I Explored the Abandoned and Forgotten House of My GrandFather Jaak!

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Documenting his place was important to us to create a lasting memory of our loving grandfather. He lived in the house for the majority of his life. Together with my grandmother, they had nine children, and at one point, all of them lived inside the house. More than two decades ago, his wife passed away, leaving him alone inside the house, but he always found a way to occupy himself. The many interests of Jaak are evident throughout his place, in case it's pool, cycling, or pigeon fancying. Whether it was a very busy past or more peaceful later years, the house was a home for our family, and together with our grandparents, it will always hold a special place in our hearts. foreign welcome back everybody to the Bros of Decay. I'm Lesley and today it's actually the Bros of Decay again like it used to be I'm gonna turn the camera around because Jordy my brother has joined us again today for a special episode that's I of course didn't want to make that we didn't want to make but uh we have to make it we feel like we have to make it for a memory or uh grandfather recently passed away 87 years old beautiful age and today we're standing next to the house we're going to make an awesome episode of this we're going to make a memory yeah a good story it has a lot the house has a lot to tell absolutely yeah my father used to live here together with eight brothers and sisters it was a ginormous Place lots of stories attached to it my grandfather was a man who did a lot of life and I'm quite excited to tell the story of my grandfather Jack to everybody online and showcase or our youth okay let's go yeah let's let's show this place yeah just started to rain but still we're gonna go through we're gonna power through and film the beautiful house of my grandfather here behind us it's built around the 1930s 1940s I believe that they build it themselves Jordan yeah itself completely themselves my father my grandfather he was a painter as job and you can see every single piece of the house has been hand-painted by him number 19 of the street beautiful place see if the Bell still works I hear probably somebody's gonna open right now because still a friend of our friend of the family still lives in the house until it gets sold as you can see the garden still beautifully kept this was a pride possession of my grandfather he attained this Garden perfectly wow and over here we can go past I come into the back Garden of the house are you okay bro oh yeah yeah there's still a lot of cars over here but this was a space for work parking the cars he had the birdhouse back there little lounging space I don't know about this part of the house actually have you ever been here no I don't have this part of the house though oh yeah this also opens up it was a little extra Garden on this side as well you see I've been coming here for 24 years and I've never noticed these kind of Parts on the house and there are going to be a lot of parts inside the house here that me and Jordy both have never been because we always used to come here just hang out in the living area and never go up to the bedrooms I've never been in the bedrooms never been in the basement and I'm very excited to show you to bring up these memories my father just told me a lot of things about the house a lot of story about my grandfather and that's what I'm all going to tell you today when we were going inside of this place I can still remember this place vividly I hadn't come here for a long time but once I see it again it just brings up all the memories from the time that my grandfather used to live here okay you ready to go inside Jordan yeah let me turn on the light okay come in even the smell of the place reminds me of a grandfather he passed away four months ago and he left us all behind it's very unfortunate but he had a beautiful life 87 years old didn't suffer anything when passing away so for me that's that's just yeah it's not fantastic of course your grandfather passed away but it's a beautiful life and he left behind a lot of memories you know this room still Jody from when we were younger oh yeah where we did pooling yeah to build your stable the pool stable there's an exact name for this table but I don't know it in English but my grandfather was one of the best at it he they owned a lot of trophies with it did a lot of competitions and he would be always in this room playing away on the pool table this was one of his passions combined with race bike riding those two things where his hobbies and he Pursuit is throughout his life kept it very neat I think this pool table is probably as old as the house but it's still in perfect condition I was looking at these sort of Windows above here where I've never actually noticed them but I don't know if there are lights behind those no they are not they also don't let a natural light because there's literally a roof on top of it I don't know why my grandfather constructed those but a lovely cabinet here to the side very big and over here we can enter into the garage of the place like I told you before my grandfather used to be a painter and my father also used to go with him when he was younger he used to help him out in his painting jobs and they had special story about this one they had this letter constructed to paint the roofs of houses this is a very large ladder and they used to get it out in this way they had to pull it up and then it get it underneath this metal beam and pulled out all the way and then put it on top of a small van so it would stick out on both sides back in the time of course the police was relaxed and was not like nowadays where you can never move something like this on top of a small car or van but back then it was all no problem all the stories that are attached to this house I just love it okay let's close this up and now it's time for the most intricate part of the house the kitchen area and the living space Mariah's a young boy and Jordy as well used to come a lot can you believe that back in the time when my father still used to live here around was it 11 people Jody no yeah nine children and my grandfather and Grandma grandfather and grandmother and Samir of course and