Aaron Franklin's Brisket Secret Ingredient - Wagyu Beef Tallow Brisket

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welcome back to my channel i'm joe with smoking joe's pet barbecue on today's video i'm going to be smoking up two different briskets one is going to be the traditional way that i normally smoke a brisket and two is going to have a secret ingredient that supposedly franklin barbecue uses on their briskets stay tuned [Music] all right so i'm just going to start trimming these briskets now these are 12 and a half pounds that we're starting with and one thing that i noticed when i went to franklin barbecue a couple of years ago was that the briskets weren't really big in fact they were probably five or six pounds and that's smoke so that means that they started with a 10-pound brisket or so so oh my goodness look at this nice gash on this brisket that's okay we can work around that so i'm just going to trim up some of this fat on the top side of it now i'm not the first one to cook a brisket using some wagyu fat in fact it was jeremy yoder that came out with that video and i found it really interesting and i too noticed that when i went to franklin barbecue that the butcher paper that the briskets are wrapped in was really soaked i mean more so than any brisket that i've ever smoked now i always use butcher paper and the paper does get soaked in some of the fat and the beef towel that renders off the brisket but when i was at franklin barbecue i did notice that there was an excessive amount on their butcher paper just round off the edges all right so if you notice this brisket sits really high up on this side and the reason for it is because we have this fat pocket right here okay now what i like to do is just reach in there and dig most of that out so that this brisket lays nice and flat just want to carve a good chunk of this fat out and i am wearing a cut glove so i'm getting pretty close to my hand but i'm not too worried because i do have a cut glove on okay just carve that piece of fat out just like that a little bit more actually and then we will lay that brisket down flat okay you can see that it's laying nice and flat now all right so i'm looking for about a quarter of an inch of fat on the fat cap side so i'm just going to trim this down a little bit get that nice white fat exposed so one thing i like to do to my briskets is just make them aerodynamic so i'm just going to cut the corners off and make them nice and round now this makes a big difference that way your corners don't burn up inside the smoker okay just like that trim up this corner as well all right so we got our corners nice and rounded this brisket is looking good i'm gonna trim up the other one and i'll bring you guys right back all right so i've got both briskets trimmed up i'm just going to move one aside here all right so this brisket right here is the one that's going to have the secret ingredient and it's not so secret anymore i'm going to be using some wagyu beef tallow as a binder and also when i wrap okay so i just melted some of this wagyu beef towel down and i put in a squeeze bottle that you see right here so i'm just gonna apply a good coating on both sides of my brisket and the reason i'm doing this is to see if the brisket tastes better is it juicier and just compare it to the normal way that i smoke a brisket okay so again i'm using some wagyu beef tallow as a binder for this brisket and i will be leaving a link inside the description box on where you can order your wagyu beef tallow that has multiple uses not just for briskets and steaks but you can also make tortillas you can make bread you can do a lot of things with it so as you can see that wago beef tallow starts to solidify on the surface that's going to create a nice tacky surface for our rubs to stick to so the very first rub that i'm using is from lc barbecue this is just a base layer okay this is the rawhide seasoning just gonna apply a good layer of this this is acting as an spg grab the fat cap side so supposedly at franklin barbecue they just use salt and pepper and i don't know i beg to differ there's something else in there now i have cooked a salt and pepper brisket before and i'm not a big fan now i did cook a brisket with salt only and that was absolutely delicious all right so the second rub that i'm using today is this texas rib grind from chicken fried barbecue and i absolutely love the flavor of this i did smoke some ribs with it and it's absolutely delicious so i'm going to apply a good hearty layer of this texas rib grind a lot of pepper which is exactly the way i like my briskets all right so i'm just going to set this aside wash up my cutting board and i'm going to show you how i season my second brisket all right so i've got my second brisket and my traditional brisket has a good layer of mustard as a binder so this brisket right here was pretty mangled up the butcher cut the flat up really bad so i tried to fix it as much as possible and sometimes i wish they weren't in that cryovac so you can really look at that