Traeger Kitchen Live: Texas Brisket with Matt Pittman of Meat Church BBQ

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with meet church and welcome to Trager kitchen live so we're deep in the heart of Texas in my backyard in the meet Church live-fire kitchen coming to teach you guys about Texas brisket so I'm pretty stoked given our current times how a lot of folks are at home and not able to get out I'm excited that my partner Trager is bringing these live lessons to you guys we had to cancel a bunch of our classes that we do if you don't know about meat church we kind of travel around teaching barbecue we teach barbecue right here in this kitchen in our own backyard and Mark's actually so when I got the opportunity to come on here and share my passion for barbecue and particularly brisket I was super super super excited so what a great week to trigger just launched their new app I'm sure you guys have all downloaded it there's somebody you know on there there's a brisket recipe if you don't pay too good attention or don't take good notes you can get my step-by-step smoked brisket in the app and then you should definitely swipe and go to Instagram because that's what we're known for meat Church Instagram if you don't know us so without further ado let's get rolling so today well I thought I would do is I'm going to show you guys a traditional Texas brisket this is not a competition brisket this is what you would find if you go to barbecue joint in this state so I'm gonna do a couple things with the trim this lump people think may be a little aggressive a little you know a little more than you'd like to try them I'll talk about that when we get there but I'm gonna tell you why we do it and you can choose if you want to go that far or not but today we're starting out with an amazing piece of meat this is a snake River farms Wagyu brisket I can personally attest to how awesome these briskets are last year at the Houston Rodeo World Championship myself Chad Ward barbecue director at a at Traeger and then Chris Hatcher we final at the Houston Rodeo on brisket with one of these briskets on a Timberline so the exact same thing we're gonna prepare it a little bit different today so as you can see this is a super beautiful brisket to talk to you about the anatomy of a brisket and today you're in for a treat not only am i teaching you a traditional Texas brisket I'm also going to show you how to make Kansas City burnt ends so I wholeheartedly think that Texas is a king of barbecue I love all the regions of barbecue I appreciate the heritage behind them and why they do what they do but with that said I really think beef is king in Texas is who made brisket a thing and so that's what we're here for but the Kansas City burn in may be one of the best bison barbecue I mean it definitely is one of the best bites in barbecue we're going to show you how to make that how to bring that out of the point and eat here and talk to you about other cuts that you could use if you don't want to use a brisket to make those you guys have heard of pork belly burnt ends and some people talk about poor man's burnt ends with chuck roast and things like that so we'll show you the concepts and and you can go apply it to whatever you want I mean I got an email two weeks ago from a guy that said he made tofu burns and I mean this is meat church not vegetable church but you know vegetarian Church but uh you know hey whatever floats your boat so you can apply this to to whatever you want so a little bit about us Matt Pittman meat Church a barbecue partner with Traeger grills with our company so we're proud ambassadors of Traeger love the brand there's nobody doing an outdoor cooking what triggers doing so we're decided they let us come on and kind of share our products with you today but we're be using a bunch of different things today I've talked to you about the meat we're going to be cooking on a Trager Timberline 1300 d2 connected to my phone we are using oak pellets we'll talk about you know why we use oak here in just a little bit when we make our burnt ends we're going to be using the sugar lip sriracha because the traditional Kansas City burn in has a little bit of sweet and a little kick so sugar lip sriracha salem's like sweet with a big kick so we're going with that and then of course we're going to season with the best brisket rub on the market meat charge holy cow and we're going to top it off with a little bit of holy gospel this two-to-one ratio is the one to knockout punch for your brisket at home all right you love water okay it's not water now let's get going my glove up I mean I'm by myself so you wear gloves or not so you guys can ask questions in the comments today I've got I've got someone here the famous Robinson barbecue it's gonna be reading off your live questions coming in from the comments we're also going to be doing a Q&A at the end so we can pile up a bunch of questions there and then 15 minutes after this you know our so lesson is over we're gonna do a happy hour my buddy Chad Ward over on Instagram so you can go to triggers Instagram and you know 15 minutes after this raps we'll be having some just kind of fun and have a drink and talk about what we did all right so let's get going risk it this working muscle of the cow you guys probably know a pretty tough piece of meat I said earlier brisket became a thing down here in Lockhart Texas to muscles on the brisket so here you've got the flat and underneath here that you can't really see real well is the point and as I start to trim it I'll start to expose that point a little more so you can see it better but if you use my gloves as an example this is kind of how those muscles lay so you have the flat and you have the point they're kind of offset I always joke that it's like an Oreo cookie that's offset and when we go to make burnt ends we're gonna want to take some of this fat out of there which is like the cream in the middle of that cookie so nonetheless so let's talk about trimming a brisket there's a lot of ways to trim a brisket and we'll get into how do we cook it FATA fat down we're gonna talk about you know are we wrapping this with foil are we wrapping it with paper are we putting in a pan what are the differences pros and cons you know I always tell people there's not one way to make barbecue there's no right or wrong way it's just kind of whatever you choose you know I choose what I'm doing based on my circumstance so there may be a time that I wrap this in foil may be a time that I wrap it in paper there may be a reason I trim it one way versus how I trim it another way I'm here today to kind of educate you with what I'd call the Y that people do different things and you can choose what you want to do you could do what I call a really minimal trim on this whole packer brisket you could take off the hard pieces of fat kind of trim up the edges season it and put it on and yield maximum you know brisket and there's nothing wrong with that and as we talked about trimming in I'll tell you the good and bad about that like on this on this flat part of the brisket it's quite thin down here well you'll have a choice do you want to trim that off or do you want to cook it it's fine to leave it and I'll tell you if I'm spending the amount of money that a Snake River cost I'm probably keeping it because if you're cooking this at home in your backyard for your family if you don't trim this off what's going to happen is obviously this is going to be a little more dried out compared to like the money slices you get right here but but who cares you can you can feed this to your kids you can donate it to the neighbors whatever it's not gonna be bad brisket you know just won't be as superior of a bite as here but I'll save that when we talk about trimming here in just a little bit so let's get to work now I really only use two knives in barbecue to be honest with you I use a fillet or boning knife so this is just a victor necks really flexible this is a cheap knife this is twenty bucks but I like this to trim with I almost feel like they're disposable sharpen it last several trimmings but this is how I can make the quickest work of a brisket it's just my