Michelin-Star Chef Rates 11 Fine Dining Scenes In Movies & TV (w/ Paul Liebrandt) | How Real Is It?

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Ratatouille it's a peasant dish are you sure you  want to serve this to Eagle do I think Ratatouille   is a peasant dish no not at all I have served  Ratatouille in a fine dining in my restaurants all   over the world absolutely I'm Chef Paul liebrand  I've been cooking for 25 years and I was the chef   owner of michelan stard restaurant Corton in  New York City today we're going to be watching   fine dining Cuisine scenes from TV and movies and  judge how real they are full board okay we need to   drill guys who's ready to party right now this is  the opening night of the Bear Restaurant opening   nights are tough H they're very very tough it's  like going on a first date you're not meeting you   you're meeting the representative of you I think  they captured it pretty well the stress level the   energy um the sensibility I suppose you could say  of the kitchen the gentleman who was calling the   tickets says a lot maybe more than you should on  an opening night it's opening nights you want to   calm everybody down a bit and focus because it's  everyone's a bit nervous listen to the numbers   don't call back just go we're all going to be  smoking cigarettes soon absolutely we have a   time we have everybody has a timer timing in the  kitchen is the one thing that we cannot get back   so when you come for a meal in in a fine dining  restaurant and if you're doing multiple courses Al   tasting menu style you don't want to be sitting at  the table and having 45 minutes hour gap between   courses you're going to leave so the timing is  critical critical for not just the flow of service   but for the timing of how the food is cooked  how the food's rested timing of the temperatures   the techniques it's um very very critical  that timing is to the second in the kitchen behind behind so the kitchen etiquette and  the kitchen vocabulary that you see in here   is 100% accurate if you notice in the scene like  most kitchens it's very tight you say behind uh   because people are walking with knives there's hot  oil people have trays of food you don't want to   be turning into someone so you've got to be very  cognizant of what's going on around you fire seven   just keep going guys we are almost out of the  woods let's just keep is he locked in the walk-in   yeah well that's fun the locked in the walk-in  part it's it's happened in my kitchen before so   I'm pretty impressed with how they captured the  energy of the opening night I would rate this a   seven out of 10 you not handle this is it too  much for you I get it you have a short man's   complex you can barely reach over this table right  that was done when I was first starting out in the   '90s that was all the ra I don't think that many  kitchens would be running that way these days in   my experience it's better to say less you can do  a lot more with a look and a gesture than telling   someone that they're no good and they're short why  do you ha idiots do you like working with I'll do   better say yes chef yes chef there are several  layers of when you say the word yes chef number   one is quite simply saying yes chef you have heard  what the chef has been saying as far as the order   or directing you yes chef is also the term of  respect that when you are a chef when you call   someone another Chef it's a title that's earned  so we have to think about a kitchen at this level   at a fine dinning level is run very much the same  way that you would run a military uh unit and in   France you would say wef 3125 two out on 31 chefs  he P hey the the phrasing hands in the kitchen is   very common so in America hands would mean come to  the pass where you plate which is the table where   all the food leaves the kitchen and goes into the  dining room the reaction from the team when the   order is placed is purely uh acknowledgement that  they've heard quite literally the order of what   it is what table and what their responsibilities  are because a kitchen is broken up into different   sections so you have a meat a fish G vegetable  pastry depending on your size of the kitchen   the chef Dynamic with the suf is maybe a little  overdone I would honestly say this is probably a   six out of 10 aou it's a peasant dish are you sure  you want to serve this to Ego I love this movie   absolutely love it it's sort of the Harry Potter  of cooking in a weird way do I think Ratatouille   is a peasant dish no not at all in context people  used to eat truffles which are a delicacy and   very very very expensive used to eat them like  they were potatoes because they were abundant it   might have its roots because the ingredients  that are grown are easy to farm and to grow   everywhere but not at [Music] all I have served  Ratatouille in a fine dining in my restaurants   all over the world absolutely what qualifies this  for Ood Cuisine well it's two things you don't   normally slice everything that's the fine earing  approach when you slice everything evenly like so   and you baking it on top of the uh tomato uh it  Cooks evenly so that it tastes even for the way   it's served where you're taking the Ratatouille  and you're making a little round uh beautiful   presentation that's obviously the artistic  part so yes it is presented in a fine dining [Music] way so true so true the eating of the Ratatouille  it's like that and takes it back to being a kid   with Mom cooking Ratatouille that is what food  is about about it's about memory I would say   that from my point of view I I don't aim to try  and take people back to Childhood with with with   the food because everybody childhood could  be good or bad I don't know it's more to do   with