Untouched Abandoned Swedish Family's Mansion - Electricity still works!

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Today I take you to the largest abandoned property I've explored on my last trip to Sweden. Buried in trees and roots, lies this mysterious building. Rumors have it that the former inhabitants once left with the northern sun, never giving any signs of life again. It's an enigmatic place. With all the belongings left behind of them and even the power still working, I wonder what happened to the faces in these photos. Today I take you on that quest for an answer as I venture my way inside this former Swedish family's home. (♫ Intro Opener Sweden Series: FORNDOM - Jakten) So, there we are again inside of another abandoned place in Sweden, and this is actually the biggest place you've seen so far during the Sweden series! This is not one of these small cottages, not just a small house... no, this is a mansion with an actual very mysterious story. Nobody knows where the former owners or occupants have gone. Apparently, they just disappeared overnight, and literally, everything inside is just left behind and left forgotten. So, we are currently actually in the basement. There are a lot of mechanical things actually here. We also notice that there are many beer cans. So, that might be a sign that a homeless person has actually found a shelter here. Not a very comfortable feeling, but we already did a quick overview here to ensure that we are safe and we are alone and we actually are. So, let's continue, and let's take you on a tour throughout this place. This is just the basement, but what's about to follow will absolutely spark your mind as much as it did to me! Well, over here's just a lot stored in these boxes. Some paint and everything. Then, if we go to this room over here there is actually still a lot of storage of liquor bottles and drinks. Have a look - a lot of food as well on the shelves. So much stuff. There's actually a dead end with some other boxes where they just randomly stored a lot of things inside - some bottles here, even some eggs... but they're not inside anymore. This is actually one of those old milk cans. And then, follow me along to the actual mansion itself. We walk up the stairs. Look over here. Actually, some very very dirty boots. That's not the only thing because it's literally still full of all of their shoes. This was actually a Swedish family's mansion and still, everything from them is left behind. It's just incredible that they're all still laying there where they used to belong one day. And then, follow me along inside the mansion itself! Okay, this was actually the hallway where the people once used to come inside of their home each and every day. We've seen these candle lights multiple times now in Swedish homes so, it seems to be a recurrent item inside. You are truly gonna love this place! I actually never knew that places like this actually existed in Sweden. This was a part of a cat shelter, these people actually had a pet - they had a cat. A tiny heater here. Also, look at the unique staircase going up. Wow, there are still some pots with flowers hanging up. Some fake flowers, of course, because otherwise, they would have been dry and barren now. A tiny mirror over here. And still, again, some shoes but also the coats are hanging up here! So, let's just walk inside this room. Over here you can already clearly see a lot of damage because of leakage problems with the roof. At this point, the roof is collapsed and there is a connection with the outside. So, there is cold air and rainwater coming inside. That's actually causing a lot of harm to the property, sadly enough. The place is only abandoned since 2014 which means it has been abandoned for six years now and we found one name of a man: Mr. Johan. So, Mr. Johan must have lived here together with his family. I think they also definitely had children because it is a mansion of huge size especially for a country like Sweden. Oh, that's actually New York City on that poster - the Brooklyn bridge! There are a lot of socks right over here. Also, all these necklaces. Probably from the woman Wow! Look over there. It's quite an old-fashioned telephone. I'm wondering if that's a push-button, I do think so. Also, a lot of books on these shelves. They must have loved to spend their time reading. A tiny clock on top again, next to a candle holder with some real candles still inside. Over here we can see an old photo of the couple right in front of the property. That's actually the front facade, and that's them: the man wearing a gentle suit, the woman just laughing. It seems to be on a nice sunny summer day, and then now many years later this is just what's left their home. So, Sarah actually just took a look here on the desk - a more detailed look. She's my sidekick now, and she actually found a lot of educational things from school. Oh, it is from biology lessons! Look over here, it's actually the anatomy of the eye, and this is actually the brain. So, this must have been from the children who are still studying. I'm wondering why they never saved their parents' home. Maybe they went studying in a town further away because the