They ABANDONED Their Home in the Woods 20 Years Ago NEVER to Return l EVERYTHING LEFT BEHIND

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all right how's it going nowh crew welcome back to the channel now today I got a very very cool abandoned house for you this placees like the owners just got up sometime in 2003 never came back they left their camper there's a car in the garage it's kind of just sitting in the middle of nowhere um I've been here before it's one of my favorite spots so I wanted to come check on it and see how it's doing but it's a very strange one I don't know why it's been left like this but it has and it hasn't changed so so we're going to go walk around I'm going to show you what I can and yeah let's go all right guys I've been here in quite some time so I want to see how it's changed the Camper's still here it's just crazy that the damage over time done like all the wood and stuff that they use is just falling apart I'm not sure what year this van is specifically but if I had to guess maybe late 80s but yeah it's just in a very bad State and like you don't think you're opening that door it's kind of cool too cuz like the awning is still on the uh the camper itself but isn't this like the craziest thing like you have this camper right then you just pan over and you have an abandoned house just sitting right back there it's like where did they go so weird so weird that stuff just gets left like this camper actually looks pretty uh pretty much the same in here it's crazy though cuz it literally looks like they just got up up and just never came back this one's a true mystery I really don't know what happened here this would have been a nice camper back in the day this calendar here is from 92 so wonder if it hasn't uh if has been abandoned since about then it's cool has a built-in shower okay let's go check out the house it's super cool because the camper has like an actual bike carrier on the back at least that's what it looks like or maybe a motorcycle thing is just brutal though and off to the side here we have a little uh garage I think it's pretty packed full but we have a bike is this a coffin we have a coffin in here wait why oh that's pretty morbid there's nothing in it right no but it is a coffin oh I hate that that's super creepy why were they storing a coffin in here all right and this is the front of the house I don't know it kind of reminds me of like an English like cottagey home even just walking up the front the steps are all messed up look at the bricks the whole wall has falling down but we have a really nice Archway yeah it's a shame it's a beautiful home I'm honestly surprised that the car is still here it's so weird like why is there just a car in this garage just abandoned like this old TV up there yeah it's pretty crazy though that the car is just sitting here like this the fact that they have the camper just abandoned out there including the car it's like literally like they just up and left and never came back so if I remember correctly from last time the um Power was still on it looks way worse down here looks like the walls have been kicked in a lot more looks like the mold starting to get to her yeah oh that scared me guess we'll do downstairs first yeah looks like the power has been cut finally a cool 70s bathroom with some tension rod shelving got like that decorative foil wallpaper which is cool yeah I think foil wallpaper is pretty sweet oh no the power's still [Music] on yeah you can see right there it's still on it's super creepy maybe the ball just burnt out look at this old fridge it's not running but just for butter that's cool looks like this would have been a little workshop we got some like planes some ear plugs some switches capacitors or Motors uh like Motors yeah you can tell nobody's been here in a very long time yeah it's just cake spider webs look at that I don't feel like going through the spider webs old computer got some video games in here dark rain 2 for Windows 95 and [Music] 98 wow that's quite an old screen that we got there same with this computer case few more computer games Red Alert to s like this downstairs living area this is still set up like this wow that's crazy the plaster design with the putty or the plaster not the putty then the Wayne scotting carpet's still cool it's very vibrant a lot of this stuff here has been just smashed a bit since I've been here last which this is unfortunate it's cool that the carpets kind of match the uh blinds here same kind of pattern such a nice fireplace wow that beautiful stone that huge wood piece for the mantle ceiling's obviously collapsed in it's an interesting bar kind of gives a tutor Vibe this house especially like with these like wooden uh structural beams okay oh want look at the back here door is completely gone now it's kind of weird cuz like the floor has been pulled up and this ceiling is just completely falling down well they're here at least in 2003 Sears Craftman see a bill for 2004 nice little island in the kitchen too yeah I kind of figured that there wasn't going to be any um stuff in the cabinets we do have some etched glass though it's cool gold edged glass ooh yeah it looks about 2003 newspapers from 2003 so it's probably been abandoned since then so