creating a environment and a moment where  you can literally switch off the world I can't   remember the last time I asked a waiter to give  my compliments to the chef critics do not normally   give compliments to the chef because generally  the critic doesn't want to be recognized when   they come into the restaurant because they are  critiquing you in most cases no we all know and   we give the nod and we say good evening but we  don't no no it's a professional respect every   child in the world should watch this movie to  have the appreciation for food and cooking it's   real what they're saying it it is it's 100% I  have to say it's it's it's got to be a 10 out   of 10 for [Music] me I love Ray Vines he's like  the Voldemort of chefs quite literally yes you   do use tweezers in the kitchen for most things  they're much more elegant than using only your   fingers my dear friend Dominique Ren did the food  for this and I think it is a really good capture   of where they are on an island ancient Greek  peasants dip their stale measly Bread and Wine for breakfast I think the aspect of protention  with the fine dining as we saw in the scene   there with the bread it honestly it's all  in context I've been called pretentious   billions of times I don't think I am I have a  particular style and a particular way of doing   some people like it others don't as a chef  I would say that I think that uh my duty is   to give the guests an experience that they will  stay with them forever a memorable experience of   joy and of giving something that they didn't  know they wanted pickled cucumber melon milk   snow and CH lace enjoy I think the social media  aspect of this with the gentleman taking a photo   there is a 100% influential on all dining  everywhere in the world today I guess I'm   sort of lucky that I have been in this business  pre- Instagram pre- social media when you didn't   do that and not like today I would give this a  solid six out of 10 melan sends its inspectors   to restaurants to eat and award Stars One 2 3  or none the Micheline guide I would say because   it's been around over 100 years one two or three  star michelan is the the format I mean you can be   in the guide and not have stars but the starring  guide um it's very uh it's very sought-after they   always book a table before 7:30 one orders the  tasting menu the other one always as far as the   criteria of looking at one order as a tasting menu  one orders out a cart no um they come before 7:30   no um a lot of that stuff is is heay regarding  the the rating of the michelan they're looking   for consistency so they don't come in once  and say that's it so it's definitely to do   with is the service the food the Ambiance the wine  service the greeting the goodbye the bathrooms is   everything to the satisfactory standards and the  very high standards to attain the three Michel Stars double of everything two of everything in my  experience obviously of uh attaining stars in the   michelan guide the way Chef Bradley is working  in the kitchen very true to form for winning   the three stommish landan which uh I us going for  look I'm the same way michelan is in the house I'm   not standing back and going go for it guys I am  leading I know he worked with a friend of mine in   London he worked with Gordon Ramsey for a little  bit to gain the experience of like what's it like   doing it so uh I think he did a really good job I  would rate this scene a n out of [Music] 10 so in   terms of the plating technique there too much hand  use a spoon or use tweezers because then you touch   the meat gets on your fingers you touch the plate  so cleanliness is very important when you plate   as far as the look of the food that is 100% what  is in your mind's eye of the chef that is doing   it the shme that he puts on the plate with the  prawns um that's his interpretation of how he   wants to present that puree Madness huh this is  crazy you didn't go home did you no come here to   work overnight on creation absolutely you're doing  lunch and dinner during the day your kitchen's   full of people you have no time to be creative  so you have an overnight where at least you can   have some peace and quiet and you can focus on  ideas so it actually yes I've done it more than   once yeah okay it's mol see it's mol youle yelling  at the critic I respect that I've had my run-ins   with the critics um I've thrown a few critics  out of the restaurant in Years Gone by it's   subjective doesn't mean it's bad but um you know  the critique thing can be a double-edged sword is   what I would say I would rate this scene a solid  eight out of 10 I think it's uh pretty realistic [Laughter] yeah they did a very good job on this  scene your environment does obviously influence   what comes in here in here and then on to the  plate for your guests how and where do I seek   inspiration for four food dishes travel is a  big one definitely New York has been a huge   influence obviously a Melting Pot of culture  and food from quite literally every country on   earth seasonality is obviously another big one  what is in Winter what is in summer completely different I do the same things as in the  scene I like to like sketch uh form is   important in our kitchen we take  a little plasticine and actually   like mold in physical shape the items  of the food to see how it balances on a plate Picture Perfect of exactly how dishes  normally go like writing an album you have   the tracks that you want and you have bsides  or you have all the other tracks that don't   make it onto the actual album same thing  with food it's tweaking it's fine-tuning   it's moving things around and I don't think  we ever honestly in my experience perfect the   dish it's always evolving always I would rate  this nine out of 10 