place is actually located quite in the middle of nowhere again. There are not many houses in the neighborhood of this property. So yeah, with that being said, from this room and the stair hall we actually going to make our way straight away. You can also see the paint peeling off from the doors, and over here's again a leakage problem. Somebody has actually has put some buckets right on the ground here to collect the rainwater that's falling down. But right above us, there is actually a bathroom and the floor is very very weak. So, look over here! This might have been another school desk with still all the pens and the pencils inside. Somebody was just working here in front of the window which back then actually had a magnificent view. And right now, it's literally just vegetation and it's completely overgrown. Over here's still all their kitchen equipment. Like literally, all is left. What a shame. It's overstuffed. I can't believe it. So then, actually, the kitchen part... with a lot of products still just on top of the sink. Even some old food products and vegetables. But it's so beautiful how this home, actually, remained so untouched during all those years. And there is one other crazy effect which you are about to see in a minute. Ah, yikes! Even over here, still, vegetables inside, and Nutella. This one won't open but that might be a medicine shaft with some medicines inside. And have a look at this very very cozy dining part. It's actually so cute. This still looks like a homely place and I'm wondering why it was never saved. So, let's check out all these cabinets. Wow! Again still, all is left. All the plates are just inside as it was left yesterday. I've got so many questions why...? What happened with the Swedish family? Why did they have to leave or why did they leave? And then again, why was their home never saved? I wish I knew more about the history but I just don't. It's somehow also sometimes quite frustrating to me. So, over here is again some pet food for a cat. The oven. Also, over here, some tiny ornaments on top. It seems that the family traveled a lot. The chicken is a souvenir from Portugal. We also found some money from Greece, so, they liked traveling, especially inside Europe. Haha, those are actually all like spices and nuts. My gosh, there's even still coffee and everything left. This might have been a drink from the children. It's like chocolate milk. Over here's a pizza slicer, bottle openers, the spatulas... still, all of them are on the wall. Okay, and now comes a crazy fact. I'm gonna turn off my lights and have a look at the telephone over here! Yes, that's right. It is still turned on. Electricity is still working in this place at some points, and this actually would mean that I could call/dial someone of their contacts or their relatives right now. I'm not gonna do that, of course, but it's actually such a crazy fact. Oh... you heard that noise? Haha, that's actually what scared us in the beginning, but yeah, when we saw the neglected state of the place and, yeah, it was just very evident to us that this place was not livable anymore, and already left a few years ago. I think those are also some telephone books with numbers. Wow, also look over here. There's this statue. Right over here is another cabinet, and again, a lot of food is still inside just rotting away. It's actually quite repulsive. And of course, with still some working electricity, food left behind, and, yeah, a quite dust-free environment, this is the perfect shelter for a homeless person and I cannot blame him that he actually found a shelter here because people, actually, belong inside a home and not on the street, and the property's just left unloved anyway. So, the last calendar date's July 2014. So, that's over six years ago now. We are here in November 2020. Still, some jackets over here. This one looks quite hipster with all the colors. Also, many more boots and shoes are just on the ground. It definitely was a family that consisted of a lot of family members. They might even had up to three children. This was a tiny bathroom with a toilet. There's also a little shower cabin, and again, this was actually for the cat. Even the soaps and the shower gel are still there. I actually didn't test if the water was still running but this is very very rusty. You can actually not switch it. Ah, there we go! But no, water is turned off. "Head and Shoulders" shampoo. And many more other grooming products in this basket there. So, Sarah actually just found out about the woman's name. Her name was Margareta. So, it was Johan and Margareta, and I think also multiple children that were living inside of this home. So, let's continue from the kitchen now, and this is actually a dining part. You can tell that there are some signs of vandalism, sadly enough. Some candles over here. Okay, are you ready for another crazy fact?! Check this out. The fridge is even still turned on. It's filled with ice. There is so much coldness coming out. I don't get it. I really really don't get it. But anyway, there is even a sound system over here. Maybe you can also turn this on. Oh, it turns on! I don't hear anything. Maybe the speakers are not connected but