's not truth it's not it's not documented so it's not a fact right right right it could have happened right we just don't know now we got a lot of people that were investigating in this room and a lot of people have been touched inappropriately in here have been grabbed you know whatever i mean yeah a couple people threw money on the bed and some guy got grabbed oh god thinking oh here's some money for you because they said it was you know yeah but you don't know you just don't know until we see it documented well tonight let's throw money on the bed for real right okay i mean it's a beautiful room but it's not as pretty as the rest of the house um downstairs is that doors dude that luna looks like like a a portal door the way it's just placed there oh okay the food would either go from the basement downstairs into the pantry yeah the entry and then it will come up here but can we get into a closet because fire hazard could yeah right so there's a story i can tell you about here well i like thank you my nephew trevor he lived a couple houses down over here probably gonna say probably probably 25 30 years ago and he broke in when it was empty with the neighborhood kids and they were playing hide and seek and he was hiding in here and he heard the girl that was it you know seven eight nine ten there i come and he peeked down you saw her running by live girl and all of a sudden he's like oh my god i got the best place and he's hiding a lot of i pushed him out of the closet oh my god literally pushed him out and said get out now he's probably seven eight years old he got out of the closet he ran back downstairs into the basement and climbed out the window they broke into and he would not come back in here damn that's scary back in here either napped again push like those hunters paranormal people come wanted to interview him and he said no he went to iraq and back three times he was shocked in iraq and he still would not come back in here that's a certain this is a grown man who has served has seen his fair share of a hairy fight and he will not come back again i have to beg him because i won't committed by myself i had to beg him trevor come on come in with andy he did he came in because they begged him yeah um because i had to check the house all the time and he actually came over and he opened the closet and he faced his fears and what happened accents right that's just and that's a true story that's crazy that's that no that's really scary extremely traumatizing for an eight-year-old yes yeah you know but breaking in come on i wouldn't recommend that to anybody yeah okay don't do that oh okay it's amazing it's a maze in this house that was because this was the nursery i'm going to turn the light on a nursery so what do you mean what do you mean by nursery this is where the babies this is where when they were born they would stay in here the cribs and stuff would be i never showed this room off yet okay well this is actually the warmest room in the house it's perfect um of course maddie would be the the maid and take care of the kids so she would be able to get the food come in here take and look behind you the sink because there was somebody they were somebody i wish i had a sink yep and they were this house was a free mason's house you guys oh yeah i know freemasons and freemate lions were for protection and if you look over the sink the lions yeah at one point there was other owners that owned this place yeah it was painted a different color and then new people from new jersey bought the place so bob and alison conte they bought a site unseen okay they didn't even they had never come here until the day what made them buy it i think they started online i think allison started online she goes oh my god look at there's a haunted house for sale they came they bought it and they came up that day i was here that day and the house crazy right that is medicine and then they realized oh my god there's a lot of work to do and and then so so they bought it just because it was a haunted house but they never lived in it they never lived in it no right they have not lived here and the previous owners what made them buy and why did they stop buying it because they love victorians edwin and lillian okay we're from brockton right rochester area and they bought it because they love victorians and they came up and looked at it one day and they were like oh my god it's gorgeous gotta buy it but the realtor wouldn't let them take pictures she's like why can't i take pictures i said no you can't take pictures and we're assuming because you could probably catch spirit but they didn't know that it was haunted they didn't believe in any of that stuff they bought it in 2007 they moved in 2008 and it was just constant spirit constant hauntings really a lot of huntings things moving being touched this is the room that was his office i told you guys about the picture in the other room his desk was right here he works at blue cross and the spirit came actually where i'm standing the spirit came right up on the floor right here oh and he's seen it he was i'm out he saw and that he also saw a floating head here