I think they captured the   essence of a young Chef thinking about  what voice they want to put to the dish   that they want to do and the beginnings of the  process of doing that yeah it's a great scene [Music] I get it but what are you trying to say  to me with this I mean you're cooking a piece   of meat of a charcoal okay barbecue is cooked  over charcoal wood right I mean does that make   barbecue not French or French or like it you know  what I mean it's just a heat sauce that's all it is the usage of using instant coffee  instead of using a normal Coffee Bean   that we would make coffee with 100% do  the same thing because there's a lot of   astringency acidity with uh bitterness with a  normal Coffee Bean that you'd use to make an   espresso but using a little bit of instant  coffee freeze dried coffee you get all the   coffein you want so it doesn't take away  from other ingredience on the dish so they   obviously they had somebody who knows what  they're doing tell them so it's fantastic yeah from my point of view French cuisine as  far as in the context of what they're showing   in the scene here French cuisine has always  been about great source work I think these   days you just have a lot more influence  from all over the rest of the world that   influences French cuisine so Japanese Cuisine  influencing French cuisine it's not that it's   changed I think it's uh definitely evolved  yes I wasn't really sure the point exactly   what they're trying to get across I would  rate this scene I think a nice seven out of 10 he's making a fagra PA as a dessert perfectly  fine done it before all good the cooking technique   on the fagra no way that's not that's a fagra paa  you don't cook it in that way that he's doing it   you um would use a different mold you would fill  the water up to the very just before it covers   it so it's in even heat you don't pour ice cubes  over it to cool it down I've had people outside   my restaurant protesting that that I'm using  fagra and and they've done it you know to a   lot of other restaurants yeah if you look at the  Historical aspect of it the Egyptians were making   fagra thousands and thousands of years ago they  feed the geese on figs so this is nothing that's new I mean the plating Style on this is obviously  uh western style fagra the caramel I know many   people they're great of cooking you ask them to  Plate it's a it's a go mess it's um definitely   two different skill sets that uh yeah you have  to learn I'll be honest with you because I   don't really like I wouldn't want to eat that I'm  going to say I'm going to rate this up four out of 10 I love the beginning of the scene here  everyone's making an omelette that's one   of the tests that we always give to the young  Cooks I had to do when I was a kid I started at   15 when I started in the kitchen it's not about  like how good you can cook The Omelette it's   about watching what sensibility do you have is it  really too hot is it not hot enough like how are   you working do you understand like the building  blocks it's a really good one to kind of get like   a quick idea of someone's hand skill before  they you get to help them develop well done M Shield Julia I think pretty much UND what was  needed and everyone else seemed to be running   behind her trying to catch up she was a very  gifted lady um who I actually had the pleasure   of meeting when I first came to America and I  can be honest I didn't know who she was because   I'm British and she was American and I'm like she  was 6 foot tall like who is this 6 foot tall lady   that we cook for and she was so lovely by 7:30  I'm in class in my apron pigeons who make P Tre   with so much butter no I didn't go to culinary  school uh so I'm not sure because if what she's   doing at culinary school at the codon blow would  be right wearing Chef whites you know was we're   wearing here it's more of a sort of a traditional  uniform of the kitchen I think obviously times   have changed a little bit you know it's not it's  not a rule of thumb that you have to wear I mean   it's how you cook and how you act I would rate  this scene a really great seven out of 10 [Music] the style of cooking that they're doing here was  very sort of set in the early 2000s that was very   popular at that time there was a restaurant called  Elbo out wasas farria who pioneered a lot of the   spefication technique a lot of the cooking with  nitrogen we're using it as a technique to freeze   and freeze extremely rapidly so you don't have  any crystals that form with any of the water with   anything that you're freezing so when you defrost  it it's exactly the same as when you froze it this   was a surprising Tri most unexpected ways with  a marinade of tamarine you see the gentleman in   there is wearing a fa if it splashes in your  eye you don't have an eye anymore so should   you be using liquid nitrogen at home no don't  do it liquid nitrogen is 300 plus de negative   you wouldn't be doing this at home you know  family supper of like let's freeze some   spaghetti I think it's cute I don't think it's  really indicative of being a restaurant exactly   I think it's more playing with food rather than  you know guest experience so I would rate this   clip um a six out of 10 I think my favorite  fine dining uh movie would be The Cook the   Thief His Wife and Her Lover because it is De  Ence but in the most Artful insane way thanks   for watching if you like this video click  on the next video to Serve Yourself another [Music]
Channel: Insider
Views: 2,000,367
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Keywords: Insider
Id: x0Ubhy9s2_s
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Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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