it's even still on. You can see the lights here. I'm turning it off again because I don't want this place to burn down or something to happen with it. I just wish it will be preserved in time and, hopefully, one day it will find a new owner. So, there will be someone to put life back in this place once again. Over there are, actually, some real plants against the window. You can tell they haven't been watered for a long time. (♫ Cinematic music) Alright, time to continue to the next room, and this is actually the grand living room. Again, it's so well kept in time, and I think this is one of my favorite rooms. The curtains over here on the side, the plants, and actually right above me, we can see the couple, Johan and Margareta, on their wedding day. They look happily in love. And right now, it actually feels that we are just gloomily enough, but we are exploring the aftermath of their lives. About what's left behind. And also everything about their family is displayed over here on the wall. A lot of old memories. It seems that those were all their family ancestors. Right against the window over here, actually, an Asian artifact - the elephant in a vase. We've seen it so many times before, and it's actually a souvenir from Asia. So, that's another sign that they just love traveling. Look at the sofa over here. Also again, some old photos here. This must have been in Sweden too. This might have been Mr. Johan when he was still younger, right in the Swedish forest. Look at the beautiful chandelier. You will be surprised by the treasures that are just left inside of this home. Trust me, just keep watching the video. Please, already smash the thumbs up to support if you enjoy this video and, yeah, we are continuing now with some other beautiful old photos! A woman and a man. And I think this was again Mr. Johan and Mrs. Margareta because they definitely look familiar as they do on the wedding picture. Over here's, actually, a fireplace in the corner. Haha, these dolls look so cute. Actually, look how this girl is giggling. And then, another porcelain china elephant. This one looks similar to the one we found in a castle in Germany, and that face which the lamp actually used to be on top of it, and so it would be one piece. And then, look right over here. We're not done yet because look - there's even a violin left behind. Just incredible! Maybe from some of the children that used to be very very musical, or maybe of course, from Johan or Margareta. Who knows? I can't tell. I'm just assuming. Just trying to get an image of how the life these people actually used to look like. There are again some old photos. I think this was their son, at least one of them. Over here is a newspaper from 2006. I think the beautiful woman that we see in this picture here was the mother of Mr. Johan or Mrs. Margareta. She was probably already deceased before they actually passed away. There are so many things to show you. Here on the floor, it's actually really wet. So, another sign of leakage damage here from the ceiling panels. Look at the clock over here. Oh, yeah, and this is the Greece money I was talking about! It actually says "50" with some Greece signs. I don't know if it's worth a lot. I've never been to Greece, but this is another sign that they must have loved traveling. I actually think Greece has the euro now. Correct me if I'm wrong but if that's the case then this is a very old billiet. Wow, look at this entrance with the ivy on top! It actually looks very fairytale-like. Over here, again, some old photos. These might have been their children again or some grandchildren. There's also a huge oriental fan on top. So, yeah, these people definitely also traveled to Asia. Over here the angels. Actually, used as a candle holder. And then, it's time to walk underneath the fairy-like entrance I was talking about. And that will actually lead us to another room. Again, very very untouched. In the corner, there is the typical Swedish stove. With some nice details on it. And also look at the side of the walls. They actually painted shells, like a sea theme. Those were all, in general, wood-burning stoves. You could open them like this. Ah, this one is stuck. I'm not doing it, but you could put some wood inside and it would actually cause the place to be nice and warm which is very very necessary because in Sweden it gets very cold during wintertime. Oh! There is another music instrument on the ground. Oh, an electric guitar! Wow, it's still in the case. Alright, let's close it again. Let's hope no one damaged it or steals it. A television over here. And again, there are even more books. Wow, there's actually a globe here. This is where we are right now: Sweden. I've actually never ever in my life been this north on planet earth. I just realized it now, but it's actually a fact. Over here's another crate for the cat. And it continues. There is even more lecture material. It's sad to see the books left behind too. The television is also still working. If I push the button, you will see the light turning on. Let's see... there we go! However, nothing to watch on the television today. So, let's turn it off again. There is no need for television because