brisket make sure you're getting a good brisket not something with gouges like the way this one was but we're gonna make it work all right same rubs the elsi barbecue rawhide as a base layer followed by the texas rib grind from chicken fried barbecue [Music] so i'm going to be smoking these briskets fat cap up on my yodel frontiersman i've got it warming up at 275 degrees we'll see you guys there all right so i've got my smoker running at 275 degrees i'm gonna place the brisket on the top left side of my smoker so here's my traditional brisket point pointing towards that firebox and here's our wagyu beef cow brisket and the surface is really mushy i can tell you that right out of the gate so i'm just going to slide the shelf in so i'm going to give these briskets two and a half hours we're going to come back at that point and check that bark formation and see if there's a difference between the wagyu beef tallow and the traditional way that i smoke a brisket stay tuned all right so two and a half hours into our cook let's take a look at our briskets now i haven't spritzed or anything okay oh i see something really different between both of these briskets so this brisket right here is where we use that wagyu beef tallow and the surface is really moist so this brisket right here is my traditional brisket and that surface is really dry okay that bark is definitely set this surface is still really moist okay so there is a significant difference and this is throughout the entire brisket as you can see this surface is really dry so this is where i normally start to spritz with apple cider vinegar and water so obviously i need to spritz this one because the surface is dry and my bark is set so from this point on i'm gonna be spritzing every 30 minutes okay now this one the surface is still really nice and moist so i'm not gonna spritz this one but my traditional brisket i will i'm gonna slide the shelf back in we'll check back as soon as i wrap these stay tuned all right so it's been four and a half hours now this is the brisket that we use the wagyu beef tala on and the surface is still really nice and moist the fat has kind of pulled up in a couple of spots so i did not spritz this brisket whatsoever the internal temperature of this brisket is 175 degrees okay have a really nice bark and that bark is definitely set so i'm going to use some more of the wagyu beef tallow now this is what jeremy yoder did is he put it on the butcher paper so i'm going to put on the butcher paper as well and i'm also going to apply a little bit on the top of the brisket and the bottom [Applause] just like that get it really nice and wet all right so now i'm just going to wrap it up in butcher paper so the fat cap is on the bottom there really nice and tight now the fat cap is back up on the top now this excess butcher paper what i like to do is just fold it and stuff it on the bottom okay just like that so i'm gonna pop this back inside the smoker and i'll bring you guys right back all right so here's our second brisket now this is the one where i use mustard as a binder and that surface is definitely much drier but i have been spritzing with apple cider vinegar and water so i'm just going to add a little bit more of my spritz get it nice and wet now this is what i normally do when i smoke a brisket or if i'm catering briskets is i just spritz with apple cider vinegar and water just wet it down really nice okay just like that go ahead and wrap her up all right just like that back in the smoker it goes we'll see you guys back when these are ready stay tuned alright so both briskets are ready now this is my regular brisket this one was done in eight hours the brisket where we used the wagyu beef tallow this one was ready in seven hours and i gotta tell you i've smoked a ton of briskets and never have i had one come up to temperature in seven hours okay so i'm thinking that wagyu beef tallow had something to do with it now obviously right out of the gate you can see the wrapper is drenched and this is our standard one which is kind of drenched as well on the bottom so i'm just going to take this brisket out of the butcher paper and they have been resting for a couple of hours but i can tell they're still really hot all right so we do have some moisture on the surface of this brisket and it's really tender look at that okay all right so let's unwrap our wagyu beef tallow brisket and obviously this package is drenched look at this there's a lot more aju on the inside of this butcher paper let me just lift this one up oh man this one is really tender as well but look at this look at how juicy this brisket is compared to the other one okay so right out of the gate our wagyu beef tallow brisket does have a lot more moisture all right so just a couple of comparisons aside from the juiciness of these briskets this one does wiggle a little bit more and that bark is a little bit darker so this brisket has a really nice bark but it does not jiggle as much as this one okay so let me grab my cutting board and i'll bring you guys right back all