preference I've got friends that trim these with brisket slicers you know just whatever you're comfortable with and then at the end when I go to teach how to slice the brisket we're gonna use an actual brisket slicer so let's get to work we're gonna start on the meat side I don't call it the top or the bottom because that you know kind of depends on which way you're gonna cook it so I'm gonna start on the meat side we're gonna get to work and this will probably the longest part of what we're doing today and how much I talk to you throughout the process so this so that you guys can see the entire brisket here on the meat side anything that is thick or hard fat needs to come off why is that it won't render in the cook so we're this is really thick right here or anything you can grab and kind of pull up like this I would probably remove that in my opinion you do not need to be focused on getting a hundred percent of this white off here like this small stuff right here not a big deal it's gonna render out plus surprise skip to the end I'm gonna cook fat up we'll get to that so when this meat side is down a lot of that stuff or the heat source of a Traeger is gonna cook off so anyway again we'll talk about that a second okay so we've got some questions Robinson barbecue great question so if you don't have Wagyu what grade you recommend let me talk about that so the grades of beef kind of lowest tier we have ungraded but lets you know the cheaper cheap is select beef then you have choice then you have prime that's usually where most people stay and then you have fancy Wagyu if you want to have like a you know a really good dinner you know for me in Texas the good thing for us is prime beef is really inexpensive the difference in prime beef and choice so Choice beef prime beef the price difference is like 10 20 cents a pound so you might as well just buy prime brush get a lot of people go to Costco place like that and it's pretty inexpensive I tell people you know taste Wagyu see what the price difference is and then taste it and see if you think it's that you know that much better than regular I mean these are amazing everyone the who's who BBQ competes with this particular brisket so I know these are really really good now what I'm gonna do and I'm gonna start trimming and we can field some more questions I'm gonna start here at the top I'm gonna remove this part piece fat and I'm gonna cut this deck cloth by the way this briskets cold I like to pull this right out of the fridge it's easier to trim if it's super cold so if you have it sitting out in your kitchen for a little while outside and gets real loose and shifty and your knife isn't sharp you're in trouble sharp knife cold brisket that's the way to the promised land okay I'm gonna actually I'm gonna go ahead and cut a couple of these thick spots off right here first any new rubs coming out that's a good question you know we came out the holy voodoo in November which has become our number one rub we are we are I think we've pretty well finalized our chili seasoning as you can tell it's I don't know if it's chilly weather here in Texas you know all my friends are wearing my friends to friends so we're social distancing shorts t-shirts obviously very comfortable here I'm not sure if it's chilly weather I asked that question on social media last week or two weeks ago and was told yeah chilly weather so I think chili seasoning maybe next can put your hand underneath to kind of raise it up if you want and again I'm gonna cook fat up so I'm not too terribly worried about that if you feel something hard take it off question is do I ever inject very good question I don't inject in the backyard and that's coming from a guy that sells an injection you know competition barbecue you've got inject they call it one bite BBQ you've got to pack the most flavor and moisture into one bite because the judge is gonna take one bite of your barbecue and if it doesn't just blow their mouths off they're gonna move on to the next guy so in competition everybody's injecting you kind of have to in the backyard I'm not mad if you do it but you know traditionally we wouldn't do it and I a Wagyu brisket at home doesn't eat it all that inter muscular fat this thing's gonna be unreal without putting anything in it I'm gonna just kind of slice out this deckle so for burn ins do i separate the point and flat I'll show you all that in a little bit where we cooked our brisket hole today but I also a so okay to answer question I don't normally fully separate if I wanted to take this brisket and make a make slices and burnt ends you're starting to see the point now what I would do is I would make an incision right here on this fat line and I would basically fillet this flat up and remove this fat exposing the point but I wouldn't completely pull them apart they would be attached for a couple inches and I would cook it you know probably meat side up all this point me I would not completely separate it but that doesn't mean it's wrong a lot of people I know completely separate them but I like Aaron Franklin think that a whole Packer cooks better when the two muscles are combined with the fat so I don't like two completely separate them like if somebody emails me and says hey how do I cook a brisket flat so as I'm BBQ pitmasters one year and my nemesis was brisket flat but I just don't care for flats you don't see anybody in Texas going buy a flat normally it's just not that common here so this great question what size brisket this was a 15 pounder I should have said that up front this is my perfect size brisket I like to go by 15 pounder because normally I would take 3 pounds out of it or something like that left with the 12 pound brisket and we're gonna cook it 275 today I can get a 12 pound brisket done in 10 hours at 275 so I just like the consistency a 15 pounder doesn't taste any different from a 10 pounder or 20 pounder but I say this all the time you don't wanna go buy a 23 problem brisket brisket cuz it's gonna take you all day and half the night to cook it so unless your family wants to eat at 4:00 in the morning I don't suggest a 23 pound brisket so I'd go with one kind of mill the road and then you know slice it to eat it so just cut off what you want vac still put the rest away there you go okay I'll see more this deckle here in a minute so that's that's enough of that for now I'm gonna take one more pass right here I'll let this fly enjoy the fat we're in Texas it is what it is we got smart flies in my kitchen okay next thing I'm gonna do is I want to I want to trim this edge up so it's really rough from where it was butchered and you see how gray that is I want that out so I'm gonna I'm gonna make what I call kind of a thick slice of bacon sliced down the edge just to just to clean it up basically I don't like this messy stuff and so I want to make it nice and even my goal by the way is a nice symmetrical brisket so the more symmetrical the more evenly it cooks in the cook chamber so that's my goal so as you can see it's not too thick now we're really going to talk about this when I get into more aggressive trimming I'm gonna do in a little bit but I save all of my meat because I'm gonna grind it up so I'm gonna say that up front before somebody comes in and says man that guy trimmed way too much off that brisket you don't have to trim as much as I trained em you trim as little or as much as you want but don't waste anything we're gonna take this meat and we're gonna grind it last week we made brisket chili last week we made brisket hamburgers we can use it for ghee sada I mean the burgers like I said are amazing so you can get an inexpensive grinder for like 99 bucks or so and you can leverage all that meat and then we take the fat the soft fat not the deckle and we render it down into brisket tallow which is like liquid gold and so in our house when we need oils and things like that we just use the tallow instead and if you're on keto it's really healthy for you it's a good fat so it's a win-win so whenever I'm done no matter what this looks like there's not gonna be any waste from what we're doing I try to respect the animal and full utilization of this there's only