hopefully, everyone is tuned in right now during this memorable exploration here in Sweden. And I do have a feeling that this is a place that also has never been shown before on YouTube. So, I sincerely hope you are enjoying it. And then, actually, I come back to the room you saw during the beginning with the heavy decay and the books on the side, and the old phone. So, there's actually a little chest and it's full of maps of the complete world. So, those were definitely some travel plans of the people about - okay, what destination will be next on the list? Actually, it sounds a little bit like me when I'm also traveling like - okay, let's see where I'm going, let's check it out! Yeah, that must have been where these people had a big passion for. Okay, so, the last thing that's left for us inside this wonderful abandoned mansion is checking out the last floor. We're walking upstairs. I gotta admit the rooms on this floor are messier and not as pristine as the downstairs floors but of course, I want to be as thorough as possible. So, I'm still going to show it. At this point, I have to be careful because the floor is very close to collapse here. You might not see it but I feel it. The floor is very very weak. All empty. Well, this is actually a bedroom. There are two beds Again, so many shoes. They definitely belonged to a woman. A fur coat over here. Over here's yet another bathroom. I really like the bathtub but I cannot walk inside this place because it's literally close to collapse. It's where the leakage problem is located. It's such a great experience just wandering around this abandoned mansion here in Sweden. Again, some leakage problems here. And there's one other room here. It seems that the children actually moved outside of the home earlier and they might start thereafter to use the children's bedrooms as rooms for storage. That's maybe how they turned out to be slightly messy and unorganized. There's a racket laying on the ground here. Some other ones right over there. Look at the lamp. Some Swedish cartoons: "Bamse". I've never seen this but might be something Swedish. And there are a few other rooms. Ah... also, some damage here in the ceiling - very sad. This room doesn't look too well either. I was wondering what's inside of this box it's quite heavy, to be honest. Oh, okay, let's check it out if I can open it now. This is open, this is open, that side is open... Oh, wow! Look! This is actually very very unique. This is also a record player inside of this suitcase. "Picadilly" it's saying. It looks like this is a quiet vintage piece. You could also use this handle I think to turn the record, wow. And inside of here, you could actually put the records in this case. I want to close it again but it seems very stuck. I don't want to break it. There we go! That was a cool find. I've not seen something like that many times before. Well, then it's time to show you the last room in this huge abandoned mansion. Actually, for Swedish means, this is a very very big abandoned property, and especially in this untouched state. So, yeah, the last room was mainly again used for storage. There's also one of these presses for clothes. You could turn the wheel, squeeze the clothes in between it, and it would actually squeeze the wetness outside of the clothes. Oh, how sad... On the ground, there is actually a dead bird. It must have flown inside and never found a way out. Rest in peace. Another sign that whatever you are... whether you're an animal or a human person, life is not an eternal value. One day we all leave, also like Mr. Johan and Mrs. Margareta. And then, your property might end up like this, of course, you don't hope so but it can always happen. Anyway... Oh! I touched something. Hmm, yeah, I think this is the end of the video. I truly enjoyed this place and I hope you did it too here in Sweden My favorite place definitely so far. If you enjoyed it, you know the drill: please, hit that like button. Smash it right now, guys! Support this video, and also subscribe to our channel right down below for free if you don't know us yet. Leave your thoughts in the comment section right down below and support our channel in another way through Patreon or a PayPal link in the video description if you like, and then, as always, I want to thank you for watching. Peace-out, and we'll see you on our next adventure here in Sweden! Bye-bye! (♫ Outro title - Special thanks to all our Patreon supporters)
Channel: Explomo
Views: 137,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned sweden, abandoned mansion, mansion, untouched abandoned mansion, electricity still works, abandoned places, sweden, swedish, abandoned family mansion, family mansion, swedish family mansion, abandoned swedish family mansion, electricity, power, running power, urbex, urban exploration, urban, exploration, explore, exploring, urban exploring, everything left behind, power still working, explomo, exploring with josh, steve ronin, family, untouched, frozen in time, incredible
Id: f8Qn5MaFQsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 22sec (2362 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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