Aasif Mandvi - Craziest Memories as a TDS Correspondent & “Evil” | The Daily Show

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please welcome back ASF [Applause] [Music] Moni what the oh boy boy oh boy welcome home really eating it up over there huh with that entrance you know um it was the entrance I always wanted when I worked here that I never got yes so here we go there you go you did it beautifully thank you uh we we miss you around here now quick question how many hosts did you have while you were here yeah we used to so so there used to be this show called The Daily Show with John Stewart and and and you know that old guy that does it on Mondays now he used to do it every day every day he was he was a young guy and he used to do it every day and uh he was the only host for a long a long time how odd yeah and then another guy took over for a long time uh a guy named uh Terry Trevor Trevor that sounds right and uh and now it's just whoever's free I guess yeah that's right I think so I think so you guys you guys how we got here no I I don't even well see I you know I got to work with you for a little bit we were here together and I wanted to go back and watch some old pieces cuz I really remember so little of your work just not not memorable in any real real sense uh uh and they took down The Daily Show archives online yeah so now nobody yeah exactly the young kids are now like have you seen this new show it's called The Daily they have no idea that it has existed for long time you is they don't say show they say content content they say there's new content I I don't know yes I I was able to find a little piece from a field piece you did uh with then governor of Florida Rick Scott do we have that piece you you you had a simple request for the governor at that point who I believe was making similar requests to constituents of his own at the time we play that yeah Governor uh you benefit from hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars every year so would you be willing to pee into this cup to prove to Florida taxpayers that you're not on drugs you're not using that money for drugs I've done plenty of times you would I haven't done it plenty of times would you pass the SC to the governor there it is now there it is now begging a politician for their urine High Point low points how do you VI that you know what I I loved that moment because we were actually at Rick Scott's uh press conference and so all of the reporters from the entire State of Florida were in that room and when I asked him to pee in the cup um you could see there was just this silence that went over the entire room and people were like who is this what is happening and nobody knows and then you know you see the piece and he doesn't do it and we and I pass the cup down and and and the poor guy in the front row he's like he's left holding the cup and then he just sort of puts it on the floor and but then when we left that room every reporter from the state of Florida came up to me afterwards and was like oh my God we wish we could do that they were so jealous that I got to do that I mean did you like that part of it it's so funny being we're all come from the correspondent background which means sometimes you're sitting in uh poorly lit rooms interviewing people but sometimes changing in a Burger King bathroom to go and to talk to some Senator and sometimes it is Run and Gun you don't have credential I actually I actually uh did a piece once where I went into a bathroom in a bodega in uh in DC and came out in a Batman costume and so I went in in my suit and then came out like a few minutes later in a Batman and you could just see people in in in the book just being like is that is that real what is happening right did that guy just go in it was yeah so that was what it was you almost got arrested too right I did almost get arrested yeah in in Boise Idaho uh at at the EP we walked into the um EPA offices um the EPA is something that won't exist soon I was going to say speaking it's going to go away back then we walk into the EPA offices I am dressed in a two-headed fish costume oh I have a picture oh there it is there it is yeah because of the pollution the fish in the river was sh turning up with two heads so this is what the piece that we were doing and so there we are uh I walk into the EPA office the poor man who works there comes out from behind and they got a crew with me and uh and our producer Brendan and we're all standing there and the guy comes out and he says I'm sorry you know you can't you can't be here and I said no I have a I have a complaint I have two heads now and I did not start out this way and he was like no you got you really you can't be here and and I kept playing the role of the fish to which he finally said to me sir you are not a fish that's the good stuff you have to leave and then they called Homeland Security oh my God because apparently like trespassing in a federal EPA is a federal office so the homeland security so we walk out out and it's into the parking lot and it was like these Homeland Security guys show up they get out and they you know they're ready to arrest us and uh my producer Brennan was like listen you know we're with The Daily Show and and it was literally good cop bad cop because one guy was about to arrest us and the other guy was like I love The Daily Show he said you guys have with the Daily Show and I was like and at that point at that point and I was like yeah and I I can get John Stewart on the phone and he can explain to you what we're doing we're do and so while he's like I'd love so I'm pretending cuz I don't know I don't have John's number so I'm pretending like I'm going to try and get John on the phone and Brendan is sweet talking the other guy trying to be like listen you know we can get you tickets to the show and angry cop talking to the other fish head time not getting a response so they eventually let us go but it was it was touch and go from and brenon is like I can't