coming in this doorway one time i saw the floating head here from downstairs probably the size of the pillow on the bed and it was just round and it turned and faced us and it was it looked like mr pierce oh god crap yeah it went into the wall and then it came out later on and it had a pulsating light and went across and into the dining room wow that's crazy and and the owner seen it the only salad yeah he saw the body yeah after that i'm out that's it after that and then his wife was possessed with something she had something laying on her in bed she had after possession i was here that day i'm the [Music] safe the second wife this is her safe oh i'm assuming yeah you know what's the name yeah i'm assuming that it would have had her jewels and her paperwork and all that stuff in it you know all right so dude that's crazy that's her actual i don't know i i love that they actually sold this safe at one time and we couldn't get it out of the house so we had to give the money back so and the door's so heavy i don't know if you guys moved the door well oh no i didn't touch it i'm actually gonna try to move it it's dude that is a really heavy freaking door you want to try it now you make me want to try you have to oh wow yeah dude that's some power to it right yeah and you showed me earlier this this does work it's not original to the house but it does work okay yeah yeah i would love it holy crap that reminds me of like really old school video games like fall out it's like swing music and stuff you know yeah exactly like l.a nor yeah 40s 50s maybe 30s 30s 20s [Music] real quick i got to put down my story the only person on this floor that has fireplace well the the yeah all right yeah everybody else does not have feet just sk pierce that's it yep and this is his room because he could see his factory right across the street oh is this factory still there oh yeah it's still there yeah it had gone down back in the 40s where is that right there that's it right there yep that's sk pierce's factory yeah so that's this is the room that eddie little was their master bedroom and that's not the bed that they were she was the bed was coming out of this way and um something was on top of her and she kept screaming get it off me get it off me and he came running in and he couldn't even lift her he said she was like 500 pounds he could lift her and she had a very big woman so he actually just took the blankets and everything pulled the blankets off the bed and she landed on the floor and whatever it was released her and that's when they left right they left and never came back yeah they would come back and visit us but they never moved back in that was their closet they left all their clothes they left all their furniture food was still in the cupboards and it was crazy it's crazy wait so the owner the previous owner okay oh yeah i was going to say well ed and lill yeah yeah yeah they just they had so much happen to them they got so tired and freaked out and then the the woman i remember showing you picture down right she was floating behind you yeah okay oh crap getting out of here right yeah wait oh i thought something was broken no these are speaking tubes you would um one of these goes to the kitchen and one of these goes to the nanny's room let's see so if i talk they'll hear me downstairs you think right now they could i don't know which one does it say on here which one is one shot do you want one yeah that's crazy yeah yeah i'll talk now i'm gonna talk yeah no i mean yeah i know he's gone you're a noodle is it crazy yeah that's cool yeah he knows room the guy who burned themselves yes with the mermaids spontaneously combust okay he fell asleep smoking and he was drinking and he worked to death as the death certificate right over here says yep yeah we read it we yeah yeah this is my favorite this is my favorite room i just like why i like the history behind well i like it because of this the mermaid fiji mermaid there she is yeah she was part of bt bt barnum's freak show that's amazing dude i so the freak shows in venice beach i assume that i was able to travel they closed freak shows for good actually not even i was like 15 when they closed freak shows for good because i dude it's weird see i was looking at three shows and i'm like 14 15 years old trying to go to one and now look yeah and now we actually have at least a piece of one right that's insane though i love i really like it i think it's a monkey what do you think i know these are teeth and you can see ribs and stuff in there yeah dude honestly i don't know but it's something all right cheese that's just cool it's just amazing it is that's an amazing cream i'm glad it's in i want to buy it i think it's expensive or she yeah but we um i'll come here and ken the guy that did the restoration he'll move her and i'll find her in the hallway or something to scoot the crap out of me oh my god i'll go to the third floor and she'll be up on the third floor yeah no that's not you that's not cool that's not cool that's not nice no no so the wood over there um the roofers found that they were doing the roof and that's actually a piece of the charred