Abandoned Mountainside Hospital - everything left (Natural Decay)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] so so what's going on everybody welcome to today's video today right now we're inside the woods hiking to an abandoned hospital this place was opened up in 1919 and then it closed down in 2003. in between that time period it was used as a general hospital for the public around here and in its later years it was used as a nursing home for the elderly but since 2003 it's been sitting completely vacant decaying naturally and it's a beautiful location i've had on my spot for years and i've actually i came to this one location years ago and i had to leave because it was a close encounter with security so we're back we're going to be exploring it first we got to hike through the woods if you guys enjoy leave a thumbs up let's go check it out so a lot of hiking but finally made it up here we got buildings and mountains in the background and right over this right over this overgrown path behind us this was the hall of where the nurses slept they actually built a building on the property to house all the nurses living on on campus we're going to try to find a way in here hopefully maybe get some roof access and see the rest of the property so inside the first building nurses quarters and uh the floors don't look too great got some holes over there we're gonna find a stairwell that which should be concrete and not this shitty wood and try to get to the roof floors look a little rough in here real quick okay so as it appears the inside hallways of this place is completely messed up so we're not going to be exploring these rooms or these hallways because we're end up in the basement but the stairway is made of metal and it's pretty much the backbone of this building so we're going to take it all the way up and try to head to the roof now we get to see the whole property main hospitals right there and on the side down there we actually have some doctors homes that would live on property just gonna get a view of the property before we get into the place make sure nobody's around got a little squirrel in here okay we have now entered the building the main hospital building at least and the first room we're in looks like some sort of ballroom we have these drop down ceiling fans and we have a hardwood floor so maybe it could just be a cafeteria there's also a little food service window so probably a cafeteria either for patients or nurses oh wow so this is a tiny little chapel inside of the hospital unique got a really creepy vibe in here wow this is the library here filled with tons of books it's crazy to see all these books just left behind here gotta think about how much knowledge is in this room stuff that could be recycled reused and then make people pay for all these books going to university meanwhile you have so many here that are just wasting away it's really amazing i just want some shots got some medical chairs a bed okay these are probably where patients we're at sleeping emergency room type setup got a bunch of food trays here this must have been an activity room we have a bunch of puzzles here scattered across the floor and i also found this old television this place closed down in 2003 so by that time this this is pretty dated looks like we have some sort of doctor's office still have a bunch of paperwork just still on the table 1993 laboratory got some little side rooms over here side labs and they're really destroyed super decayed pretty cool laboratory though nothing really left behind but it's pleasing to look at for some reason some sort of room you got nice tiling everywhere you can see the tiling on the floor kind of looks like it would be like a surgical wing but there's too many supplies so i guess this is where they just stored a bunch of stuff okay so chris just showed me the surgical room got a stereotypical wheelchair which honestly makes no sense a big old surgical leg [Applause] this is where the doctors would wash up before operation and there's probably another surgical room over there just got to get in there whoa these are even bigger this is awesome [Applause] pretty decayed so we have a third surgical room with even more lights really cool stuff it's kind of hard to find these things intact it's crazy that's true we have like six surgical lights in one location and i've only seen like three sets of them over five years of exploring you could see nature just taking its place back where the hospital was this carpet is not green it's supposed to be brown like it is over there but moss has just taken over growing taking its place back this was some front desk wow so you could almost imagine the setup here these are the curtains that would separate patients or the patients would be separated here anything missing is the bed it's crazy what 20 years or nearly 20 years does to a building this place is a shell of what it once was this is where the medical records were this place closed down after hipaa laws went into effect so they they successfully took out all the patient files unlike some hospitals i've been to this is a cool setup though [Applause] i hear some kids outside exploring this hospital or trying to at least oh trying to get the cops to come chill out oh my god i'm sorry i'm surprised you guys didn't hear me before we're so sorry you gave me a heart attack so yesterday i literally saw you guys