We went into 2 Abandoned Crime Scene Houses at Night! - Drug bust!

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what's up everybody welcome to today's video today we're gonna be exploring two abandoned houses in one video at night I've got a lot of requests after my video I did a few videos back at night so we're doing it again we're gonna be exploring two places of basically tragedy I'm gonna say the first house seems that somebody may have passed away inside of it and the second one is basically a drug house that we believe to think was ransacked by police and busted and maybe squatters lived in and after then maybe they sold methane and afterwards I don't know but we're gonna be toured with our friend Esme as she shows us these houses and the story she has and hopefully you guys enjoy it's definitely a little bit different these houses aren't as mint and fresh as I like to explore but they still hold a value and they definitely have a motion trapped within them still and I think you might feel it in the video I mean I certainly felt it in the houses so that being said I hope you do enjoy and if you do leave a thumbs up and I'll see you guys later [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] this is like Wow this doesn't feel abandoned that's always the plan the other knows I feel like we can spend a lot more time in because it's literally all the windows are boarded oh cool that's perfect here we are in the kitchen a lot still left pretty much everything stuff in the shelves very usual these people were travelers okay that's doesn't look abandoned honestly okay apparently we're gonna go into a room that I should film my reaction to when I see it left or left or right whoa what look at this stain here what is that on the bed this is a really really really creepy room so what asked me I was thinking is that a blood stain I mean it looks like one it's too decomposed and like that happens like the fats and stuff melt and that happens like within hours so but the only thing that's weird is that it's on top of a medical sheet oh you're right you don't see that even notice that and a towel that is just covered in just a brown stain I'll have it better with the lights off honestly it's really creepy yeah and all this religious stuff next to the bed on the bed and everything yes I'm weird happen here for sure is a pill next to the bed inside the CVS inside the CVS bag so I I think somebody definitely died here eras are you thick in here too really yeah and then they came back and then I posted another video on tick tock and someone like pointed out they're like there's dirt on there now and there wasn't dirt in your first video could be from that yeah it's a lot I mean that's like all in one area that dirt is the same dirt as that dirt which is the same dirt as that dirt yeah yeah that's all weirdly in a pile that's so strange blood pressure log no year no about that say that again so my friend said that they take grave dirt from the person who dies and they use it in a ritual to like praise their life or like try to bring them back Wow so I don't know which one it is because I'm not like into that which you stuff but like yeah that's the theory yeah okay I'm ready to explore the rest I'm ready yeah this room for now are they gave birth on the bed the bathroom has a stain in it too and there's no there's no rust in the ceiling to the question to determine that it's a lot of water some damage in this house if this place did go abandoned in 2015 they had some pretty outdated televisions let's go up bunch of garbage in here we have work pants work shirts pants unfolded they collected these bears from different countries Canada America the UK Ireland I'm gonna guess uphold this name definitely outdated all those floppy disks just sitting there definitely was a kid in this room or a teenager I'll say just get this type of vibe with the music and everything here okay these are all blank discs we have some green beans if this is an apocalyptic scenario out of being a good hands hand this beer still in here a rusted they are definitely don't want to put your lips to that anymore Wow this has a lot of water damage this is advanced mold holy hell okay we're gonna look in here real quick wow this stuff is really decaying oh my god religious family for sure look at all this stuff check out that old telephone that's so awesome it's probably not even that old it's just a really cool design it's definitely the coolest thing left in this house though [Applause] Wow yeah that's really ghetto we're in the second house now and we got a calendar from 2013 so we're gonna say that's about when this place was abandoned a lot of junk in this room so we're gonna move forward and Wow now this rue this house is completely boarded up so we're actually able to use our lights to full potential not where you have to worry about getting caught that's a cool x-men [Applause] spider-man 2 got a lot of junk in here for sure I'm gonna workout machine elliptical wheelchair Wow is a lot of decay I think I think Abed fell through the ceiling right over there really nice desk this house also has receipts from 1982 on them little confusing but we'll go with what we see we're in one of the bedrooms now or makeshift I don't know what this place was used for our last we have a clothesline up top this could have been an old squatters place you have a curtain set up here to block the room very weird very weird set up so much yourself on the ground I think a bump is definitely living in here what that's methamphetamine right there I was totally joking when I said that was a it really is a method Asian I don't know I was joking but like what yeah I'm just got those in the pile like oh that could be like a little meth oh my god you could be right is that there's a scale there too dude look at all this this is definitely a crack house look at all this there is a mirror on the ceiling this is a woman very strange house I've seen plenty of these this is like a sewing table look no sewing machine on it pretty vintage [ __ ] though what'd you find State Police that's probably not good I wonder if there was like I wonder if there was a criminal living here and there like they busted the place where I was joking when I said it was a meth lab it's a wall it's water feeding this could have been a meth lab I mean until we see like beakers and stuff I don't really know but yeah this is like a makeshift it goes right into there so feeding some sort of water to that room for whatever reason washing machines go down there a little later it's all creepy here we are behind this or just in the kitchen behind like this bar area well it's a K on there that's cuz the ceilings falling down okay we're gonna go in the basement I'm going first wow it's really decay down here look they whoever was here put a black sheet over the window that was here yeah this is really suspicious okay we're masked up and we're gonna check out this advanced molds room oh my god I don't want to get in here I'm putting my camera in here and that's it there's so much mold on the wall I don't want to let's go mm-hmm Justin on the staircase it goes up to the backyard let's get out please [Music] these were flowers now they're just mold that's a little your waist-high just garbage saw 2013 upstairs and on this wooden chair we have a Wall Street Journal from 1995 does it really make too much sense but hey find stuff like this all the time I don't know what this is but it's filled it hasn't even open what no I'm good there's actually a sick clock thinks they're gonna be at an old gas station I think it's still good oh god oh my god it was filled Oh this pool table just getting rotted away [Applause] you
Channel: Dark Exploration Films
Views: 175,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban, exploration, ue, exploring, exploringwithjosh, properpeople, danbell
Id: 43CYtYwhP0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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