right so let's slice into our traditional brisket this little bad boy right here okay i'm going to cut the point off oh my goodness that is extremely tender a little bit of bark over here on the backside that's okay all right so check that baby out right there nice and juicy nothing wrong with this point look at that juiciness it was just dripping okay so that looks really good let's take a couple of slices i'm just going to cut this piece off right here this thinner area let's take some slices from right here slicing really nice really nice and tender nothing wrong with this flat right here good smoke ring as well look at that okay just a good looking brisket okay nice and juicy nice and tender pulls right apart okay just going to move these aside but take a couple slices off of my point here just for a comparison okay look at that nice and juicy okay i'm leave a piece of the point and also one of my slices for my regular brisket up here not a bad brisket now let's bring in the star of the show see what we got here same thing i'm going to cut the point off this is really tender much more tender than the other brisket now what i like to do with this piece right here is just cut it off and you get some nice burnt ends out of this whole edge that's right here okay so you can do that there's a couple of burnt ends right there let's cut this one in half oh my goodness that cuts like butter and you guys saw it okay i'm not making this stuff up so look at that really nice and juicy as well take a couple slices off of my point man that is super tender that is ridiculous look at that all right so let's take some slices off the flat just going to take this piece off right here and let's get into our slices oh man this slice is extremely tender that fat is nice and yellow which is something that i noticed on the franklin barbecue briskets as well their fat had a yellow kind of tint to it so i'm getting into the point here so just going to move this aside so i got into the point so i'm just going to take this off just for a comparison sake and this is a thick slice okay so look at that comes right apart so look at that this is a real thick slice and it's just a lot more tender than this brisket right here okay you can kind of see it right there look at that we got a clapper right here this one will clap as well but this one's much more tender look at that right let's give them a taste all right let's give these briskets a try and see how we did first i'm going to try my traditional brisket just pick up the slice here we go all right so there is nothing wrong with this brisket right here really nice and tender nice and juicy as well has a really good flavor now let's try our wagyu brisket same thing i'm just gonna take a bite here we go wow mmm so now i'm going to try a piece of the point off my traditional brisket then we'll try the wago beef towel brisket as well okay so here we go got me a good chunk all right there is nothing wrong with this point right here really nice and tender so full of flavor now we're going to try our wagyu beef halo point here we go wow i can't believe it this point is super tasty really nice and tender and the meat it just falls apart the minute i put in my mouth this is really good so overall i gotta tell you i don't know this is franklin's secret or not but there is something very special about the wago beef towel that i used as a binder and also when i wrapped in the butcher paper now i do want to show you one thing here real quick as well so my beef towel brisket has a totally different color compared to my traditional style brisket this slice kind of dried up just sitting there and this one is still really nice and juicy two totally different colors hopefully you guys can see it on the camera i am surprised by the results of this wagyu beef tallow brisket so i don't know if using the beef tallow on a brisket is a franklin bbq secret or not but i am definitely going to be doing this again i'm going to be leaving a couple of links inside the description box on where you can get the rubs that i use in this video and also some of this wagyu beef tallow i hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you did do me a favor and hit that thumbs up if this is your first time here do me a favor and hit that subscribe button if you have any questions ask them down below until next time joe with smoking joe's foot bbq see ya
Channel: Smokin' Joe's Pit BBQ
Views: 49,578
Rating: 4.8843656 out of 5
Keywords: Frankin BBQ Brisket, brisket, brisket recipes, brisket bbq, brisket rub, brisket slow cooker, brisket in crock pot, brisket la capital, brisket injection recipe, brisket sandwhich, Brisket la captial, texas brisket, texas brisket, texas brisket chili, texas brisket mop sauce, texas brisket sausage, texas brisket burger, texas brisket tacos, texas brisket smoking, franklin bbq, yoder, franklin bbq brisket delivery, smokin joes pit bbq, beef tallow, wagyu beef tallow
Id: ZIARqKh3wYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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