Abandoned NYPD Police Station - Found Mugshots and Evidence

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okay what's up guys so as you can tell by the title of this video today we're exploring an abandoned NYPD America City Police Department right now we're in the tunnels above us New York streets so come on me as being covering this gym and - you guys enjoy the video let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] we are now inside the tunnels welcome to underneath New York all this year is asbestos at its worst form the worst for us we're wearing these copies so they don't get sick I'm gonna truth which way should we go I say we go yeah we just found the mother lode of mug shots I don't want to get too close but you guys can obviously see what I see is just piles and piles of mug shots so about 20 years old now $100 reward by the NYPD is more oh wow wanted for rape robbery robbery know what that means attempted rape robbery assaults Wow that's crazy all right guys we were in the tunnels a long time but we're in okay so here's nothing else you'll see what's in this place I don't have too much information on this one location just because honestly I didn't even know about this place for a long time and to find information on this specific building was hard enough all we know is it was used for the police department and right here I think this would be a waiting room looks like here's where you would get your food see what's behind the kitchen nothing pretty destroyed we have an intact payphone here haven't seen one of these in a long long time every now and then you see in that gas stations wall detective pictures wow that's crazy got tape recorders property of the New York District Attorney oh we got a satellite laptop whoa that's awesome I wish we had the plug to this cuz this definitely still works actually this might be the bug misfit you can't tell I'm not gonna take it anyway I have no idea of any of this stuff does voice identification only that I can think of is maybe they're on the phone with somebody and they could maybe get what their record their voice I don't know I have no idea stuff is crazy though these detective pictures you have film reels all this is just evidence all this stuff was used to catch the worst criminals in New York City another one of those voice things computers [Applause] all this equipment just sitting here floppy disks man places like this you go into a room there's so much stuff you don't even know what to look at computer evidence look at all this stuff look at all these computers all these desktops all these are probably Khan confiscated from actual criminals so there's still stuff on there that they were looking up that's pretty nutty all these are from the 90s I can't get too close to the little papers on top of them because has people's names on that and whatnot I don't want to get into trouble I'm just tryna record history over here Wow really interesting so looks like this is where they're storing all the cardio equipment for the gym the police officers we just found a walkie-talkie down here no antenna and all these I believe are just uniforms police uniforms just thrown all over the floor it looks like there's more in there let's go check it out yeah look at that all over the floor police uniforms that's crazy we also have a collection of just police Footwear on the ground coming out of that garbage bag for any rap heads in here look at all these cassettes I found in the basement got Public Enemy we got NWA Straight Outta Compton salt and pepper mr. Scarface what is this Ice Cube easy look at all these man just rot in here honestly I never take anything from abandoned places but I think imma have to pop my cherry right now wonder what this you were plant wonder what this room was useful I think these are just waiting rooms I can't even tell because I feel like past those doors over there are certain sergeant's or officers this is a waiting room in that door all the way down there where the rainbow leads that's another waiting room and that's somewhere to get food I can't tell with no history on this place and no signs to designate what's where it's hard to tell what's what follow the rainbow well here now we got some furniture now it's starting to look like a really cool building with the posters on the on the wall and whatnot well this room is full of bird [ __ ] I see em coordinator I don't that means what are these little cubicles Wow look case managers so when there weren't feeling like a heavy case or something I guess these are all the secretaries are to pick up the phones oh here we go see I don't know that much information on this place but calendars are the best way 1990 I could believe that sounds just about right I was looking at these papers and all these are confidential patient records and criminal records obviously I can't show any faces or any names or anything like that but stuff is pretty cool man [Music] so that was that was the floor we just came out of right there and I saw behind us the intensive case management service and you're gonna happen to the third floor and see what's up okay this for so cool I don't know where to look this well this probably wasn't I can't tell this definitely was a some sort of kids playroom maybe a daycare for the police men's and women's sons and daughters oh look at this is in good condition this kind of looks like a pharmacy I think it is got some medical equipment over here let's see what's behind this place he's always a creepy definitely definitely a pharmacy or some type of medical stuff is medical stuff everywhere all these are files I bet you a bag of pill bottles empty but still here got a bed in here probably more beds oh here we go we have a whole room in here damn I wonder what this was for like at a police station that's so random that has a bed this is soakers we wore those pill bottles they're all empty I can't tell if they're pill bottles or what damn that's for the bed damn it's crazy guys I have no idea what we just walked into but it's clear it's a medical room it's obvious it's a medical room in this place is crazy I've seen a lot of fake blood this does not look fake especially cuz this is a blood bag yeah look at the height oh my god it definitely don't even get near get a sink Oh watch my step oh man what the hell went on here I gotta be careful are these urine bottles I think so [Music] empty hearts racing right now we have made it to the Major Case unit but it's pretty empty couple desks a couple things here and there that's where all this stuff went down so some of the worst criminals that they were working on in the city at that time we're getting grinded out here try to get them I have no idea what all this stuff is about no idea something went down here clearly I'm literally sweating it's been a long day of exploring and filming hopefully if you guys liked the video I'd appreciate if you gave gave it a thumbs up if you're new definitely subscribe this is a highlight of my channel also check out my other videos but until next time guys I'll catch you later peace out
Channel: Dark Exploration Films
Views: 1,693,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban, exploration, ue, exploring, exploringwithjosh, properpeople, danbell
Id: Gqk4Gx9O4qY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2017
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