Untouched Abandoned Gothic Mansion - Full of Valuables!!

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[Music] is that a gun no way [Music] yo guys how we doing quite a special place today we are looking at this old mock tudor sort of mansion in the middle of the countryside but i'm just going to turn the camera around a bit of context that is the place just up there so this old lake this whole lake and the site weather the actual house was built was an old 12th century monastery and so they used like the water on top of the hill would flow under the house into here and then down off that way into an old mill but yeah this is centuries old and and the house at the top we're gonna go and have a look at so yeah amazing place guys let's go check it out all right guys i'm just coming through the old entrance the old gate got exploring within with us and we're going to take this old drive that leads to the to the house and actually quite cool it goes over the road looking noisy these leaves that's the road down there we're just gonna go over it over the old bridge now quite elaborate driveway yeah let's have your own bridge built stunning scenery obviously matt secret vault and pom-pom in the distance and there is the house so yeah this is unreal this place guys beautiful old mock gothic mansion bit arts and crafty maybe but definitely gothic in design so there are cameras all over this building guys so look at it well guys i've got to warn you there's an alarm going off inside um but i've scouted this out before and steve's been here before and the alarm was going off then so i'll just apologize now in case it's a bit annoying yo guys yeah that is really interesting that was um he built it as a real tennis court you know the old medieval tennis game matt secret vault with us today how you doing matt all right mate so we've got um pump still going it's a penis trailer oh yeah plenty of balls look at this guys look at this ready for my snooker table oh yes so here we go guys yeah with any luck oh my god guys we are in i'll turn the torch on no way there's bloody lights on no it's already on mate look at this well those balls like that last time were the balls in that position last time that's how i left it good be rude so we've got steve davis i'm not very good at this by the way are you not just trying to look cool it's good cue ball yeah i'll show you how it's done with it alex is the uh snoop legend wow oh how can something like this just be left how is it possible that something like this is just left abandoned just sitting on it so we're going to spend the rest of the day playing snooker if we get caught what are you doing yeah we're just playing snooker hey this is unreal i can't believe this oh yes look at that i mean it looks hotelish done at the minute oh that's exactly what it is now it's been left nothing's fine oh yeah okay wow there's people with photos of them on boats oh hang on look at those chairs yeah wow look at this guys how will nate oh my god bloody excuse me all these cars on the table porsche wow that looks almost darlisque look at this fireplace [Music] [Music] excuse the alarm guys but look at this what the hell what the hell yeah so let's uh let's check upstairs oh look it's like three floors guys it's amazing mate have you checked for me no i'm not done [Music] yeah we're in now anyway it's another stairway yeah jesus yeah oh it is you just checking um if we go back those rooms are these you try open one steve uh these will just be like this look how old it is yeah look at that view from outside you think 10 years ago we only just had lcds and plasmas coming on the market yeah so the old crt it's a crazy balcony really nice it's cool little room through there actually tiny little windows but yeah what steve was saying that's how long this has been abandoned and then this what it's a double door it's a common hotel where the hello where the hell are we now this is like this bloody damp on their mould this tissue is left in here well this it's got bed sheets yeah the alarm on the wall [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh looks we've got arabic writing [Music] well that's definitely a newer telly still old well yeah by today's standards but compared to what we've seen [Music] some slippers some moccasins [Music] oh yes steve's just turned the light on so yeah we still got their clothes and stuff in there there you go nicely done steve another bathroom oh look at those taps yeah there's a lot of that in there on that marble bloody side table there's going to be some expensive decor in there isn't that he's still in there oh yeah oh cheers steve steve's my door opener today so we can do go upstairs jordan yeah why not so we're on the top floor now all this is spooky looking more alarms going off definitely storage in it for the minute yeah yes we've got a mattress on the bathtub well that light come on when i open that yeah it's got sensor top left oh yeah yeah i haven't had a radio message yet so yes all their personal belongings an old vhs player though i wonder if he's outside though sorry i very much doubt it yeah [Music] oh wow have you not been in there then no i've not been in this but oh look at this type of four poster bed look at the monster tv look at this and this isn't even the master bedroom no the uh upstairs so this isn't even the king sweet then [Music] so he'll higgle piggledy this place it's like up down it's like nooks and crannies and upstairs too much to see really well no doubt eddie's found something pretty spectacular he's good like that i wonder if these were original paintings i did sort of have a quick look in this how's my torch died i charged it up this morning nice another hotel suite i wonder how much it was to stay in a room like this it's a big room as well yeah that dresser so this guy who owned this had some serious money um and he tried oh look at that for a bathroom so i've lost my train of thought so what it is that's a plane that's a big bathtub awesome um so yeah as i was saying and the guy who owned it they tried setting up a restaurant slash hotel but that was over 10 years ago and that failed so so this is the linen couple we still got like clean laundry in it what's going on look this has been washed well no it hasn't that's very damp feeling this is where the travelers were essentially going to be so you've actually got ps2 in this room any good games [Music] so that's what you smelt last time oh look glass chest set crystal chest set that's quite cool so yeah someone probably might have been squatting here at some point which is a bit of a well it's a bit um sketchy for us guys because actually we don't know who's about swots [Music] wow look at this guys so we just come up from that way so i guess we're going up again but i've just seen that piano as well that's got some good acoustics it's a bit out of tune [Music] is that math what do you think then matt yeah look at that up there where does that go yeah well along that corridor really yeah i'm wondering whether to get up there or not the window can't enjoy the view up there just past that fire so [Music] all right whoa that's not basically imagine somebody so gonna say get a chair yeah it's weird it doesn't open probably just needs a good push slide night slide slide left and right right you know what i'm thinking of here well those cameras aren't what's that bottom you can't can get on your phone yeah if he's abroad he's probably still asleep broadband is working in this building because the blue light is on on the router and the router is connected to the security but we'll be long gone by the time they turn up so these are more furnished these rooms i'll do them candlesticks some someone's actually been lighting these right yeah it's very cold in there 1902 it was built i think andrew wants to do a paranormal well the thing is steve it's um it's built on an old monastery yeah oh this is a good roommate oh yeah wow and the old sweet very golden blue isn't it yeah i like the color scheme in here oh my do you need do you need that bigger bathroom that's quite cool though to be fair very very yes very weird setup in it i mean look at this window he's after oh they always have the holy bible there we go the gideons after you mate so back down the corridor oh yeah we'll go upstairs yeah look at this guys hey there's an expensive teddy bear up there it's like the most expensive brand okay oh yeah okay oh yeah watch your step here steven's bit of a lip look at all this stuff packed in there oh yeah we've got mannequins he's armless steve have you been there alex just see ah look what's here oh it's rat poison disconnected yeah turn all them bloody switches off got these wigs on him as well oh mate i wonder what he was doing with all this there you go there's a hand different poses so anything else through there's nothing there but yeah it's just like full of mannequins what's that look black mannequins oh corb whips cool place it's got a very basic skylight these i mean these rooms at the top are so shabby looking this is nothing compared to what we've just seen you know what i mean but check out the view from this room guys how cool is that eh so there's a lot of history around here what are the toys slipped on that bloody carpet that's about sitting down on the job mate where are you oh my boxes are oh toys again corgi oh wow mate these are proper 70s and they yeah do you reckon oh yes no they don't look like stuff to me because stiff always have a stamp on their foot ruin the video but even that though that's such good condition that's like 70s yeah 70s again so good condition oh wow steve steve's just opened the window for us you're gonna get out have a look uh probably not wow that is a beautiful shot oh hang on what are these yeah that is heavy are they glass panels i was just showing you guys there look at that so actually obviously there's the top of the house there oh there's a ladder here mate i wonder if we can get into that turret but yeah so we're in between up the top there's another roof there wow crazy crazy view [Music] well we'll shut them up you are there steve oh he's found the thomas football the skills on that though exploring with ronaldo because we like that