two briskets on a cow not trying to be a tree hugger but you know honor this animal we can use everything we can so anything that comes off here I'm not gonna waste it so keep that in mind you know when you're going to trim it if you don't have use for the trim maybe you don't trim as much why cut the fat out so fat is flavor but in moderation like here on the deckle super-hard a couple inches of fat if I left that and cook this brisket when I go to make my slices I'm gonna have this gigantic fat pocket right in the middle that's you're not going to eat it here's not to cut it out so I'm trying to get down to just the appropriate amount of fat basically okay I'm gonna flip over now go on the fat side and when you look on the back of a brisket the entire thing is not overly thick it's actually quite thin through here and then just right here is it thick I mean so that's 4 inches couple inches this is when people say you need to shave the the fat side down to a quarter inch that's what they mean right there and it's this one isn't overly fat and I'm gonna tell you what when we go right here and trim I want to be real careful because I don't want to go like right here this brisk it's already scalpel it came that way I can always take more fat off I can't add it back on so I'm just gonna just slightly basically just slight shave some that it doesn't need a whole lot a little thick right here maybe a hair right there but this one doesn't need much and again I'm gonna cook fat up and this fat with a seasoning rendered in this Timberline is the best bite so I don't want to get rid of this epic taste I'm gonna start down here and just kind of cut off this excess that's super thick fat our smart our small briskets more tender no not necessarily um you know we cook cook a lot of different be fair we use a lot of 44 farms out of Cameron Texas and they're small briskets because they slaughter younger and that isn't that in itself doesn't make them more tender we're gonna cook any brisket till it's tender so we're gonna get all the sizes there okay I got lucky with this one there's not a whole lot back here and you can tell this one you know set out a little longer than I wanted all right we'll do a little more trim there in just second now I'm gonna make I'm gonna do one more thing to this brisket and this is where you got a decision to make knocks I'm gonna do two more things the brisket so let's hard fat in here some people will just kind of grab this and they'll basically kind of I'm just gonna use the word car they kind of carved that out right there right and I can take my knife and I could just just kind of slice this out well and you're not gonna get all the fat out of there but what I do and this is you know can be considered a little bit much I'm so warning you you can you can edit minimum just cut that out be done and move on I've got a brisket trim video on the meat Church YouTube channel that shows you this what I like to do in a lot of restaurants here do you where I'm gonna take my knife right here in this fat section I'm actually gonna remove all of this because I'm just gonna tell you there's actually not that much meat right here there's a little bit of meat so I'm gonna sacrifice this whole thing to make the brisket nice and smooth and aerodynamic again you don't have to do that you could just cut this fat out right here and be done with it but since I'm going to utilize this fat I'm going to opt to go really aerodynamic take this off and then I'll grind this up and turn it into something else can you freeze trimmings for later absolutely I'm on my tiptoes cuz you're gonna look we're gonna flatten it out a little bit but when you look in here there's I mean it's like I don't know a few ounces of meat that is amazing grind so I'm gonna save that and grind it into something else so I don't mind doing this but again not to beat a dead horse if you aren't gonna use it then just cut this fat out go on can you freeze your trimmings absolutely we do that actually because we won't normally get enough trim out of a brisket to do what we want to do with it so we just put this in food saver bags throw it in the deep freeze and then we get a bunt you know we'll get a bunch it wants to do whatever we're trying to do make chilly sausage you know whatever that's a loaded question right there his Wagyu worth the extra money I mean depends who you ask so there's there's different percentages of Wagyu I mean you can go to the supermarket and getting something so swag you that's not nearly as good as this I'll tell you that so that's that's something to keep in mind I'm by the way I'm feeling this I'm kind of shaping it and where it's actually kind of still hard I'm gonna keep trimming it you know it depends I mean when we compete like I said it's competition barbecue is almost a copycat sport reminds me an NFL everyone competes with this brisket so we all buy it we all use it and you know everybody that a lot of people that win do really well with it but I have gone to the grocery store let me give you a real example in our class here what we do sometimes is we'll bring two briskets out to class and we won't tell anybody and we say there's you know slice a and slice B what do you like better and we basically do a blind taste test and when you know 30 of 40 people said slice a was better I said okay of you 30 people was it two times as good as slice two or slice B and nobody raised their hand I said well that risk it cost twice as much so you decide well yeah I mean why he was great you know if you can afford it it's great is the cost of Snake rivers worth it yeah snake river of Wagyu products Snake River is like there's no questioning it right you know exactly what you're getting it's amazing amazing family that runs the ranch it's a great product like I can't say enough good things about them okay that's we're nice a pretty flat on that I'm gonna do one more thing I'm gonna flip this over and I'm gonna show you guys something so we talked about in the beginning so flatten this out down here on this flat side that is really small I would tell you at a minimum I would at least do something like this because I mean that's there's nothing there and then as you can see it gets a little bit thicker as time goes in I'm gonna make a cut that you will consider aggressive but I'm gonna show you what a restaurant would do in Texas so barbecue joint in Texas they would take their knife and they would actually kind of angle it so explain to you why you see briskets it look like this in Texas we don't want any pointy edges so we're actually gonna round that off normally I do that on the fat up beside so you can kind of see a little bit better but that's pretty prime meat I cut off again I'm gonna grind it up and I'm just gonna clean up this edge and I'll explain to you why we're doing this this way all right you've come to a barbecue joint in Texas there's a famous list called the Texas monthly top 50 so suppose the best 50 barbecue joints in the state when you go in there and you order brisket it's got to be amazing every single slice of that brisket has to be perfect or you're gonna go on Yelp or somewhere and rip them if they don't cut off these ends where it's really thin and they go to slice that the bike for the customers not gonna be very good so they're gonna do this so what we're left with much thicker brisket and that's what we've cooked for you today but again like fifth time I've said it use all of this stuff so there's no waste someone cooking brisket for the first time what size I recommend I mentioned I like 15 pounder and why I like 15 pounder x' but you know 12 13 14 15 pounds start with the twelve pounder I don't like to go like too much smaller you know the smallest I really goes ten and that's pretty rare I'll tell you I could sit here and Whittle on this thing all day keep feeling it feeling some kind of fat stuff and hard stuff and pull it off all right last call for trimming questions we're gonna go to the meat side we're gonna season this okay so you see the nice pretty shape of that kind of don't you know I want to get real picky all right so here's what we're gonna do today we're gonna season with