Sami is that's the family friend that was talking about that still lives here so my father had they were with four brothers and four sisters so nine in total my grandmother also used to live here but she only lived until I was two years old she unfortunately passed away of cancer at 60. and my grandfather used to live here alone for that for the time he had a girlfriend of course but she didn't live here but can you imagine back in the day they had dinner parties with 11 people everybody was still here this table can extend and 11 people will be sitting around this table for breakfast dinner lunch everything it's all still exactly the same as how it used to be back in the time I can remember this kitchen vividly from the time grandmother making food over here oh okay you also still remember that Jody yeah I remember standing always here okay and this chair this was grandfather always said yeah Jack used to always sit here and also his place was also on the corner of the table over there indeed let's look at a couple of pictures that we have over here I'm not gonna go too in depth but uh this is a picture from my grandfather was still younger Jack this was our grandmother oh and this is the family crest from the Howden family it's me and my brother here I can see Jack that's father a grandfather but were these people are they the grandparents I think they are his granddaughters his grandparents a kind word is the key to the heart it says over here absolutely beautiful everything that we see over here is still original and unique from the time that we used to liver even these stickers on the fridge I can still remember them from when I was about two to three years old I can still remember those who's this young boy hanging here on the wall I don't know looks a little bit mild like my father like our father no yeah but no clue in here back here we have a small washing area and this is also very interesting when I was younger I always thought that this was a Jacuzzi but now when I step into this room when I'm older I look at it and I was like actually this is a very small shower area back then I was like wow this is such a big bottom yeah I always thought it also thought that when I was young yeah I was very big but now it's like oh it's really small exactly so when you are young and then you don't come into these rooms of the house for a very long time and you have these Vivid memories of the time back then it's it's crazy how it all changed a little Skylight above here as well it's actually a pretty nice house I must say oh it's old but it has everything you need I'm further my brother it's very very nice to film with you again yeah it brings also a lot of memories back it has been a long time a very long time and then we come into the room where my grandfather back in the time he used to reside here a lot whenever we came to visit our grandfather it would always be in this room always on this side of the couch watching his favorite sports shows and on this TV the lower TV back in the so okay One More Story excuse me the lower to V would always be the TV for my grandfather he would watch race biking on their Billiards darts all these kinds of sports that was his big thing and above there would have been the television for the children actually so my my father and all his brothers and sisters used to watch over there and my grandfather could watch his shows below here we also have a couple of trophies I've never looked at this one in depth but this is a gift from the brewery oh and my hometown this is the championship for lbb might have something to do with Billiards I think no I think for pigeons oh for Pigeon oh yeah for Pigeon milking that was also one of his Sports nothing interesting in there there okay you still remember that guy yeah the Rover the Rover wow my grandfather proudly standing next to it he had that car for many many years beautiful can you distinguish these people Johnny oh oh that's not me and you that's uh that's me that's Jody that was his new girlfriend for my grandfather was my grandmother and I actually can't distinguish these people I think this is Jazzy your uncle beautiful cabinet full of dictionaries but there's one thing one story that has been imprinted in my memory from the time I used to come here when I was very young and when my grandfather was still alive grandmother was still alive so there's this door and I've actually never been through there and whenever we were at the dinner table my grandmother would always say don't go into the basement because Zhang Zhang was a made-up name that she made for a monster that lived in the basement so when you were our bed she would said I would push in the basement with Chang and I've never went into the basement I was actually scared of it I mean I am never also never went through that no so I'm super excited for the first time ever we're gonna look into that basement where Zhang used to live maybe we can find junk yeah oh oh it's even locked oh I'm actually pretty scared to go in there I've visited so many basements around the world but yeah come inside bro a couple of old pieces of kitchen equipment they're still left here they are very old as you can see okay and this is where Zhang is John is a common Dutch name wow it's actually much smaller than I would ever imagine look at this Jody oh it's just a little food pantry actually not that scary at all this one grabs my attention copper sort of teapot from uh rehabin World from Morocco or turkey or something like that look at that oh so food what we always see in abandoned houses around the world my grandfather also used to do this and this was from 1997. only a month after I was born but I think our grandmother did this most likely this was still work for my grandma Yeah foreign don't know what's in there probably fruit at one point oh no these are all Sands from lens this is from Norman Indonesia this is London they collect all the ground probably my grandfather and grandmother went on vacation and take these sample ground samples oh this is from Josie this is from our from from our uncle and he brought it back from Sudan in 1998 that's cool wow I didn't even know that so these are okay I'm this is this is super awesome to see so my this these are all the people that live here that