be in jail cuz cuz his wife was pregnant I remember the time and he was like I got to get home she's going to kill me if I end up in jail tonight like I you know so it it all worked out but it was there was a moment there where we actually really thought we were going to go to jail terrifying you you have gone from battling demons in DC to now battling demons on Paramount plus with your show evil yes now fourth season four season yeah it's such a good show it's so fascinating the the it's it's a horror dramedy um but the Kings who created the show brilliant writers are are known for really exploring political and societal issues is that what interested you in working with them well I mean many reasons you know a they're incredible writers and incredible uh creators they created The Good Wife and the good fight uh the good fight was one of my favorite shows before I even you know just their take on on on societal issues and and politics and the absurdity and the satire that they use in their in their shows and so when I got this script it was just a great script and a great premise and it's turned out to be such an amazing experience and we've gotten to tell such great stories and have so much fun and you know where's the show that you get to go and and like actually interact with demons you know like well I mean you've ever been to AA event about to say there's there's very there's very fine people on both sides but uh you know we it's it's great there's amazing uh uh writers and the actors are are great I get to work with so it's just been a treat and and uh it's just you know I can't say enough about it it's just been like one of those shows where you get there's a a coalition of like sort of great writing great acting great storytelling all of that stuff it happens rarely and I feel like we kind of hit the jackpot with this show and and if you get a chance to watch it it's a lot of fun it's it's so good and you're phenomenal in and I feel like you get to explore so many different layers with your character it's it's a comedy It's a drama it's a horror there are lot of that's the great thing that that in intersection of comedy and horror which is so delicate and you got and you you know there's one there was our show has these demons like I said and then there's one episode in season 3 I remember and this sort of tells you the sort of DNA of the show where I'm in in bed with a demon you should watch them anyway um I'm you know like as we are you know there you go and and she's about to like bite me and uh and but she pulls out her retainer before she does and so and I remember just thinking like oh this is that's the shell this is the show like our demon have retainers you know that they have to take out before they can actually be demonic so that's kind of got it it just tells you right there that's the sort of absurd horror comedy sort of you know fence that we Rite you talked about playing your uh your character Ben you had a quote that I thought was really interesting you said that um in an interview uh when you're playing Ben you like playing him because playing Ben is especially rewarding because he gets to be intelligent funny and more importantly for me he gets to be physical and sexual yes that's right I thought like as a as a married man with a child is is that what you get out of this is that what's happening isn't that why isn't that why we're doing it uh no you know it's so look as as a as a brown actor in Hollywood right this is right here uh we often historically have not got to play like super sexy characters there's a lot of there's a lot of doctors on my resume there's a lot of a lot of cab drivers a lot of you know the occasional terrorist you know what I mean like but but but not like a guy who gets to fix things and be sexy and sort of wear drive a pickup truck and all that so there was a sense of like oh this is a character that I've never gotten to be on television before you know so it was kind of fun to sort of play that mcgyver guy you know my wife for example is is in love with Ben she thinks he's super sexy because he can fix things you know and and do you ever go home and role play as Ben yeah I I I I I have I I took a lot of the clothes from the show just so that I could wear them you know in the bedroom well done I I remember it's interesting I remember we did a piece on the show called the stack we have a picture of it here where we were all sitting in a chair behind the desk there's you at the front that's me at the back if you recall uh yeah there I am oh were were you exercising your sexuality on this one was this did you did you get your demons out there yeah that was that I have no memory of that by the way that was before we had HR right right exactly um yeah that was uh was that on like when John was leaving we were doing that was it was I think I think the we were we were lampooning uh the setup on CNN where they had so many people around a round table so we said what if we just put everybody into one J and built it all up the budget was very low back then yeah we used we used to have good times we used to have good times um well I I'd love to say you should come back anytime but I've talked to people around here and that isn't the sentiment uh unfortunate but this has been fun right this has been fun this will be the last time we ever see each other yeah let's so thank let's not spoil it just keep it here you know and uh that's it that's was lovely to see you I have a great life yeah you as well the final season of evil is streaming [Music]
Channel: The Daily Show
Views: 71,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the daily show, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, daily show, news, politics, interview, aasif mandvi, jordan klepper, desi lydic, correspondent, field piece, rick scott, epa, homeland security, evil, paramount plus
Id: 044JuOLrwRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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