two seasonings we're gonna use meat church holy cow which is our beef rub and we're gonna use me church holy gospel which has a hint of sweet in it more about that in a minute this is a combination that we use in competition and this is primarily the recipe we we teach with you can just use the holy cow that's what I did for a number of years and then I kind of saw the value in layering a different flavor profile and actually what happened was a lot of competition guys were doing it and I realized that it was really good and we started doing it how do you get dark bark I'm going to show you that in a minute we're gonna talk about that when we talk about the cook process the holy cow will help set that off it's a really good rub to help build bark so at the base a lot of people use this just because of the bark that you that you can get by the way all these rubs are blended with in the last week if you order for me Church calm or when we ship to our retail partners we're small batch craft like this stuff doesn't sit around for more than a week so I like to season about 18 to 24 inches up why is that if you're up higher you get a really even application if you get down here and season right here you can get splotchy so I'm gonna go two to one holy cow - holy gospel and I'm just gonna Pat it dry look if I had all the time in the world I would season this side and let it sit half an hour flip it over do the same thing but since we don't have you know all that time I'm just going to kind of Pat it here [Music] the question is do I use a binder mustard or anything I don't unbrace get you can I use binders on a lot of things I just put out a bologna video last week and it had a binder here's why I'm going to show you in a second to me this is a two-sided piece of meat I just kind of padded it and when I go to pick this up you're gonna see most of the seasoning is it here binders are just to help your season and get here to the meat quicker if something needs that I go with it with what else we last week we did a turkey on our Instagram and we slather in Dukes mayonnaise because you need something to help the seasoning stick and that acts as a moisture barrier okay I'm going a little bit a little bit lighter with the holy gospel because I've already got a really good base rub so this is gonna be just a little you know sprinkles on the cupcake and for those of you that ask how much rub I mean this is kind of liberal but this briskets gonna cook a long time it's a big piece of meat look I'm in the seasoning business this is what I do so I you know I don't sometimes we'll get some criticism like them why are you seasoning so much I mean I've never had somebody say you over seasoned that oh this is this is what I think is a perfect amount so I'm I'm patting it since I don't have you know 30 minutes by the way I usually talk about cooking a brisket on the weekends so let's say Saturday all this trim work I just did I mean I recommend doing that on Friday night why not because you come home from work or we're not at work we're at home so you're home anyway right now so you know crack open a beer trim your brisket and you can season if you want it well it won't hurt a brisket to season it early you don't have to put it in your fridge and get up in the morning and cook it because nobody wants to do this what I just did it you know 5:00 in the morning okay so watch how little falls off this brisket like two particles fell off that's why I don't use a binder my methodology to teaching barbecue is kind of to give you the simple simplistic way to make amazing barbecue so I'm not trying to give you you know out chef you or give you a two or three page recipe if you don't need it then I'm not gonna tell you use it you can use it if you want nothing wrong with it but you don't have to have it I'm now doing the exact same thing on the back side on the fat side whoever season let's sit overnight you can our rub is so fresh and bold that I think you know it normally we season the stuff we put it on the pit and we go it's gonna come off the tray you're gonna be like okay tastes good I don't think it was over under season I feel good about what we do but like I just said if you want to do it the night before you certainly can I don't it's not required other rub combos I like the trigger prime rib rub I'm messing with a little bit of coffee rubs right now whiskey Ben's got good rubs for brisket okay there we go Pam gonna Pat that in just a little bit because you know for times sake I like the I like the prime rib rub for Bella sorry what Traeger rubs are good for brisket I like the prime rib rub myself and the coffee rub okay questions more more questions good okay keep going here alright so now it's time to talk about cooking this beauty and putting it in the Timberline we're not actually going to put this in the Timberline because we only have 25 more minutes and you know this can't be done in 25 minutes so I'm gonna set it aside we're gonna we're just gonna kind of set this over here let it hang out so now we're going to talk about how do we cook it so if you follow the recipe I cook it to 75 again is it the magic number not necessarily I don't care if folks cook it to 25 to 50 to 75 when we compete we start a briskets out 325 to 350 for the first a little bit pump those briskets up so there's a whole bunch of ways to skin a cat as as we like to say but if you just follow the recipe what's in the app really it's a it's a very simple two-step process so 15 pounder cut down to 12 13 pounds cooked at 275 you can get that done in around 10 hours so you're so right you're gonna you're gonna put your meat in the Traeger and it's gonna cook for six hours or so we'll talk about that more second you're gonna wrap it up you're gonna get it through the end of the cook til its probe tender rest it and enjoy it with your family but I'll tell you is a big tip you don't always have to have your head stuck in that recipe Matt's recipe says cook at 275 so adjust this recipe to fit what's going on in your life I made a really cool video with Trager last year called the weekday brisket that's on our YouTube that the point of that is maybe I don't want my brisket in 10 hours let's say I want to have a brisket on a Tuesday and I'm normally at the office when the pandemics not going on how could I possibly get that done well what we did was we put the brisket on the trigger at 190 degrees overnight for 7:00 p.m. at night it rolled for 12 hours till 7:00 in the morning got up walked out here open this exact Timberline and the brisket was I don't know 160 degrees I'm not sure we wrapped it in butcher paper didn't touch the temperature went off to work from our app several miles away from the house at noon because I wanted to eat its supper we increase the temperature of our Timberline to 250 degrees the brisket finished I believe in around 4 hours I hit keep warm which takes your trigger it's 165 degrees and then off we you know off we came home so an hour later in the video you'll see I pull it out now I've got a brisket that's been cooked you know I don't know 20 hours right not 10 hours and it was the same size but I lowered that initial temperature to adjust my lifestyle and I could have let it kept going past noon you know if I want to eat it even later and it yielded an amazing product so I encourage you to take the time line and adjust the temperature to meet when you need to eat okay and there's other things to keep in mind as we talk about cooking this you know do we wrap in paper a foil which I'm going to get to and foil will help you speed the cook up should you need to do that so you've got a lot of tools at your disposal to kind of meet what you and your family want to do all right so what we're gonna do is is we put our brisket on earlier at 275 degrees and thanks to the magic of TV we actually have a brisket in the trigger that has been cooking for some around seven hours or so and so I want to show you that because I want to show you what you want to start to visually look for and everybody needs an instant-read thermometer whatever brand you use even though your Traeger comes with what I call a lead-in thermometer a probe