Abandoned 9 House Gatsby Estate with Death in it's Past

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[Music] [Music] [Music] well why the size of these rooms are enormous it's used to view the kitchen nothing too exciting to be honest it looks like at some point they're trying to restore the house paint it but they stopped [Music] looks like an office so right now we're inside one of the bedrooms on the upstairs and not only does it have this cool fireplace but something that's really cool as I destroy it are the the doors are curved you could probably tell if I go like this yeah you got all the indents in the ceiling all the grooves so much attention to detail in this house and I'm sure at least this is worth a lot of money this looks like a walk-in closet huge on I like the pink and black bathroom double double sink looks like we have a view from atop the atrium from up here so cool these vines are coming up through the window that's really cool property's beautiful around the water and million-dollar home Multi multi million head up to the attic where this skylight awaits us man and there's like four or five houses on this property you could see him over there barely looks like we just have a one-bedroom in the Attic so separated from like the main area or the staircases is a separate door and through that door my friend Keith told me that would probably be the space where the workers in the house the maids the chefs the cleaners would probably stay because you'll see right in a second how small the rooms are and how its kind of separated from the rest of the house also there's a staircase that leads into the kitchen specifically from that part of that house so that's probably what gives it away sit down there is the kitchen it looks like you have a laundry room right here Wow this bathroom small just squeezing in here the National Geographic magazine vol C number 1 July 1951 Frances past lives and lag or duck hopefully I pronounced that right live some interesting stuff oh no story here I imagine a house of this size would just have a wine cellar so I'm thinking this might be where they started their alcohol this is probably a workshop either way amazing building amazing home cut some old American literature calendar 1967 American policy foreign policy history of Europe bunch of interesting stuff in here whoa you think it's for the gun safe [Music] Christmas decorations wow this file I guess it's just the personal stuff on bills and whatnot it was built before the Great Depression if you're wealthy and the Great Depression hit you don't put your money in banks you keep all your money at your house so you have the values while completely frozen or slightly huge pool I don't think this house is gonna be as nice or nicer than the last but it looks like it's in better conditioned way more modern this open area rate it is over Wow giving this was this kind of looks has the setup of a restaurant like this would be the dining room or lounge area anyway look at this fountain if you have something like this in your house you're doing something right this looks like the kitchen a lot pill bottles that's not good that's not good at all oh wow pretty nice bathroom just empty but beautiful house oh wow seriously these views are crazy water Rome oh my god why's this place is phenomenal and there's the other house over there we were to send all these believable this place is full of my mind or you got a walk-in closet to review tea towels Wow the batteries to still in it yeah sure take them out it's just that yeah it's so cool there on the fact that I wonder if it's chicks are taking it up oh it's on the light word yeah oh wow laughs at the alarm on last thing in this house let's check out what's in the basement I heard my friends wing and on so I'm quite excited to go down here there's a box for an Apple Computer so you swim in place here right I was like oh yeah like rehabilitation type more exercise yeah the handlebars yeah that's where the arrow oh yeah wow I can't believe this is here though some work assume this place has not been abandoned that long that not at all so crazy to think that people living their lives here for years you know no worries place look completely different now place has a new life it's crazy [Music]
Channel: Dark Exploration Films
Views: 892,729
Rating: 4.9123454 out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban, exploration, ue, exploring, exploringwithjosh, properpeople, danbell
Id: x8Ma-hYrj8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
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