Abandoned Infectious Disease Hospital - Found Morgue and Vintage Equipment

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[Music] i got the blues the tv blues i got the heebie gb tv blues feeling low down way down low down tired of my long time slow down waiting for that special day when the doc can say be on your way i got my bed in time to spend but time drags on when there is no end blue and low down way way down low down aiming for that knockout showdown building to that special day when the dark can say be on your way [Music] [Music] [Music] in today's video we explore an abandoned state hospital originally opening in 1910 to house the mentally insane this property's use changed throughout the mid-century two infectious diseases polio and tuberculosis change the hospital's history forever polio is a disease spread through food and water that destroys the nerve cells in the human spinal cord causing paralysis in tuberculosis an airborne bacteria that severely affects the lungs causing a fluid buildup in your chest which sometimes includes blood leading to suffocation and eventual death until vaccines came out for both diseases this hospital camp is housed some of the most infected individuals during its operation and when the disease is left the hospital's narrative switched back to helping those with mental illness this was up until the 1990s until de-institutionalization eventually made the place close and today we explore what remains if you enjoy the video leave a thumbs up and let's go explore all right we're starting today's video walking on the former grounds you could see the streets just completely overgrown parking spots of doctors and nurses just completely overgrown we just entered this abandoned hospital complex we're walking on the winding roads that used to go around and we're going to be looking on top of this building to see over the entire property because we think we hear workers cars we want to be sure we're alone here with safe to explore this place is completely gutted probably theft is what uh let this building get to this level people just stealing copper i'm thinking that this was probably though an apartment complex or a building to house nurses that worked at the hospital or these also could have been offices for the doctors as well but that's what i think see if we can find anything else on our way to the top people are working on the property so we did confirm that there are workers on the property but uh we still we're still here we want to explore this place we're going to try keeping our heads down and just being really stealthy and trying to hit up everything we could see here as you could hear in the background they're making a lot of noise so i think that could mask our noise and like i said if we keep our heads down we think we might have confidence to do it so we're gonna be sneaky and let's see how this goes okay we made it across that's the building we were just in that's where we believe it was nurses quarters that would stay on property and we're on a building right now that from the inside looked pretty much the same just dormitories empty rooms mirrors and closets but uh right here we're closer to the workers so trying to get a peek at them over there by that truck i don't want to expose myself too much but we're going to wait them out always bring snacks there are our friends today workers on the property never fun but it's a challenge we made it into the main hospital building although we were actually seen by a car it wasn't a security car it was just a gray sedan we don't know if it's security or anything but we're able to go into the woods jump into this building and i'm gonna show you guys around so far we found a couple really cool things and i'll show you guys them right now it's got these long large hospital hallways these these would be occupational therapy so there'd probably some tables here arts and crafts to get a patient's minds away from their conditions in reality the occupational therapist will give you simple work tasks depending on your treatment needs you'll be expected to spend a prescribed amount of time each day in this activity none of these simple tasks will train you for a job but they will show you and show us how work agrees with you cereal palsy i opened this room it's just an empty room and this room has the cool stuff all right [Music] i actually still have a tub left behind i've seen older ones but this one's huge it's like jacuzzi treatment at a psych center it's enormous though probably was like a cafeteria rec room i don't know oh you actually see where bed curtains would be hanging up in each little section has them so these actually would be a mass a room of just mass beds so maybe if there was like a a disease running through the hospital they'd put all the sick people in one room trying to quarantine the rest or just extra storage but uh pretty unique you don't really see wood floors in hospitals anymore but this one's pretty old we have another room here slab bath honestly looks really creepy i can't even imagine somebody laying on that and them getting a bath looks too much like an autopsy table wow these old projectors all rusted shut century pretty cool pretty cool no seats but a really decayed theater oh nice we have an auto clap over there that's used to uh clean surgical equipment or any medical equipment for that matter get a closer look in that room the steroxomatic this looks a little creepy flammable anesthetics not permitted oh nice look at this surgical light is huge wow that's so awesome cleaning station for nurses and this is probably a second yeah this is a second surgical room but it doesn't have a light really rusted and decayed room though a lot of stuff went down here back in its day whoa i don't even know what that is but this is a cool machine i've never seen this either clearly you'd spread your legs on this thing hold an x-ray up here oh nice extra x-ray machine this is an old one though this does not look comfortable at all even though this guy seems