thermometer we will have this in our brisket you know while it's cooking but to me that I call that a directional probe that alerts your app tells you like hey you know start paying attention to your cook but these these thermometers are I'm gonna do two things with one I'm gonna tell you not to look at the number I'm gonna tell you to kind of just probe the meat as you're cooking it to get a feel for so the visual cues of what the brisket looks like is it starting to bark up probe it to feel it you don't feel how it's doing and then the number and say hey I'm a you know 165° it's time to wrap this thing same thing at the end of the cook right when we think that briskets tender I'm gonna want you to put your thumb over the number and fill the brisket and determine if it's tender without looking at the number don't worry about what the recipe says go by what your brisket looks like that thing's talking to you what do I look like what do I feel like that you know you're cooking with emotion and feel your eyes and things like that so anyway let's open up to 1300 so we've got two pieces of meat cooking here we'll focus on this brisket here this brisket is in fat up and we're gonna talk about that just second I'm gonna go ahead and see what this one's at since in the 150s we were we had to temp a little low earlier try not to overshoot it for four what we're trying to do here but let's talk about the differences and fat up and meet up so we went and meet up the reason for that is it's the traditional Texas way to cook a brisket when you come to Texas you're going to order brisket either fatty or lean and it's going to come out fat up just like this so all of this salt and pepper seasoning right on top of that fat this fat rendering in the cook right here so see this fat this fat rendering and this seasoning on top that creates the most superior bite can I cook it meat up absolutely if you want to cook meat up you can when I compete I cook meat up why do people cook meat up meat up presents better if I cook meat up I'll likely develop a little more of a smoke ring on the meat side so when I go to build a turnin box I've got amazing bark but I have this you know beautiful Tuffy stone told me once you know you're not supposed to judge on the smoke ring but a good-looking smoke ring sure is sexy and that's the Kay it's the truth if you sat down at a at a judging table and five guys had a smoke ring one guy didn't you can't help but think that the smoke ring guy would know smoke ring might not do well so it just looks really pretty in a turnin box I'm not getting into so I'll debunk myths people you know go on Facebook and talk about well where's your heat source and in a Timberline it's right here in the middle so you need to cook you need to cook fat down I don't believe that I cook fat up all the time I can put six briskets in this 1,300 all fat up and it turns out some of the most amazing brisket product I've ever cooked with all that said if you like cooking meat up that's totally fine and like I said earlier if we're going to trim out this brisket for burnt ends then you might want to cook it meat up to make it easier on you on that cook but anyway at this point this you know you see this bark is developed really nicely really nice and thick down here and it's time to wrap it so we're actually going to wrap it now where's the best place to insert your probe great question so with the with the built-in probe on the grill [Music] I'm right here in the heart of the flat middle flat I'm never temping the point okay you're cooking this to perfection if you cook this to perfection this will be where it needs to be if you're temping up here not pay attention this you're likely going to dry the flat out by though here's here's a little puddle here forming when I did that little trim off at the end when you don't trim off the end your meats gonna curve up you're gonna create a big seasoning puddle like that it's okay this is telling you the kind of that's that's kind of where that comes from listen let's talk about wrapping for a second different ways that you can wrap you can wrap in heavy-duty aluminum foil I'm gonna shut this you could wrap in heavy-duty aluminum foil you know we buy this at Sam's or Costco I would get two sheets of this or you can use a pan you could use like a like a disposable steam pan you could actually put your brisket in here just foil over the top or you can use two pieces of foil just on the brisket itself I tell people if you haven't cooked brisket if you're intimidated by it because it's you know sixty bucks or how much it is you don't want to screw it up you've never made one you're struggling brisket I would go foil or pan to start with because you're gonna capture all this you that comes out at brisket and that's that's an ally for you after the briskets cooked you're likely not going to dry it out and when you take make your slices you can dredge those slices through that's you and it's gonna be super good so and you can also put things in a wrap sink you know when you make pork ribs when guys wrap they put things in the wrap like brown sugar butter some people like to put stuff in their brisket wrap if they injected they'll pour leftover injection in and they might put broth in I've seen people put beer in it whatever if you foil you can do that do I spritz I don't spritz but you can I don't spritz during the cook only if I run a you know so triggers retain moisture so well I don't think it needs it some guy cooking on his uncle's offset stick burner that leaks all sorts of stuff he might need it but if you look at this thing let's see how wet it is I don't need it to me if you spritz the more often you spritz the slower the bark is to develop totally fine what a lot of my Texas buddies do is they'll spritz it right now when they put it into the wrap with cider vinegar that's an option a little tip we use cotton gloves that we pull like latex over the top how do you develop a super dark bark you start with a good rub that can build bark you I've skipped over cooking would you you cook with a heavy smoke pellet so I'll talk about that while I'm wrapping and you take your time if you're not getting bark then you know slow it down I'm gonna rip off two pieces of this while I'm doing that I'll talk to you about what we cooking pellets so this is 18 inch wide unwaxed butcher paper so the key thing is that it's unwaxed also Texas trivia this is considered paint paper not peach some people don't like saying paint they don't think it's manly enough but with Mito Bandito on it can't go wrong i'ma lay this butcher paper you got to overlap it just a little bit I'm gonna put a let's just put a knife here I'll be safe real safe well on getting this out and talking about the rap [Music] oil versus paper preference I prefer a paper but I'm a traditionalist in Texas so I kind of gave you the different options and things you could do depending on your circumstance but I love paper and I in the one big thing I did not tell you the major difference why do we wrap in paper in Texas all this amazing bark that we've built when you wrap in paper that paper is permeable and so that the the brisket and the bark can breathe through the paper and you won't lose it when you wrap in foil whether it be a pan or the heavy duty foil you're basically steaming the meat and that's okay but when you open it up the bark is just gonna be really shifty it's going to taste awesome but you'll lose some of the bark that you that you were building um you know how do you wrap this there's a bunch of different ways to do it the most important thing of course I lined my paper up off-centered most important thing is to just wrap it tight like I said this is 18 inch paper you can also use 24 really good question man I really got my paper dimensions off today there we go what internal temperature do we wrap that so we wrap it like a hundred and sixty-five degrees normally so this would have been there I lowered the temperature just a little bit just magic of TV want it to look right for you guys I wanted to hang out a little bit longer but about 165 and you get to 165 some people say that your meat can't take on any more smoke