yeah good view though awesome so what was through here mauratic spice yeah oh wow oh man that's huge steve i've got an old wooden ladder in there i don't think there's much else in there to be honest but look at those steel steel beams [Music] yeah but steel rather than oak yeah it doesn't matter no it doesn't but then so would this have been the ladder do you think to the loft yeah that's really cool now i want to see i wanted to see if i could get up into the turret that's what i was looking for that goes on yeah but it's all just pipes and there might be something through there so if i can't find the entrance to the turret i might have to go through there mate so yeah it's a weird construct because it's closed off plenty of places to hide oh yeah and that goes even higher when where i just was some sort of uh unit of the tv everyone oh yeah it's not here no i'll leave it open yeah close up so where do we go oh yeah i haven't checked here really old dank bathroom and probably the swimming area so far i mean look at the state that carpet hey they've got like loft access in every room yeah it's kind of standard in these sorts of places yeah just crawl spaces whenever you have rooms in the roof yeah i suppose you'd have to cavities still wouldn't yeah and through there yeah ooh [Music] that is pretty bad yeah look at this just just for you that thinking this is not abandoned look at the state of this stairwell more importantly what's in there what that door yeah just thinking the same thing mate [Music] no well if you're not i'm not shouldn't these stairs are all right yeah there's a huge painting it was a mirror there's a mirror down there yeah henry is it henry it's a henry yeah what is being boarded across the bottom anyway okay can't open that i've got cobwebs walking everywhere cheers mate or didn't see that's a key in this cupboard do you see what's inside a mickey mouse denim jacket or moldy clothes as [Music] such a weird window but it's it's boarded off behind it's nothing oh is it oh have you been in the kitchen yeah these paintings mate they got the old so i haven't been through here yet look at this this is we're now getting into the uh derelict part of it it's a lot on damp and mould but boy this is creepy this is creepy mate i can't get over this place guys i hope you're enjoying it it's a sensor again turns light on when you open the door another bathroom slightly different um yeah weird curtains but yeah never did get to the find out where the turret was right on the top of the roof and that is a bit of a shame because i love heights and views oh this is the green room still in really nice condition but yeah this place i do really want to try and have a look inside because that's the real tennis court which obviously built you know to recreate the old medieval game i'm just hoping gorgeous shot on this one vanilla pleasure um let's go find the gauze then so i never actually checked oh that's a just a bathroom look yeah they're just cubicles look at that mirror guys and uh look at that mold oh no i never went down this way check the carpet on that oh is this the room it was all about yeah i never went in there maybe this was the master bedroom yeah look you've got photos i'm on the table there which i'm obviously not gonna get too close to all these belongings yeah i presume it's all this stuff they're locked it's still got socks in there yeah so still bits and bobs everywhere just likes to have a little rummage don't we obviously don't take anything but is that a gun that looks like a gun bag to me no way no way no way oh in hell check that out guys won't do it no it doesn't there's a safety catcher yeah that's it oh sorry that's it that's because you've got the pellet i tell you what the amount of noise that made that's that's uh over the uk legal limit i bet you any money so that is definitely yeah we'll do it you're burning the grease yeah so the safety catch was that one which is uh which is off now yeah that's it right ready again guys brace yourself this time so i've got the gun steve's got the cutlass that's a proper old cutlass yeah you could do some phenomenal damage just found it in the window oh mate wow that's it wow yes all of his old gear in it matt there's one of your hats up there all right let's put this gun back so what a cool green guys i didn't expect to find that but we did alex you haven't seen the garden bit yet no i haven't so we're going to try and get too late now mike i know it's a helmet yeah oh wow oh yeah wow anyone noticed that bedroom [Music] all right let's get out there this is a camera just above us no i've been in there like that one yeah all right oh wow let's have a look then how do we miss this oh this is the original room i saw which made me think it was a restaurant oh mate yeah look at this is that gold no that's cool yeah what a fireplace guys these mirrors as well it's matt head of the title my little friend say hello to my little friend wow this room is amazing isn't it you've been in that one no not yet literally just just discovered this room mate so that's how look we're ready oh mate oh wow look at