Abandoned Surgical Hospital - Stacked of Equipment and Drugs (Asylum)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's going on guys welcome today's video right now we're inside an abandoned Asylum it wasn't abandoned all to long ago about 15 years ago 2005 is the last they recorded on this in this building that we're in behind me we have some dentist's chairs this building is stacked filled with surgical equipment all different types of stuff used in hospitals and psych hospitals so hopefully you enjoy the video we are also visited today with the proper people they're exploring a few abandoned places here and there so you'll probably see me in their videos and them in mine so hopefully you guys are subscribed to them if you liked the video give it a thumbs up now let's go explore this place got three dentists chairs and oddly enough in the same room we have a polygraph test the whole lot of buttons on here trying to see if some patients were lying and whatnot you can see the needle so it where it make the lines all in that and the paper feed down below never seen one of these in person it's pretty cool to look at one of these [Applause] even have a nurse's scrub or a surgical scrub hanging up here let's go explore the rest of this building we'll say we have a bunch of operating aprons the patients have put on to undergo surgery nineteen eighties a date on that log the date on this refrigerator is 1986 I'm almost a little bit nervous to open it I'm gonna open it a crack see if there's anything in there no it's empty good let's get out before it snows why it almost looks like we're in the laboratory was actually power being fed to this machine you could hear it humming I don't know any of this stuff the other thing this is just a washer for either medical tools or equipment I'm not going to touch anything nonetheless so coming out of the laboratory and not in here that's locked all these medical supplies so this was a clear medical room with an enormous surgical light right there is definitely a gown that a surgeon would wear probably hung up right where it was in the place was abandoned doctor would put that on put a patient on there and get to work when these storage closets completely stacked gallon so fold it up down there oh what's in there I don't have gloves so I really don't want to touch anything in there it looks strange just a bunch of syringes around the opposite side of the surgical room we have washing stations for clothes as well as medical equipment let's keep on moving I just walked over here for a second and just notice that that light is completely on it says the last time the equipment was checked is over three and still on here we have the washing stations surgeons are wash your hands and I says I'll wash their hands in here and get ready to open someone up let's take a little briefing station-to-station secretary be over here telling nurses and doctors where they got to be handing them the surplus of medical supplies oh wow so this must have been the secondary surgical room that they repurposed as somebody's office imagine working in this office and that's your main source of light awesome we had so right now we're in the top floor you got the engines for the elevator cars and if you could hear the humming in here there still is a little bit of power going into this building from the other active buildings on the grid so they're really too lazy to shut the rest of it off instead just wasting power and our tax money honestly okay now we're heading down to the bottom floors which are logs the bed and without exploring these psychiatric wings is they lock all the doors so the patients can't get into the stairways I just makes me be able to explore oh look at that that's where the nurse would sit and they have all the screwing around so the patients can't attack them or anything we're still power this is what the inside that the helpdesk looks like a lot a lot a lot of decay in this certain room looks like we have all the computer equipment some monitors to probably look at your heartbeat and other computers is wrapped it up never to come back and floppy disc 1892 and just like any other psychiatric center I explore they always leave patient files and it's kind of disgusting it's kind of getting you disgusted because these are people's lives their medical records that you just don't want in the hands of anybody and they leave them all behind and like normal I'm just gonna let them sit and respect the names that went through this Center and hopefully they got help along the way so there's a lot of decay down here I kind of liked at the top floor was pristine and the farther we go down it gets more decayed it's almost like you're exploring two different hospitals so Chris stumbled upon a little goodie bag that they give each patient that walks into these walls so this is the first thing you obtain when you get your room so you got Hospital mouthwash pretty sure to 0% alcohol yeah you write your name on it and stuff room name that's cool yeah tri-state tissues that's a nice brush this brush and gotta have you a central toothpaste with it Medi fresh it's also hospital supply cord real nice what's a shampoo tri-state hospital supply Corp I think it's hand and body massage lotion whoa patients getting freaky okay so so many fresh it's all Medi fresh it's a shift and the pencil pencil and what's that a file and what is that thing a bib and open it up oh I think probably just napkins yeah I guess like you know wipe your fingers after you after you throw up blood yeah that's a very good narration by Rebecca Santiago following a I'm gonna demonstrate how to brush your teeth she expired it's definitely expired look at the rumor in the buildings expired I think the toothpaste is too oh no no I'm not doing that why is it it's like a tar now I'm in the supply room and this is a first all the records actually say record on it this one specifically was 89 and all these have a different year and different is different reports just about patience how they act at a certain day and whatnot specifically 11:15 p.m. so we found a really cool office in one of these rooms but unfortunately the doors locked got a rotary phone on the desk there and we see a really cool like 70s couch for patients it's a really cool room today we can't go in like I said the rest of the complex is still being used right now we find ourselves in something that was notorious for psychiatric centers and that's just a little day room activity room give a good time away from their rooms and just come socialize all the people they have a really nice old piano there that probably some patients would test their skills on like you know like their mama wait for the flat for these romantic places you know this place you have to put your name right here that's an older eh we're trying to work this computer bug it is way I would take more keyboards in there probably fine [Music] okay we're done with this she said you can veto operation which means just like a glitch in the program Oh word is crashed oh it's ah it's reporting so we're sitting inside one of the laboratories right now power on and everything miss water filtration or not water what kind of filtration is this water yeah that was probably first sterilizing this stuff so it's probably not the safest to be standing in an inch of water will power on but we could just simply turn Oh other web oh wow [Applause] all the syringes I don't want to raise any list this is still on there's still ice in there they really did leave everything in the psych lab we have a completely soundproof room for a patient to sit inside double-sided yes another polygraph test this one looks a lot older alright guys it's gonna do it for today's video this place was a tiny little building but everything in here was packed I'm gonna end it in this room which was my favorite and hopefully you guys enjoyed the video if you did leave a thumbs up subscribe if you want to make sure to follow Chris or Rex and chill and Michael and Brian the proper people and stay tuned for more abandoned content I'll see you guys later peace out
Channel: Dark Exploration Films
Views: 120,334
Rating: 4.9301744 out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban, exploration, ue, exploring, exploringwithjosh, properpeople, danbell
Id: cXC8H3n7ag8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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