wood on the and they gave it to me well that's the souvenir and i said i don't want it so i gave it to the owners and they had it framed but when they brought it home to new jersey they brought it home they went in bed went in their house and went to bed whenever he woke up the next morning go to work and every door in his truck he owns a suburban was open all the doors the latches the windows the everything front back hood everything was all open he's like what the heck allison did you touch that and she said i didn't go out there so he took the wood he brought up the framers and said keep it until i come and pick it up wow and guys here's a close-up on the wood yeah that look bad luck yep all right wow so i mean you can't like you can't even fake that death you can't make that no because the haunted third floor the most haunted floor i think so okay we'll see we haven't been in the basement yet just you know you haven't been to the basement yet it's true oh it feels so nice up here yeah it's cold in this one i love this floor this is the servant's quarters so this is where like the maids would sleep this is where everybody up this is where they were slept this is um i showed you guys in that closet did i show you guys what's in that closet no waiting on the wall no [Music] from the roof the pipes will be up here you would fill this up with rain water the spigot would be down here they would use it to do laundry clean what and then when this would fill up down in the mage room is a little dialy would turn it and it would fill up the one in the basement but in here a friend of ours rodney was cleaning it all out and stuff and he saw a letter right here on the wall i want you to look at this it was written in 1902 all right guys i i can barely read that cursive it's like so proper i can't even understand it if i'm not mistaken then edward wrote it which would have been the son the son the third son so it was a what was this about it's about a wedding in boston so pretty much what sums it up is this is a there is just a lot of mysteries in this house that's what it comes and that's what we talk about even on the non on the abandoned shows that we film it's like the only way to know the history on a house is like unless something awful happened that they had a document or you have to just know the owner because if not you have to just look at previous like papers they had and kind of guess and that's why houses are really hard compared to like a school or you know what i mean like things like that this all this stuff is supposed to be downstairs because it's because that it was a nursery right but these hooks and stuff on the wall there would have been hooks here it's where without the laundry it would have gone straight across yeah right yeah this is dude are these original to the house no they're not okay okay well you see i i like that you're honest because i if i said if i that's why we keep it legit we keep it legit yeah original no that was from the flea market sorry it's still cool susan and sorry did they die in this house they did that's on the list downstairs yeah okay and they died in this house they both slept in the same house together like the city room yeah okay the same room this is this room was the worst the whole all the walls were broken down and it was pigeons and it was bad and it was really really bad you would never guess whoever like did the the kitchen can candidates amazing shout out to candy shout out to ken shout out to ken ken watson yep in the pink walls and the pink shout out to the pink walls huh and over here is actually where the billiards room was the pool table oh but no longer no no no i have a question for you guys okay back in the day servants weren't allowed to be seen in public as we all know yesterday why did mr pierce have his pool table up here i think he he uh why did he invite all of his elite friends to come up here into this space i was i think [Music] i think they just wanted to entertain the servants and yeah he was more genuine and friendly yeah let's say [Music] purposes we cannot uh elaborate on that honestly you're the best tour guide marion thanks oh dude this is sick this is the freaking tower gorgeous yeah actually i can't believe they refixed it they re-fixed the towers yeah yeah do the people outside must be like what's going on the tower well when we were outside just like talking outside we were having people like beat their horns out yeah it was insane how many people were just like why are we here people actually see spirit up here too they see a little boy they see a woman up here dude but i wish you guys want to come up here during the day you can stop so much it's still so cool though just to say i was up here yeah no like a four year journey for me personally like to say that i'm that i'm up in the tower of sk major i'm just going to say i'm going to create three of you guys yes yes please maybe we should how's your spin all right all right explorers we didn't explore the basement but we're waiting to explore it until actually when we do the ghost investigation we're not just gonna go down and show you guys it we're saving