at that point anyway so that's why we wrapped that number so I just pulled this over and tucked it under and now I'm pulling it tight gonna wrap it back over it's not my best job of wrapping paper I've done here this is like swaddling a baby just get that little brisket baby in there nice and tight not one of my better wrapping jobs but it'll it'll do nice and tight okay we're gonna go back on [Music] okay I'll answer that and I'm it you can take your probe and put it right through the paper foil whatever you're using and you're good to go let's talk about smoke pellets and I just got asked do I use this super smoke setting all right in Texas I mentioned wheat or I don't know if I mentioned we make our barbecue with Post Oak therefore on a trigger I use oak pellets oak is a very smoky would I want maximum smoke in my beef so when I'm cooking beef I'm cooking with oak other good alternatives would be the Texas beef blend mesquite is really good it burns a little hotter and kind of has a distinct taste I like the big-game blend and if you want to start coming down in terms of smokiness Hickory works Hickory is really I think like the best all-purpose so love that start coming down less smoke you need pecan I want more smoke than that so I try not to smoke with pecan I use pecan on things like poultry and things like that so point is I want Big Smoke I'm going oak so when I bring my pellets in I'm bringing in tons of oak a little bit of Hickory from how I grew up in the south and some Texas beef that's pretty much all I all I use the question on the trigger do I use super smoke yes any time I'm trying to impart smoke into something so could be if I'm making bacon if I'm if I'm smoking bacon that I've cured I'm hitting a super smoke when I gave the weekday brisket example earlier since I was rolling in 190 I want maximum smoke in there I hit the super smoke so if I'm at 225 or lower and have an opportunity BAM I'm hitting a super smoke rollin I want to mention one more thing before we go to talk to you guys about about burnt ends so on the anatomy of the brisket you could start to see and I know I already seasoned this but to point me right around here after starting trim away you could kind of see it a little bit more I mentioned you that we cook this whole because I wanted to focus on showing you a very traditional Texas brisket we're gonna cook it whole just like what you've seen so I didn't do the additional trim to expose the point to show you burnt ends but with that said we do have some separated point that we cook so that we can make burns big thank you to Tito's for keeping me hydrated what's my go-to cocktail why cook while cooking well if you know me you know it's Miller Lite but when we get to the happy hour with Chad fifteen minutes after this will no doubt be drinking an old fashioned with TX whiskey this is hot let's talk brisket burnt ends one of my favorite bites in barbecue this is a brisket point so that is this section right here I know this is fat up but you're all of this section right here is what this is I mean it's actually that is laid just like that so here we go here's this piece right here okay but for demonstration purposes we completely separated this out so that we could show you how to make Kansas City burn hands if you want to make burn ins and you've trimmed your brisket out and you want to pull it out you want to pull your burn ends all the same brisket what I would do now that this brisket is back in the Timberline wrapped up when you get around 195 internal temperature I would open it up and I would remove the point to this and then I would make my burnt ends wrap that flap back up and put it back in to finish cooking so what do you do with this stall I mean I think a lot is made of the stall and I think it's like overblown because it is what it is right your brisket comes out of the fridge 36 36 degrees and I always tell the story that your your briskets gonna go from 36 degrees till probably 203 right and it's it's just climbing up nice and smooth and when you get in the 170s it kind of flattens out it just takes longer to get through there well personally I don't really care you're gonna get through it at some point I mean it just means you know it's slowed down for a little bit of time and you must do it if you wrap in foil you bust through it quicker at the rap stage after I wrap this brisket at 275 if I had that foil I could finish it in two to three hours if I wrap it in paper it's probably three to four hours so it just kind of shows you time difference all right let's take this point and I'm gonna use a clean fillet knife can you don't get me one more of those half pans there we go thank you all right so the question is do i if I salt 150 do I wait it out or I wrap and go I don't worry about the number I'm looking at what that brisket looked like that brisket looked like it was ready to be wrapped I probed it validated what my eyes told me and then I went I I'm not gonna be looking at oh that's it 150 I want to wrap in that and temperature is what it is I want it I want it visually to get where I want it to be which is nice and dark and by the way the bark that we're building will continue to build while it's in this paper that's not the darkest that risk it's going to be so let's make Bernie ins real quick what you're gonna do is make one inch slices this is pretty tender if if you uh when you pull this off 195 degrees you probably need to set it aside and let it cool off just a little bit because it's gonna be pretty hard to handle you just want to come back across to me and make you know just kind of I go one by one cubes I think those you know are kind of easiest to bite and then what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna throw these in a and a half pan we're gonna add a little seasoning and a little sauce and we're gonna go back in the trigger these are hard to beat I mean people come to our school and they have these burnt ends and they never make a whole Packer by itself again they always make burnt ends it seems like did I watch Tiger King not only did I watch Tiger King but also watch the TMZ special on Monday which was a complete ripoff I'm I don't know what's up with the dude on the jet ski at the end and he's in the new one on the jet ski so I'm currently trying if you follow clay Travis he posted a picture of a guy who painted the dude on the jet ski in the ocean I'd like to Commission one of y'all to paint me that snitch on the jet ski in the redneck Riviera of Florida and reach out to me mad at me Church calm and I will trade you like a lifetime supply rub to to paint that painting for me free Joe exotic okay let's get that hashtag trending okay traditional Kansas City burn ins they have a little sweet a little heat so what we're gonna do is we are going to go back to our holy gospel rub our holy cow rub the beef rub is salt pepper garlic a little paprika the Holy Ghost was a little bit of sugar in it so it works really well with these we're gonna apply some more seasoning I thought the next question was gonna be did Carol Baskin do it I know it's getting a little bit old now right what was the question again how long does it sit I'll show you that in a second we're gonna let how long does that brisk gets it I think we're doing pretty good time I'll show you that in a second let's come back to that okay so it's time to add the sugar lips sriracha no rush this is a thick one today is this like Heinz 57 today we're gonna you got to put your thumb on the pickle let me put my thumb I'm gonna put my thumb on the rooster and I'm gonna hit the cow that's coming that's gonna make great meme right there okay little thick sauce today a lot of people like to thin their sauce out now we're going depends on the sauce that you use if your sauce is too thick I like to take my sauce and cut it with a little honey I shouldn't say cut that's like a drug term I'd like to thin it out with a little bit of honey and doesn't really affect the flavor profile and it works really nicely with burnt ends you'll see that I go through like a box of gloves per lesson so I love my trolls on YouTube who who think I cross contaminate everything I'm like