Josh Johnson Asks Black Voters: “Do We F**k With Trump?” | The Daily Show

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what up world it's Josh Johnson full-time Daily Show correspondent and full-time black guy but more than that I'm also a part-time voter now black voters have been the backbone of electing Democratic president since Bill Clint went on Arsenio in fact 91% of black voters voted for Hillary Clinton 2016 and 92% voted for Joe Biden last election so why does this year feel different new polling shows 23% support among black voters for former president Trump that's up 19 points since the 2020 election contrary to popular belief not all black people know each other so in order to find out how all black people felt about Trump I got six from the tri-state area to ask do we with Trump okay so who will you be voting for in 2024 darl do I have to say his name I don't want to but more than likely it's going to be Trump yeah unbelievable unbelievable who are you going to be voting for Biden and then Victor I'm with her oh Biden okay Trump trump Biden Biden Trump okay we're an even split uh which I yeah I didn't see that coming so do you think there's going to be a big shift any sort change I think there's going to be a big shift me too yes really okay for me I've always been a Democrat and it's like for for the for the most part with the Democratic party they always make a bunch of promises that they can't deliver you know they use the issues of the African-American Community as a soap box to stand on and make promises you know just to get us to come out and vote and then once we vote and everyone's in place it's like but what happened would you say it's anything like somebody's in your DM and they're really laying it down I'm going to take you over here girl I'll take you to the top you I mean and then you finally go on the date and it's Burger King or you beish and or you yeah if the polls are right and and Trump is going up with black voters what changed I wish I knew I am not a huge fan of trump he don't respect the black person and Biden does has Biden issued an apology for the things that he's been caught saying he said if you don't vote for me you're not black you're not black what was what is that they have both said things that were questionable and unsavory but when you start looking at facts it's like Biden you done drop the ball brother okay so some black voters feel let down by democrats but I wasn't sure if they knew about how Trump likened himself to Black Americans so I showed them some footage of trump at the black conservative Federation Galla I'm being indicted for you the black population I want to play a little game all right now the game is going to be either fist or finger right what if you like what's happening you're going to put up your your Black Fist now if you don't like what's happening there's a finger y'all ready we're ready okay good these lights are so bright in my eyes that I can't see too many people out there but uh I can only see the black ones I can't see any white ones you see that's how far I've come that's how far I've [Applause] come I have dark problem is sound bites in your know I'll play the next clip for you real quick black conservatives understand better than most that some of the greatest evils in our nation's history have come from corrupt systems that try to Target and subjugate others you understand that I think that's why the black people are so much on my side now because they see what's happening to me happens to them he had me at the first question I me the first day messed up and then he messed up at the end so okay keep can we get our signs up it's uh the same again uh okay let's go on to the next clip real quick but I got indicted for nothing for something that is nothing and a lot of people said that that's why the black people like me because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against and they actually viewed me as I'm being discriminated against it's it's been pretty amazing um all right so so kind of still along the same party lines now do you think Trump is being discriminated against not at all it's not one side it's the legal system no matter who you are if you do these things you get charged for it that's it there are two systems of Justice we cannot get away with the same thing white folks get away with but with this different sort of accountability system does it feel like Trump is bad at being white is bad 91 I noticed how when I was incarcerated right how the the white incarcerated people seem to be more angrier than the black incarcerated people Trump is like the same thought P it ain't supposed to happen to me I'm not supposed to be indicted people are not supposed to tell me I committed a crime because cuz I am privileged damn I had no idea the appeal process for incarcerated white people was gaslighting but Trump is fighting close to 100 felony charges how much of a criminal is too much of a criminal if more charges get get racked up maybe things that start to become a bit more egregious is that going to start to weigh on whether or not you're going to change your vote no you start you pay attention you listen to the facts not the fluff and then you actually have to start doing some research to make sure that what's being presented to you is actual fact and it takes some digging okay so if you dug and you did your research and you found out what what uh josa said was true that sway your vote probably not I I definitely you know did did not sit down with this panel to change any minds and I'm I clearly have not clearly so yeah I guess some black folks do with Trump but was there anything I could get this panel to agree on can we keep these so useful in everyday life I thinking the same [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Daily Show
Views: 70,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the daily show, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, daily show, news, politics, trump, biden, josh johnson, black voters, black voting, bill clinton, voter, undecided voter, donald trump, joe biden
Id: a8dGrS3CJfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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