come up and i was right behind you and i was like hey and you guys just didn't turn around no i was just like i was like holy [ __ ] oh my god it's got that on camera so it's pretty fun yeah it'll go on my youtube channel okay that was hilarious i heard them before and uh i'm thinking in my head i'm like how am i gonna say something to them without scaring the crap out of them turns out i still scared the crap out of them good people though talk to them for a little bit locals anyway let's keep moving on always an interesting day when we're exploring so on the third floor we have a bunch of adult diapers okay now we have a bunch of adult diapers so far so good with this hospital it's been abandoned about 17 years so far and i haven't even seen one bit of vandalism and that is exactly exactly what i love just seeing absolute decay basically the perfect example of what life without humans would be so this would be example 17 years into the future that that type of mindset that type of ideology got me into exploring just curiosity of of what life without humans looks like when when nature takes over man-made items and so far so good if you guys are enjoying leave a thumbs up we still have a lot to explore [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] something that's unique in the distance over there we have two cars parked and it actually was a tennis court used on the facility for patients workers anybody on their break and there's actually people playing tennis over there just casually with this abandoned building in the background pretty cool at least some of this property is not being wasted uh maybe this was like a physical therapy room [Applause] yeah so i got a treadmill left behind and a bench this hospital once had beautiful arches for windows and they just cover a drop ceiling i just don't understand why you would cover up so much beauty with such bs we just found a hydrotherapy tub not even hydrotherapy just patients that convey themselves it sit there usually a chair here that sit here this would rise and dip them in the water and then use that to hose them down okay this is just a kind of a chill room this was used last when this place was a nursing home and funny story about this room i told you on the in the intro that i came to this facility years ago well i still have the footage and i was doing an intro in this very room when a police officer an unmarked car drove right down that little pathway over there and uh we had to get off the campus anyway here's the clip from a couple years ago and we just hiked up through the mountains to get to this um recently abandoned hospital we got ourselves into the first building which looks like it was a church chapel some type of religious classes went on in here anyway i don't know what to expect out of this place like i said it's fairly new you'll see some fairly new equipment chris chris chris down yeah so thankfully a couple years later a lot more decay and not that much vandalism at all so i'm super thankful for that because this place is an absolute gem got more offices and like i said this is the nursing home area so this was used last in the facility this is creepy we still have patient names left here on the on the in the room they're assigned to got all the pillows blankets and mattresses all stuffed in one room here we are at the doctor's home so this is actually where the doctors would live on campus a lot different from what it is like today we're gonna head inside this house first and we're gonna save that one for last because that looks really promising it's a really cool house i'm not here yet that's creepy okay here's the kitchen staircase and living room pretty empty oh wow he's one of those dolls just stuffed in that bucket without its head on so we got a nice little three-car garage still left here including a um just a little play set and a a dog cage left here with the building this house is beautiful already okay the house is completely bending down right there that's not good you could see it separated that box is in the way that shelf but it's separated from the floor i'm actually going to step out of this this room this house is completely unstable although what i see right now is beautiful here's a better view of it just completely separated and sinking into the floor it's like the common area i think i'm gonna send it up these stairs because why not nice storage area beautiful old home i wonder when this was constructed got all different colors in here i know these rooms are going to be empty and i don't want to step above where the foundation isn't on the ceiling so or i wasn't on the floor so i think that's gonna be it beautiful home all right guys this is gonna be the end of the video we're gonna end it on the roof with the beautiful mountainscape in the background this video this explore was amazing i love hospital explorers going into a campus and getting lost just building to building lost in time just uncovering the past it's my favorite thing to explore hopefully you guys did enjoy if you did leave a thumbs up until next time peace out
Channel: Dark Exploration Films
Views: 32,456
Rating: 4.9415488 out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban, exploration, ue, exploring, exploringwithjosh, properpeople, danbell
Id: YjcifYW6eLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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