used to live at Josie and Ronnie and Karine and and Peter those were all friends and then family of course and whenever they went somewhere from example Thailand Hungary London they would bring a sample of the ground with them and put them here in the basement probably my father and everybody forgot about this but I'm gonna bring it up later on absolutely amazing yeah it's amazing okay wow look at these bottles of wine down here my grandfather was also a very big fan of wines go to Rune you can see this is a very old bottle very deep hole as well they say the deeper the whole is the older or the better the bottle is yeah that's true oh my gosh wow okay let's go slowly backwards because here we have even more wine storage let's see if we have some special bottles down here these look very old my grandfather also loved the travel and he still until his very old day he went all over the place in Belgium with his bicycle and visited all these places so now we're gonna go to the next part of the house I was just saying to Jordy it's it's insane to be walking around here and reliving all those memories from making the time and now we're going into a room or into a part of the house that have also never been in I think I maybe once or twice was in this room but further on the house and the upstairs I've never seen before and at the time my grandfather was a little bit older they moved his bed downstairs like we normally see in the houses that we film The Bats always go downstairs but this used to be his living space where the family used to be together in the evening and there's one vivid memory that my father just told me about this room there used to be an enormous couch that stretched all the way around here and it was very interesting the whole family would be sitting here in the evening but here to the left you have a picture of back in that time everybody is still on there the whole family as you can see and it was back in the original condition how do your rooms look it has been renovated since but beautiful picture and we also have the same picture in our house at home wow of course my grandfather used to love to drink some liquor from time to time still some liquor inside of here oh it smells really nice yeah yeah it's a sort of Port I think it's a white port I love it with even the the glasses so it's a beautiful design right yeah with the grapes and everything here are some cigars oh that's just a box to hold some cards inside of a little feather as well I see something Jordy look at this look at this young man it's you that's me exactly and I can still remember when I was six years old I took my grandfather to school because it was The Grandfather's and grandmother's day and I only had a grandfather left and my grandfather came with me and I made this for him put a little text on the back dear Grandma and Grandpa a kiss on the hairs two kisses on your sleeve three kisses to say I love you from your king or I don't know how to translate this word Leslie X wow that's beautiful here's the dog his name was Rocky I can also remember him he went to the age of 20 I believe right no no I think I think no he was younger but he was a very old dog very old dog exactly again the same pictures of me and my brother also still left here and a bottle of German beer or Belgian beer no this German beer there's pictures of My Father Here my father still looks very young look at them beautiful water room okay it's time to Traverse into an area of the house that we have never been in the upstairs okay here here was the front it's open yeah they opened it up for us see this was the front of the house here he would come in close it up wow this is a steep stairway Jordy come over look at this everything you see here the more the more the paint work all been made by my grandfather Jack himself yeah that's all the study left to make this marble it's only hours and hours of painting to creating this it could break great I didn't hear that story but it created it completely by hand yeah wow with a paintbrush we made it it's the marble looking or even this looks like Marvel but it's actually wood wow he was a master at his work absolutely go upstairs let's let's check out this yeah we can even see some fleur-de-lis on the wall French symbol and I believe my father set the room to the right used to be the room where he used to sleep back in the time and this bed that you see in here this 1970s 1960s bed didn't used to be in here but all the boys of the household used to sleep in this room my father used to sleep in one bed here to the side this doorway that you see over here wasn't even able to open anymore so my father and His Four Brothers all used to sleep next to each other in this room five people it's absolutely crazy and I think later on somebody else slept in this room but I don't know who it was look at this vanity Jordy it's a pretty unique retro vanity I would say I've never seen a design like this before there's even a wick inside of here I don't know whose hair it is but it doesn't really matter look at that very retro design a couple of toys down there beautiful picture still left here wedding oh it is from walking and Queen in Belgium oh yeah Philippe Matilda okay some vases on top of here I love this one nice design oh yeah this was the rumor of my also my father also told about so later on when his brothers moved out of the house he is the youngest brother I believe so yeah my father's the youngest brother he still used to live here and then he moved into this room together with his second oldest brother and they slept with two people inside of this room so this was my father's room as well I could see some trophies standing here from 1988 when my grandfather was fought in the championship here's another one here's 1994 I think he won over there you love to do what he did it's a cool model table gold plating around the edge of it let's not go it was probably copper but I really like it and there's a beautiful story attached to this room as well so back in the time when my father used to sleep here they used to sneak out through this window so they would open this window up and then I would go over the roof here and then through the back and I went to parties or I went to their girlfriends or whatever and one time