you're not paying attention I mean this stuff is so that where do we get the gloves I get all that stuff on Amazon well I get it at meat church barbecue supply 205 South Collins college in walks out you Texas but we're closed right now so I just want to toss this around so here's your goal you're trying to coat these cubes you are not trying to completely douse these I don't want an inch of sauce in this pan right my goal is to just coat all sides just coat it it'd be the equivalent of taking this cube dipping it in sauce picking it out that I don't want any more sauce than that and then all we're gonna do is we're gonna go back in the Timberline same temperature 275 works I mean you can go lower if you want and then this is really up to you do you want to go thirty minutes an hour two hours you need to go until they're nice and caramelized and I like to reach in and toss them about one time during this next phase and I'm usually no more than an hour I'm like 45 minutes the fat in these in this meat will continue to render the sauce will caramelize and you'll have like an epic bite all right what is my favorite trigger model hmm great question man is the Timberline 850 is my daily driver for quite some time but I'm pretty big fan of those iron woods now the great price point you know it's not quite the investment that a timber line is and turn out great barbecue so but I don't have any that I don't like so the name of the sauce was sugar lips sriracha okay we're going to move on to the sliced product the grand finale what temp or the burnt ends done to be honest with you I don't tempt the burnt ends they're done right they're tender when you get them with the 195 range when you're cooking a brisket hold they're tender so they're quote done now we're just locking in and criminalizing that sauce so once the sauce looks how you want it you're good to go I'm gonna I'm gonna show you guys how to slice the brisket and then how to eat a brisket I like all of you that are texting me right now chappy Matt Chad ward you need to get to work get ready for your cocktail hour right here in 15 minutes after we wrap up ol boy okay I'm not going to the ground I'm going to my cambro that's down here kind of what what kind of thermometer do I use I use thermapen m'kay for industry leader you can go to our website click partners and click on this logo to get the one that I use but this is the number two tool in you're cooking arsenal right behind me Church if you're cooking on a trigger [Applause] okay alright briskets done it's been resting very important when you smoke a brisket pull it off to the tenderness you want which I didn't really get in that hold on probably do that we're looking for tender here to Oh was probably usually 203 so what I do is I set this probe alarm at 195 to alert me to my phone and say hey dummies start paying attention to your cook and then I take my instant read and I just start probing it but again like I said earlier I'm feeling for tenderness right here so when you push in the 170s 181 nice you're gonna have to work to push it in but then suddenly you're gonna push this in and it's just gonna like no resistance its there's it's going to take no effort to push this probe into that brisket that's when it's done usually around two hundred three degrees very important pull that brisket off your trigger and then put it in a Yeti cooler whatever we have ours in the cambro today and let it rest for at least an hour all the juices in the brisket kind of redistribute let it chill out you know you don't want any steam like if you cut that thing at 200 degrees there'd be all sorts of steam going out of it and that's just moisture that you could have been eating basically but another thing is the brisket will safely hold in a molded cooler for hours like you could pull a brisket off early in the morning eat it for lunch pull up at lunch eat it for supper if you need it to last even longer then you can wrap it in a towel or blanket or something like that but this one is rested for a while now actually longer than an hour I hope it looks good it's gonna work so there we are now to work we've got a trade burnt ends that have been hanging out look really good nice and hot and steaming I like to usually toss these again like there's any moisture in the bottom of the pan give them one last little toss those are gonna look super good so you look really really good but I'm gonna show you how to slice the brisket all right briskets slicer all right so you've got your whole packer you got your flat you got your point you come here to barbecue joint you say I want half a pound of brisket they say do you want the lean or do you want the fatty you need to give this to your neighbors and you need to eat this this is where it's at I mean anyway the grain on the brisket does not run the same direction so you don't ever want to take a knife right here just start slicing slices all the way through first thing you're gonna do is you're going to go about I don't know a third of the way down the brisket and you're gonna make a nice big incision and you're gonna separate the point away because the grain runs a different direction will actually slice this point in this direction whereas will slice this this direction pull it apart I always tell people I'm not an advocate of squeezing your meat but there's like ten million people watching this right now so I just want to show you what you can get on a timber line I hate when people do that on Instagram but whatever okay we're gonna slice up a little bit here and we're gonna eat and then we're gonna have some QA maybe we're gonna have QA I love that phat right there mention that earlier that's where it's at hit me with the questions well I'm slicing this what's my favorite thing to make on her trigger hmm man everything well this past week we made smoke salsa that was unreal I'm working on the dip section of my website right now man I love making beef ribs to be honest with you that's probably my favorite barbecue you guys probably know I make tons of pork belly burn ins I mean honestly anything to get my family outside cooking is where it's at not too picky so spin this this direction thicker slices in your point you're gonna go kind of number 2 pencil here and you're gonna go not quite twice that white here a little bit bigger because there's a lot of fat content here wider slices help help you get that that's a great question how is my hair holding up during quarantine so I took a shower right before we went live you can tell I conditions right here you see the the curl there's if this is like a problem like it's like I got a Ferrari and I can't get in the shop so you know I reached out to my girl and she's been wanting some crawfish and I said I'll gladly boil you crawfish to come cut my hair I don't know what I'm gonna do seen bunch of my friends out there getting their hair cut by their wives that ain't gonna happen I love mrs. meet Church Tracie Pittman but she will not be getting shears near this work of art so if this thing goes on much longer like look if this thing rolls through this summer I mean back to my mullet days which I'm not that mad about but trigger you know they might not like that look so stay tuned thoughts on the new trigger apps sick you only hear funny story they're doing market testing on the new trigger app down here in Texas this year and we go pick up my buddy yelm our marketing genius at trigger tells me you know what they're doing with their testing with the next day my dad sends me a picture and my dad's doing the testing completely random so if you're watching dad I love the new trigger app step by step it's awesome oh look at that so here's how you check your brisket this this didn't rest and not you know really no there's too much steam here but to me this is what I want to test right here I want the bend do you get the perfect Bend without breaking right if you break this test it's probably a little overcooked so that's the first thing sorry I'm taking a picture and then you're gonna want to do just the slide pull Pam comes right apart there's that look at that right there so why does Matt cook fat up that is why I cook that up right