to be happy remember all the examinations we gave you all the tests we made they showed how sick you really were they showed things nobody could know just from looking at you suspicious shadows in your lungs and in your sputum germs tb germs they didn't just happen you got them by direct contact with someone who already had tuberculosis or maybe you got them by contact with objects infected by someone with tuberculosis you could pass those germs on to someone else your family for instance if you had been at home when the germs first appear there may be only a few and usually a healthy body will wall them in or kill them but sometimes there are too many germs for the body to overcome or you may become run down from too much physical activity too much work too much play not enough rest and proper food then the germs multiply and you're sick there's no medicine that by itself is a sure thing to cure you this room is labeled x-ray secretary so this is where they kept all the information all the x-rays it smells a little weird in here but seems to be empty let's check around this corner just in case nope they're actually a competent hospital and took away all the patient records there's also a room in here so i saw something on the board bronco pulmonary vascular system you can see how faded this is how old it is film processing room it's locked but i could just open this huh so this way they'd process the the uh develop developing section fixed section they put them in here when they're done should say exposed unexposed no here we go the outside had it okay hbo you can pick this up at ikea i guess they would strap your arms in somewhere and this is not all the pieces yeah probably something like that this would definitely turn and you would just stretch stretch this guy this is a terrible example why would they actually want to do that i don't know what i'm saying like what's the purpose of it it's very interesting it's a bone stretcher everybody if you know why it's a thing let us know here's one of the desks you would come at and see a loved one or just get some intel on what's going on continuing our tour of the third floor but seeing a lot of empty rooms but we're going to check it all just to be sure we don't want to miss something amazing patience only boys okay so they'd have like bathtubs have a classroom they probably use this to teach nurses or doctors certain procedures another classroom this could have been just a whole teaching area yes school office this is for um casts i think this used to be the cafeteria here all the laundromat machines that we use here these are really old these are basically giant autoclaves clean more machinery bed sheets maybe uh you see all the workers out there you know we saw a bunch of people driving around now we thought it was security there's more than one out there awesome there's i mean they've been working on all day oh i do know who you are now yeah yeah okay connecticut huh so you're out of connecticut oh all the time do i know their instagrams this is urbex and chill here we go good i'm sorry i don't know you guys okay we have some lab reports left over some patient information nothing too interesting just some names and some dates but how we see 1987. these are photocopies though so these aren't like the originals could be not even that old honestly patient names and a bunch of prescription medication got another lab filled with files these are the real deals these aren't even uh copies your analysis master worksheet chemistry worksheet and more room pretty cool pretty sick honestly four-door morgue yeah four bodies you ever think they had like four bodies in there at a time it doesn't seem like a lot but yeah it's not a very big one it would make a pretty shitty week for the people working here yeah these are where bodies would be drained and this is where bodies would be stored identification bands really for what patients yeah wow that's cool adult adult pediatric what is the name of that awesome someone's instagram yeah stupid pretty interesting though yeah look this is how i put them on these ones are actually rubber or if the paper were like new and like the plastic was like the older version maybe long term we censored a new hallway and this one's creepy this really feels like a psychiatric center now all these rooms are empty though all right everybody that's gonna do it we saw the coolest things here and that was the goal this place was pretty cool we had a couple close encounters there was one encounter where we were coming to a building my camera wasn't rolling i had it in my bag so i could be able to run and a car stopped right behind us and nothing happened i mean i don't know if we didn't he didn't see us but to me there's no way he didn't see me anyway we're gonna make our way out of here before we get caught and i hope you guys enjoyed if you did leave a thumbs up and i'll talk to you guys in the next vid peace out well so long doc been nice in you you're looking as healthy as can be you're as strong as a rock and i want you to know that's just what i want to be healthy that's just what i want wanna be gonna lick tb if it's the last thing i do i'll do whatever you say gonna lick tb doc tell me what to do i'd like to go home but i will stay if you say so like to go home but i will stay i got a little girl she's waiting for me so is my family oh i ain't too smart but there's more things i know [Music] k-o-t-b-doc k-o-t-b oh i won't get low and i won't be blue i'll do whatever you say gonna lick tv doc tell me what to do i'd like to go home but i will stay if you say so like to go home but i will stay yes i'd like to go home but i will stay dark like to go home but i will stay
Channel: Dark Exploration Films
Views: 61,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban, exploration, ue, exploring, exploringwithjosh, properpeople, danbell, DarkExploration, urbexandchill, abandoned
Id: okvwFZpLvH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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