Exploring a Huge Abandoned Casino Boat - Hit the Jackpot!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] what's up guys welcome to today's video today we're in a really unique location we're gonna have to keep it quiet while we're here because we're in an active marina today we're exploring another abandoned ghost ship i've done one before that was the floating hospital now we're back inside of another one this is a casino boat all people would come take trips out on the water play casino games dance everything you would do at a casino or a ballroom you came here and you did it on the water which is pretty damn cool other than that the history the remaining history of it is going to be a little bit low-key because you want to keep this a pristine location because right now there's no vandalism this place is pretty damn cool and it's like walking back in time to a different age so hopefully you guys enjoy if you do leave a thumbs up let's check it out this is like the lobby check out this woodwork on the staircase i gotta remind you guys we're on a boat and the moldings on this are serious beautiful work got some old phone booths here of course removed but pretty awesome it's ironic they put a gambling addiction thing in a casino here we would have the elevator and rack okay this is the the coat room wow there's a bunch of cobwebs here people have not been here at all here we have the conveyor controls also have an old monitor system old computer there's so many cobwebs in here i feel my legs just getting covered with them but we also have brochures left here of the place these are just instructional pamphlets to how to play some of the games like guess they'd hand these out to some people if they didn't know it's also pretty awesome that this little office here is just completely swallowed with pipes very weird setup but you do what you got to do on a boat i suppose the enterfundment club oh we have another office over there you can see the old monitor let's check it out i'm gonna ignore that i think or try to this was someone's office here take a look behind the interfundment sensor beautiful architecture for a ship all the woodwork chandeliers this would be like the main desk i suppose you'd get your tokens or exchange cash for still have a casino token left behind too just one cool that it's still here though so pretty cool this is so makeshift but it actually looks good i just put little wooden columns underneath the harker here it's ghetto rigged but it actually makes it look cool and this i believe was probably like a dance hall or something like that i don't know maybe food but it's seriously beautiful looks like we're in a wedding hall still don't know why there's so many wheelchairs on here i guess there's a lot of disabled people going gambling wow seriously love all the time put out into this boat looks like we got a bee's nest it's old though because we're in the summer months right now and i'm not getting stung so and i don't hear anything lucky for us and so there'd be games up here actually they've all been removed though they've been so cool if they're still left behind you can maybe even see the imprint of a bar or just a giant poker table who knows probably probably a bar i see electronic stuff on the floor 2007 it was last inspected wow for some reason this room is like emotional it flowers the furniture you just imagine someone sitting here and she's been sitting vacant for years this might have been the security office has a padlock or code to get in oh wow all paper slips for members i guess has people's has people's addresses and emails and everything they'd probably sign up for prizes i can't believe all is still here now this hallway we're in right now is completely slanted this way i don't know if it's even visible on camera but the boat is definitely favoring the right side so i'm going to keep as close to the left as i can put nice wooden windows here [Applause] got the old freezer too looks like they stripped everything out of the kitchen usually that's the one place they don't take from but i guess i'm i guess it's good that they were reused potentially oh [ __ ] i don't know if i trust it cool little catwalk oh these are we could open this um the skylight up there with those i don't know if i trust this though it's been rusting a long time in here got the bathrooms here i'll take a quick peek in here still pretty clean oh wow it's really rusted i'm just gonna look out here [Applause] [Music] oh wow it's really rusted right there i could see right through it doesn't look like i'll be going up at least from right there you got a spotlight right there it's pretty cool wow so this is the top i think they'd maybe steer it from here maybe not got some security stuff though okay this is the security office these are probably security tapes for sure then surveillance that's really cool they left a bunch of stuff here trespass card it's a really nice chair in here too even floppy disks they went through all different stages of uh files as far as floppy disks cds and vhs this place was active throughout everything these are probably security they were trying to take pictures of people probably oh debts maybe nothing okay well we did the whole main level only thing else to explore is the basement engine room we have the music selection still here so that would be on repeat it smells like oil in here spider webs in here gotta watch my head and this is just wood it's like a workshop area though there's something there either a piston or an engine i can't really tell at the moment someone will know leave a comment all right guys that's gonna do it for today's video if you enjoyed leave a thumbs up the ship was awesome it was pretty cool we're at another ghost ship that's behind me it's pretty cool but can't really get on inside of it it's too far in the water unless you want to get wet or climb a rope but this one's falling apart anyway if you enjoy leave a thumbs up and i'll see you guys next time peace [Music] out [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Dark Exploration Films
Views: 226,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban, exploration, ue, exploring, exploringwithjosh, properpeople, danbell
Id: sJ63Qt_eoTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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