it for the very last because that's obviously where they found the girl's body and we're gonna wait until we get corey and everyone ready for the ghost investigation we did damage yep now we know everything oh pretty numb yeah if you want to borrow that you can it'll it'll it'll help you it'll help yeah yo say the gang's all here you guys are picking out you got the candy bars the candy i dude i thought you're on the diet cory what's going on snacking away is dying i haven't touched one candy bar obviously i'm holding the rem pod i'm gonna drop it somewhere we now shut the lights off in the entire house of the sk mansion and i guess we're starting off upstairs everyone's going upstairs but i'm going to leave my rem pod down here if we hear something go off down here i'm running down here so fast that's what you're going to hear watch more time all right don't forget please [Music] you can talk to me i'd love to talk to whoever's in this room he's right here whoa who am i talking to i don't know come on downstairs you mean the one at the stairs i just heard it there's a red card in this room over here but i didn't see no lights i something did go off i put a rempot in the stairway downstairs do you got a camera on no well what freaking good is it just so we could hear it ghost hunting 101 we're learning we're learning we should've put it in this stairwell it was yellow very at the very bottom okay oh dude yeah that's my went off dude this is why we need another one of these cameras that means someone's coming upstairs now all right because i put it on they can come join and talk to us go back over roll your sleeve up again all right that's your tattoo okay never mind but you know why that's a tattoo no no it looks wild on the on yeah watch we haven't heard stories about people getting scratched and slipped oh [ __ ] it's gone really cool you know what does this actually do like it just shows the temperature so it's a thermal imaging camera oh okay right so it's a flare forward-looking infrared right okay you know so anything paranormal um there'll be a heat discrepancy one way or another usually it's cold rather than hot yeah so it would show up as like a dot dot blue like the background right i see yeah oh you can see his handprint that's super cool oh i can see that first but it disappears that looks good it looks like on the camera i've seen that i've seen ryze on that one yes this device so we're all in the red room now we're gonna do another spirit box and we're gonna try the money trick that we were talking about earlier right yeah we have to try the money track i honestly think that might do something i mean it's worth a shot right colorado lights that's the blue yeah thank you [Music] yo what the hell dude they like you said sent me a popular one all right here i am is there anything you want to say [Music] again [Music] who am i talking to right now can you tell me your name [Music] dude that's your last name yeah get out of here yo did you hear he adds him uh [Music] how many of us do you see in the room [Music] [Music] it's fine it's not three it's safe there it is thank you that's crazy [Music] maybe seth should do the money thing you know we got a lot of people that were investigating in this room and a lot of people have been touched inappropriately in here have been grabbed you know well tonight let's throw money on the bed lay on the bed and see we'll see i have a dollar on my wallet i'm putting money on the dead on the bed hold up hold on you can't do it again i'm not i'm doing it i'm not laying down it's not gonna work it's gonna work that sounded like my name we gave you money and seth's on the bed can you touch seth [Music] i heard killer [Music] setup so this is actually the darkest room maybe in the whole place and i'm staying here by myself in the closet if there's a room you don't want us and can you perhaps shut the door or just make a noise in that area thank you so much grab my foot so you know i know it's probably painful for you but can you tell us how you died it was a lot of smoke and the smoke eventually led towards a [Music] firehouse lily and dug in this kiln here was it your bones that she found oh okay that's a yes okay do you know of a little boy that was murdered down here is it true that he drowned that's another wall no it won't go yes okay we got it i've never seen a double it was like a map right on you right like really what okay okay all right are we bothering you oh boy dude okay everybody's shit's shutting out if there's something in between you guys have a kid like a kid like a kid okay hi um we just moved into the room you wanted us in can you say hello yo
Channel: Exploring With Josh
Views: 1,074,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fiji mermaid, sk mansion, horror, goosebumps, halloween town, disney haunted mansion, feejee mermaid, the conjuring house, the haunting of hill house, netflix, horror movies 2020, evp, ghost real, top 5, top 10
Id: v-Z0x9ZJ9HU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 27sec (3207 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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