that's what like 20 something years at this point two decades it's pretty crazy look at that that cobweb Lazy Susan right down there okay so this looks like it would have been their dining [Music] room nice little chandelier it's too bad the ceiling has collapsed so bad I like I like the spindles yeah you can tell that this has been abandoned for a while there's an actual hole to outside this window at the front's completely missing so looks like they would have had a uh wood burning stove right there which is cool there is Brick underneath you just can't see it under like the years of Decay fortunately we do have some dead animals we have some skulls here hoping it's not a cat I think it's probably like a squirrel or something but who [Music] knows I'll be honest I don't really trust this floor it's all just insulation and like moss and just water so I'm going to go back through the kitchen or at least it's solid to a certain extent yeah that makes me feel much better it's a nice little front entrance some nice tiling you can just barely see it under there gorgeous wood door tell that they were going to try to fix some stuff cuz that Port scaff that portable scaffolding sitting in the uh living room there an old work shirt okay so pretty nice bathroom most of these bulbs even though the power is working are just burnt out was this thing I have no idea got a reader reader digest from [Music] 1998 from March April February and June that's a pretty old thing of toothpaste don't know if I'd want to use that toothbrush anymore either but we got the his and her sink oh cool we got Dixie cups look at this it's still Old Dixie cup dispenser that's pretty cool yeah like spiders have just over overrun this place like look at the cobwebs on the toilet look at this it looks like something out of like a horror movie that like a set like I'm not using that so I'm just going to walk straight from the uh upstairs bathroom here right into the master that's what this must be it's got the connecting bathroom Okay so this is where all the readers digests are just sitting in this little uh closet here wonder if somebody was trying to squat on this bed like I really hope not cuz it's disgusting but it's possible see they had a few different kinds of wallpaper switched it up over the years it's interesting to see it like falling off the other one yeah look at all this insulation just all on the ground I didn't realize it was going to be this bad oh wow now got some work shirts again I'm assuming the power doesn't work in here well obviously like Manchester United look at this wallpaper that's so cool all these different butterflies interesting we have one of the two bedrooms or the one of the three bedrooms see the spider webs have been here longer than the insulation cuz it's catching on the actual wall when it fell but yeah this room's pretty bad I really wonder what happened to the people that lived here cuz it just seems strange that it's this bad oh no we have another really hope that that's just like a squirrel or something and not like a cat poor guy okay then we have this one last bedroom here again ceiling just completely falling apart I'm surprised that the actual roof hasn't failed in more spots the amount of water damage that's obviously getting in here it's crazy installation's been here so long that there's like moss growing on it that's pretty much the entire house guys um it's a strange one that's for sure that is for sure I think the first time I came here it was like super overgrown so I don't know I've never been this way it's like a little outdoor sitting area it's like a little sun room that's not attached to the house that's cool yeah this is real nice it's too bad that it's so rough but yeah this is a nice little little extra bit that they had here I think at one point this was a very homey home like you know they had nice decorations and all that stuff all right FES his hand made probably by the lady of the house that lived here yeah this is nice I really like the big open Windows you can get away from the house a little bit you know enjoy outside without getting rained on all right guys well if you enjoyed this one be sure to drop a comment down below hit that like button and be sure that you're subscribed we're getting very very close to 100,000 we like a th000 off so that's absolutely insane we're so close to the goal so thank you guys so so much for helping me get there but yeah tell me in the comments what you guys think about this one isn't that weird like that there's just a camper a full house like that so much stuff left behind like I really do wonder what happened to the family so uh yeah let me know your thoughts down below and with that guys I'm out and I'll see you in the next one [Music] peace [Music]
Channel: Noah.Nowhere
Views: 200,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urbex, abandoned places, abandoned mansion, abandoned house, urban exploration, urban exploring, abandoned house in the woods, everything left behind, abandoned cars, they fled and abandoned there home, abandoned in the woods, abandoned house woods, abandoned in the middle of nowhere
Id: mv__hxmKHs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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