that fireplace i just looked at a letter in there it's got 18 18 19 99. well this house was built in 1902 yeah he was this is so cool this room this is like the smoking room oh what guitar what we got from blake i've had the trouble but you've had the choice hopefully it's an acoustic oh yes it's too big it's a little classical boy that sounds weird here we go folks no you're going to get to see something about alex you didn't know come on [Music] yeah what they knew [Music] [Music] screw my strings on my there once was a toilet in a mansion house it had no flourishing louvre what the hell are you doing uh sorry mate i'm just looking for the cigars i do fancy a cigar jesus get in trouble if you look if you liked it really yeah because you'd be using you'll be using something of the money of this place so yeah there's the cigar toscani that's probably moldy in it i think that's moldy mate yeah that is cool isn't it that is really old yo you just think about that you've just played someone's trumpet mat think of all the spit in that usually i played a few people oh yeah oh mate i didn't even realize that speaker system look that sound system but look at that i've just noticed so yeah we're on our way out now but there's some serious serious dough in this place so yeah let's go and uh let's go and find the guys uh try and get outside and try and get into the old real tennis court because that would be awesome and there's steve [Applause] just looked straight at the camera so check that out obviously now we've been all inside let's have a look outside guys there's the cameras we come in peace but yeah what was that awesome that's definitely the best one i've seen so far just two so we're going to try hopefully getting this little building what a garden hey so yeah hopefully fingers crossed we can get in this place because i'm fascinated but we've got a satellite dish on the wall which yeah i suppose you go up this way i don't know how sturdy this is this might be a bit dodgy this oh it's really soft that's got a lock on the door anyway i'm in i was filming that i just touched that i opened it and look moves out a bit more you move it a bit more i like my gloves oh mate this looks cool it's all though paneled or wooden paneled but this is old oh oh and this is it guys this is what i've wanted to see it's a gym so this was the old real tennis court guys [Music] yeah look up there then steve someone's little pen helps mate so this is old you'd have old surfaces and stuff [Music] and obviously yeah use it as a gym at some point see matt's medieval reaction oh that's a bloody good point we've got any light switches out there red yeah they'd be upstairs wouldn't they [Music] here we go let's have a look they're powering up oh no way they're noisy ain't they yeah they are where they start how long they usually take about [Music] oh this is amazing you do realise [Music] it's going to do some exercise go on cool matt oh he nearly went he nearly went [Music] how fast can it go is [Music] you look like you're running into an accident [Music] oh there's eddie look it's going fine dead well that's his old stuff in here and all that's covered in mold like croquet sir these big painting frames a lot of mold oh watch that man that's really at the same time this is all old old stuff in here look at those old cases i like chocolate and razor blades strange paintings in where the beans are see bit dodgy though yeah it's definitely a walkway but it's yeah diy stuff i can't believe we've got no old light switches though it's not working that's hot one oh god what's this going inside okay here goes that was it oh yeah that's why i came in before you can actually just get out there but this is something yeah it's nothing oh steve's need gone down the stairs don't know is there anything at the back there's nothing is there and it doesn't really lead anywhere i'll see what you mean look that how do you get to that oh yeah look see it oh yeah should i do it no [Music] no you fall off that mate that's game over you've got what you wanted right then look at that spider spongy voices that's matt should we just get out yeah let's get out i can't believe we've got away with this but yeah guys one last look at it yeah so you could have got out on the balcony so i didn't want to show you this bit before guys because it's a bit close to the neighbor's house but yeah this is the main front entrance it's crazy style in it what a day what a location what a house there you go as usual we've been joined exploring within we've got pompei we've got the man the myth the legends that is the secret vault well hope you guys enjoyed that video that was probably the most mental place i've been in so yeah if you did don't forget to hit the thumbs up leave us a comment in the comment section and until next time we'll catch you later [Music] [Music] you
Channel: VacantHaven
Views: 539,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5HeekeGtL_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 17sec (2837 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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