MasterClass - Aaron Franklin's Pork Butt it any good? Is it worth 10 hours of your time?

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well it was time to take a crack at smoking i'd watched a master class and thought you know what i might be dumb enough to try this so here we are i have a pork butt that i got from the farm next door it's a wonderful pork but i have no idea how big it is to be honest never measured it never weighed it uh but i did defrost it for about three to five days at least i forget uh but the name of the game is waking up early so the next day i woke up at six o'clock took a shower and it was well here we go it's time to start all right so we've got our stack ready to go we're going to take a little bit of this paper that's soaked and just too much seed oil pop it back in there my hands are all nasty at this point but oh well let's just deal with it and that's lighter get this show on the road so now i got the fire going everything's starting to to come together we've got some seasoning we got to put on this uh i did super basic uh just mustard all over and salt pepper one to one uh nothing fancy about it coated the whole thing top the bottom front the back and while the fire is prepping this is a perfect time to do it uh it's also a good time to just kind of double check to make sure that the whole thing was defrosted which it was uh because otherwise this would have been a total disaster uh but yeah it was all is all good to go so as you can see we're getting a little warm uh it's not super hot but we're uh we're getting the smoke definitely rolling it's looking good stacks looking really really good down here in our little fire hole we have our little fire uh it's kind of rolling along here we're just about ready to get things rolling i kind of choked it off here just before i started this video uh but everything is looking like we might actually pull this off um let's move that down a little bit here hold on i'll turn on my fancy light there we go this thing is really hard to move because like it doesn't want to move uh even though i loosened it yesterday um the heat's just getting to it but at any rate uh we should be in pretty good shape here soon but uh yeah just gotta get that cooled just a touch and then off we'll go and we are we are ready today we're for by the way that's double stacked that's not single it's that's that's a double yeah so in these next couple videos you're gonna see a bit of tape over the thermometer that's because i couldn't really see the temperature gauge from inside and it became a real hassle to run in and out it was probably 35 to 38 degrees that day and it was windy as you'll see in some of the time lapses but i decided to do this because it's really easy for me to tell hey is the needle in between these marks so in case you're wondering what what is that well yeah i that was being lazy dude watching on fire i'm just off shot to the right watching this fire all freaking day supposed so we're almost at the three hour mark uh just put on some more wood and we've jumped up a little bit temperature but not too bad uh as you can see downhill i think got a nice little fire going nothing too crazy lots of apple going in and right now what we're gonna do is we're gonna take a quick look and see what we got oh you you look at you uh we're gonna spritz her a little bit let me make sure this thing is it's a bit too wide of a spray too much cool off those corners a bit that is looking fantastic oh my god this might work this just might work oh yay [Music] all right we are at just about one o'clock and had a little bit of a little bit of us of a smoke out if you will uh doubled up and got some more wonderful wood in there see a little bit of a flame there we go there we go uh we want to kind of get that stuff back up and running uh because for whatever reason it's fighting me right now so uh otherwise uh this has been a great idea because i've had to shovel some coals out just to make room uh but it looks like we're back to high smoke which is not good but uh all things considered uh did a check uh about half an hour ago and everything looked really really good um refilled the little uh put a little water thing i forgot that right off the bat and then we're just gonna we're just gonna keep doing our thing oh another thing too i thought this would be kind of funny see a little mark right there uh that is my mark of 270 degrees give or take uh seems to be that that is the magic airflow uh for this smoker um again i'm using pretty small pieces like kind of going through a little bit of it uh but i think we're we got more than enough which is fantastic all right it is almost time to bring it in so now i'm going to get the wrap ready i'm going to lay out a thing uh because according to the master class uh you wrap it about four times and this should give me just enough room to kind of lay this out and and go from there um you can see outside it's still uh still doing its thing uh it took a beautiful time lapse hopefully that that that ends up looking really really good uh but yeah now it's it's almost it's almost it's almost game time maybe i'm really looking