Aaron Franklin's Brisket Secret | REDO 1 of 11 Mad Scientist BBQ Experiment by Champion Harry Soo

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hey everybody it's harry from slept the daddy bbq the youtube channel that teaches you how to master barbecue so you can spread barbecue love i'm doing a viewer request today a few of you have asked me if jeremy yoder from mad scientist barbecue has cracked the franklin brisket secret code jeremy used the beef tallow in the wrap face in his butcher wrap brisket so you guys asked me to see if i could replicate the results because it takes more than one data point to prove a hypothesis since uh i am also sort of a nerdy kind of a science kind of cook i'm going to try to replicate jeremy's approach i'm going to cook two briskets which is kind of two half briskets one wrapped in foil one wrapped in butcher paper apply the beef tallow and see if i can replicate jeremy yoda's results [Music] so [Music] thanks to the nice folks at el cortez meat market for providing the same brisket that aaron franklin uses in his restaurant in austin texas these are greek stone farm prime briskets one of the best angus briskets in america you can see from the marbling here it's absolutely gorgeous it's super delicious and tender and i cook quite a few of these greek stone farms one of my favorite favorite briskets that you can source in america it's not easy to find but if you need one just go call up ruben at el cortez meat market in norwalk california and he will save one for you this is say about a 20 pounder i like big briskets and i cannot lie and i like to cook big briskets between 18 to 22 pounds if i can find them so reuben was kind enough to find me a humungo brisket i've cut it in half so i can provide a kind of a consistent result on both of the samples i'm cooking i'm going to do one using jeremy's style of using the beef tallow in the butcher wrap i'm also going to do a version using the foil since i like foil i don't usually wrap with butcher paper if i can help it because i'm a competitor and i found that i can win first place much much easier using foil but your mileage will vary as in everything else in barbecue it's a three hour argument in jerry springer fist fight so just do what you like if you are getting the results you like concentrate crust is forming beautifully i'm gonna spray with some water now taken about eight hours for us to cross the brisket where we have set the bark so this is ready to be wrapped we're gonna go ahead and wrap it with the tallow i made my own tallow which is rendered b fat from the brisket trimmings we're going to have it on the butcher paper we're going to do wrap one one half of the brisket in butcher paper with tallow and we're going to wrap the other one in my regular foil and also using the tallow to complete our experiment let's go ahead and uh wet the paper to paper and my style of wrapping is i make the butcher paper about three and a half times the length the brisket we're doing a couple of flips so here's the brisket put a little bit of yellow on top also see if this experiment works [Music] hmm [Music] so here we go let's give these briskets a slice i'm going to do the one with the butcher paper first so the first observation is that the butcher paper is very oily so that looks very very similar to kind of how it looks when you go to franklin's and you pay careful attention as the meat cutters take the uh brisket out of the outer sham you can see it's like that so um in terms of the oil on the paper looks about right let's give it a slice here will be the uh flat slices i'm gonna slice the uh patty here and find that the uh seam the fat seat you can feel it here it's kind of soft jiggly you just kind of run your knife underneath like that separate the point here you're going to slice the texas style against the grain and you're going to go this the other opposite way so let's slice it this way like so i'll show you how it looks like super moist right looks absolutely gorgeous here so this one is the butcher paper version and you can see here the this is the fatty or the moist and this is the lean on the flat we set it aside so i'm going to taste it sideways i'm going to slice the one that is wrapped up in foil which is my dimensional method you guys have seen my videos where i did the shootout between the naked brisket coil brisket and the witcher paper and i told you which one i like so go watch that video to see which frame method i prefer i told you a thousand times everything in barbecue is a three hour argument in jerry's spring of this fight i show you my method my method is used to win competition where 24 strangers eat your food right and you're judged on the double-blind system where the judges don't know who you are and you don't know who the judges are so when you win at the end of the day it doesn't mean your food is any good it just means that 24 strangers decided that that was the best food that they ate that day and you do that again and again and you 35 times incention contests around the country spend 50 60 000 a year doing this craziness and driving 25 000 miles that's the kind of a technique you get from me so if you cook backyard style you want to cook for your restaurant for your family knock yourself out all those techniques work all right so here on this one here this is the one wrapped in the foil i'm going to again do the same thing i'm going to slice off a little bit of the point let me separate the uh point first this is the fatty and let's do a slice on this end here so this slice is going to go this way crust is a little bit compromised on this one here because i think there was too much liquid in there if you're wondering why why the heck is harry using this ginormous 27 ounce chef knives because i took the devastator dal strong challenge so i'm living with this knife for one month and i'm using you to do everything from fine work on vegetables chopping chicken cutting brisket sashimi nakiri deva using it also so here's the one for the foil and let's give this one a slice on the point muscle here slice it against the green so here's the one wrapped in the foil also we beef tallow so this one here is going to be the one wrapped in butcher paper and this one wrapped in foil this is the point fatty this is the lean or the uh flat so most importantly let's just test the technique right so i'm gonna taste the piece here nice and tender a little bit thick slice but i kind of just slice it a little thinner but that's okay so i'm gonna taste the flat muscle from the butcher paper good flavor tastes like a regular well cooked brisket and this is done a little bit of combo style since i use my wrap i'm gonna eat now the point muscle point is very good let me do the uh version it's got a nice drape you see that on that do a pull test perfectly tender good and now this is the point also pretty tender you see that it's coming apart nice all right so i've tasted my way through the butcher paper as well as the foil so here's my overall conclusion right so the 50 question is did jeremy yoder's experiment