Aaron Franklin's Brisket Secret | Pt. 2 of 11 Tallow Wrap v. Mop | BBQ Champion Harry Soo

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hey everybody it's harry from daddy barbecue the youtube channel that teaches you how to master barbecue so you can spread barbecue love you see me do episode one where i did a test on the reproducibility of experimental results of a guy named jeremy yoder jeremy yoder runs a youtube channel called mad meat scientist barbecue and a lot of my viewers who watched his videos asked me to see if i could replicate the results of his experiment which hypothesis was basically if you use beef tallow on the butcher paper will you get a better result on your brisket rivaling that of say aaron franklin aaron's uh cook's a really great brisket he's got a very famous restaurant in orange austin texas so i did that episode one and uh for those of you who watched episode one you found out that yes it did give a good result so in episode two i'm gonna extend the idea because i think that the tallow which is a beef oil will work better when put on the brisket instead of on the paper so in this episode i'm going to do a shootout of half a brisket using the tallow paper versus tallow mob i will share with you guys the results of this experiment which i call redo two of four so this could be a two part two of a four part series i have two other scenarios i'm going to be testing sharing with you guys all these wonderful results so you too can up your brisket game in case you're wondering why i'm using such a ginormous knife here i am doing the dow strong devastator 30 day challenge i am actually using this knife to do everything in my kitchen for 30 days and uh please watch out for that video it's gonna be a fun video to see how i can survive 30 days using a dell strong devastator 27 ounce 12 and a half inch chef knife without killing myself [Music] let me wet the brisket before i put my rub on i'm going to put a little bit of aju prep here this is a secret technique to let you have supercharged flavors on your brisket and just a little bit goes a long way about one tablespoon of this oil chew prep and you kind of rub it down before you apply your rub product and we're gonna get these two briskets in a pit do they contest comparison between jeremy yoder's tallow paper against my hypothesis or idea using a tallow mop and see which one comes out better i'm using my first place usa beef rub on this brisket [Music] the one with the toothpick is the tallow mop and the one without the toothpick is the regular one which we're gonna do a tallow wrap so tallow wrap versus tallow mop all right let's do the one that has a tallow mop first and this one we put no tallow on the paper i'll show you guys many times it's three times wrap you too big in here to mark it about three and a half times the length of paper do the first fold over like so check in hold over still third one all right here's the tallow wrap which is the control sample it's not going to stick but let's see if we can get it to stick on there that's close enough all right so tallow wrap tallow mop let's put it and let it cook and let it get tender we'll do a taste test after that all right let's do some slicing that's the point muscle few slices from here a couple slices from the flat and the point so this one is the tallow paper wrap and you can see that it looks pretty good this one is the tallow mop but no tallow on the paper also looks pretty good nice and soft nice smoke ring also nice smoke ring here very moist looks the same and uh this one looks the same also nice and soft it's got a drape same here nice straight so um appearance wise about the same between the tallow wrap hello mop so this is uh jeremy yoda's idea this one i just used the tallow and i painted it on the brisket as he was cooking so looks about the same so can't tell the difference so let's give it a taste test let's take a bite from this one first all right here we go shot here so i'm going to try the one for the tallow wrap first super tender good brisket so i had a point on the fatty delicious point fatty let me try it out okay so this one is the just the tallow mop itself no tallow during the butcher paper wrap process really tender also very good let me try that point first round going back eating the second round if i can discern any differences very good all right ready the third third round there's very subtle differences this is for you so take one for the team here guys all right it's very close so i've gone through three rounds eaten my way through both the point muscle and the flat muscle the differences are subtle appearance wise about the same so i think they're fine both ways um there's not a lot of liquid in the bag so the both bags are nicely oily and the the one that has the tallow wrap is much oilier but honestly in this one statistically invalid sample we just one brisket cut in half cook half with yellow wrap the other half we tell em up um i think in today's test we just one brisket cutting two halves drum roll um the winner is this one okay let me tell you what what i noticed this is just a little bit more tender and moist and um this one both are very good so we're now talking shades of gray and let's say if if