Exploring a Military Veteran's Abandoned Property - 2 Vintage Home's

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uh what's up guys welcome to today's video today we're back at you with another house video i know everybody loves abandoned houses including myself and today we're on site at another one so far coming here i don't know much about the location what i do know is that i believe a military officer of some sort lived in this home and it was abandoned sometime around 1995 but that's all i got right now we're in front of the main house when you come up the driveway this is the first one we find and actually deeper in the woods this is a huge property is a secondary home so we're going to be checking out both those properties and everything around it including these little statues that are just left here in the front yard so if you guys do enjoy leave a thumbs up it lets me know right away and let's go check it out over here we have a well on the property so that's pretty unique i mean i really don't see anybody with wells on the property anymore maybe this dates the property back some years unique find the other house on the property it's hard to make out because the house is white with some wood on the outside it's right there through that's through those trees beautiful backdrop for this place i'd love to live in a place like this just completely isolated from people okay here is the basement if you hear noises those are my friends upstairs taking pictures and videos before we head upstairs i'm just going to take a look down here because usually you can find some really cool stuff like this a light bright i used to have one of those when i was a kid yep still in here wow that's some nostalgia got some sort of workshop here guy obviously loved to make things fix things you got all these different ads on here different different brands got an old rotary phone some old books and just various little bits of furniture but that's it for the basement let's head upstairs that's the inside okay here's one of the bedrooms all messed up here's a calendar from 2015 the other one was 1989. so that's a huge difference looks like an air force uniform the rest of this room is pretty empty just have a little bit of clothes left behind and looks like actually we have an elvis presley stocking what's really sad is i keep seeing christmas decorations which leads me to believe that this family maybe never even celebrated christmas whatever happened happened before christmas and their ornaments are still up everything's still up as if as if it's about to happen this could have been a kid's room all right and finally we're going to be checking out the cabin room at least that's what it looks like to me have a couch over here wow military uniform united states trailways i've never heard of that if anyone has any information on that let me know and the rest of the house is destroyed except for this little setup here it's possible that uh explorers came here and they set it up for a picture but they did make this place look beautiful these are super creepy no eyes got a victrola talking machine interesting oh wow it's one of those that you crank oh oh that's so cool so we're checking out this little vinyl player over here there's still there's still some down here too you know oh wow we could probably get this to work let's try it uh do i have to move anything up yep you drop the needle do i spin first then drop the needle or do i put the needle down first no sure try cranking it that's so cool a little case with little mannequins in them god clowns elvis some cowboy oh wow this is heavy so they had some classic literature tom sawyer by mark twain legend what else you got the case of jenny bryce christie i don't know if that is here we have a fireplace and it looks like people i don't know if the owner did this or who did this but they're just throwing books and that beautiful clock right in here so i mean it's just going to take one person just to light a match but those are some beautiful things the clock especially okay now we're on our way to the second home on the property that one that we just explored was really cool so whatever we find here it's just gonna be an additive to an already awesome explorer really overgrown so oh i'm stuck on some branches okay i'm free okay this is cleared out yeah another cabin type style yeah oh this tv is so cool though wow that's super old oh wow that's insane we got some more elvis down there too this family really loved them this is general electric it's like one and everything has a radio has a tv speaker included this room over here i cannot tell if people wrote on this when it was actually lived in or if someone kids came here while it was abandoned and just wrote their names on here but uh we're gonna take a look in this room empty just a bed kill me now wow rest in peace this door is pretty crazy r.i.p dad 2002 and then it says 2005 right under it just kill me now wow this is weird like i said you think this people wrote this when it was abandoned or no look it's i think it's the girl i think she the girl who lived here yeah it says oh five o2 june 4th 1986. well that's some that's some who someone's life june 4th 19 1986 2 december 18th why did so many people pass like i don't know maybe the whole family passed they're all different last name oh actually no there's a couple bar notes weird so ashley's looking through this this bin and she's just finding so much stuff we found letters from edwin october 26 1948. looks like school practice like practicing cursive uh-huh just school work huh yeah must be when the owner or someone in here was a kid it's crazy to think about that was so long ago 70 years ago still all here pretty legible too newspapers from 1960 as well here's a calendar just on the floor of the kitchen and it says 1963 so i guess that's the last time this old house was inhabited and here is the front of the house we were just inside of i hope you guys enjoyed the video kind of short not really a ton of stuff left behind but it's not every day that you're exploring a property with two abandoned houses two families two stories that we'll just never know the beginning or end or anything about them we just have clues of what these people were who they were what they were about and it's interesting to document this stuff and just look into it and research it's just amazing i love it i love exploring i love figuring it out it's like a mystery it's like a crime scene anyway i hope you guys enjoyed if you did leave a thumbs up it lets me know right away if you did like the video and i'll see you guys for the next one peace out
Channel: Dark Exploration Films
Views: 33,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban, exploration, ue, exploring, exploringwithjosh, properpeople, danbell
Id: nQVdfY2Kvxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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