does it result in a better brisket based on my one data point the answer is i think yes so you can see here it looks a little bit more moist now is this the only secret to cooking the brisket that part i don't know there are many many different tricks and tips cooking brisket you've seen my 50 how to cook brisket videos i have 400 videos now on youtube and you see me show you many many different black belt techniques i'm always stressed right at the end of the day it's still the pit master your skill in terms of knowing how to pick the right kind of brisket meat the actual cow picking the right brisket for symmetry size strangulations and marbling knowing how to trim the brisket carefully whether you're doing a backyard trim restaurant trim competition trim cooking it to perfection to establish the crust of course using a really really good rub i know a lot of people like smp spg that's great salt pepper garlic salt pepper i like the more complexity of a competition rub because i compete for money between price money so i'm not just cooking for family and friends competition brisket is a completely different criteria so it's not fair to compare apples and oranges when you cook brisket like in texas style it's simple restaurant style it's great eating but in competition uh you got to win over 24 strangers at every contest so it's a completely different ball game you've seen my videos some people like my competition videos some say that that's a blast for me that's cool and then a lot of competition people follow my recipes they actually win prize money they win championships become grand champions so two different kinds of camps and of course there's a little bit of polarization with which camp you're on i'm neutral i cook for my family my way but when i cook competition i don't cook it my way i cook to win and uh today we use a competition rub on this style of brisket cooked on a pellet cooker and i i did the powder cooker and you can see the pellet cooker does a pretty decent job it's a nice smoke ring you can see here so it's a pretty good result so to answer the question uh did jeremy's experiment succeed and i was able to replicate it the answer is yes the question is to what degree this influences the final result i am not sure that this is the be-all and end-all of cooking brisket and if you want to replicate franklin's method adding this step of adding the beef tallow onto the brisket before you wrap i think it's it's it's beneficial i'm gonna go run another test after this video i'm gonna compare my full on competition technique with my butter spray my my mops and all my other black belt tips and then compare it against a version of my competition style first place usa brisket using the beef tallow method and do it side by side but on a backyard brisket the beef tailor does help so the answer is yes so jeremy i think you found a little bit of a tip here adding beef tallow to the brisket results kind of in a glossier surface and i think it maybe it just prevents the brisket from drying out a little bit remember the butcher paper is really not sometimes not not watertight no not airtight so applying the oil to the paper renders it a little bit like a boat kind of watertight so when you wrap it in the butcher paper it's going to be kind of a little bit more airtight a little bit more watertight so a lot of the ooze of the liquid from cooking the brisket because protein is about 70 water uh fills up the butcher paper package and it won't leak as much so that's my thought so in essence right what you've done is when you put that oil or that tallow onto the butcher paper it makes the butcher paper kind of like foil because the foil is not porous so i did it with the foil and i did with the butcher paper and you can see the result here is very very close these two briskets are kind of like are very much alike so you know give this method a shot you have now one data point from harry soo and you have one data point from jeremy go try it your way and then leave me your results in the comments below and let me know if you have any questions uh i'm gonna do a future add-on to this episode i'm gonna cook a uh my competition style brisket instead of using just my 10 ounce beef mop i'm going to add a beef tallow to see if the beef yellow will get you a better result now for me talking now it means it's very very basically been jumping on my leg so let me give him some of this brisket tallow style red brisket and then see which one he likes better thanks for waiting so patiently mr beans i'm gonna get you your snack now we have you a little sampler platter here of brisket both the fatty and the lean are moist and fat that with the uh lean and your favorite brisket today alright beans give it a shot here and let me know which one you like better the one wrapped in butcher paper or foil oh he grabbed the one for the butcher paper first grab the foil next with your paper and then foil so i guess it's a tie you win alternating between the two here enjoying the licking every morsel you like it beans you're a brisket dog right you just love brisket is he grunting oh what is that sound beans right you just love brisket but some more all right let's give mr beans an extra piece here so thanks for stopping by watching my beef tallow wrap video i want to do a shout out to jeremy for proposing that idea and to my youtube subscribers who asked me to redo the recipe so overall it works like to do a uh thank you to all my patreons who are helping me keep the lights on on my channel if you guys have questions about this video please go ahead and send me questions in the comments below you guys know i answer all your questions to the tune of about 68 000 comments a year i also want to do a shout out to el cortez meat market for sponsoring the creekstone farms prime great angus brisket for this cook you guys know i love greek stone farm briskets they are the best that's why my buddy aaron in franklin barbecue in austin also uses greek stone farms including my buddy daniel from heritage barbecue in san juan he also uses greek stones so fantastic beef if you need some just go to el cortez meat market in norwalk california to get some they're not easy to find and you have to pay a lot for shipping but if you need it locally here in los angeles just check it out at el cortez beat market call reuben first before you go so he can kinda get in stock for you i have now a source to get greek stone farm briskets you
Channel: Harry Soo
Views: 137,659
Rating: 4.9086652 out of 5
Keywords: How-to, how to cook, recipes, food, cooking, recipe, meat, smoking, smoked, smoker, tasty, charcoal, smoke, harry soo, slap yo daddy bbq, brisket, texas, post oak, butcher paper, brisket burnt ends, bbq brisket, texas brisket, competition brisket, beef brisket, how to smoke a brisket, easy recipes, hot and fast brisket, competition brisket recipe, smoked beef brisket, smoked brisket, mad scientist bbq, mad scientist bbq brisket, franklin bbq
Id: XkacTTFcdJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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