the one that i use the tallow mop on it let's say let's give it a 10 10 is the best right how far is this one behind i'm a certified bbq so appearance same taste same i think the the tenderness is slightly different and they're cooking exactly the same pit same process but in terms of just the moisture the anxiousness or the oiliness the mouth feel overall eating pleasure the one with the tallow mop is more pleasurable uh and by what margin if this was a 10 how far behind is the tallow wrap i would say it's like an eight and a half or nine so it's only like one point maybe just a little bit over shade over one point behind both are very good eating and uh i think in today's one brisket shootout cutting youtube house uh this is the winner all right so is this conclusive the answer is obviously not but it gives me food for thought to conduct other experiments so in this episode number two between the tallow wrap and yellow mop hello mob wins and the next thing to see is if we what we do is we combine two right so if we combine the taylor wrap and the telemark is it going to be a lot better so right now it's a 10 versus a 8.75 right so just 1.25 points behind my book in my judging book so you need to go one step further to see if we can reach the pinnacle of brisket perfection so in this episode we did the tallow wrap against the tallow mop the tallow mark wins so we need to take it to the next round where we compare the tallow wrap against a one that's done with both the tallow rep and teller mock to see how far the scores are apart but in this particular one data point episode tello mob wins all right so let's go ahead now feed mr beans and let him see which one he decides is better so i have the tallow mop and tallow wrap both the muscles point and flat and we'll see if mr beans wants to try him let me see if he reaches the same conclusion i did all right beans you have to try and see which one you like better okay he went for oh he went for the uh hello mop first and then he went to the yellow rep he went to the telo mop so what does that mean so he picked his first pick was the tallow mop so beans you like the telemach better oh you like the tallow rap better or both are equally good i think it's hard for him to tell i don't know but he he did pick what i picked first which was the telemark so i hope that data point is helpful to you i'm not sure that it's it's statistically significant at all i know the math majors out there will be saying harry that is a hokey test because it is not conclusive okay hope you guys had fun watching this episode and uh it's a learning episode and i'm learning also so the more important message lesson in this episode is not so much the cooking but the process of reaching brisket perfection having the audacity and the courage to try different things even though i cook this many many times whenever there's new recipes i'm always willing to try because i consider myself a lifelong student of barbecue so thanks jeremy yoder for sharing your insight on your idea on your hypothesis i hope this reproducibility of experimental results exercise is helpful to everyone watching and i want to do a shout out for jeremy for coming with the idea and uh looks like uh the tallow wrap works the tallow mop works today's particular one data point showed that the tallow mark worked better so can you draw any conclusions i'm not sure but i'm going to keep testing doing more testing to see which one will be the best and then trying to sort through this process i described called the bubble sword to reach the pinnacle of perfection where you compare a and b the better one moves forward when you compare that winner against c the winner competes against d the winner of that compares against e and that's how you get to perfection when i became the first place usa champion in many different meat categories it was done to brute force so i have no special talent i'm not a you know terribly good cook but what i am is i'm very stubborn and very very persistent and i will keep trying and if there is a common way to open a combination block i will go from 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 eventually until i crack the code and join me for the next episode as i continue to crack the brisket code using beef tallow i could do a shout out also to my patrons who are helping fun my experiments keeping my channel going you guys are find value in what i do please go check out patreon.com there's a lot of behind the scenes a lot of zoom sessions a lot of one-on-one coaching in that site so please give it a shot and let me know what you think [Music] you
Channel: Harry Soo
Views: 51,821
Rating: 4.9398947 out of 5
Keywords: How-to, how to cook, recipes, food, cooking, recipe, meat, smoking, smoked, smoker, tasty, charcoal, smoke, harry soo, slap yo daddy bbq, brisket, texas, post oak, butcher paper, brisket burnt ends, bbq brisket, texas brisket, competition brisket, beef brisket, how to smoke a brisket, easy recipes, hot and fast brisket, competition brisket recipe, smoked beef brisket, smoked brisket, jeremy yoder, mad scientist bbq, beef tallow, tallow
Id: bCmlZJNEnqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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