my father it was my father's turn to go out and to go to a party and his brother stayed they had like one stayed at home one went and my brother didn't keep his words and also went to the body so my father came back home knocked on the window and my brother wasn't sleeping in the bed anymore so he knocked really hard and then my grandfather came in the room and it was this mad at my father so really crazy story but that's how it used to go back in the time what do we have over here a couple more trophies from the Billiards wow have a look at this picture Jody and that's definitely beginning of the 1900s and there's a nice mirror behind there with molding and everything it's a beautiful place even more Billiards trophies over here and a souvenir from Paris as well oh wow this clock oh I absolutely love it look at that beautiful design on there porcelain this clock face in there fleur-de-lis worked into it absolutely amazing a couple more rooms this room over here used to be the girls room of the house the four ladies used to sleep in here they're all a little bit younger than my father now one one of his sisters is older but the other four other three sisters are younger so they used to all sleep together in this room foreign we still have the master bedroom of the house this is where my grandfather and grandmother used to sleep together a big Grand room nice overview of the town it's absolutely amazing very common for back in the time the court to put the lights on and off you don't do this anymore nowadays no very sad I think it has a lot of charm but I also saw one more thing and that's actually a hatch that leads to the Attic when it reverse to Tony yeah of course let me open it up okay like that oh [Music] my God I didn't expect the letter to literally fall out of there okay the attic never been there but I always say when I go to abandoned places addicts are the places where you can find the most Treasures because that's where people literally story things from back in the time okay let's go up there [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the last part of the household and this is probably one of the last times that I'm ever going to be inside of this house I'm happy that I'm making this video to have These Memories Forever it's going to be amazing to look back on it in five to ten years from now hey one more thing I also did this with the house of my of my mother my mother's grandfather grandfather I'm a mother's grandmother so I will link this in the annotations up here definitely check that video out as well it's in the same style it's also farmhouse in Belgium and it's amazing to see okay see already a couple of things lying here on the ground versus filled with newspapers I'm wondering if they used to be for my grandmother back in the time they're all empty there's even still some socks inside of there oh my gosh see a couple more purses in here oh lovely hat and I think this was sort of a funeral hat shorty oh yeah they used to wear it when somebody passed away and then they had this funeral head on when they had show that grief it was really common in that time absolutely nowadays we don't do that anymore but back in the time they always did it lovely I still remember this radio wow oh yeah it was downstairs in the kitchen always look at that and even all the names of all the people that lived in here the Harbins and the douching Burgers they are all on here my father here this is my father how about Raymond has still engraved on this radio I think we should treasure this and save this when we uh when we leave the house today we should bring it home definitely definitely it's for knitting out of all the knitting needles it even says here on the front of the Box knitting needles wow to watch out it I don't fall into the heads I'm looking if we can find a couple more beautiful things a coat hanger completely carved out of wood what more do we have over here a little cabinet over here to the side as well oh and some statues over there as well lovely to see and that radio back there probably has been for my father back in the time who knows even more trophies geez my grandfather he was a real champion at Billiards and you can see it all throughout the house foreign small space below here as well whoa a big jar this door at least 50 meters 10 gallons of wine a couple more picture frames I left behind yeah I would Catholic symbols yeah religious depictions Jesus Christ Heaven the Angels everything still on there okay Jordy it's that time again of the video Yeah sadly sadly these videos are it's the second one I make of my own family and I always make them with a lot of passion because this is going to be a memory for everybody that was part of the family and for me and everybody to look back on when we're older and of course I'm also happy that I can share this story of me and my family with you all I want to thank you so so much for watching this video first and foremost I have to thank my grandfather Jack for his beautiful life without him me and Jordi would have never been on this planet Earth no and with that all said I want to thank you all for watching this week's video please like it subscribe down there if you're new to the channel and also write me a nice comment down there rope let me grab the camera let's say goodbye together we love you all goodbye I'll see you next time see you next time bye bye and you have to promise me you're going to be more in the videos in the future yeah I will he's gonna come with me to Japan yeah that's definitely that that's the deal we're gonna do okay bro bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 159,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned, Abandoned Home, Abandoned House, Urbex, abandoned, abandoned castle, abandoned home, abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned house in woods, abandoned house tour, abandoned houses, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, brosofdecay, decay, home, house, photography, urban exploration, urbandecay, urbanexploration, urbex dangereux, urbex france, urbex qui tourne mal
Id: XWnvjw96tJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 56sec (2036 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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