there just my preference that's hard to be okay so let's make a sandwich hmm do you want the lean or the fatty both I just got off the keto diet so I can eat more reindeer most unusual thing I've ever cooked on triggers reindeer I mean I don't think it's that weird but my kids or pissed what is my favorite barbecue joint hmm that's a hard question I would say Valentina's tex-mex just south to Austin by the way don't sleep on this coleslaw after coleslaw I think that's potato salad this is a potato salad off the Traeger app it's a warm potato salad that starts on the trigger this is really really good we make it quite a lot so we're gonna go with both that's what I like to serve this with or what is one of our main side dishes so I was told to take a very awkward bite I think that's literally what it said so here we go here we go krysta this is for you I'm gonna need a minute not mad about it very much good sounds like breakfast lunch and dinner there's all over me and I don't care hmm hold on that's good are my rubs gluten-free yes man I was really good okay hungry if I ever had an on barbecue dinner protip most professional barbecue guys don't eat barbecue yeah yeah right before we went live Chad Ward we had taco Casa super burrito taco light yeah Sushi's my thing suceed Asian food Jong has a barbecue I'm kidding oh I'm covering that up you don't need to see that I didn't bring a spoon for the potato salad so hmm have I ever Drive riding a brisket I don't do that I know people that salt their briskets I do salt brine my steaks and things like that but I don't with the brisket a good tip though if you buy a brisket in a cryopak so from like a big box store wherever you can keep that in if you're buying it for someone that's moving them like so let's just say Costco let's go selling them all out the same day you can keep that 'nobody your fridge safely for a month you can actually go longer than that I'm not gonna advocate that as long as there's no puncture in the bag or the bag doesn't puff up and that brisket will wet age and its really really good by the way brisket dies a pretty quick death it Gray's out and dries out really quick so I won't normally come through and just mow through and slice a bunch up you want to slice brisket to order I say so just cut off what you eat if it's just like you and someone else you're gonna make a few slices I would make those slices and leave the rest I mentioned that earlier wrap it in like foodservice film put it in the FoodSaver bag and keep it whole reheat it whole and then slice as you need it don't you know try not to cut the entire thing unless you know the whole thing's going to get eaten so anyway have other questions okay well you guys can fire any more questions I say we've got five more minutes and again to kind of tease the next segment so if you guys hop over to Instagram here in a few minutes Chad Ward is gonna fire up a little cocktail hour and we're just gonna have a little talk about what we've been doing today and talk about the cook and how did I feel about this amazing brisket that uh just kidding that we prepared for you guys and we'll kind of talk through all that you have more questions yet best advice for someone getting into grilling I have several pieces of advice I was on pitmasters I didn't win that episode I'm not a 1 in barbecue sense but tough he gave me a lot of advice that I put in my notes on my iPhone and they're still in there today so I didn't allow myself enough time for my cook and he told me overs are always better than unders it's always gonna be better to be looking back than looking ahead and I'll never forget that so I tell people you first of all you got to have patience write this stuff takes a long time don't be in any hurry but secondly you have to plan enough time so it's good to prep in advance and plan more time than you need for your cook because you can rest your meat I always mentioned don't call me on Saturday at five o'clock and say my party's starting and my briskets not done what do I do you've got to get it done and you've got arrested so don't plan to have your brisket done at five plan to have it done at three and then rest or two and rested so planned plenty of time keep your girls clean we do lots of grill maintenance you know with your triggers clean on constantly you know the buildup in a in a Trager or any kind of smoker is not flavor it's a grease fire waiting to happen so keep your clean try to cook everything you can outside you know especially for a beginner I challenge you to try not to use your inside kitchen we have a stove in our kitchen and it's only purpose is to store our cast-iron skillets so we try to cook everything outside breakfast lunch dinner I mean you know it doesn't all happen outside but that's the reason we built this big kitchen so that we could cook out here as much as we can't have a family outside you always rap so like are you talking like strictly east coast or west coast like Tupac biggie wet west coast I do fancy myself a West Coast guy but I suppose you're talking about brisket I do always wrap my brisket there are things I don't wrap like beef ribs for instance I like to take my beef ribs all the way through the cook and I don't wrap them but it's you know it's you can you wrap them last hour or something like that but I do generally wrap my brisket we're done all right the wrap-up so thank you for joining this week's episode of Traeger kitchen live now I appreciate you guys coming I want to talk about everything we got here day where you can find it all the Traeger products clearly you can get from Traeger grills calm or the amazing app I tell everyone that'll listen you should have that app even if you don't have a trigger all the SP content coming from my friends in the kitchen they're amazing chef shooting content pushing it into the app there's nobody else doing that I've worked with a lot of other people nobody else has a team is largest triggers pumping that content into the app trust me it's unreal they won't even use my pictures their pictures are so professional they're so good at it so get the app if you don't have an update to the new one that came out this week it's super killer follow them on Instagram obviously kristan team have the best social media in the game as far as our stuff goes meat church calm I mentioned earlier we're known for our Instagram you'll see us on there here in just a little bit doing the live with Chad on the on the trigger page you know where yes we're still shipping and get both of us trigger and meet Church are both shipping really fast right now to get you guys taken care of for all your home cooks I can tell you from a business perspective home cooking is through the roof right now we have never been as busy as organizations as we are right now so it's really cool to see all you guys cooking at home the engagement on all of our socials like through the roof everybody I guess a lot more time on their hands but it is cool to see like last week I'd Thomas Rhett natural country singer reach out say he was cooking how do you do this Carey Hart Pink's husband you know cooking with meat church on the Traeger last week like you know who's who everybody's cooking at home right now so you guys reach out anytime thanks for watching by the way next week we've got another one of these if this is great and I like it then triggers going to keep doing it and next week is the famous chad ward director of barbecue marketing at trigger grills will be doing the trigger kitchen live next thursday night so again download the app follow us on social check us out on instagram here in a few minutes as we kind of do the wrap up over a cocktail can't thank you guys enough for watching this was a lot of fun gave us I mean we've got to teach in a while so this was a lot of fun if you liked it I hope to do this again for you guys in a couple weeks so anyway as I always say get outside cook something
Channel: Traeger Grills
Views: 655,273
Rating: 4.838069 out of 5
Id: IX688MTuetI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 27sec (4287 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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