Jiminy Glick Interviews Bill Maher | Real Time (HBO)

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[Applause] but first up I'm so excited you know for years I've interviewed authors out here in our opening one-on-one interview spot but now I find myself in the position of being the author of a book on the bestseller list uh thank you so I can't interview myself I needed someone to interview me and we are so lucky tonight we have a master perhaps the master of the art for ladies and gentlemen Jiminy Glick is [Applause] here wonderful oh no I can't do that hello wonderful to see you thank you really thank you you s see I'm I'm going to come out cuz I'm the guest now like someone had a hot dog I'll tell you that much oh this is going to be so exciting for me really because I'm used to interviewing celebrities so this is a nice change of pace how are we on time oh we just started we just started well I'm an author in this space that's why well I'm so excited I'm so excited that you're an author and you look wonderful you really You're Timeless your skin is so youthful it is I'm not saying it's firm and saying it's youthful you know that no you have the the Kylie Jenner lip plumper working and you're in wonderful shape Phil for someone who's let himself Go I mean really okay you're like a male margorie Taylor green really in other words margerie Taylor green no it's so you're doing political stuff now I am I am that's interesting look at your smile yeah well thank you look at your smile smile for me Bill smile for me no your your smile is like an email from Grandma all caps all but this is exciting but but listen I want to get to this book and I love this book I love this book I haven't read it well I've read it cover and cover but but nothing inside but word gets back that it's delightful it is I think you really enjoy it I SP first I first I want to ask I want to ask something really yeah you're one of the few people that Richard Simmons will talk to is he okay um I I am St scared for him bill I I don't know I've seen him on TMZ and so forth he seems like he's okay the people who know him see well I hope so okay I think he he okay enough though now let's but I want to get back to this book Thank You wonderful wonderful book and as an author is this how you Bill Burr see yourself now Bill Burr is a different comedian entirely oh my god of course you're Bill M you know really the combo of weed and cheap cologne fighting for dominance should have given it away but anyway my cologne is not cheap so happy well Bill M happy belated Father's Day I am excited I'm not I'm not a f I know you have four children I have Morgan Mason Matthew and mod right I know you are and you know I thank you and I was by the way I was reading up on you too not that I don't know everything about you because you are a big celebrity but thank you I I I saw in your Wikipedia page that you lost your virginity uh when you fell into a bar boy it happens don't judge don't judge and here's the thing I there's a few things I want to ask about this book of yours cuz I love it not that I've read it but I love it but everyone seems to love your book but why trash Harriet Tubman I no that's not in there it's not in there no no no no well my assistant is rarely wrong but your book is a Triumph what do you owe it success to low expectation really well uh well I mean really how does it feel to dominate a dying medium you know well that's a really interesting point you you bring up because it is it is tough in the in today's world to get people to read because people are just not readers anymore so I was very gratified that this did so well it was number one on the best SLE list a couple of weeks ago staying on there people for years have want thank you thank you I got a job tomorrow Mom oh I'm sorry yeah what you say now this is really interesting but it's amazing to write a book yes it is and to conquer a field because not many people next you'll probably get a deal with Blockbuster video that's and you're filled with opinions I love the cuz I've always loved Bill Mah opinion you know like I Give opinions about Co the whole Co thing I always love I love getting my medical advice from a club [Applause] act what what hospital did you study at yuck yuck Medical Center well if you really want to get into that I mean we see now that we a couple of years have passed that so many of the things they said were wrong they're now even the New York Times now is saying that they started in the lab that it was not from the wet markets what do you think about that what I didn't I wasn't listening no but I would call you see this is what I think about you Bill I think you I think you're a renaissance man I do I mean I'm looking at your notes you're a talk show host you're an author yeah sure oh that's the whole list that's also stand up comedy it's all in this book that's one wonderful wonderful book now no I love this book Thank you so there it is and here's the things cuz you're filled with opinions are there any topics for you that are off limits other than foreplay well that's a great question jimy a lot of a very good question a lot of people ask me that I would say only things that are boring you know I mean I don't stay away from anything because it's it's didn't you used to have glasses did I do I do right now did you get I got but uh oh there we that's that's the G oh it's no more okay see that was where I got mixed up really clears everything up for you do it I'm sure what were you saying because it was interesting something about your approach to oh uh yeah well you're asking me if anything is off limits you know I always say nothing's off limits unless everyone hold on sorry sorry I just I have a call yes lofty no no no no my down there hair is turning purple for a Reas there's too much chlorine in the jacuzzi dear thank you I'm sorry to go back I'm intrigued by what you were saying that's uh okay I want to hear I want to hear you're interesting well I'm glad you think that because I know you have in uh interviewed like all the biggest stars in the world I remember when you had as you called him Tom Hank Tom Hank it's wonderful yeah uh I said to Stephen Spielberg when are you going to do the big one that connects with the people you know here's the thing I want to get I want to talk to you about cuz it's and this seems like a random conversation but I think it's an important question what's the oddest thing you've accidentally dropped into the toilet mine was a whole rotisserie chicken once and I know what happened but enough about that I want to know about the real I want to know about the real I want to know I want to know about the real billah I want to know your personal journey I want to know but not too much detail because I don't really care but like other than elron hubard who has influenced you who been the big people well certainly not elron hubt I mean that's that's a religion and you know I'm rather famous as an atheist you know that's one of the topics we'll be talking about I heard that influence bmar um well you know when I was a kid love to hear it [Laughter] tonight oh God I canot can't I got to bring more Kleenex out um well when when I was a kid of course I wanted to be a comedian when I was very [Laughter] young like I mean Johnny Carson was in my Johnny Carson and George Carl Robert these were influen you know I don't know yeah I used to when I was uh when I was first thinking about being a comedian there was a show on from Canada called sectv so s for almost everyone in that cast was a genius almost uh but that was a that was a big influence on me that show well thank you so so much on behalf of you have to do with it no I don't I I interviewed some of them and then now they don't talk to me and I don't know what that's about but and you're also a big fan of peta peta the people for E for the ethical treatment of animals I Am with You bill because I have one of the heaviest set dogs in the world Regina the worms in her stool have type two diabetes and I'm wow because I've always like which endangered species do you feel was kind of asking for it well none of them of course I mean all all the creatures on this Earth should be able to live freely and to propagate good not to be hunted to extin by man I mean you know we are getting to the point where we're only going to eat like three things anywh we eat p p cows pigs you tell me if you'd had a stroke wouldn't [Applause] you it may be it may be coming but yes well look let me just say this that you are you are absolutely Sensational thank you and um other than lacking one what do you think your comedy Legacy will be you know really belill because everyone loves you they do I mean Republicans don't like you Democrats don't like you but your wife and kids do Lynette and the twins no I no never been married married this has been so much fun we've got to wrap it up your book is absolutely the greatest book I've ever not read thank you jimy uh and you know thank you because I've always felt and I mean this honest to God I mean this I'm not going to cry but I feel that the boring and tedious guests make me a better interviewer so thank you giny Glick everybody thank you that was the funniest thing I've ever seen talk to you [Music] [Applause] later for
Channel: Real Time with Bill Maher
Views: 137,995
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Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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