forward to this oh and also um you guys might find this interesting so i started to keep a very interesting list of things and you'll notice here uh i wrote down take better notes because i didn't really like there was a gap in here that i didn't bother to put um when i put logs in and everything else however uh over here was the original plan so so it was 6 p.m eat and then you know 6 30 in the morning i started the fire so this is all kind of going i did this a little early but this is the thing we're looking at right now this is what we're looking for so after that it's two hours until until show time uh it's gonna be great so at any rate um i need to get i need to get this this wrap ready so here we go smokey bad smokey i didn't use that kinks fury bag at all but it was hickory anyway 10 hours for pork butt look at that all right here goes nothing [Music] i should close this oh god [Music] yeah cloth was a oh my god it smells so good oh my god it smells so good hold on i'm gonna move this a little bit forward oh my god it's falling apart in my hands this is great oh my god so good so we're gonna go ahead make that nice tight i'm gonna need a lot more than that shiny side down explain [Music] because i kind of screwed this up [Music] wow it's really hot okay just for good measure one more little time so again i kind of screwed up what you're supposed to do is you're supposed to do these two and they're supposed to be like three miles in a day long i don't have a three mile in a day long kitchen um so i'm going to just wrap this as best i can get this bad boy back on the grill okay now let's open up the vent a little bit to get a little bit more heat and we probably should put on [Applause] [Applause] keep going with the cherry and apple i think so there's another big old chunk of cherry and where's my apple at i got a little apple left right yeah a little bit apple [Music] and we want to bump this up just a little bit in temperature as per the instructions come on there you go come on there you go light light baby light all right yes this is this is going to be really good i am so stoked can you smell it it smelled really good isn't it she's she's nodding i don't know if you can tell how to care for like a little jiggle um but yeah this is looking great [Music] well actually i need to go out and get the tongs but i haven't said oh that's no that's not symptoms let me go get the set of tombstones all right so the first test is can i pull that out because that is supposed to be like the thing so let's oh you smell that oh my god you smell that this is ridiculous it's getting hotter it's like oh look at that even the top of it is cracked that's awesome that's beautiful so are you filming this because you're starting a youtube channel or something i have a youtube channel you do yep oh wow what's it called uh off the mountain oh i like it so there's the bone because i oh oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah i just came right out i hope you want leftovers oh yeah oh yeah i did ask him i was like you know there's only three of us right well unfortunately zach is missing this this is what you're missing zach who's that zach's uh the chief mechanic at the sweet spot you should tell us where this awesome pork butt came from uh the pork came from the elk what they call it elk run farm right next door kind of nice so look at this fantastic [Music] so look at that oh let me just take that out can i put the camera down now so we can eat yeah let's try some go for it take a piece you hear you want this chunk here oh wow it's just too hot oh yeah yeah it's gonna be a little warm lady here here take that it's probably gonna be hot that sounds good it's really good not bad not bad for a first attempt not bad at all do any final words this is insane i can't believe this turned out as good as it did would you like a piece sure would you like a little yeah maybe i'm gonna burn my hands off uh it's probably not it wasn't too bad so that's it that was my first pork butt i've ever smoked any piece b i've really smoked for this long 10 hours uh i got it from aaron franklin on master class and he kind of says start here so i did and he hasn't been very active on pretty much any social media so i'm guessing he's either busy or just making bank well i'll tell you it came out wonderful and if you get the chance watch the master class there's a lot of tips and tricks that that i use that i kind of glazed over but man was this good i was so surprised at the outcome it's just ridiculous how good it was i i can't recommend enough try it get a get a cheap smoker i i got i got a medium-sized one it wasn't too crazy but i wanted to go old school i wanted to go this way and wow did it turn out great thanks for watching and i hope to see you guys around here next time oh right like comment subscribe am i doing this right i don't know
Channel: Off The Mountain
Views: 12,138
Rating: 4.6231885 out of 5
Keywords: Porkbutt, wood, smoked, smoking, Aaron Franklin, MasterClass, offset smoker, Oklahoma Joe
Id: aIf45yHF_qE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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